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Commit c1f9635a authored by Guillaume Demesy's avatar Guillaume Demesy
Browse files

standalone/fast T-matrix computation (no python)

parent 31bd18d5
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// Author : Guillaume Demesy //
// //
Include "scattererTmatrix_data.geo";
myDir = "resT/";
Group {
Scat_In = Region[1];
Scat_Out = Region[2];
Domain = Region[{Scat_In,Scat_Out}];
PMLs = Region[3];
All_domains = Region[{Scat_In,Scat_Out,PMLs}];
SurfInt = Region[{10}];
SurfDirichlet = Region[{20}];
I[] = Complex[0,1];
avoid_sing = 1.e-14;
mu0 = 4*Pi*100.0*nm;
epsilon0 = 8.854187817e-3*nm;
cel = 1.0/Sqrt[epsilon0 * mu0];
Freq = cel/lambda0;
omega0 = 2.0*Pi*Freq;
k_Out = 2.0*Pi*Sqrt[epsr_Out_re]/lambda0;
R3D[] = Sqrt[X[]^2+Y[]^2+Z[]^2];
R2D[] = Sqrt[X[]^2+Y[]^2];
cos_theta[] = Z[]/(R3D[]+avoid_sing);
theta[] = Acos[cos_theta[]];
phi[] = Atan2[-Y[],-X[]]+Pi;
cart2sph[] = Tensor[X[]/R3D[], Y[]/R3D[], Z[]/R3D[],
X[]*Z[]/(R3D[]*R2D[]), Y[]*Z[]/(R3D[]*R2D[]), -(X[]^2+Y[]^2)/(R3D[]*R2D[]),
-Y[]/R2D[], X[]/R2D[],0];
R[] = Vector[X[]/R3D[], Y[]/R3D[], Z[]/R3D[]];
a_pml = 1.;
b_pml = -siwt;
sr[] = Complex[a_pml,b_pml];
sphi[] = Complex[1,0];
stheta[] = Complex[1,0];
r_tild[] = r_pml_in + (R3D[] - r_pml_in) * sr[];
theta_tild[] = theta[];
pml_tens_temp1[] = TensorDiag[(r_tild[]/R3D[])^2 * sphi[]*stheta[]/sr[],
(r_tild[]/R3D[]) * sr[]*stheta[]/sphi[],
(r_tild[]/R3D[]) * sphi[]*sr[]/stheta[]];
pml_tens_temp2[] = Rotate[pml_tens_temp1[],0,-theta[]-Pi/2,0];
pml_tens[] = Rotate[pml_tens_temp2[],0,0,-phi[]];
epsilonr_In[] = Complex[epsr_In_re , epsr_In_im];
epsilonr_Out[] = Complex[epsr_Out_re , epsr_Out_im];
epsilonr[Scat_In] = epsilonr_In[] * TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
epsilonr[Scat_Out] = epsilonr_Out[] * TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
epsilonr[PMLs] = pml_tens[];
epsilonr1[Scat_In] = epsilonr_Out[] * TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
epsilonr1[Scat_Out] = epsilonr_Out[] * TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
epsilonr1[PMLs] = pml_tens[];
mur[Scat_In] = TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
mur[Scat_Out] = TensorDiag[1.,1.,1.];
mur[PMLs] = pml_tens[];
For pe In {1:p_max}
ne = Floor[Sqrt[pe]];
me = ne*(ne+1) - Floor[pe];
Mnm_source~{pe}[] = Mnm[1,ne,me,XYZ[],k_Out];
Nnm_source~{pe}[] = Nnm[1,ne,me,XYZ[],k_Out];
Mnm_out~{pe}[] = Mnm[3,ne,me,XYZ[],k_Out];
Nnm_out~{pe}[] = Nnm[3,ne,me,XYZ[],k_Out];
Xnm~{pe}[] = Xnm[ne,me,X[],Y[],Z[]];
Ynm~{pe}[] = Ynm[ne,me,X[],Y[],Z[]];
Znm~{pe}[] = Znm[ne,me,X[],Y[],Z[]];
Ynm_r~{pe}[] = Ynm[ne,me,X[],Y[],Z[]] * R[];
source_M~{pe}[] = (omega0/cel)^2*(epsilonr[]-epsilonr1[])*Mnm_source~{pe}[];
source_N~{pe}[] = (omega0/cel)^2*(epsilonr[]-epsilonr1[])*Nnm_source~{pe}[];
SphHankelOutgoing_n~{pe}[] = (JnSph[ne ,k_Out*r_pml_in]- siwt * I[]*YnSph[ne ,k_Out*r_pml_in]) ;
SphHankelOutgoing_nm1~{pe}[] = (JnSph[ne-1,k_Out*r_pml_in]- siwt * I[]*YnSph[ne-1,k_Out*r_pml_in]) ;
dRicattiBessel~{pe}[] = (k_Out * r_pml_in * (SphHankelOutgoing_nm1~{pe}[]-((ne+1)/((k_Out*r_pml_in))) * SphHankelOutgoing_n~{pe}[]) + SphHankelOutgoing_n~{pe}[]);
normalize_fhnm_X~{pe}[] = 1/SphHankelOutgoing_n~{pe}[];
normalize_fenm_Z~{pe}[] = k_Out*r_pml_in/dRicattiBessel~{pe}[];
