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Commit eed986f5 authored by Christophe Geuzaine's avatar Christophe Geuzaine
Browse files

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......@@ -8,50 +8,57 @@
#include "SVector3.h"
#include "SPoint3.h"
// This is a cartesian mesh that encompasses an oriented box with NXI
// * NETA * NZETA hexaderal cells, with values stored at vertices
2-D example:
| | | |ij | | |
i +---+---+---+---+---+---+
| | | | | | |
Nodal values/active cells are stored and referenced by node/cell
index, i.e., i+N*j
The ij cell has nodes i;j , i+1;j , i+1;j+1, i;j+1
// A cartesian grid that encompasses an oriented 3-D box, with values
// stored at vertices:
// j
// +---+---+---+---+---+---+
// | | | | | | |
// i +---+---+-(i,j)-+---+---+
// | | | | | | |
// +---+---+---+---+---+---+
// Nodal values and active hexahedral cells are stored and
// referenced by a linear index (i + N * j)
// The (i,j) cell has nodes (i,j), (i+1,j), (i+1,j+1) and (i,j+1)
template <class scalar>
class cartesianBox {
// number of subdivisions along the xi-, eta- and zeta-axis
int _Nxi, _Neta, _Nzeta;
// origin of the grid and spacing along xi, eta and zeta
double _X, _Y, _Z, _dxi, _deta, _dzeta;
// xi-, eta- and zeta-axis directions
SVector3 _xiAxis, _etaAxis, _zetaAxis;
// set of active cells; the value stored for cell (i,j,k) is the
// linear index (i + _Nxi * j + _Nxi *_Neta * k)
std::set<int> _activeCells;
// map of stored nodal values, index by the linear index
// (i + (_Nxi+1) * j + (_Nxi+1) * (_Neta+1) * k)
typename std::map<int, scalar> _nodalValues;
// mapping from linear node index to unique node tags
std::map<int, int> _nodeTags;
// level of the box (coarset box has highest level; finest box has
// level==1)
int _level;
// pointer to a finer (refined by 2) level box (if any)
cartesianBox<scalar> *_childBox;
cartesianBox(double X, double Y, double Z,
const SVector3 &DXI, const SVector3 &DETA, const SVector3 &DZETA,
int NXI, int NETA, int NZETA, int level=1)
const SVector3 &dxi, const SVector3 &deta, const SVector3 &dzeta,
int Nxi, int Neta, int Nzeta, int level=1)
: _X(X), _Y(Y), _Z(Z),
_dxi(norm(DXI)), _deta(norm(DETA)), _dzeta(norm(DZETA)),
_xiAxis(DXI), _etaAxis(DETA), _zetaAxis(DZETA),
_Nxi(NXI), _Neta(NETA), _Nzeta(NZETA), _level(level), _childBox(0)
_dxi(norm(dxi)), _deta(norm(deta)), _dzeta(norm(dzeta)),
_xiAxis(dxi), _etaAxis(deta), _zetaAxis(dzeta),
_Nxi(Nxi), _Neta(Neta), _Nzeta(Nzeta), _level(level), _childBox(0)
if(level > 1)
_childBox = new cartesianBox<scalar>(X, Y, Z, DXI, DETA, DZETA,
2 * NXI, 2 * NETA, 2 * NZETA,
_childBox = new cartesianBox<scalar>(X, Y, Z, dxi, deta, dzeta,
2 * Nxi, 2 * Neta, 2 * Nzeta,
level - 1);
int getNxi(){ return _Nxi; }
......@@ -66,38 +73,25 @@ class cartesianBox {
valIter nodalValuesBegin(){ return _nodalValues.begin(); }
valIter nodalValuesEnd(){ return _nodalValues.end(); }
void setNodalValue(int i, scalar s){ _nodalValues[i] = s; }
void getNodalValues(const int &t, std::vector<scalar> &ls_values)
void getCellValues(int t, std::vector<scalar> &values)
// perhaps not optimal (lot of searches...)
int i, j, k;
getCellIJK(t, i, j, k);
typename std::map<int, scalar>::iterator itNode;
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i, j, k));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i+1,j,k));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i+1,j+1,k));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i,j+1,k));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i,j,k+1));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i+1,j,k+1));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i+1,j+1,k+1));
itNode = _nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i,j+1,k+1));
for(int I = 0; I < 2; I++)
for(int J = 0; J < 2; J++)
for(int K = 0; K < 2; K++){
typename std::map<int, scalar>::iterator it =
_nodalValues.find(getNodeIndex(i + I, j + J, k + K));
if(it != _nodalValues.end())
Msg::Error("Could not find value i,j,k=%d,%d,%d for cell %d\n",
i + I, j + J, k + K, t);
inline int getCellContainingPoint(double x, double y, double z) const
int getCellContainingPoint(double x, double y, double z) const
// P = P_0 + xi * _vdx + eta * _vdy + zeta *vdz
// DP = P-P_0 * _vdx = xi
......@@ -113,7 +107,7 @@ class cartesianBox {
if (k < 0) k = 0; if (k >= _Nzeta) k = _Nzeta - 1;
return getCellIndex(i, j, k);
inline SPoint3 getNodeCoordinates(const int &t) const
SPoint3 getNodeCoordinates(const int &t) const
int i, j, k;
getNodeIJK(t, i, j, k);
......@@ -130,27 +124,27 @@ class cartesianBox {
return (_activeCells.find(t) != _activeCells.end());
inline int getCellIndex(int i, int j, int k) const
int getCellIndex(int i, int j, int k) const
return i + _Nxi * j + _Nxi *_Neta * k;
inline int getNodeIndex(int i, int j, int k) const
int getNodeIndex(int i, int j, int k) const
return i + (_Nxi+1) * j + (_Nxi+1) * (_Neta+1) * k;
inline void getCellIJK(int index, int &i, int &j, int &k) const
void getCellIJK(int index, int &i, int &j, int &k) const
k = index / (_Nxi * _Neta);
j = (index - k * (_Nxi * _Neta)) / _Nxi;
i = (index - k * (_Nxi * _Neta) - j * _Nxi);
inline void getNodeIJK(int index, int &i, int &j, int &k) const
void getNodeIJK(int index, int &i, int &j, int &k) const
k = index / ((_Nxi + 1) * (_Neta + 1));
j = (index - k * ((_Nxi + 1) * (_Neta + 1))) / (_Nxi + 1);
i = (index - k * ((_Nxi + 1) * (_Neta + 1)) - j * (_Nxi + 1));
inline void createNodalValues()
void createNodalValues()
std::set<int>::const_iterator it = _activeCells.begin();
for( ; it != _activeCells.end() ; ++it){
......@@ -168,6 +162,10 @@ class cartesianBox {
bool writeNodalValues=true) const
FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
Msg::Error("Could not open file '%s'", filename.c_str());
fprintf(f, "$MeshFormat\n2.1 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n");
fprintf(f, "$Nodes\n%d\n", (int)_nodalValues.size());
Gmsh is copyright (C) 1997-2009
Gmsh is copyright (C) 1997-2010
Christophe Geuzaine
<cgeuzaine at>
......@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ void fillPointCloud(GEdge *ge, double sampling, std::vector<SPoint3> &points)
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
double t = t_min + (double)i / (double)(N - 1) * (t_max - t_min);
GPoint p = ge->point(t);
double x = p.x(), y = p.y(), z = p.z();
points.push_back(SPoint3(x, y, z));
points.push_back(SPoint3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()));
......@@ -143,10 +142,32 @@ void removeParentCellsWithChildren(cartesianBox<double> *box)
void removeOutsideCells(cartesianBox<double> *box)
if(!box) return;
int nbErased = 0;
for(cartesianBox<double>::cellIter it = box->activeCellsBegin();
it != box->activeCellsEnd();){
std::vector<double> vals;
box->getCellValues(*it, vals);
double lsmax = *std::max_element(vals.begin(), vals.end());
double lsmin = *std::min_element(vals.begin(), vals.end());
double change_sign = lsmax * lsmin;
double epsilon = 1.e-10;
if(change_sign > 0 && lsmax < -epsilon) {
else ++it;
Msg::Info(" number of cells erased after filtering: %d", nbErased);
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if(argc < 6){
printf("Usage: %s file lx ly lz rmax [levels=1] [filter]\n", argv[0]);
printf("Usage: %s file lx ly lz rmax [levels=1]\n", argv[0]);
