- The code does not have many dependencies. It essentially requires GMSH, Eigen, Lua and SILO. On Debian they are installed with `apt install libeigen3-dev libsilo-dev libsiloh5-0 liblua5.3-dev`. GMSH is usually installed from sources, and the build system expects to find it in `/opt/uliege/gmsh`. The GMSH from Debian should also be detected by the build system and work.
## Supported systems
This code is developed under Linux and Mac OS. GPU support is available
only under Linux. A Windows port should be possible, but for the moment
is not in the plans.
- The code uses CMake to handle the builds.
## Code dependencies
The code is designed to keep the number of dependencies at the minimum, however it
is not totally self-contained. In order to run the code, you need to provide the
following dependencies:
-**GMSH**: Debian and Homebrew packages should work fine, however for completely
hassle-free experience it is suggested either to install GMSH from source
and put it in `/opt/uliege/gmsh` or grab a binary build [here](http://gmsh.info/)
and decompress it in `/opt/uliege/gmsh`.
-**Eigen**: again, Debian and Homebrew packages should work fine. If not, install the
latest version of Eigen from their site and configure `gmsh_gpu_dg` with
If you don't compile tests, you will get an executable called `maxwell_solver`. It takes a single parameter, the path of the Lua configuration script (see in `share` for some examples).
If you don't compile tests, you will get an executable called `maxwell_solver`.
It takes a single parameter, the path of the Lua configuration script (see in
`share` for some examples).
To visualize the results you need VisIt (https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/visit).
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To visualize the results you need VisIt from [here](https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/visit).