- Aug 07, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Aug 05, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Jul 12, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Mar 17, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
minimize the number of files that include GmshVersion.h: it's annoying to recompiletoo many files just because the version string changes
- Feb 26, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
moved most OS-dependent functions in OS.cpp
- Feb 24, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Jan 06, 2006
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new button under the graphic window to temporarily disable mouse selection (speeds-up redrawing of very large models + permits to rotate/zoom-in a model in selection mode even when the whole screen is full of selectable entities--e.g. a surface mesh) - new "lasso" selection mode (to select entities using the same kind of lasso as the lasso zoom: just Ctrl+click, then drag the mouse in selection mode; the shortcuts are the same as for the lasso zoom) - it is now possible to unselect entities using the middle mouse button (only for the creation of physicals at the moment; not sure if it's useful in the other cases) - new button in visibility browser to invert the current selection (very useful e.g. when multiple physical entities are associated with a given elementary entity, in order to "peel" away the model when adding new physicals; cf. philou) - changed meaning of Escape shortcut (cancel lasso or toggle mouse selection) + restore standard fltk Escape handling for all dialog windows - updated copyright string - new mesh label mode (coordinates); all label types are now also available for mesh vertices - added option in 'Print Option' dialog to disable printing of help strings - added a comment string with the date when creating a new file - new snapping grid for adding points in the GUI
- Oct 24, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Don't reinitialize the symbol tree in OpenFile. (We don't reinitialize the option database, so why should we reinitialize the variables? Using a single global symbol tree we can again define variables with -string "" on the command line.)
- Sep 22, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Sep 07, 2005
Jean-François Remacle authored
use it now with -partition N for N partitions only works with tets and triangles output should be added (useless for now)
- Aug 22, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
simpler tetgen integration by Jozef Vesely
- Aug 09, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
generalized the solver interface to allow permanent listening on a socket for whoever wants to connect (gmsh -listen) the polling should also be less CPU hungry in this new version next step is to add new commands to the protocol so that solvers can directly transmit data to merge (geometry, mesh, etc.) in addition to messages and filenames
- Jul 03, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
compile tetgen by default so we get feedback on machine-specific problems
- Jun 29, 2005
nicolas tardieu authored
All modifications are commentarized because this feature is not functionnal : the transfer from Gmsh to Tetgen is OK, but the transfer from Tetgen to Gmsh is not : all the mesh (points, lines, surfaces, volumes) must be recreated in Gmsh...
- Jun 25, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Apr 04, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
removed limit on number of file names allowed on the command line
Christophe Geuzaine authored
better help string for '-combine'
- Mar 01, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
change the behavior of "-string string" command line option to match the bahavior of "-option file"
- Feb 28, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Merged patch from Matt Gundry <mjgundry@faa-engineers.com> to support the structured Plot3d mesh format.
- Jan 01, 2005
Christophe Geuzaine authored
copyright update
- Dec 31, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Small aesthetic changes: - Only 'title-capitalize' window titles and menus; the rest should be capitalized like normal english sentences - The window title should be exactly the same as the menu item (without the ellipsis character if there is one)
- Dec 27, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- new parser function GetValue("text", default_value) to query a value interactively in a script - added a nice example using this (to compute slices automatically): demos/multislice.script
- Nov 25, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
This patch fixes an old design flaw in the post-processing module, namely that we used a list of Post_View objects instead of a list of pointers to Post_View objects in CTX.post.list. This had many annoying consequences, in particular the fact that we needed to be extra careful every time the list was reallocated (as pointers to the list elements would become invalid). I tried very hard to change the code everywhere it should be changed, but I might have missed something. Please let me know if you see anything suspicious (like a crash when you duplicate/remove/combine/... post-processing views).
- Oct 03, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Better handling of '-psn_XXX' command line arg. from the Mac Finder
- Sep 18, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
cleaned up View->Combine by defining a new option (to determine if we should remove the original views after a "Combine" or not)
- Sep 17, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
add -pid command line option to print the process id on stdout
- Jul 01, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
update command line help
- Jun 30, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
added optimization hooks in the interface (GUI + comamnd line)
- Jun 26, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Merged Netgen 4.3.1: a Delaunay/Frontal 2D/3D mesh generator. Thanks a lot to Nicolas Tardieu for this!
- Jun 20, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- mesh.algo -> algo2d and algo3d - replaced most of the remaining radio buttons with Fl_Choices (requires less screen real estate)
- Jun 17, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
create the default project file in the home directory if no "current" directory is defined (e.g. when double-clicking on the icon on Windows/MacOS)
- May 31, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
removed old unused options
- May 29, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- generalized vertex array class to use reallocatable arrays - introduced vertex arrays in post for all triangles: this speeds things up tremendously for ALL scalar views: 2d scalar views of course, but also for 3d isos (tets, hexas, etc.) and all smooth normals. The costly computations (compute the isos, get the normals) are only done ONCE each time the view is changed. Then we just pass the vertex array to OpenGL everytime we need to redraw (e.g. when we rotate the scene) - removed the display list code alltogether: it's completely blown away by the new vertex array code! for the record: with the new drawing code, you can - rotate 500,000 triangles in real time on a 3-year old linux PC (tested with a boing 747 surface mesh from CU: 10 times faster than old code) - display and rotate in real time 10 transparent+smooth shaded 3D isos for a 1 million tet mesh (about 1 frame per second with the new code; took tens of seconds with the old one) Awesome :-)
- May 17, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
removed unused geom.overlay option
Christophe Geuzaine authored
removed unused geom.highlight option + small cleanup of the selection code
- May 15, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
add 1 more verbosity level; bump default to 3
- May 12, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- removed context.default_plugin - changed the main so that we load the plugins *before* we set the options (this way you can save your favourite plugin options in .gmsh-options, too)
- Apr 22, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored