- Jul 02, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
force a buffer flush when we abort the parser due to too many errors
Christophe Geuzaine authored
don't force a full clean for distrib-* rules: if we want a "make clean", let's do it by hand
Christophe Geuzaine authored
fix crash when saving options and all views have been removed
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
face -> quad. face
Christophe Geuzaine authored
pretty print
Christophe Geuzaine authored
document the optional second list in Layers
Christophe Geuzaine authored
the famous "piece.geo" with an explicit volume definition (netgen test)
Christophe Geuzaine authored
fixed old extrusion mesh generator (used the old 99999 volume hack!)
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Removed the old test on ZonLayer: we actually WANT to use the automatic volume if we set the layer number to 0. This is really pretty nice: we can now get either automatic or manual numebring in all the extrusion commands.
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- All extrusion commands now return a list of 2 numbers (instead of 1): the first, as before, is the number of the "top" of the extruded region (i.e., a point for extrude point, a line for extrude line, ...), the second is the number of the "body" of the extruded region (i.e., a line for extrude point, a surface for extrude line, ...). - "Extrude Surface" now always creates a new volume (automatically), EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO LAYERS SPECIFICATION. This makes it consistent with "Extrude Point" and "Extrude Line", which always create new curves and surfaces, respectively. Important Note: you will have to modify your old .geo files to avoid duplicate volume definitions if you use "Extrude Surface" without extruding the mesh (i.e., without the "Layers" command). These duplicate volumes would be harmless, but they would srew up your physical volume definitions later on... * Solution 1: use the new volumes (recommended). To do this, just remove your old extra volume definitions and let Gmsh create the extruded volumes for you. (To retrieve the volume number created by Gmsh, use "aa[] = Extrude Surface {...};;": the volume number is "aa[1]".) * Solution 2: keep the old volumes. a) clean way: retrieve the new volume number (aa[] = Extrude Surface {...};;) and delete the new volume with "Delete { Volume aa[1]; }" b) dirty (but handy) way: since, in order to create the new volumes with the less impact possible, Gmsh uses "low" numbers (actually, forcing "Geometry.OldNewreg=0") for the new volumes, just remove all "low number volumes". For example, if you have 4 "Extrude Surface" in your file, you can then just do "Delete{ Volume {1:4}; }" Voila :-)
- Jul 01, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
update command line help
Christophe Geuzaine authored
bulletproof FindCurve/Surface + uniformize error messages
Christophe Geuzaine authored
"Length -> Characteristic length" button label
Christophe Geuzaine authored
removed SELECT test for mesh nodes: we don't use it
Christophe Geuzaine authored
upgraded Triangle to version 1.5
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- set OLDCINCLUDE flag for netgen on sgi - use FLAGS in Netgen/Makefile
Christophe Geuzaine authored
added sanity check for number of nodes per element
Christophe Geuzaine authored
iostream.h -> iostream
- Jun 30, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Christophe Geuzaine authored
make depend + update docs
Christophe Geuzaine authored
don't optimize netgen meshes by default + use Msg(FATAL) when something bad happens
Christophe Geuzaine authored
nicer physicals
Christophe Geuzaine authored
update docs
Christophe Geuzaine authored
forgot this one
Christophe Geuzaine authored
added optimization hooks in the interface (GUI + comamnd line)
Christophe Geuzaine authored
mesh optimization polish (redirect netgen messages to the GUI, etc.)
Christophe Geuzaine authored
really simplex cube example
Christophe Geuzaine authored
added "Optimize 3D" button in the GUI
Christophe Geuzaine authored
We can now use Netgen's optimization pass on our own Delaunay meshes. It seems to work pretty well on small examples, but it definitely requires more testing :-)
Christophe Geuzaine authored
a version of piece.geo with correct surface orientations so that it works with netgen
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- added small routine to orient all the surfaces in a Surface Loop consistently - fixed orientation of lines/surfaces in holes, *IF* we suppose that holes are defined consistently with exterior boundaries (warning: there is currently *NO* check for this in the code)
- Jun 29, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- Jun 28, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
more fixes for netgen
Christophe Geuzaine authored
Added hooks to optimize our meshes using netgen (in particular: the "special" volume 99999 is now cleaned up after use and all the elements/vertices are transfered back into the original volumes) As a bonus, this finally allowed me to remove the ugly hacks in the volume mesh drawing routines...
Christophe Geuzaine authored
optimize netgen mesh import (much much faster now for large meshes)
- Jun 27, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
- revert the OPTIM change on 3D_Mesh.o - fix bustage for --disable-netgen
- Jun 26, 2004
Christophe Geuzaine authored
keep netgen in make source
Christophe Geuzaine authored