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Commit 6f44e092 authored by Christophe Geuzaine's avatar Christophe Geuzaine
Browse files


parent 36ccac01
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......@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ void gLevelset::getPrimitives(std::vector<gLevelset *> &gLsPrimitives)
// extrude a list of the primitive levelsets with a "post-order traversal sequence"
// extrude a list of the primitive levelsets with a "post-order traversal
// sequence"
void gLevelset::getPrimitivesPO(std::vector<gLevelset *> &gLsPrimitives)
std::stack<gLevelset *> S;
......@@ -372,6 +373,7 @@ gLevelsetPlane::gLevelsetPlane(const double * pt, const double *norm, int tag)
c = norm[2];
d = -a * pt[0] - b * pt[1] - c * pt[2];
gLevelsetPlane::gLevelsetPlane(const double * pt1, const double *pt2,
const double *pt3, int tag)
: gLevelsetPrimitive(tag)
......@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@ gLevelsetPlane::gLevelsetPlane(const gLevelsetPlane &lv)
d = lv.d;
//level set defined by points (RBF interpolation)
// level set defined by points (RBF interpolation)
fullMatrix<double> gLevelsetPoints::generateRbfMat(int p, int index,
const fullMatrix<double> &nodes1,
const fullMatrix<double> &nodes2) const
......@@ -420,15 +422,11 @@ void gLevelsetPoints::RbfOp(int p, int index,
bool isLocal) const
fullMatrix<double> rbfMatB = generateRbfMat(p,index, cntrs,nodes);
//printf("size=%d %d \n", rbfMatB.size1(), rbfMatB.size2());
fullMatrix<double> rbfInvA;
if (isLocal){
rbfInvA = generateRbfMat(0,index, cntrs,cntrs);
//printf("size=%d %d \n", rbfInvA.size1(), rbfInvA.size2());
else {
rbfInvA = matAInv;
......@@ -436,7 +434,6 @@ void gLevelsetPoints::RbfOp(int p, int index,
D.resize(nodes.size1(), cntrs.size1());
D.gemm(rbfMatB, rbfInvA, 1.0, 0.0);
void gLevelsetPoints::evalRbfDer(int p, int index,
......@@ -448,7 +445,6 @@ void gLevelsetPoints::evalRbfDer(int p, int index,
fullMatrix<double> D;
RbfOp(p,index, cntrs,nodes,D,isLocal);
fApprox.gemm(D,fValues, 1.0, 0.0);
......@@ -464,7 +460,7 @@ void gLevelsetPoints::setup_level_set(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
fullMatrix<double> ONES(numNodes+1,1),sx(numNodes,1),sy(numNodes,1);
fullMatrix<double> sz(numNodes,1),norms(numNodes,3), cntrsPlus(numNodes+1,3);
//Computes the normal vectors to the surface at each node
// Computes the normal vectors to the surface at each node
double dist_min = 1.e6;
double dist_max = 1.e-6;
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i){
......@@ -517,13 +513,11 @@ gLevelsetPoints::gLevelsetPoints(fullMatrix<double> &centers, int tag)
setup_level_set(centers, points, surf);
printNodes(points, surf);
//build invA matrix for 3*n points
// build invA matrix for 3*n points
int indexRBF = 1;
matAInv.resize(nbNodes, nbNodes);
matAInv = generateRbfMat(0, indexRBF, points,points);
//printf("End init levelset points %d \n", points.size1());
gLevelsetPoints::gLevelsetPoints(const gLevelsetPoints &lv)
......@@ -534,12 +528,12 @@ gLevelsetPoints::gLevelsetPoints(const gLevelsetPoints &lv)
double gLevelsetPoints::operator()(double x, double y, double z) const
if(mapP.empty()) printf("Levelset Points : call computeLS() before calling operator()\n");
Msg::Info("Levelset Points: call computeLS() before calling operator()");
SPoint3 sp(x,y,z);
