- In the Maxwell solver, the RK4 time integrator limits the practical values of the conducibility `sigma`. If the absolute value of `1 - sigma*sim.dt/(epsilon*const.eps0)` is greater than 1, the computation fails. This will be solved by leapfrog time integration in a subsequent version.
- Repetitive sources on GPU.
## Version v0.2 (NOT RELEASED YET)
## Version v0.2
- Fixed performance issue in the evaluation of boundary/interface sources (4463681c).
- Compressed source data for upload on GPU (27bb4c44).
- Added HIP support via Hipify (e6f5a020).
- Switched back to C++17 due to various problems on Eigen and Mac OS X.
- Use system GMSH if installed and only after look at the hardcoded path (a55af8ab).
- Improved export to SILO. E, H, and J fields are now exportable as nodal or zonal variables. It is also possible to disable the export of a specific field, see `lua_api.md` (8a831181).