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  1. Jan 29, 2006
  2. Jan 28, 2006
  3. Aug 02, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · c7ef9c70
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - new option to choose the mesh element labels (element number, elementary
        entity number, physical entity number or partition number)
  4. Jun 27, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · d9907389
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      New plugin to compute the modulus and the phase of a complex-valued field
      in-place, in one simple step. One could already do this with Plugin(Evaluate),
      but it was a little bit cumbersome.
  5. Jun 25, 2005
  6. Jun 09, 2005
  7. Apr 04, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 9340d400
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      added small warning in automatically generated opt_* files
  8. Apr 01, 2005
  9. Mar 11, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · efdb7f0a
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - the grid options now also apply to 3D views (this way we can
        finally get accurate size info for any data set; and the info
        is updated in real-time for gemeotry transformations & displacement
      - new option to specify the size of the moving axes
      - generalized text align code (we now support the 9 modes that TeX
  10. Mar 09, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 1a07647e
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      change sign of levelset so that the iso-volume is more natural
  11. Mar 04, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 6d18610e
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      Plugin(Extract) can now also extract data from a specific time step
  12. Mar 03, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 20a9d05a
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      Generalized Plugin(Extract) so that it can also create tensor views
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 036f789b
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      small generalization: we can now interpolate data from abritrary
      views (and not only from views having the same data type as the
      I use this to interpolate (combination of) components of a field
      in one mesh onto another mesh, for example a set of isosurfaces
      from another field. Wicked cool! ;-)
  13. Mar 02, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 40c19a0d
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      small doc fixes
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 0f03d485
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - generalized the octree code to make it work with all the element
      types, and not only with triangles/tets (and fixed a couple of copy &
      paste bugs in the process...)
      - modified all depending plugins to take advantage of this
  14. Jan 17, 2005
  15. Jan 12, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 70c4320a
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      help should mention that iView and ExternalView have to be of the same
      type (scalar, vector or tensor)
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 92fd839d
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      new plugins: Gradient, Curl and Divergence
  16. Jan 09, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 3d83bd66
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - generalized Plugin(CutGrid):
         * now works also for lines/points (i.e., when nPointsU and/or nPointV == 1)
         * new option ConnectPoints
      - new Plugin(Eigenvalues)
      - don't force color in Draw_PlaneInBoundingBox
  17. Jan 08, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 504b5126
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - removed all the crappy STL code and rewrote it using JF's POLY_rep
      - generalized POLY_rep so that we can use the polygonal discretization
        as a surface mesh, and mesh in 3D afterwards. I.e., we can now take
        an input triangulation (a single surface in STL format, multiple
        surfaces in STL format, one or more surfaces defined using the new
        "Discrete Surface" commands), and generate a 3D mesh that uses it. We
        could in theory even mix triangulated and "normal" surfaces in the
        same geometry, but nothing is done at the moment to ensure that the
        mesh at the interfaces would match (if it does, it actually works
        very nicely)
      - new STL mesh output format to export a surface mesh as a STL file
      - added an option to the GEO output routine to save the surface mesh
        as discrete surfaces associated with the geometrical surfaces
      - added STL and Text output formats for post-processing views (the
        text output allows for example to exploit plugin-generated data in
      - generalized Plugin(Evaluate):
        * can loop automatically over all the timestep and/or components
        * can do operations using data from an external view
           - if the 2 views are based on the same grid, the plugin does the
             evaluation very efficiently
           - if the 2 views are based on differenet grids, the plugin
             automatically interpolates the external view data onto the
             grid of the current view
      - added new Rand() function in MathEval
      - default colormap is now # 2 (the Matlab "Jet" colormap)
  18. Jan 03, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 48b550d8
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      Generalized the Levelset routines so that we can compute isovolumes with
      all levelset-based plugins. This allows to extract either side of a
      levelset (i.e., a half space with CutPlane, the interior/exterior of
      a sphere with CutSphere, or the isovolume inside an isosurface with
  19. Jan 02, 2005
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 9894a5fe
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      add option to specify the size of the small axes
  20. Dec 31, 2004
  21. Dec 28, 2004
  22. Dec 27, 2004
  23. Dec 10, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · eda9d43a
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · f84e92c1
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      renamed Plugin(PrincipalStresses) into Plugin(Eigenvectors) + provide the
      option to disable the scaling by the associated eigenvalues
  24. Dec 08, 2004
  25. Dec 06, 2004
  26. Nov 24, 2004
  27. Nov 15, 2004
  28. Nov 13, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 024e9517
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - First draft (pretty much untested!) of new "Integrate" plugin to
        * integrate scalar fields over all the elements in a view
        * integrate the circulation of vector fields along line elements
        * integrate the flux of vector fields across surface elements
        Used with Plugin(DisplacementRaise) and Plugin(Evaluate) this
        permits for example to compute the area/volume of deformed
        configurations; and, with Plugin(CutPlane)+Plugin(Skin), the
        perimeter of deformed sections. Another interesting application is
        to use it on a vector field with Plugin(CutPlane), in order to
        compute fluxes across arbitrary cross-sections.
      - Added "connectPoints" option to Plugin(CutParametric) so
        that we can feed its output to Plugin(Integrate)
      - Added Normals and Tangents options to visualize the orientation of
        elements in post-processing views
      - Added "swapOrientation" in Plugin(Transform) to change the
        orientation of the elements (in place) (+ moved the transformation
        routines from the view class into the plugin)
      - fixed #defines in some of the plugin header files
  29. Nov 10, 2004
  30. Oct 30, 2004
  31. Oct 29, 2004
  32. Oct 23, 2004