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Commit d01e2c85 authored by Jonathan Lambrechts's avatar Jonathan Lambrechts
Browse files

dg : terms and boundary conditions of all equations are functions but there is a memory leak

parent cf3500bf
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......@@ -388,5 +388,10 @@ binding::binding()
binding *binding::_instance=NULL;
binding::~binding() {
for (std::map<std::string,classBinding *>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++) {
delete it->second;
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ class binding {
int readFile(const char *filename);
void interactiveSession();
std::map<std::string,classBinding *> classes;
template<class t>
classBinding *addClass(std::string className);
......@@ -1058,6 +1059,13 @@ class classBinding {
return constructorLua;
inline const std::string getClassName()const {return _className;}
~classBinding() {
if (_constructor)
delete _constructor;
for (std::map<std::string, luaMethodBinding *>::iterator it = methods.begin(); it!=methods.end(); it++) {
delete it->second;
template<typename t>
......@@ -11,16 +11,19 @@
#include "Bindings.h"
function::~function() {
for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); i++) {
delete arguments[i];
function::function(int nbCol, bool invalidatedOnElement):_nbCol(nbCol), _invalidatedOnElement(invalidatedOnElement){};
functionReplace &function::addFunctionReplace() {
return _functionReplaces.back();
void function::addFunctionReplace(functionReplace &fr) {
for(int i = 0; i< functionReplaceCaches.size(); i++) {
delete functionReplaceCaches[i];
void dataCacheDouble::addMeAsDependencyOf (dataCacheDouble *newDep)
......@@ -59,57 +62,53 @@ dataCacheDouble::dataCacheDouble(dataCacheMap *m, function *f):
_dependencies.resize ( _function->arguments.size());
for (unsigned int i=0;i<_function->arguments.size();i++) {
int iCache = _function->arguments[i]->iMap;
const function *f = _function->arguments[i]->f;
int iCache = _function->arguments[i].iMap;
const function *f = _function->arguments[i].f;
_dependencies[i] = &m->getSecondaryCache(iCache)->get(f,this);
for (int i = 0; i < f->_functionReplaces.size(); i++) {
functionReplaceCaches.push_back (new functionReplaceCache(m, &f->_functionReplaces[i]));
functionReplaceCaches.push_back (new functionReplaceCache(m, f->_functionReplaces[i]));
void dataCacheDouble::resize() {
_value = fullMatrix<double>(_nRowByPoint==0?1:_nRowByPoint*_cacheMap.getNbEvaluationPoints(),_value.size2());
void dataCacheDouble::_eval() {
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_substitutions.size(); i++){
/*for(unsigned int i=0;i<_substitutions.size(); i++){
_substitutions[i].first->set() = (*_substitutions[i].second)();
for(unsigned int i=0;i<_dependencies.size(); i++){
for (int i = 0; i < _function->_functionReplaces.size(); i++) {
_function->_functionReplaces[i].currentCache = functionReplaceCaches[i];
_function->_functionReplaces[i]->currentCache = functionReplaceCaches[i];
for (int j = 0; j < functionReplaceCaches[i]->toReplace.size() ; j++){
_function->call(&_cacheMap, _value);
//dataCacheMap members
dataCacheDouble &dataCacheMap::get(const function *f, dataCacheDouble *caller)
dataCacheDouble &dataCacheMap::get(const function *f, dataCacheDouble *caller) {
dataCacheDouble *&r = _cacheDoubleMap[f];
if (r==NULL && _parent) {
std::map<const function *, dataCacheDouble *>::iterator it = _parent->_cacheDoubleMap.find(f);
if (it != _parent->_cacheDoubleMap.end()) {
dataCacheMap *cParent = _parent;
while (cParent && r==NULL) {
std::map<const function *, dataCacheDouble *>::iterator it = cParent->_cacheDoubleMap.find(f);
if (it != cParent->_cacheDoubleMap.end()) {
r = it->second;
for (std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator dep = r->_iDependOn.begin(); dep != r->_iDependOn.end(); dep++) {
if (&(*dep)->_cacheMap == this) {
r = NULL;
cParent = cParent->_parent;
if (r==NULL) {
if (r==NULL)
r = new dataCacheDouble(this, (function*)(f));
if (caller)
return *r;
......@@ -160,10 +159,38 @@ function *functionConstantNew(const std::vector<double> &v) {
return new functionConstant(v);
class functionSum : public function {
fullMatrix<double> _f0, _f1;
void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) {
for(int i=0;i<val.size1();i++)
for(int j=0;j<val.size2();j++){
val(i,j)= _f0(i,j) + _f1(i,j);
functionSum(const function *f0, const function *f1):function(f0->getNbCol()){
if (f0->getNbCol() != f1->getNbCol()) {
Msg::Error("trying to sum 2 functions of different sizes\n");
setArgument (_f0, f0);
setArgument (_f1, f1);
function *functionSumNew(const function *f0, const function *f1) {
return new functionSum (f0, f1);
// get XYZ coordinates
class functionCoordinates : public function {
static functionCoordinates *_instance;
const fullMatrix<double> &uvw;
fullMatrix<double> uvw;
void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &xyz){
for(int i = 0; i < uvw.size1(); i++){
SPoint3 p;
......@@ -173,9 +200,9 @@ class functionCoordinates : public function {
xyz(i, 2) = p.z();
setArgument(uvw, function::getParametricCoordinates());
};// constructor is private only 1 instance can exists, call get to access the instance
static function *get() {
......@@ -249,7 +276,7 @@ function *function::getNormals() {
class functionStructuredGridFile : public function {
const fullMatrix<double> &coord;
fullMatrix<double> coord;
int n[3];
double d[3],o[3];
......@@ -279,9 +306,8 @@ class functionStructuredGridFile : public function {
+get(id[0]+1 ,id[1]+1 ,id[2]+1 )*( xi[0])*( xi[1])*( xi[2]);
functionStructuredGridFile(const std::string filename, const function *coordFunction): function(1),
functionStructuredGridFile(const std::string filename, const function *coordFunction): function(1) {
setArgument(coord, coordFunction);
std::ifstream input(filename.c_str());
Msg::Error("cannot open file : %s",filename.c_str());
......@@ -310,19 +336,21 @@ class functionStructuredGridFile : public function {
class functionLua : public function {
lua_State *_L;
std::string _luaFunctionName;
std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > args;
void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &res) {
lua_getfield(_L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, _luaFunctionName.c_str());
for (int i=0;i< arguments.size(); i++)
luaStack<const fullMatrix<double>*>::push(_L, &arguments[i]->val);
luaStack<const fullMatrix<double>*>::push(_L, &args[i]);
luaStack<const fullMatrix<double>*>::push(_L, &res);
lua_call(_L, arguments.size()+1, 0);
functionLua (int nbCol, std::string luaFunctionName, std::vector<const function*> dependencies, lua_State *L)
: function(nbCol), _luaFunctionName(luaFunctionName), _L(L)
for (std::vector<const function *>::iterator it = dependencies.begin(); it!= dependencies.end(); it++) {
for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i]);
......@@ -343,50 +371,52 @@ void dataCacheMap::setNbEvaluationPoints(int nbEvaluationPoints) {
class functionC : public function {
std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > args;
void (*callback)(void);
void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) {
switch (arguments.size()) {
switch (args.size()) {
case 0 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &))(callback))(val);
case 1 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0]);
case 2 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double> &))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val, arguments[1]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0], args[1]);
case 3 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val, arguments[1]->val, arguments[2]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case 4 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
const fullMatrix<double>&))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val, arguments[1]->val, arguments[2]->val, arguments[3]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
case 5 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val, arguments[1]->val, arguments[2]->val, arguments[3]->val, arguments[4]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
case 6 :
((void (*)(fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&))
(callback)) (val, arguments[0]->val, arguments[1]->val, arguments[2]->val, arguments[3]->val, arguments[4]->val, arguments[5]->val);
(callback)) (val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
default :
Msg::Error("C callback not implemented for %i argurments", arguments.size());
Msg::Error("C callback not implemented for %i argurments", args.size());
functionC (std::string file, std::string symbol, int nbCol, std::vector<const function *> dependencies):
#if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN)
for (std::vector<const function *>::iterator it = dependencies.begin(); it!= dependencies.end(); it++) {
for(int i=0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i]);
void *dlHandler;
dlHandler = dlopen(file.c_str(),RTLD_NOW);
......@@ -461,35 +491,36 @@ void function::registerBindings(binding *b){
fullMatrix<double> &functionReplace::replace(const function *f, int iMap) {
function::argument *arg = new function::argument(iMap, f);
return arg->val;
void functionReplace::replace(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap) {
_toReplace.push_back(function::argument(v, iMap, f));
const fullMatrix<double> &functionReplace::get(const function *f, int iMap) {
function::argument *arg = new function::argument(iMap, f);
return arg->val;
void functionReplace::get(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap) {
_toCompute.push_back(function::argument(v, iMap, f));
void functionReplace::compute(){
for (int i = 0; i < _toReplace.size(); i++) {
//printf("a %p\n",&currentCache->toReplace[i]->_value);
for (int i = 0; i < _toReplace.size(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < _toCompute.size(); i++) {
functionReplaceCache::functionReplaceCache(dataCacheMap *m, functionReplace *rep) {
map = m->newChild();
for (int i = 0; i < m->_secondaryCaches.size(); i ++) {
map->addSecondaryCache (m->getSecondaryCache(i+1)->newChild());
for (int i = 0; i < rep->_toReplace.size(); i++) {
toReplace.push_back (&map->getSecondaryCache(rep->_toReplace[i]->iMap)->substitute(rep->_toReplace[i]->f));
toReplace.push_back (&map->getSecondaryCache(rep->_toReplace[i].iMap)->substitute(rep->_toReplace[i].f));
for (int i = 0; i < rep->_toCompute.size(); i++) {
toCompute.push_back (&map->getSecondaryCache(rep->_toCompute[i]->iMap)->get(rep->_toCompute[i]->f));
dataCacheMap *m2 = map->getSecondaryCache(rep->_toCompute[i].iMap);
toCompute.push_back (&m2->get(rep->_toCompute[i].f));
functionReplaceCache::~functionReplaceCache() {
delete map;
......@@ -26,13 +26,14 @@ class function {
int iMap;
const function *f;
fullMatrix<double> val;
argument(int iMap_, const function *f_){
fullMatrix<double> *val;
argument(fullMatrix<double> &v, int iMap_, const function *f_){
val = &v;
iMap = iMap_;
f = f_;
std::vector<functionReplace> _functionReplaces;
std::vector<functionReplace*> _functionReplaces;
class substitutedFunction {
int iMap;
......@@ -43,12 +44,11 @@ class function {
std::vector<int> _childrenCache;
std::vector<substitutedFunction> _substitutedFunctions;
virtual void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &res)=0;
std::vector<argument*> arguments;
const fullMatrix<double> &addArgument(const function *f, int iMap = 0) {
std::vector<argument> arguments;
const void setArgument(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap = 0) {
arguments.push_back(new argument(iMap, f));
return arguments.back()->val;
arguments.push_back(argument(v, iMap, f));
void addChildDataCacheMap(int parent) {
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class function {
function(int nbCol, bool invalidatedOnElement = true);
inline int getNbCol()const {return _nbCol;}
inline bool isInvalitedOnElement() { return _invalidatedOnElement;}
functionReplace &addFunctionReplace();
void addFunctionReplace(functionReplace &fr);
static function *getSolution();
static function *getSolutionGradient();
......@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ public :
int _nRowByPoint;
function *_function;
dataCacheMap &_cacheMap;
// do the actual computation and put the result into _value
// still virtual because it is overrided by conservation law terms, as soon as conservation law terms will be regular functions, we will remove this
......@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ public :
void resize();
dataCacheDouble(dataCacheMap *,function *f);
dataCacheDouble(dataCacheMap &m, int nRowByPoint, int nbCol);
virtual ~dataCacheDouble(){};
virtual ~dataCacheDouble();
......@@ -188,9 +187,6 @@ class dataCacheMap {
void addSecondaryCache(dataCacheMap *s) {
dataCacheDouble &get(const function *f, dataCacheDouble *caller=0);
dataCacheDouble &substitute(const function *f);
......@@ -226,11 +222,11 @@ class functionReplace {
friend class dataCacheDouble;
functionReplaceCache *currentCache;
std::vector <function::argument*> _toReplace;
std::vector <function::argument*> _toCompute;
std::vector <function::argument> _toReplace;
std::vector <function::argument> _toCompute;
public :
const fullMatrix<double> &get(const function *, int iMap = 0);
fullMatrix<double> &replace(const function *, int iMap = 0);
void get(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *, int iMap = 0);
void replace(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *, int iMap = 0);
void compute ();
......@@ -240,11 +236,13 @@ class functionReplaceCache {
std::vector <dataCacheDouble*> toReplace;
std::vector <dataCacheDouble*> toCompute;
functionReplaceCache(dataCacheMap *m, functionReplace *rep);
function *functionConstantNew(const std::vector<double>&);
function *functionConstantNew(double);
function *functionSumNew (const function *f0, const function *f1);
class functionSolution : public function {
static functionSolution *_instance;
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