... | ... | @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ To run the models, open `main.pro` with Gmsh. |
## Additional information
The models include:
* three permanent magnet machines: `pmsm.pro` and `pmsm_cbmag.pro` (two design variations of an eight-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine from GRUCAD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) [1-3], and `lomonova.pro` (another eight-pole permanent magnet machine) [test][4]
* three permanent magnet machines: `pmsm.pro` and `pmsm_cbmag.pro` (two design variations of an eight-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine from GRUCAD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) [1-3], and `lomonova.pro` (another eight-pole permanent magnet machine)
* one four-pole wound field synchronous machine: `wfsm_4p.pro` [5]
* three induction machines: `t30.pro` (a simple induction motor with solid rotor from the TEAM workshop benchmarks) [6,7], `im_3kw.pro` (a four-pole induction machine) [8-10] and `im.pro` (a four-pole deep-bar induction machine) [11]
* one switched reluctance machine: `srm.pro` [12,13]
... | ... | @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ All the models are solved using a 2D vector potential formulation, coupled with |
## References
[4]: hello
1. M. V. Ferreira da Luz, P. Dular, N. Sadowski, C. Geuzaine, and J. P. A. Bastos, [Analysis of a permanent magnet generator with dual formulations using periodicity conditions and moving band](http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/22771), IEEE Trans. Mag., 38(2):961-964, 2002.
2. Gyselinck, N. Sadowski, P. Dular, M. V. Ferreira da Luz, J. P. A. Bastos, and W. Legros, [Harmonic balance finite element modelling of a permanent-magnet synchronous machine](http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/73090), Proceedings of the V Brazilian Conference on Electromagnetics (CBMag2002), 4-6 November 2002, Gramado, Brazil, 4 p.
... | ... | |