printf(" 'file' contains a CAD model\n");
printf(" 'lx', 'ly' and 'lz' are the sizes of the elements along the"
......@@ -154,8 +175,6 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
printf(" 'rmax' is the radius of the largest sphere that can be inscribed"
" in the structure\n");
printf(" 'levels' sets the number of levels in the grid\n");
printf(" 'filter' selects if only cells inside the body are saved in the"
" mesh\n");
return -1;
......@@ -165,10 +184,9 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
double lx = atof(argv[2]), ly = atof(argv[3]), lz = atof(argv[4]);
double rmax = atof(argv[5]);
int levels = (argc > 6) ? atof(argv[6]) : 1;
int filter = (argc > 7) ? atoi(argv[7]) : 0;
// minimum distance between points in the cloud at the coarsest level
double sampling = std::min(lx, std::min(ly, lz)) / 2.;
double sampling = std::min(rmax, std::min(lx, std::min(ly, lz))) / 2.;
// radius of the "tube" created around edges at the coarsest level
double rtube = std::max(lx, std::max(ly, lz)) * 2.;
......@@ -176,17 +194,17 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
GModel *gm = GModel::current();
std::vector<SPoint3> points;
Msg::Info("Filling point clould on surfaces");
Msg::Info("Filling point cloud on surfaces");
for (GModel::fiter fit = gm->firstFace(); fit != gm->lastFace(); fit++)
(*fit)->fillPointCloud(sampling, &points);
Msg::Info(" %d points in the surface cloud", (int)points.size());
std::vector<SPoint3> edgePoints;
if(levels > 1){
Msg::Info("Filling point clould on curves");
Msg::Info("Filling point cloud on curves");
for (GModel::eiter eit = gm->firstEdge(); eit != gm->lastEdge(); eit++)
fillPointCloud(*eit, sampling / pow(2., levels - 1), edgePoints);
Msg::Info(" %d points in the curvee cloud", (int)edgePoints.size());
Msg::Info(" %d points in the curve cloud", (int)edgePoints.size());
SBoundingBox3d bb;
......@@ -201,10 +219,11 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if(NY < 2) NY = 2;
if(NZ < 2) NZ = 2;
Msg::Info(" bb Min= %g %g %g -- bb Max= %g %g %g -- NX %d NY %d NZ %d",
Msg::Info(" bounding box min: %g %g %g -- max: %g %g %g",
bb.min().x(), bb.min().y(), bb.min().z(),
bb.max().x(), bb.max().y(), bb.max().z(), NX, NY, NZ);
bb.max().x(), bb.max().y(), bb.max().z());
Msg::Info(" Nx=%d Ny=%d Nz=%d", NX, NY, NZ);
cartesianBox<double> box(bb.min().x(), bb.min().y(), bb.min().z(),
SVector3(range.x(), 0, 0),
SVector3(0, range.y(), 0),
......@@ -222,43 +241,27 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
parent = child;
Msg::Info("Removing cells to match X-FEM mesh topology constraints");
// remove child cells that do not entirely fill parent cell or for
// which there is no parent neighbor
// which there is no parent neighbor; then remove parent cells that
// have children
Msg::Info("Removing cells to match X-FEM mesh topology constraints");
// remove parent cells that have children
// TODO:
// * remove child nodes which exist in parent grid
// * offset of node numbers depending on box level to write a single mesh
// we generate duplicate nodes at this point so we can easily access
// cell values at each level; we will clean up by renumbering after
// filtering
Msg::Info("Initializing nodal values in the cartesian grid");
Msg::Info("Computing levelset on the cartesian grid");
computeLevelset(gm, box);
Msg::Info("Filtering result -- *** TODO THIS NEEDS TO BE ADAPTED FOR MULTILEVEL");
int nbErased = 0;
//Coup de menage avant d'exporter le maillage
for(cartesianBox<double>::cellIter it = box.activeCellsBegin();
it != box.activeCellsEnd();){
std::vector<double> ls_vals;
box.getNodalValues(*it, ls_vals);
double lsmax = *std::max_element(ls_vals.begin(), ls_vals.end());
double lsmin = *std::min_element(ls_vals.begin(), ls_vals.end());
double change_sign = lsmax * lsmin ;
double epsilon = 1.e-10;
if(change_sign > 0 && lsmax < -epsilon) {
else ++it;
Msg::Info(" number of erased cells after filtering: %d", nbErased);
Msg::Info("Removing cells outside the structure");
Msg::Info("Renumbering mesh vertices across levels");
Msg::Info("Writing results to disk");
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