normalize_fenm_Y~{pe}[] = k_Out*r_pml_in/(SphHankelOutgoing_n~{pe}[]*Sqrt[ne*(ne+1)]);
Constraint {
{Name Dirichlet; Type Assign;
Case {
{ Region SurfDirichlet; Value 0.; }
Jacobian {
{ Name JVol ;
Case {
{ Region All ; Jacobian Vol ; }
{ Name JSur ;
Case {
{ Region All ; Jacobian Sur ; }
Integration {
{ Name Int_1 ;
Case {
{ Type Gauss ;
Case {
{ GeoElement Point ; NumberOfPoints 1 ; }
{ GeoElement Line2 ; NumberOfPoints 4 ; }
{ GeoElement Triangle ; NumberOfPoints 12 ; }
{ GeoElement Triangle2 ; NumberOfPoints 12 ; }
{ GeoElement Tetrahedron ; NumberOfPoints 17 ; }
{ GeoElement Tetrahedron2 ; NumberOfPoints 17 ; }
FunctionSpace {
{ Name Hcurl; Type Form1;
BasisFunction {
{ Name sn; NameOfCoef un; Function BF_Edge;
Support Region[{All_domains,SurfInt}]; Entity EdgesOf[All]; }
{ Name sn2; NameOfCoef un2; Function BF_Edge_2E;
Support Region[{All_domains,SurfInt}]; Entity EdgesOf[All]; }
If (is_FEM_o2==1)
{ Name sn3; NameOfCoef un3; Function BF_Edge_3F_b;
Support Region[{All_domains,SurfInt}]; Entity FacetsOf[All]; }
{ Name sn4; NameOfCoef un4; Function BF_Edge_3F_c;
Support Region[{All_domains,SurfInt}]; Entity FacetsOf[All]; }
{ Name sn5; NameOfCoef un5; Function BF_Edge_4E;
Support Region[{All_domains,SurfInt}]; Entity EdgesOf[All]; }
Constraint {
{ NameOfCoef un; EntityType EdgesOf ; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
{ NameOfCoef un2; EntityType EdgesOf ; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
If (is_FEM_o2==1)
{ NameOfCoef un3; EntityType FacetsOf ; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
{ NameOfCoef un4; EntityType FacetsOf ; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
{ NameOfCoef un5; EntityType EdgesOf ; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
Formulation {
{Name VPWMN_helmholtz_vector; Type FemEquation;
Quantity {
{ Name u; Type Local; NameOfSpace Hcurl;}
Equation {
Galerkin { [-1/mur[]*Dof{Curl u} , {Curl u}]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; Integration Int_1; }
Galerkin { [(omega0/cel)^2*epsilonr[]*Dof{u} , {u} ]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; Integration Int_1; }
Galerkin { [ (omega0/cel)^2*(epsilonr[]-epsilonr1[])*
($isN ? Nnm[1,$NE,$ME,XYZ[],k_Out] : Mnm[1,$NE,$ME,XYZ[],k_Out])
, {u} ]; In Scat_In; Jacobian JVol; Integration Int_1;}
Resolution {
{ Name res_VPWall_helmholtz_vector;
System {
{ Name T; NameOfFormulation VPWMN_helmholtz_vector; Type ComplexValue; }
Operation {
For pe In {1:p_max}
Evaluate[ $isN = 0 ];
Evaluate[ $PE = pe ];
Evaluate[ $NE = Floor[Sqrt[$PE]] ];
Evaluate[ $ME = $NE*($NE+1) - Floor[$PE] ];
If (pe==1)
PostProcessing {
For pe In {1:p_max}
{ Name VPWM_postpro~{pe}; NameOfFormulation VPWMN_helmholtz_vector; NameOfSystem T;
Quantity {
{ Name E_scat ; Value { Local { [{u}]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name H_scat ; Value { Local { [siwt*I[]/(mur[]*mu0*omega0)*{Curl u}]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name Mnm_source~{pe} ; Value { Local { [ Mnm_source~{pe}[] ]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
For po In {1:p_max}
{ Name feM~{pe}~{po} ; Value { Integral { [ (1/r_pml_in)^2 *normalize_fenm_Z~{po}[]* {u}*Conj[Znm~{po}[]] ]; In SurfInt; Integration Int_1 ; Jacobian JSur; } } }
{ Name fhM~{pe}~{po} ; Value { Integral { [ (1/r_pml_in)^2 *normalize_fhnm_X~{po}[]* {u}*Conj[Xnm~{po}[]] ]; In SurfInt; Integration Int_1 ; Jacobian JSur; } } }
{ Name VPWN_postpro~{pe}; NameOfFormulation VPWMN_helmholtz_vector; NameOfSystem T;
Quantity {
{ Name E_scat ; Value { Local { [{u}]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name H_scat ; Value { Local { [siwt*I[]/(mur[]*mu0*omega0)*{Curl u}]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name Nnm_source~{pe} ; Value { Local { [ Nnm_source~{pe}[] ]; In All_domains; Jacobian JVol; } } }
For po In {1:p_max}
{ Name feN~{pe}~{po} ; Value { Integral { [ (1/r_pml_in)^2 *normalize_fenm_Z~{po}[]* {u}*Conj[Znm~{po}[]] ]; In SurfInt; Integration Int_1 ; Jacobian JSur; } } }
{ Name fhN~{pe}~{po} ; Value { Integral { [ (1/r_pml_in)^2 *normalize_fhnm_X~{po}[]* {u}*Conj[Xnm~{po}[]] ]; In SurfInt; Integration Int_1 ; Jacobian JSur; } } }
PostOperation {
For pe In {1:p_max}
{Name VPWM_postop~{pe}; NameOfPostProcessing VPWM_postpro~{pe} ;
Operation {
If (flag_plotcuts==1)
Print [ E_scat , OnGrid
{(r_pml_in-1*nm)*Sin[$B]*Cos[$C], (r_pml_in-1*nm)*Sin[$B]*Sin[$C], (r_pml_in-1*nm)*Cos[$B]}
{(r_pml_in-1*nm), {sph_scan : Pi-sph_scan+(Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(10*(npts_plot_theta-1.0)) : (Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(npts_plot_theta-1.0)},
{sph_scan : 2.0*Pi-sph_scan+(2.0*Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(10*(npts_plot_phi-1.0)) : (2.0*Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(npts_plot_phi-1.0)} },
File StrCat[myDir,StrCat["E_scat_onsphere_cart_M",Sprintf["%g.pos",pe]]],
Name StrCat["E_scat_onsphere_cart_M",Sprintf["%g",pe]]];
For po In {1:p_max}
Print[feM~{pe}~{po}[SurfInt] , OnGlobal, Format Table, File StrCat[myDir,StrCat[StrCat["feM_",Sprintf["pe%g",pe]],Sprintf["po%g.dat",po]]]];
Print[fhM~{pe}~{po}[SurfInt] , OnGlobal, Format Table, File StrCat[myDir,StrCat[StrCat["fhM_",Sprintf["pe%g",pe]],Sprintf["po%g.dat",po]]]];
{Name VPWN_postop~{pe}; NameOfPostProcessing VPWN_postpro~{pe} ;
Operation {
If (flag_plotcuts==1)
Print [ E_scat , OnGrid
{(r_pml_in-1*nm)*Sin[$B]*Cos[$C], (r_pml_in-1*nm)*Sin[$B]*Sin[$C], (r_pml_in-1*nm)*Cos[$B]}
{(r_pml_in-1*nm), {sph_scan : Pi-sph_scan+(Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(10*(npts_plot_theta-1.0)) : (Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(npts_plot_theta-1.0)},
{sph_scan : 2.0*Pi-sph_scan+(2.0*Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(10*(npts_plot_phi-1.0)) : (2.0*Pi-2.0*sph_scan)/(npts_plot_phi-1.0)} },
File StrCat[myDir,StrCat["E_scat_onsphere_cart_N",Sprintf["%g.pos",pe]]],
Name StrCat["E_scat_onsphere_cart_N",Sprintf["%g",pe]]];
For po In {1:p_max}
Print[feN~{pe}~{po}[SurfInt] , OnGlobal, Format Table, File StrCat[myDir,StrCat[StrCat["feN_",Sprintf["pe%g",pe]],Sprintf["po%g.dat",po]]]];
Print[fhN~{pe}~{po}[SurfInt] , OnGlobal, Format Table, File StrCat[myDir,StrCat[StrCat["fhN_",Sprintf["pe%g",pe]],Sprintf["po%g.dat",po]]]];
R_ = {"res_VPWall_helmholtz_vector", Name "GetDP/1ResolutionChoices", Visible 1},
C_ = {"-solve -pos -petsc_prealloc 200 -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_type mumps", Name "GetDP/9ComputeCommand", Visible 1},
P_ = {"", Name "GetDP/2PostOperationChoices", Visible 0}];
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