- Jun 05, 2008
Claudine Bon authored
- Apr 05, 2008
Christophe Geuzaine authored
ported Warp, SphericalRaise and Eigenvalues plugins to the new post-pro API
- Mar 20, 2008
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Feb 17, 2008
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Sep 11, 2007
Christophe Geuzaine authored
upgraded all plugins to work with the new post-pro. This is done "cheaply" for now, by only using old-style list-based datasets. Taking advantage of the abstraction (so that we can use the plugins on all datasets) will require more work. The hooks for transparent data translation are in place, but the actual translation has not been implemented yet.
- May 04, 2007
Christophe Geuzaine authored
new gui for plugins (much better IMHO!)
- Nov 27, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Jan 06, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new button under the graphic window to temporarily disable mouse selection (speeds-up redrawing of very large models + permits to rotate/zoom-in a model in selection mode even when the whole screen is full of selectable entities--e.g. a surface mesh) - new "lasso" selection mode (to select entities using the same kind of lasso as the lasso zoom: just Ctrl+click, then drag the mouse in selection mode; the shortcuts are the same as for the lasso zoom) - it is now possible to unselect entities using the middle mouse button (only for the creation of physicals at the moment; not sure if it's useful in the other cases) - new button in visibility browser to invert the current selection (very useful e.g. when multiple physical entities are associated with a given elementary entity, in order to "peel" away the model when adding new physicals; cf. philou) - changed meaning of Escape shortcut (cancel lasso or toggle mouse selection) + restore standard fltk Escape handling for all dialog windows - updated copyright string - new mesh label mode (coordinates); all label types are now also available for mesh vertices - added option in 'Print Option' dialog to disable printing of help strings - added a comment string with the date when creating a new file - new snapping grid for adding points in the GUI
- Jan 09, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- generalized Plugin(CutGrid): * now works also for lines/points (i.e., when nPointsU and/or nPointV == 1) * new option ConnectPoints - new Plugin(Eigenvalues) - don't force color in Draw_PlaneInBoundingBox
- Jan 08, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- removed all the crappy STL code and rewrote it using JF's POLY_rep class - generalized POLY_rep so that we can use the polygonal discretization as a surface mesh, and mesh in 3D afterwards. I.e., we can now take an input triangulation (a single surface in STL format, multiple surfaces in STL format, one or more surfaces defined using the new "Discrete Surface" commands), and generate a 3D mesh that uses it. We could in theory even mix triangulated and "normal" surfaces in the same geometry, but nothing is done at the moment to ensure that the mesh at the interfaces would match (if it does, it actually works very nicely) - new STL mesh output format to export a surface mesh as a STL file - added an option to the GEO output routine to save the surface mesh as discrete surfaces associated with the geometrical surfaces - added STL and Text output formats for post-processing views (the text output allows for example to exploit plugin-generated data in gnuplot) - generalized Plugin(Evaluate): * can loop automatically over all the timestep and/or components * can do operations using data from an external view - if the 2 views are based on the same grid, the plugin does the evaluation very efficiently - if the 2 views are based on differenet grids, the plugin automatically interpolates the external view data onto the grid of the current view - added new Rand() function in MathEval - default colormap is now # 2 (the Matlab "Jet" colormap)
- Jan 03, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Generalized the Levelset routines so that we can compute isovolumes with all levelset-based plugins. This allows to extract either side of a levelset (i.e., a half space with CutPlane, the interior/exterior of a sphere with CutSphere, or the isovolume inside an isosurface with CutMap).
- Jan 01, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
copyright update
- Dec 31, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Small aesthetic changes: - Only 'title-capitalize' window titles and menus; the rest should be capitalized like normal english sentences - The window title should be exactly the same as the menu item (without the ellipsis character if there is one)
- Dec 28, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
don't require gl2ps
Christophe Geuzaine authored
missing line_width/point_size calls
- Dec 27, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- plugin callbacks now draw their stuff until run/cancel is executed (so we manipulate the scene with the additional data displayed) - made plugin code much shorter - simpler defaults for StreamLines, CutGrid and Evaluate
- Nov 25, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
This patch fixes an old design flaw in the post-processing module, namely that we used a list of Post_View objects instead of a list of pointers to Post_View objects in CTX.post.list. This had many annoying consequences, in particular the fact that we needed to be extra careful every time the list was reallocated (as pointers to the list elements would become invalid). I tried very hard to change the code everywhere it should be changed, but I might have missed something. Please let me know if you see anything suspicious (like a crash when you duplicate/remove/combine/... post-processing views).
- Nov 09, 2004
Jean-François Remacle authored
- Oct 30, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
New (very simple, but very nice IMHO) callback mechanism in plugins: a plugin can now set the min/max/step in input fields, and draw arbitrary stuff when the values are modified. This makes the plugin interface MUCH nicer: the plane in CutPlane is defined interactively (a la "Clipping planes"), the sphere in CutSphere is visible, the min/max values in CutMap reflect the min/max in the view, etc.
- May 16, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
secured most of the list_pointer accesses
- Mar 13, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Added automatic documentation generation for plugins
- Feb 07, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Update copyright notice
- Nov 23, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Say if the plugin is executed in-place or if it creates new views
- Nov 22, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
The new levelset stuff is too powerful ;-) - don't cut the timestep in the levelset view if the timestep is used to get the field value. I think this makes it less confusing (and matches the behaviour of JF's old 'iField' option). - rename the 'TimeStep' option to 'dTimeStep', also to avoid confusing people about which view the time step refers to.
- Nov 21, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Big Levelset rewrite (+ cleanup of all other plugins). Not finished yet, but I need to commit this now so that I can use it with the boss tomorrow at work. This version should compile and have all the old features working, plus some extras (levelsets of scalar/vector/tensor 1D, 2D and 3D simplectic views). JF: 'Plugin(XX).Save' is now deprecated. Use 'Save View[XX] "filename"' instead.
- Nov 14, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Reworked the help strings for all the plugins. Easier to understand, now, Sean? :-)
- Mar 21, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Fix whitespace in copyright headers
- Mar 01, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Indented all source files using utils/gmshindent
- Jan 23, 2003
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Updated copyright
- Sep 02, 2002
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- May 20, 2002
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- May 18, 2002
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Oct 29, 2001
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Aug 11, 2001
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Aug 09, 2001
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Aug 06, 2001
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored