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Christophe Geuzaine authored
tmp fix build
Christophe Geuzaine authoredtmp fix build
Field.cpp 34.66 KiB
// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2008 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
// bugs and problems to <>.
// Contributor(s):
// Jonathan Lambrechts
#include <list>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "matheval.h"
#ifdef HAVE_ANN
#include "ANN/ANN.h"
#include "Context.h"
#include "Field.h"
#include "GeoInterpolation.h"
#include "GModel.h"
#include "Message.h"
#if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST)
#include "OctreePost.h"
#include "PViewDataList.h"
#define MAX_LC 1.e22
extern Context_T CTX;
class FieldOptionDouble : public FieldOption
double &val;
FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_DOUBLE; }
FieldOptionDouble(double &_val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOption(_help, _status), val(_val){}
double numerical_value() const { return val; }
void numerical_value(double v){ modified(); val = v; }
void get_text_representation(std::string &v_str)
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << val;
v_str = sstream.str();
class FieldOptionInt : public FieldOption
int &val;
FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_INT; }
FieldOptionInt(int &_val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOption(_help, _status), val(_val){}
double numerical_value() const { return val; }
void numerical_value(double v){ modified(); val = (int)v; }
void get_text_representation(std::string & v_str)
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << val;
v_str = sstream.str();
class FieldOptionList : public FieldOption
std::list<int> &val;
FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_LIST; }
FieldOptionList(std::list<int> &_val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOption(_help, _status), val(_val) {}
std::list<int> &list(){ modified(); return val; }
const std::list<int>& list() const { return val; }
void get_text_representation(std::string & v_str)
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << "{";
for(std::list<int>::iterator it = val.begin(); it != val.end(); it++) {
if(it != val.begin())
sstream << ", ";
sstream << *it;
sstream << "}";
v_str = sstream.str();
class FieldOptionString : public FieldOption
std::string & val;
virtual FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_STRING; }
FieldOptionString(std::string &_val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOption(_help, _status), val(_val) {}
std::string &string() { modified(); return val; }
const std::string &string() const { return val; }
void get_text_representation(std::string &v_str)
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << "\"" << val << "\"";
v_str = sstream.str();
class FieldOptionPath : public FieldOptionString
virtual FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_PATH; }
FieldOptionPath(std::string &_val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOptionString(_val, _help, _status) {}
class FieldOptionBool : public FieldOption
bool & val;
FieldOptionType get_type(){ return FIELD_OPTION_BOOL; }
FieldOptionBool(bool & _val, std::string _help, bool *_status=0)
: FieldOption(_help, _status), val(_val) {}
double numerical_value() const { return val; }
void numerical_value(double v){ modified(); val = v; }
void get_text_representation(std::string & v_str)
std::ostringstream sstream;
sstream << val;
v_str = sstream.str();
void FieldManager::reset()
for(std::map<int, Field *>::iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++) {
delete it->second;
Field *FieldManager::get(int id)
iterator it = find(id);
if(it == end()) {
return 0;
return it->second;
Field *FieldManager::new_field(int id, std::string type_name)
if(find(id) != end()) {
Msg::Error("Field id %i is already defined.", id);
return 0;
if(map_type_name.find(type_name) == map_type_name.end()) {
Msg::Error("Unknown field type \"%s\".", type_name.c_str());
return 0;
Field *f = (*map_type_name[type_name]) ();
return 0;
f->id = id;
(*this)[id] = f;
return f;
int FieldManager::new_id()
int i = 0;
iterator it = begin();
while(1) {
while(it != end() && it->first < i)
if(it == end() || it->first != i)
return std::max(i, 1);
int FieldManager::max_id()
return rbegin()->first;
return 0;
void FieldManager::delete_field(int id)
iterator it = find(id);
if(it == end()) {
Msg::Error("Cannot delete field id %i, it does not exist.", id);
delete it->second;
// StructuredField
class StructuredField : public Field
double o[3], d[3];
int n[3];
double *data;
bool error_status;
bool text_format;
std::string file_name;
options["FileName"] = new FieldOptionPath(file_name, "Name of the input file",
text_format = false;
options["TextFormat"] = new FieldOptionBool(text_format, "True for ASCII input "
"files, false for binary files",
data = 0;
const char *get_name()
return "Structured";
virtual ~ StructuredField() {
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
if(update_needed) {
error_status = false;
try {
std::ifstream input;
exceptions(std::ifstream::eofbit | std::ifstream::failbit | std::
if(!text_format) { *)o, 3 * sizeof(double)); *)d, 3 * sizeof(double)); *)n, 3 * sizeof(int));
int nt = n[0] * n[1] * n[2];
data = new double[nt]; *)data, nt * sizeof(double));
else {
input >> o[0] >> o[1] >> o[2] >> d[0] >> d[1] >> d[2] >> n[0] >>
n[1] >> n[2];
int nt = n[0] * n[1] * n[2];
data = new double[nt];
for(int i = 0; i < nt; i++)
input >> data[i];
catch(...) {
error_status = true;
Msg::Error("Field %i : error reading file %s", this->id,
update_needed = false;
return MAX_LC;
int id[2][3];
double xi[3];
double xyz[3] = { x, y, z };
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
id[0][i] = (int)floor((xyz[i] - o[i]) / d[i]);
id[1][i] = id[0][i] + 1;
id[0][i] = std::max(std::min(id[0][i], n[i] - 1), 0);
id[1][i] = std::max(std::min(id[1][i], n[i] - 1), 0);
xi[i] = (xyz[i] - (o[i] + id[0][i] * d[i])) / d[i];
xi[i] = std::max(std::min(xi[i], 1.), 0.);
double v = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
v += data[id[i][0] * n[1] * n[2] + id[j][1] * n[2] + id[k][2]]
* (i * xi[0] + (1 - i) * (1 - xi[0]))
* (j * xi[1] + (1 - j) * (1 - xi[1]))
* (k * xi[2] + (1 - k) * (1 - xi[2]));
return v;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class UTMField : public Field
int field_id, zone;
double a, b, n, n2, n3, n4, n5, e, e2, e1, e12, e13, e14, J1, J2, J3, J4,
Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp, Ep, e4, e6, ep, ep2, ep4, k0, mu_fact;
field_id = 1;
zone = 0;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(field_id, "Field index");
options["Zone"] = new FieldOptionInt(zone, "");
a = 6378137; /* Equatorial Radius */
b = 6356752.3142; /* Rayon Polar Radius */
/* see */
n = (a - b) / (a + b);
n2 = n * n;
n3 = n * n * n;
n4 = n * n * n * n;
n5 = n * n * n * n * n;
e = sqrt(1 - b * b / a / a);
e2 = e * e;
e1 = (1 - sqrt(1 - e2)) / (1 + sqrt(1 - e2));
e12 = e1 * e1;
e13 = e1 * e1 * e1;
e14 = e1 * e1 * e1 * e1;
J1 = (3 * e1 / 2 - 27 * e13 / 32);
J2 = (21 * e12 / 16 - 55 * e14 / 32);
J3 = 151 * e13 / 96;
J4 = 1097 * e14 / 512;
Ap = a * (1 - n + (5. / 4.) * (n2 - n3) + (81. / 64.) * (n4 - n5));
Bp = -3 * a * n / 2 * (1 - n + (7. / 8.) * (n2 - n3) +
(55. / 64.) * (n4 - n5));
Cp = 14 * a * n2 / 16 * (1 - n + (3. / 4) * (n2 - n3));
Dp = -35 * a * n3 / 48 * (1 - n + 11. / 16. * (n2 - n3));
Ep = +315 * a * n4 / 51 * (1 - n);
e4 = e2 * e2;
e6 = e2 * e2 * e2;
ep = e * a / b;
ep2 = ep * ep;
ep4 = ep2 * ep2;
k0 = 0.9996;
mu_fact = 1 / (k0 * a * (1 - e2 / 4 - 3 * e4 / 64 - 5 * e6 / 256));
const char *get_name()
return "UTM";
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
double lon = atan2(y, x);
double lat = asin(z / r);
double meridionalarc = Ap * lat + Bp * sin(2 * lat)
+ Cp * sin(4 * lat) + Dp * sin(6 * lat) + Ep;
double slat = sin(lat);
double clat = cos(lat);
double slat2 = slat * slat;
double clat2 = clat * clat;
double clat3 = clat2 * clat;
double clat4 = clat3 * clat;
double tlat2 = slat2 / clat2;
double nu = a / sqrt(1 - e * e * slat2);
double p = lon - ((zone - 0.5) / 30 - 1) * M_PI;
double p2 = p * p;
double p3 = p * p2;