std::map<SPoint3,double>::const_iterator it = mapP.find(sp);
if(it != mapP.end())
return it->second;
if(it != mapP.end()) return it->second;
printf("Levelset Points : Point not found\n");
return 0;
......@@ -619,7 +613,8 @@ void gLevelsetQuadric::translate(const double transl[3])
void gLevelsetQuadric::rotate(const double rotate[3][3])
double a11 = 0., a12 = 0., a13 = 0., a22 = 0., a23 = 0., a33 = 0., b1 = 0., b2 = 0., b3 = 0.;
double a11 = 0., a12 = 0., a13 = 0., a22 = 0., a23 = 0., a33 = 0.;
double b1 = 0., b2 = 0., b3 = 0.;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
b1 += B[i] * rotate[i][0];
b2 += B[i] * rotate[i][1];
......@@ -709,13 +704,15 @@ void gLevelsetQuadric::init()
double gLevelsetQuadric::operator()(double x, double y, double z) const
return(A[0][0] * x * x + 2. * A[0][1] * x * y + 2. * A[0][2] * x * z + A[1][1] * y * y
+ 2. * A[1][2] * y * z + A[2][2] * z * z + B[0] * x + B[1] * y + B[2] * z + C);
return(A[0][0] * x * x + 2. * A[0][1] * x * y + 2. * A[0][2] * x * z +
A[1][1] * y * y + 2. * A[1][2] * y * z + A[2][2] * z * z +
B[0] * x + B[1] * y + B[2] * z + C);
gLevelsetShamrock::gLevelsetShamrock(double _xmid, double _ymid, double _zmid,
double _a, double _b, int _c, int tag)
: gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), xmid(_xmid), ymid(_ymid), zmid(_zmid), a(_a), b(_b), c(_c)
: gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), xmid(_xmid), ymid(_ymid), zmid(_zmid),
a(_a), b(_b), c(_c)
// creating the iso-zero
double angle = 0.;
......@@ -829,7 +826,8 @@ double gLevelsetMathEval::operator() (double x, double y, double z) const
return 1.;
gLevelsetMathEvalAll::gLevelsetMathEvalAll(std::vector<std::string> expressions, int tag)
gLevelsetMathEvalAll::gLevelsetMathEvalAll(std::vector<std::string> expressions,
int tag)
: gLevelsetPrimitive(tag)
_hasDerivatives = true;
......@@ -849,6 +847,7 @@ double gLevelsetMathEvalAll::operator() (double x, double y, double z) const
if(_expr->eval(values, res)) return res[0];
return 1.;
void gLevelsetMathEvalAll::gradient(double x, double y, double z,
double & dfdx, double & dfdy, double & dfdz) const
......@@ -886,7 +885,8 @@ void gLevelsetMathEvalAll::hessian(double x, double y, double z,
#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
gLevelsetDistMesh::gLevelsetDistMesh(GModel *gm, std::string physical, int nbClose, int tag)
gLevelsetDistMesh::gLevelsetDistMesh(GModel *gm, std::string physical, int nbClose,
int tag)
: gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), _gm(gm), _nbClose(nbClose)
std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > groups [4];
......@@ -898,7 +898,8 @@ gLevelsetDistMesh::gLevelsetDistMesh(GModel *gm, std::string physical, int nbClo
if (_entities.size() == 0){
Msg::Error("distanceToMesh: the physical name '%s' does not exist in the GModel", physical.c_str());
Msg::Error("distanceToMesh: the physical name '%s' does not exist in the GModel",
......@@ -1020,8 +1021,9 @@ gLevelsetGenCylinder::gLevelsetGenCylinder(const double *pt, const double *dir,
gLevelsetGenCylinder::gLevelsetGenCylinder (const gLevelsetGenCylinder& lv)
: gLevelsetQuadric(lv){}
gLevelsetEllipsoid::gLevelsetEllipsoid(const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &a,
const double &b, const double &c, int tag)
gLevelsetEllipsoid::gLevelsetEllipsoid(const double *pt, const double *dir,
const double &a, const double &b,
const double &c, int tag)
: gLevelsetQuadric(tag)
A[0][0] = 1. / (a * a);
......@@ -1037,8 +1039,9 @@ gLevelsetEllipsoid::gLevelsetEllipsoid(const double *pt, const double *dir, cons
gLevelsetEllipsoid::gLevelsetEllipsoid(const gLevelsetEllipsoid& lv)
: gLevelsetQuadric(lv){}
gLevelsetCone::gLevelsetCone(const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &angle,
int tag) : gLevelsetQuadric(tag)
gLevelsetCone::gLevelsetCone(const double *pt, const double *dir,
const double &angle, int tag)
: gLevelsetQuadric(tag)
A[0][0] = 1.;
A[1][1] = 1.;
......@@ -1168,8 +1171,8 @@ gLevelsetCylinder::gLevelsetCylinder(const double *pt, const double *dir,
gLevelsetCylinder::gLevelsetCylinder(const double * pt, const double *dir,
const double &R, const double &r, const double &H,
int tag)
const double &R, const double &r,
const double &H, int tag)
: gLevelsetImproved()
double dir2[3] = {-dir[0], -dir[1], -dir[2]};
......@@ -1232,8 +1235,8 @@ gLevelsetConrod::gLevelsetConrod(const double *pt, const double *dir1,
gLevelsetConrod::gLevelsetConrod(const gLevelsetConrod &lv)
: gLevelsetImproved(lv){}
// Level-set for NACA0012 airfoil, last coeff. modified for zero-thickness trailing edge
// cf.
// Level-set for NACA0012 airfoil, last coeff. modified for zero-thickness
// trailing edge cf.
gLevelsetNACA00::gLevelsetNACA00(double x0, double y0, double c, double t)
: _x0(x0), _y0(y0), _c(c), _t(t)
......@@ -1241,23 +1244,27 @@ gLevelsetNACA00::gLevelsetNACA00(double x0, double y0, double c, double t)
void gLevelsetNACA00::getClosestBndPoint(double x, double y, double z,
double &xb, double &yb, double &curvRad, bool &in) const
double &xb, double &yb, double &curvRad,
bool &in) const
static const int maxIter = 100;
static const double tol = 1.e-8;
const double tolr = tol/_c; // Tolerance (scaled bu chord)
in = false; // Whether the point is inside the airfoil
const double tolr = tol/_c; // Tolerance (scaled bu chord)
in = false; // Whether the point is inside the airfoil
const double xt = x-_x0, yt = fabs(y-_y0); // Point translated according to airfoil origin and symmetry
// Point translated according to airfoil origin and symmetry
const double xt = x-_x0, yt = fabs(y-_y0);
if (xt-_c > 1.21125*_t*yt) { // Behind line normal to airfoil at trailing edge, closest
xb = _x0+_c; // boundary point is trailing edge...
if (xt-_c > 1.21125*_t*yt) {
// Behind line normal to airfoil at trailing edge, closest boundary point is
// trailing edge...
xb = _x0+_c;
yb = _y0;
curvRad = 0.;
else { // ...otherwise Newton-Raphson to find closest boundary point
else { // ...otherwise Newton-Raphson to find closest boundary point
const double fact = 5.*_t*_c;
double xtb = std::max(xt,tolr), ytb;
double dyb, ddyb;
......@@ -1309,10 +1316,10 @@ void gLevelsetNACA00::gradient (double x, double y, double z,
dfdz = 0.;
void gLevelsetNACA00::hessian (double x, double y, double z,
double & dfdxx, double & dfdxy, double & dfdxz,
double & dfdyx, double & dfdyy, double & dfdyz,
double & dfdzx, double & dfdzy, double & dfdzz) const
void gLevelsetNACA00::hessian(double x, double y, double z,
double & dfdxx, double & dfdxy, double & dfdxz,
double & dfdyx, double & dfdyy, double & dfdyz,
double & dfdzx, double & dfdzy, double & dfdzz) const
double xb, yb, curvRadb;
bool in;
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