#ifndef _PLUGIN_H_
#define _PLUGIN_H_
The one who intend to create a plugin for gmsh have to
-) Create a dynamin lib (.so) containing 1 symbols
GMSH_Plugin * GMSH_RegisterPlugin ();
-) When there is an unacceptable error in the plugin,
just throw this, the plugin manager will be able to
catch the exception.
Some Plugins are default gmsh plugins and are insterted
directly in the executable. I think that it's a good
way to start.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Options.h"
/* a dialog box for user interface */
PluginDialogBox *dialogBox;
/*this is there for internal use, this variable will be
used by the PluginManager, just forget it*/
void *hlib;
/* 3 kind of plugins, one for cad, one for mesh, one for postpro*/
/* returns the type of plugin for downcasting GMSH_Plugin into
GMSH_CAD_Plugin, GMSH_Mesh_Plugin and GMSH_Post_Plugin */
virtual GMSH_PLUGIN_TYPE getType() const = 0;
virtual void getName (char *name) const = 0;
virtual void getInfos (char *author,
char *copyright,
char *help_text) const = 0;
/* When an error is thrown by the plugin, the plugin manager
will show the message and hopefully continue */
virtual void CatchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const = 0;
/* gmsh style option, ca be loaded, saved and set*/
virtual void GetOption (int iopt, StringXNumber *option) const = 0;
/* Base class for Post-Processing Plugins
The user can either modify or duplicate
a Post_View */
class GMSH_Post_Plugin : public GMSH_Plugin
GMSH_PLUGIN_TYPE getType() const {return GMSH_Plugin::GMSH_POST_PLUGIN;}
/* If returned pointer is the same as the argument, then view is simply modified,
else, a new view is added in the view list */
virtual Post_View *execute (Post_View *) = 0;