double p4 = p2 * p2;
double utm_x =
k0 * nu * clat * p + (k0 * nu * clat3 / 6) * (1 - tlat2 +
ep2 * clat2) * p3 + 5e5;
double utm_y =
meridionalarc * k0 + k0 * nu * slat * clat / 2 * p2 +
k0 * nu * slat * clat3 / 24 * (5 - tlat2 + 9 * ep2 * clat2 +
4 * ep4 * clat4) * p4;
return (*GModel::current()->getFields()->get(field_id)) (utm_x, utm_y, 0);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class LonLatField : public Field
int field_id;
field_id = 1;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(field_id, "Field index");
const char *get_name()
return "LonLat";
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
return (*GModel::current()->getFields()->get(field_id))
(atan2(y, x), asin(z / sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)), 0);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class BoxField : public Field
double v_in, v_out, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max;
v_in = v_out = x_min = x_max = y_min = y_max = z_min = z_max = 0;
options["VIn"] = new FieldOptionDouble(v_in, "Element size inside the box");
options["VOut"] = new FieldOptionDouble(v_out, "Element size outside the box");
options["XMin"] = new FieldOptionDouble(x_min, "Minimum X coordinate of the box");
options["XMax"] = new FieldOptionDouble(x_max, "Maximum X coordinate of the box");
options["YMin"] = new FieldOptionDouble(y_min, "Minimum Y coordinate of the box");
options["YMax"] = new FieldOptionDouble(y_max, "Maximum Y coordinate of the box");
options["ZMin"] = new FieldOptionDouble(z_min, "Minimum Z coordinate of the box");
options["ZMax"] = new FieldOptionDouble(z_max, "Maximum Z coordinate of the box");
const char *get_name()
return "Box";
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
return (x <= x_max && x >= x_min && y <= y_max && y >= y_min && z <= z_max
&& z >= z_min) ? v_in : v_out;
class ThresholdField : public Field
int iField;
double dmin, dmax, lcmin, lcmax;
bool sigmoid, stopAtDistMax;
const char *get_name()
return "Threshold";
iField = 0;
dmin = 1;
dmax = 10;
lcmin = 0.1;
lcmax = 1;
sigmoid = false;
stopAtDistMax = false;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["DistMin"] = new FieldOptionDouble(dmin, "Distance from entity up to which "
"element size will be LcMin");
options["DistMax"] = new FieldOptionDouble(dmax, "Distance from entity after which"
"element size will be LcMax");
options["LcMin"] = new FieldOptionDouble(lcmin, "Element size inside DistMin");
options["LcMax"] = new FieldOptionDouble(lcmax, "Element size outside DistMax");
options["Sigmoid"] = new FieldOptionBool(sigmoid, "True to interpolate between LcMin "
"and LcMax using a sigmoid, false to "
"interpolate linearly");
options["StopAtDistMax"] = new FieldOptionBool(stopAtDistMax, "True to not impose element "
"size outside DistMax");
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
double r = ((*field) (x, y, z) - dmin) / (dmax - dmin);
r = std::max(std::min(r, 1.), 0.);
double lc;
if(stopAtDistMax && r >= 1.){
lc = MAX_LC;
else if(sigmoid){
double s = exp(12. * r - 6.) / (1. + exp(12. * r - 6.));
lc = lcmin * (1. - s) + lcmax * s;
else{ // linear
lc = lcmin * (1 - r) + lcmax * r;
return lc;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class GradientField : public Field
int iField, kind;
double delta;
const char *get_name()
return "Gradient";
GradientField() : iField(0), kind(3), delta( / 1e4)
iField = 1;
kind = 0;
delta = 0.;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["Kind"] = new FieldOptionInt(kind, "0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z, 3 for norm");
options["Delta"] = new FieldOptionDouble(delta, "");
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
double gx, gy, gz;
switch (kind) {
case 0: /* x */
return ((*field) (x + delta / 2, y, z) -
(*field) (x - delta / 2, y, z)) / delta;
case 1: /* y */
return ((*field) (x, y + delta / 2, z) -
(*field) (x, y - delta / 2, z)) / delta;
case 2: /* z */
return ((*field) (x, y, z + delta / 2) -
(*field) (x, y, z - delta / 2)) / delta;
case 3: /* norm */
gx =
((*field) (x + delta / 2, y, z) -
