- Jan 14, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
fixed ugly extrusion syntax (finally!) extrusions are now specified in the same way as all other transformations (the old syntax is still available, but is deprecated)
- Jan 06, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new button under the graphic window to temporarily disable mouse selection (speeds-up redrawing of very large models + permits to rotate/zoom-in a model in selection mode even when the whole screen is full of selectable entities--e.g. a surface mesh) - new "lasso" selection mode (to select entities using the same kind of lasso as the lasso zoom: just Ctrl+click, then drag the mouse in selection mode; the shortcuts are the same as for the lasso zoom) - it is now possible to unselect entities using the middle mouse button (only for the creation of physicals at the moment; not sure if it's useful in the other cases) - new button in visibility browser to invert the current selection (very useful e.g. when multiple physical entities are associated with a given elementary entity, in order to "peel" away the model when adding new physicals; cf. philou) - changed meaning of Escape shortcut (cancel lasso or toggle mouse selection) + restore standard fltk Escape handling for all dialog windows - updated copyright string - new mesh label mode (coordinates); all label types are now also available for mesh vertices - added option in 'Print Option' dialog to disable printing of help strings - added a comment string with the date when creating a new file - new snapping grid for adding points in the GUI
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new button under the graphic window to temporarily disable mouse selection (speeds-up redrawing of very large models + permits to rotate/zoom-in a model in selection mode even when the whole screen is full of selectable entities--e.g. a surface mesh) - new "lasso" selection mode (to select entities using the same kind of lasso as the lasso zoom: just Ctrl+click, then drag the mouse in selection mode; the shortcuts are the same as for the lasso zoom) - it is now possible to unselect entities using the middle mouse button (only for the creation of physicals at the moment; not sure if it's useful in the other cases) - new button in visibility browser to invert the current selection (very useful e.g. when multiple physical entities are associated with a given elementary entity, in order to "peel" away the model when adding new physicals; cf. philou) - changed meaning of Escape shortcut (cancel lasso or toggle mouse selection) + restore standard fltk Escape handling for all dialog windows - updated copyright string - new mesh label mode (coordinates); all label types are now also available for mesh vertices - added option in 'Print Option' dialog to disable printing of help strings - added a comment string with the date when creating a new file - new snapping grid for adding points in the GUI
- Dec 22, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Removed all compile-time depdencies on byte ordering (big- or little- endianness). Replaced them with run-time conversions where necessary (only for packing/unpacking of colors into unsigned ints). Performance hit should be negligeable, but this will allow to compile Universal Binaries on Mac in a single step (instead of having to compile the PPC/big-endian and the i386/little-endian separately, which wouls be a royal pain in the butt).
- Nov 28, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
trying to fix the transfinite volume bug introduced by the 'left' and 'alternate' transfinite surface changes made a while ago
- Nov 19, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
make "BoundingBox{x,X,y,Y,z,Z}" actually do what the documentation claims it does
- Sep 02, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
explain #list[]
- Aug 09, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
generalized the solver interface to allow permanent listening on a socket for whoever wants to connect (gmsh -listen) the polling should also be less CPU hungry in this new version next step is to add new commands to the protocol so that solvers can directly transmit data to merge (geometry, mesh, etc.) in addition to messages and filenames
- Jul 15, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
fix memory leak + missing depend
- Jul 14, 2005
Jean-François Remacle authored
- Jun 13, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
reset the list of trsf pnts if we redefine a transfinite entity multiple times by mistake
- Jun 10, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Removed the last bits of the "Discrete Surface/Line" stuff. Gmsh can now simply read a .msh file, and use it as the boundary mesh of a 3D mesh. For an example on how to do this, cf. demos/sphere-discrete.geo. This complements nicely the STL remeshing stuff: Gmsh can now for example very easily be used to extrude surface meshes that come from other tools.
- Apr 19, 2005
Jean-François Remacle authored
- Apr 04, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
added all the missing "Combine" modes in the parser
- Mar 26, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Generalized the "View" parser so that we can add new elements more easily (the code is *much* shorter, but unfortunately about 10-15% slower) - Upgraded all post-pro file formats to handle curved (second order) elements: SL2, VL2, TL2, ST2, VT2, ... The new version number for the postpro files is 1.4 - Added code to automatically split the curved elements into linear elements when the view is created. WARNING: this is only a temporary solution: weshould generalize Adaptive_Post_View to handle these curved elements.
