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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 31, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · a7728d3e
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      Added 2 options to control polygon offset. Instead of trying to guess
      when a polygon offset is useful (it's no that simple when we combine
      geo+mesh+some views), we just apply it conditionally to all surface
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · e741db38
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      generalized ExportLcField to all element types
  2. Dec 30, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 2f6cb765
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - reworked the keyboard shortcuts with Laurent (our very own Macintosh
        Usability Guidelines Expert)
      - new smoothing option for jpeg output
      - new small GUI dialogs for ps/pdf/jpeg/gif/msh output (makes the
        'format' menu in the file dialog much shorter)
  3. Dec 29, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 1be3c2f2
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      simpler solution to 2D primitive sorting problem
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 7f66652b
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      translate all 2D objects before drawing them: this is the easiest way
      to get GL2PS to put them "in front"
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · e177e2a8
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      use the alignement capabilities of GL2PS for TeX output (this allows gmsh to
      create nicely aligned labels even with equations)
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · f5431378
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      fix tex output in gl2ps for large scenes
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 67d264f9
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      optimize jpeg coding to produce smaller files (patch from Dave Coffin)
  4. Dec 28, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · c0c548f2
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      by convention, for 2d strings, assume that a coord value > 99999 means the
      center of the window
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 6f8c291e
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - cleaned up + generalized font selection
      - generalized Plugin(Annotate) to allow font style selection for
        each text fragment
      - fixed bug in per-view color selection
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · d2bafc69
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      missing line_width/point_size calls
  5. Dec 27, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 0539703b
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - plugin callbacks now draw their stuff until run/cancel is executed (so we
        manipulate the scene with the additional data displayed)
      - made plugin code much shorter
      - simpler defaults for StreamLines, CutGrid and Evaluate
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · f0cbeec5
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - new alternative Draw_String function taking a "style" argument (used
        only for font size at the moment)
      - new Plugin(Annotate) to add simple text strings to a view
  6. Dec 24, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · eb6ac15e
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      add color options for elements in views (requested by Philippe a long
      time ago)
  7. Dec 21, 2004
  8. Dec 08, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · a093fe3b
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      fix non-proportional arrow display at the COG
  9. Dec 07, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · cf27b169
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - Moved all the Raise[][] stuff out of the drawing routines, and into
      - New 'generalized raise' mode (can use arbitrary expressions, possibly
        with external data sources, to raise/offset views dynamically). Original
        patch by Nicolas Tardieu. Merci Nico!
  10. Dec 06, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · c95cb1d4
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - moved the AdaptiveView stuff in its own header file
      - fixed small bug in IsoSimplex (when Raise != 0)
      - fixed small memory leak in Plugin/Extract (when one or more
        expressions are invalid)
  11. Nov 25, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 09149e34
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      This patch fixes an old design flaw in the post-processing module,
      namely that we used a list of Post_View objects instead of a list of
      pointers to Post_View objects in
      This had many annoying consequences, in particular the fact that we
      needed to be extra careful every time the list was reallocated (as
      pointers to the list elements would become invalid).
      I tried very hard to change the code everywhere it should be changed,
      but I might have missed something. Please let me know if you see
      anything suspicious (like a crash when you duplicate/remove/combine/...
      post-processing views).
  12. Nov 22, 2004
  13. Nov 19, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 950e8323
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      The "Simplex" class is now derived from a new class "SimplexBase",
      which contains only pointers to the nodes, and none of the other stuff
      necessary for the actual mesh generation.
      All the input/output/display routines have been rewritten in terms of
      SimplexBase: this provides a gain of almost 50% in memory when you
      just load meshes from .msh files to do visualization stuff, instead of
      actually generating the mesh.
  14. Nov 18, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · e66bc1a0
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      New General.ClipFactor option to fine-tune the position of the near and far
      clipping planes (default = 10; setting a smaller value leads to a better
      z-buffer resolution, but zooms/rotations can then lead to undesired clipping).
  15. Nov 16, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 4ddc76f1
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      is not supposed to work with anisotropic scalings)
  16. Nov 13, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 024e9517
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - First draft (pretty much untested!) of new "Integrate" plugin to
        * integrate scalar fields over all the elements in a view
        * integrate the circulation of vector fields along line elements
        * integrate the flux of vector fields across surface elements
        Used with Plugin(DisplacementRaise) and Plugin(Evaluate) this
        permits for example to compute the area/volume of deformed
        configurations; and, with Plugin(CutPlane)+Plugin(Skin), the
        perimeter of deformed sections. Another interesting application is
        to use it on a vector field with Plugin(CutPlane), in order to
        compute fluxes across arbitrary cross-sections.
      - Added "connectPoints" option to Plugin(CutParametric) so
        that we can feed its output to Plugin(Integrate)
      - Added Normals and Tangents options to visualize the orientation of
        elements in post-processing views
      - Added "swapOrientation" in Plugin(Transform) to change the
        orientation of the elements (in place) (+ moved the transformation
        routines from the view class into the plugin)
      - fixed #defines in some of the plugin header files
  17. Nov 08, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · c78f8dc7
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      better error messages+choice selection for "external view" stuff
  18. Nov 01, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · ee7c89c5
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      trying to fix problem reported by T. Schumacher: use double[16] instead of
      double[4][4] for opengl matrices
  19. Oct 30, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · f617dc73
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      New (very simple, but very nice IMHO) callback mechanism in plugins: a
      plugin can now set the min/max/step in input fields, and draw
      arbitrary stuff when the values are modified.
      This makes the plugin interface MUCH nicer: the plane in CutPlane is
      defined interactively (a la "Clipping planes"), the sphere in
      CutSphere is visible, the min/max values in CutMap reflect the min/max
      in the view, etc.
  20. Oct 28, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 6f149945
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      proof of concept for unproject (e.g. to add points with the mouse)
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 59a84726
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      - make the rotation matrix a matrix of doubles (instead of floats)
      - store the modelview and the projection matrices in CTX
      - new unproject() routine to transform window coordinates to model
      - cleaned up all the static variables in the Opengl_Window class
      - small fix to reduce normal clamping when zooming
  21. Oct 27, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · badfa700
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      small cleanup + better error detection
  22. Oct 26, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 59f25c1a
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      The new "External data source" option makes the "Vector type->Raised
      view" unnecessary. Just select "Vector type->Displacement" and choose
      the data source from any other view in the list--including "Self"!
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · d9d25071
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      added small option to color the arrows representing a vector field
      according to the data from another view
  23. Oct 25, 2004
    • Christophe Geuzaine's avatar
      · 408e9282
      Christophe Geuzaine authored
      new option to draw the arrows with a fixed size