(*field) (x - delta / 2, y, z)) / delta;
gy =
((*field) (x, y + delta / 2, z) -
(*field) (x, y - delta / 2, z)) / delta;
gz =
((*field) (x, y, z + delta / 2) -
(*field) (x, y, z - delta / 2)) / delta;
return sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy + gz * gz);
Msg::Error("Field %i : Unknown kind (%i) of gradient.", this->id,
return MAX_LC;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class CurvatureField : public Field
int iField;
double delta;
const char *get_name()
return "Curvature";
CurvatureField() : iField(0), delta( / 1e4)
iField = 1;
delta = 0.;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["Delta"] = new FieldOptionDouble(delta, "");
void grad_norm(Field &f,double x,double y,double z, double *g)
g[0] = f(x + delta / 2, y, z) - f(x - delta / 2, y, z);
g[1] = f(x, y + delta / 2, z) - f(x, y - delta / 2, z);
g[2] = f(x, y, z + delta / 2) - f(x, y, z - delta / 2);
double n=sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + g[1] * g[1] + g[2] * g[2]);
g[0] /= n;
g[1] /= n;
g[2] /= n;
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
double grad[6][3];
grad_norm(*field, x + delta / 2, y, z, grad[0]);
grad_norm(*field, x - delta / 2, y, z, grad[1]);
grad_norm(*field, x, y + delta / 2, z, grad[2]);
grad_norm(*field, x, y - delta / 2, z, grad[3]);
grad_norm(*field, x, y, z + delta / 2, grad[4]);
grad_norm(*field, x, y, z - delta / 2, grad[5]);
return (grad[0][0] - grad[1][0] + grad[2][1] -
grad[3][1] + grad[4][2] - grad[5][2]) / delta;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
#if defined(HAVE_GSL)
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
class MaxEigenHessianField : public Field
int iField;
double delta;
gsl_eigen_symm_workspace *gslwork;
gsl_matrix *gslmat;
gsl_vector *eigenvalues;
const char *get_name()
return "MaxEigenHessian";
MaxEigenHessianField() : iField(0), delta( / 1e4)
iField = 1;
delta = 0.;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["Delta"] = new FieldOptionDouble(delta, "");
gslwork = gsl_eigen_symm_alloc(3);
eigenvalues = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
gslmat = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3);
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
(*field) (x + delta/2 , y+delta/2, z)
+ (*field) (x - delta/2 , y-delta/2, z)
- (*field) (x - delta/2 , y+delta/2, z)
- (*field) (x + delta/2 , y-delta/2, z));
(*field) (x + delta/2 , y, z+delta/2)
+ (*field) (x - delta/2 , y, z-delta/2)
- (*field) (x - delta/2 , y, z+delta/2)
- (*field) (x + delta/2 , y, z-delta/2));
(*field) (x, y + delta/2 , z+delta/2)
+ (*field) (x, y - delta/2 , z-delta/2)
- (*field) (x, y - delta/2 , z+delta/2)
- (*field) (x, y + delta/2 , z-delta/2));
double f=(*field)(x,y,z);
(*field) (x + delta , y, z)+ (*field) (x - delta , y, z) -2*f);
(*field) (x, y + delta, z)+ (*field) (x , y - delta, z) -2* f);
(*field) (x, y ,z + delta)+ (*field) (x , y, z - delta)-2*f);
return std::max(fabs(gsl_vector_get(eigenvalues, 0)),
std::max(fabs(gsl_vector_get(eigenvalues, 0)),
fabs(gsl_vector_get(eigenvalues, 1)))
) / (delta * delta);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class LaplacianField : public Field
int iField;
double delta;
const char *get_name()
return "Laplacian";
LaplacianField() : iField(0), delta( / 1e4)
iField = 1;
delta = 0.;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["Delta"] = new FieldOptionDouble(delta, "");
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
return (
(*field) (x + delta , y, z)+ (*field) (x - delta , y, z)
+(*field) (x, y + delta , z)+ (*field) (x, y - delta , z)
+(*field) (x, y, z + delta )+ (*field) (x, y, z - delta )
-6* (*field) (x , y, z)
) / (delta*delta);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class MeanField : public Field
int iField;
double delta;
const char *get_name()
return "Mean";
MeanField() : iField(0), delta( / 1e4)
iField = 1;
delta = 0.;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(iField, "Field index");
options["Delta"] = new FieldOptionDouble(delta, "");
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
