#ifndef _PLUGIN_H_
#define _PLUGIN_H_
The one who intend to create a plugin for gmsh have to
-) Create a dynamin lib (.so) containing 1 symbols
GMSH_Plugin * GMSH_RegisterPlugin ();
-) When there is an unacceptable error in the plugin,
just throw this, the plugin manager will be able to
catch the exception.
class GMSH_Plugin
public :
/*this is there for internal use, this variable will be
used by the PluginManager, just forget it*/
void *hlib;
/* 3 kind of plugins, one for cad, one for mesh, one for postpro*/
/* returns the type of plugin for downcasting GMSH_Plugin into
GMSH_CAD_Plugin, GMSH_Mesh_Plugin and GMSH_Post_Plugin */
virtual GMSH_PLUGIN_TYPE getType() const = 0;
virtual void getName (char *name) const = 0;
virtual void getInfos (char *author,
char *copyright,
char *help_text) const = 0;
/* When an error is thrown by the plugin, the plugin manager
will show the message and hopefully continue */
virtual void CatchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const = 0;
/* gmsh style option, ca be loaded, saved and set*/
virtual void SetOption (char *optionName, void *optionValue) = 0;
virtual int getNbOptions() const = 0;
virtual void GetOption (int iopt, char *optionName, void *optionValue) const = 0;
/* Base class for Post-Processing Plugins
The user can either modify or duplicate
a Post_View */
class GMSH_Post_Plugin : public GMSH_Plugin
GMSH_PLUGIN_TYPE getType() const {return GMSH_Plugin::GMSH_POST_PLUGIN;}
/* If returned pointer is the same as the argument, then view is simply modified,
else, a new view is added in the view list */
virtual Post_View *execute (Post_View *) = 0;