- Mar 13, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- fixed double free in case there is an error in tSprintf - new StrRelative command - small demo on how one can add a generic title to a plot using Plugin(Annotate)
- Feb 20, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- New "Discrete Line" commands (similar to the Discrete Surface commands, but for curves). This permits e.g. to use Gmsh's extrusion mesh generators on 2D meshes (with boundaries) imported from other programs, and have all the useful elements generated (both volume and surface). - Don't use Ctrl+m for File->Merge, as it is a reserved keyword for Window->Minimize on OS X: * File->Merge is now Shift+Ctrl+o (since it's in some way a variation of File->Open's Ctrl+o) * Tools->Options is now Shift+Ctrl+n
- Feb 02, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- added new "spectral" colormap (truncated hsv) - added GUI button for elliptic mesh + geometry coherence - added GMSH_MAJOR_VERSION, GMSH_MINOR_VERSION and GMSH_PATCH_VERSION in the parser
- Jan 20, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
allow negative line loop number in surface definitions
- Jan 16, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- fixed the "unix socket name is one character short" problem on MacOS and AIX. Unfortunately, this required the client code to be slightly modified as well (and as a consequence, old versions of getdp will for example not work with new versions of Gmsh on MacOs and AIX). But it's better to do things "the right way" (TM) for people who want to connect using different languages (Perl, Python). - moved the GmshServer stuff in its own class - added missing rules in parser makefile (so that the parser gets rebuilt automatically when one changes Gmsh.y or Gmsh.l)
- Jan 14, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
new "AliasWithOptions" command
- Jan 13, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- renamed "Duplicate View" into "Alias View" (suggested by Philippe; less confusing since "Duplicate" implies that we actually copy the data, which is not what we are doing) - added general "on the fly" tranformation matrix option. This allows for very efficient visualization of aliased datasets with non-destructive rotations, symmetries, etc.
- Jan 08, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- removed all the crappy STL code and rewrote it using JF's POLY_rep class - generalized POLY_rep so that we can use the polygonal discretization as a surface mesh, and mesh in 3D afterwards. I.e., we can now take an input triangulation (a single surface in STL format, multiple surfaces in STL format, one or more surfaces defined using the new "Discrete Surface" commands), and generate a 3D mesh that uses it. We could in theory even mix triangulated and "normal" surfaces in the same geometry, but nothing is done at the moment to ensure that the mesh at the interfaces would match (if it does, it actually works very nicely) - new STL mesh output format to export a surface mesh as a STL file - added an option to the GEO output routine to save the surface mesh as discrete surfaces associated with the geometrical surfaces - added STL and Text output formats for post-processing views (the text output allows for example to exploit plugin-generated data in gnuplot) - generalized Plugin(Evaluate): * can loop automatically over all the timestep and/or components * can do operations using data from an external view - if the 2 views are based on the same grid, the plugin does the evaluation very efficiently - if the 2 views are based on differenet grids, the plugin automatically interpolates the external view data onto the grid of the current view - added new Rand() function in MathEval - default colormap is now # 2 (the Matlab "Jet" colormap)
- Jan 02, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
add special token "Today" to return the current date
- Jan 01, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
copyright update
- Dec 30, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
bulletproof parse_string and skip_until so that we don't crash and simply report the error + use Msg instead of YY_FATAL_ERROR in YY_INPUT
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Fixed all (well, most) string memory leaks in the parser. I've run automated tests on all the demos and benchmarks, and I did not see anything suspicious (no crashes, double frees, etc.) ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** *********** Pretty please, please give this version ************** *********** a try, especially on files with lots of ************** *********** loops, includes, arrays of variables, ************** *********** etc., and report any problems. Thanks! ************** ****************************************************************** ******************************************************************
Christophe Geuzaine authored
don't need UpdateViewsInGUI in parser anymore
Christophe Geuzaine authored
better test for invalid For/EndFor loops
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Dec 27, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
more robust "Delete Empty Views"
Christophe Geuzaine authored
my last commit also fixed several problems in For/EndFor loops: - the body of the loop was executed at least once, even if the test was always false (e.g. For (1:-1:1) ) - the body could be executed one extra time when using optional step values - the for loops didn't work with negative step values
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new parser function GetValue("text", default_value) to query a value interactively in a script - added a nice example using this (to compute slices automatically): demos/multislice.script
- Dec 26, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new "Delete Empty Views" command - new View.MinX, View.MinY, View.MinZ, View.MaxX, View.MaxY, View.MaxZ options - added example on how to do simple volume visualization
- Dec 17, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- fix cast in a couple of error msg - more fixes in elliptic algorithm (surf->TrsfVertices and surf->Vertices were incomplete)
- Dec 13, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
one can now specify a TIME list of values in parsed views to give the values of the time (or whatever) steps (like in ascii/binary views)
- Nov 25, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Added a bunch of colormaps from: Color Theory and Modeling for Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Multimedia Applications Haim Levkowitz University of Massachusetts Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts, USA - Increased max size of colormap to 1024 - Small cleanup in parser+plugin
Jean-François Remacle authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
This patch fixes an old design flaw in the post-processing module, namely that we used a list of Post_View objects instead of a list of pointers to Post_View objects in CTX.post.list. This had many annoying consequences, in particular the fact that we needed to be extra careful every time the list was reallocated (as pointers to the list elements would become invalid). I tried very hard to change the code everywhere it should be changed, but I might have missed something. Please let me know if you see anything suspicious (like a crash when you duplicate/remove/combine/... post-processing views).