Field *field = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(iField);
return ((*field) (x + delta , y, z) + (*field) (x - delta, y, z)
+ (*field) (x, y + delta, z) + (*field) (x, y - delta, z)
+ (*field) (x, y, z + delta) + (*field) (x, y, z - delta)
+ (*field) (x, y, z)) / 5;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
#if defined(HAVE_MATH_EVAL)
class MathEvalExpression
bool error_status;
std::list<Field*> *list;
int nvalues;
char **names;
double *values;
void *eval;
int *evaluators_id;
std::string function;
char *c_str_function;
double evaluate(double x, double y, double z)
return MAX_LC;
for(int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++){
switch (evaluators_id[i]) {
case -1:
values[i] = x;
case -2:
values[i] = y;
case -3:
values[i] = z;
Field *f = GModel::current()->getFields()->get(evaluators_id[i]);
values[i] = f ? (*f) (x, y, z) : MAX_LC;
return evaluator_evaluate(eval, nvalues, names, values);
eval = 0;
values = 0;
c_str_function = 0;
evaluators_id = 0;
bool set_function(const std::string & f)
error_status = false;
c_str_function = strdup(f.c_str());
eval = evaluator_create(c_str_function);
if(!eval) {
error_status = true;
return false;
evaluator_get_variables(eval, &names, &nvalues);
values = new double[nvalues];
evaluators_id = new int[nvalues];
for(int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) {
int id;
if(!strcmp("x", names[i]))
evaluators_id[i] = -1;
else if(!strcmp("y", names[i]))
evaluators_id[i] = -2;
else if(!strcmp("z", names[i]))
evaluators_id[i] = -3;
else if(sscanf(names[i], "F%i", &id) == 1)
evaluators_id[i] = id;
else {
Msg::Error("Unknown matheval argument \"%s\"\n", names[i]);
error_status = true;
return false;
return true;
void free_members()
delete evaluators_id;
~MathEvalExpression() {
class MathEvalField : public Field
MathEvalExpression expr;
std::string f;
options["F"] = new FieldOptionString(f, "Function", &update_needed);
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
if(update_needed) {
Msg::Error("Field %i : Invalid matheval expression \"%s\"",
this->id, f.c_str());
update_needed = false;
return expr.evaluate(x, y, z);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
const char *get_name()
return "MathEval";
class ParametricField : public Field
MathEvalExpression expr[3];
std::string f[3];
int ifield;
ifield = 1;
options["IField"] = new FieldOptionInt(ifield, "Field index");
options["FX"] = new FieldOptionString(f[0], "X component of parametric function",
options["FY"] = new FieldOptionString(f[1], "Y component of parametric function",
options["FZ"] = new FieldOptionString(f[2], "Z component of parametric function",
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
if(update_needed) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Msg::Error("Field %i : Invalid matheval expression \"%s\"",
this->id, f[i].c_str());
update_needed = false;
return (*GModel::current()->getFields()->get(ifield))
(expr[0].evaluate(x, y, z), expr[1].evaluate(x, y, z),
expr[2].evaluate(x, y, z));
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
const char *get_name()
return "Param";
#if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST)
class PostViewField : public Field
OctreePost *octree;
int view_index;
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
// FIXME: should test unique view num instead, but that would be slower
if(view_index < 0 || view_index >= (int)PView::list.size())
return MAX_LC;
if(octree) delete octree;
octree = new OctreePost(PView::list[view_index]);
update_needed = false;
double l = 0.;
if(!octree->searchScalar(x, y, z, &l, 0)) {
// try really hard to find an element around the point
double fact[4] = {1.e-6, 1.e-5, 1.e-4, 1.e-3};
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
double eps = * fact[i];
printf("approx search witg eps=%g\n", eps);
if(octree->searchScalar(x + eps, y, z, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x - eps, y, z, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x, y + eps, z, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x, y - eps, z, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x, y, z + eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x, y, z - eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x + eps, y - eps, z - eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x + eps, y + eps, z - eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x - eps, y - eps, z - eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x - eps, y + eps, z - eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x + eps, y - eps, z + eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x + eps, y + eps, z + eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x - eps, y - eps, z + eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(octree->searchScalar(x - eps, y + eps, z + eps, &l, 0)) break;
if(l <= 0) return MAX_LC;
return l;
const char *get_name()
return "PostView";
octree = 0;
view_index = 0;
options["IView"] = new FieldOptionInt(view_index, "Post-processing view index",
delete octree;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
class MinField : public Field
std::list<int> idlist;
options["FieldsList"] = new FieldOptionList(idlist, "Field indices",
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
double v = MAX_LC;
for(std::list<int>::iterator it = idlist.begin(); it != idlist.end();
it++) {
Field *f = (GModel::current()->getFields()->get(*it));
v = std::min(v, (*f) (x, y, z));
return v;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
const char *get_name()
return "Min";
class MaxField : public Field
std::list<int> idlist;
options["FieldsList"] = new FieldOptionList(idlist, "Field indices",
double operator() (double x, double y, double z)
double v = -MAX_LC;
for(std::list<int>::iterator it = idlist.begin(); it != idlist.end();
it++) {
Field *f = (GModel::current()->getFields()->get(*it));
v = std::max(v, (*f) (x, y, z));
return v;
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
const char *get_name()
return "Max";
#ifdef HAVE_ANN
class AttractorField : public Field
ANNkd_tree *kdtree;
ANNpointArray zeronodes;
ANNidxArray index;
ANNdistArray dist;
std::list<int> nodes_id;
std::list<int> edges_id;
int n_nodes_by_edge;
AttractorField() : kdtree(0), zeronodes(0)
index = new ANNidx[1];
dist = new ANNdist[1];
n_nodes_by_edge = 20;
options["NodesList"] = new FieldOptionList(nodes_id, "Identification numbers of "
"points in the model",
options["EdgesList"] = new FieldOptionList(edges_id, "Identification numbers of "
"curves in the model",
options["NNodesByEdge"] = new FieldOptionInt(n_nodes_by_edge, "Number of attractor "
"nodes per curve",
delete kdtree;
const char *get_name()
return "Attractor";
virtual double operator() (double X, double Y, double Z)
if(update_needed) {
if(zeronodes) {
delete kdtree;
int totpoints = nodes_id.size() + n_nodes_by_edge * edges_id.size();
zeronodes = annAllocPts(totpoints, 4);
int k = 0;
for(std::list<int>::iterator it = nodes_id.begin();
it != nodes_id.end(); ++it) {
Vertex *v = FindPoint(*it);
if(v) {
zeronodes[k][0] = v->Pos.X;
zeronodes[k][1] = v->Pos.Y;
zeronodes[k++][2] = v->Pos.Z;
else {
GVertex *gv = GModel::current()->getVertexByTag(*it);
if(gv) {
zeronodes[k][0] = gv->x();
zeronodes[k][1] = gv->y();
zeronodes[k++][2] = gv->z();
for(std::list<int>::iterator it = edges_id.begin();
it != edges_id.end(); ++it) {
Curve *c = FindCurve(*it);
if(c) {
for(int i = 0; i < n_nodes_by_edge; i++) {
double u = (double)i / (n_nodes_by_edge - 1);
Vertex V = InterpolateCurve(c, u, 0);
zeronodes[k][0] = V.Pos.X;
zeronodes[k][1] = V.Pos.Y;
zeronodes[k++][2] = V.Pos.Z;
else {
GEdge *ge = GModel::current()->getEdgeByTag(*it);
if(ge) {
for(int i = 0; i < n_nodes_by_edge; i++) {
double u = (double)i / (n_nodes_by_edge - 1);
Range<double> b = ge->parBounds(0);
double t = b.low() + u * (b.high() - b.low());
GPoint gp = ge->point(t);
zeronodes[k][0] = gp.x();
zeronodes[k][1] = gp.y();
zeronodes[k++][2] = gp.z();
kdtree = new ANNkd_tree(zeronodes, totpoints, 3);
update_needed = false;
double xyz[3] = { X, Y, Z };
kdtree->annkSearch(xyz, 1, index, dist);
return sqrt(dist[0]);
FieldDialogBox *&dialog_box()
static FieldDialogBox *dialogBox = 0;
return dialogBox;
template<class F> class FieldFactoryT : public FieldFactory {
Field * operator()() {
return new F;
template<class F> Field *field_factory()
return new F();
map_type_name["Structured"] = new FieldFactoryT<StructuredField>();
map_type_name["Threshold"] = new FieldFactoryT<ThresholdField>();
map_type_name["Box"] = new FieldFactoryT<BoxField>();
map_type_name["LonLat"] = new FieldFactoryT<LonLatField>();
#if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST)
map_type_name["PostView"] = new FieldFactoryT<PostViewField>();
map_type_name["Gradient"] = new FieldFactoryT<GradientField>();
map_type_name["Min"] = new FieldFactoryT<MinField>();
map_type_name["Max"] = new FieldFactoryT<MaxField>();
map_type_name["UTM"] = new FieldFactoryT<UTMField>();
map_type_name["Laplacian"] = new FieldFactoryT<LaplacianField>();
map_type_name["Mean"] = new FieldFactoryT<MeanField>();
map_type_name["Curvature"] = new FieldFactoryT<CurvatureField>();
#if defined(HAVE_MATH_EVAL)
map_type_name["Param"] = new FieldFactoryT<ParametricField>();
map_type_name["MathEval"] = new FieldFactoryT<MathEvalField>();
#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
map_type_name["Attractor"] = new FieldFactoryT<AttractorField>();
#if defined(HAVE_GSL)
map_type_name["MaxEigenHessian"] = new FieldFactoryT<MaxEigenHessianField>();
background_field = -1;
static void evaluate(Field * field, List_T * list1, int nbElm1, int nbNod,
int nbComp, int comp)
int nb = List_Nbr(list1) / nbElm1;
for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(list1); i += nb) {
double *x = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(list1, i);
double *y = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(list1, i + nbNod);
double *z = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(list1, i + 2 * nbNod);
for(int j = 0; j < nbNod; j++) {
// store data from the main view into v
double *val1 = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(list1,
i + 3 * nbNod +
nbNod * nbComp * 0 +
nbComp * j);
val1[comp] = (*field) (x[j], y[j], z[j]);
#if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST)
void Field::put_on_view(PView * view, int comp)
PViewDataList *data = dynamic_cast<PViewDataList*>(view->getData());
evaluate(this, data->SP, data->NbSP, 1, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SL, data->NbSL, 2, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->ST, data->NbST, 3, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SQ, data->NbSQ, 4, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SS, data->NbSS, 4, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SH, data->NbSH, 8, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SI, data->NbSI, 6, 1, 0);
evaluate(this, data->SY, data->NbSY, 5, 1, 0);
for(int cc = 0; cc < 3; cc++) {
if(comp < 0 || comp == cc) {
evaluate(this, data->VP, data->NbVP, 1, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VL, data->NbVL, 2, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VT, data->NbVT, 3, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VQ, data->NbVQ, 4, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VS, data->NbVS, 4, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VH, data->NbVH, 8, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VI, data->NbVI, 6, 3, cc);
evaluate(this, data->VY, data->NbVY, 5, 3, cc);
for(int cc = 0; cc < 9; cc++) {
if(comp < 0 || comp == cc) {
evaluate(this, data->TP, data->NbTP, 1, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TL, data->NbTL, 2, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TT, data->NbTT, 3, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TQ, data->NbTQ, 4, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TS, data->NbTS, 4, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TH, data->NbTH, 8, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TI, data->NbTI, 6, 9, cc);
evaluate(this, data->TY, data->NbTY, 5, 9, cc);
void FieldManager::set_background_mesh(int iView)
int id = new_id();
Field *f = new_field(id, "PostView");
(*this)[id] = f;
background_field = id;