@@ -2,11 +2,19 @@ A Onelab model for 3D scattering problems in nanophotonics.
## Synopsis
This project contains a [Onelab](http://onelab.info/wiki/ONELAB) model for solving various 3D electromagnetic problems on an isolated arbitrary object:
* T-matrix computation: See https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.00596 for details
This project contains a [Onelab](http://onelab.info/wiki/ONELAB) model for solving various 3D electromagnetic problems on an isolated arbitrary object:
* T-matrix computation [1]
* Quasi-normal modes
* Plane wave response
* Green's function
* Green's function (e.g. to compute the Local Density Of States)
It contains various usefull features in electromag:
* Total field formuation with a point source illumination ("an oriented delta")
* Linear eigenvalue problems
* Scattered field formulation
* Spherical PMLs
## Installation
@@ -18,18 +26,23 @@ This model requires the following programs:
## Running the model
Open `scattering.pro` with Gmsh.
The default parameters are set to compute the T-matrix of a sphere. It retrieves the results from [1].
## Authors
Guillaume Demésy and Brian Stout
## Installation Note
## References
[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.00596 for details
## Installation notes
To enable python support (Python[] function) in GetDP, follow [these instructions](https://gitlab.onelab.info/getdp/getdp/wikis/GetDP-compilation)(complex arithmetic) and add to the final cmake line: