// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2012 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
// bugs and problems to <>.
// Contributed by Matti Pellikka <>.
Matti Pellika
#include "PViewOptions.h"
Homology::Homology(GModel* model, std::vector<int> physicalDomain,
std::vector<int> physicalSubdomain, bool save0N,
bool combine, bool omit, bool smoothen) :
_model(model), _domain(physicalDomain), _subdomain(physicalSubdomain),
_save0N(save0N), _combine(combine), _omit(omit), _smoothen(smoothen)
// default to the whole model
int dim = _model->getDim();
std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
for(std::vector<GEntity*>::iterator it = entities.begin();
it != entities.end(); it++){
if((*it)->dim() == dim) _domainEntities.push_back(*it);
std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > groups[4];
std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> >::iterator it;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _domain.size(); i++){
it = groups[j].find(;
std::vector<GEntity*> physicalGroup = (*it).second;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < physicalGroup.size(); k++){
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _subdomain.size(); i++){
it = groups[j].find(;
std::vector<GEntity*> physicalGroup = (*it).second;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < physicalGroup.size(); k++){
_maxdomain = 0;
_maxnum = 0;
CellComplex* Homology::createCellComplex(std::vector<GEntity*>& domainEntities,
std::vector<GEntity*>& subdomainEntities)
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Creating cell complex...");
double t1 = Cpu();
if(domainEntities.empty()) Msg::Error("Domain is empty");
if(subdomainEntities.empty()) Msg::Info("Subdomain is empty");
std::vector<MElement*> domainElements;
std::vector<MElement*> subdomainElements;
for(unsigned int j=0; j < domainEntities.size(); j++) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i <>getNumMeshElements(); i++){
MElement* element =>getMeshElement(i);
for(unsigned int j=0; j < subdomainEntities.size(); j++) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i <>getNumMeshElements();
MElement* element =>getMeshElement(i);
CellComplex* cellComplex = new CellComplex(_model,
if(cellComplex->getSize(0) == 0){
Msg::Error("Cell Complex is empty: check the domain and the mesh");
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Done creating cell complex (%g s)", t2 - t1);
Msg::Info("%d volumes, %d faces, %d edges and %d vertices",
cellComplex->getSize(3), cellComplex->getSize(2),
cellComplex->getSize(1), cellComplex->getSize(0));
return cellComplex;
for(std::map<int, Chain*>::iterator it = _basisChains.begin();
it != _basisChains.end(); it++) delete it->second;
cellComplex = createCellComplex(_domainEntities,
std::string domainString = getDomainString(_domain, _subdomain);
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Reducing cell complex...");
int omitted = cellComplex->reduceComplex(_combine, _omit);
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Done reducing cell complex (%g s)", t2 - t1);
Msg::Info("%d volumes, %d faces, %d edges and %d vertices",
cellComplex->getSize(3), cellComplex->getSize(2),
cellComplex->getSize(1), cellComplex->getSize(0));
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Computing homology spaces...");
ChainComplex chains = ChainComplex(cellComplex);
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Done computing homology spaces (%g s)", t2 - t1);
int dim = cellComplex->getDim();
for(int i = 1; i <= chains.getBasisSize(j, 3); i++){
std::string name = "H" + dimension + domainString + generator;
std::map<Cell*, int, Less_Cell> protoChain;
chains.getBasisChain(protoChain, i, j, 3, _smoothen);
Chain* chain = new Chain(protoChain, cellComplex, ++_maxdomain, name,
if(chain->getSize() == 0) {
delete chain;
HRank[j] = HRank[j] + 1;
if(chain->getTorsion() != 1){
Msg::Warning("H%d %d has torsion coefficient %d!",
j, i, chain->getTorsion());
// FIXME: Cell* and CellComplex* pointers should not outlive
// the objects, don't store Chains containing them for now
//_basisChains[chain->createPGroup()] = chain;
if(!_save0N && (j != 0 && j != dim)) chain->createPGroup();
if(_fileName != "") writeGeneratorsMSH();
Msg::Info("H0 = %d", HRank[0]);
Msg::Info("H1 = %d", HRank[1]);
Msg::Info("H2 = %d", HRank[2]);
Msg::Info("H3 = %d", HRank[3]);
if(omitted != 0) Msg::Info("The computation of generators in the highest dimension was omitted");
Msg::StatusBar(2, false, "H0: %d, H1: %d, H2: %d, H3: %d",
HRank[0], HRank[1], HRank[2], HRank[3]);
cellComplex = createCellComplex(_domainEntities,
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Reducing cell complex...");
int omitted = cellComplex->coreduceComplex(_combine, _omit);
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Done reducing cell complex (%g s)", t2 - t1);
Msg::Info("%d volumes, %d faces, %d edges and %d vertices",
cellComplex->getSize(3), cellComplex->getSize(2),
cellComplex->getSize(1), cellComplex->getSize(0));
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Computing homology spaces...");
ChainComplex chains = ChainComplex(cellComplex);
Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Done computing homology spaces (%g s)", t2- t1);
int dim = cellComplex->getDim();
for(int i = 1; i <= chains.getBasisSize(j, 3); i++){
std::string name = "H" + dimension + "*" +
getDomainString(_domain, _subdomain) + generator;
std::map<Cell*, int, Less_Cell> protoChain;
chains.getBasisChain(protoChain, i, j, 3, _smoothen);
Chain* chain = new Chain(protoChain, cellComplex, ++_maxdomain, name,
if(chain->getSize() == 0) {
delete chain;
HRank[dim-j] = HRank[dim-j] + 1;
if(chain->getTorsion() != 1){
Msg::Warning("H%d* %d has torsion coefficient %d!",
dim-j, i, chain->getTorsion());
// FIXME: Cell* and CellComplex* pointers should not outlive
// the objects, don't store Chains containing them for now
//_basisChains[chain->createPGroup()] = chain;
if(!_save0N && (j != 0 && j != dim)) chain->createPGroup();
if(_fileName != "") writeGeneratorsMSH();
Msg::Info("Ranks of homology spaces for the dual cell complex:");
Msg::Info("H0* = %d", HRank[0]);
Msg::Info("H1* = %d", HRank[1]);
Msg::Info("H2* = %d", HRank[2]);
Msg::Info("H3* = %d", HRank[3]);
if(omitted != 0) Msg::Info("The computation of %d highest dimension dual generators was omitted", omitted);
Msg::StatusBar(2, false, "H0*: %d, H1*: %d, H2*: %d, H3*: %d",
HRank[0], HRank[1], HRank[2], HRank[3]);
std::string Homology::getDomainString(const std::vector<int>& domain,
const std::vector<int>& subdomain)
if(domain.empty()) domainString += "0";
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < domain.size(); i++){
if (domain.size()-1 > i){
domainString += ", ";
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < subdomain.size(); i++){
if (subdomain.size()-1 > i){
domainString += "}";
domainString += ") ";
return domainString;
bool Homology::writeGeneratorsMSH(bool binary)
if(_fileName.empty()) return false;
if(!_model->writeMSH(_fileName, 2.0, binary)) return false;
Msg::Info("Wrote homology computation results to %s", _fileName.c_str());
void Homology::storeCells(CellComplex* cellComplex, int dim)
std::vector<MElement*> elements;
for(CellComplex::citer cit = cellComplex->firstCell(dim);
cit != cellComplex->lastCell(dim); cit++){
Cell* cell = *cit;
std::map<Cell*, int, Less_Cell > cells;
for(Cell::citer it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); it++){
Cell* subCell = it->first;
std::vector<MVertex*> v;
MElement* e = factory.create(cell->getTypeMSH(), v);
int max[4];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) max[i] = _model->getMaxElementaryNumber(i);
int entityNum = *std::max_element(max,max+4) + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) max[i] = _model->getMaxPhysicalNumber(i);
int physicalNum = *std::max_element(max,max+4) + 1;
std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > entityMap;
entityMap[entityNum] = elements;
std::map<int, std::map<int, std::string> > physicalMap;
std::map<int, std::string> physicalInfo;
physicalInfo[physicalNum]="Cell Complex";
physicalMap[entityNum] = physicalInfo;
_model->storeChain(dim, entityMap, physicalMap);
_model->setPhysicalName("Cell Complex", dim, physicalNum);
FILE *fp = fopen(name.c_str(), "a");
Msg::Error("Unable to open file '%s'", name.c_str());
fprintf(fp, "1 \n");
fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" \n", getName().c_str());
fprintf(fp, "1 \n");
fprintf(fp, "0.0 \n");
fprintf(fp, "4 \n");
fprintf(fp, "0 \n");
fprintf(fp, "1 \n");
fprintf(fp, "%d \n", getSize());
fprintf(fp, "0 \n");
for(citer cit = _cells.begin(); cit != _cells.end(); cit++){
Cell* cell = (*cit).first;
int coeff = (*cit).second;
fprintf(fp, "%d %d \n", cell->getIndex(), coeff );
std::vector<MElement*> elements;
std::map<int, std::vector<double> > data;
MElementFactory factory;
for(citer cit = _cells.begin(); cit != _cells.end(); cit++){
Cell* cell = (*cit).first;
int coeff = (*cit).second;
std::vector<MVertex*> v;
Matti Pellika
MElement* e = factory.create(cell->getTypeMSH(), v);
if(cell->getDim() > 0 && coeff < 0) e->revert(); // flip orientation
// if cell coefficient is other than -1 or 1, add multiple
// identical MElements to the physical group
for(int i = 1; i < abs(coeff); i++) {
MElement* ecopy = factory.create(cell->getTypeMSH(), v);
if(cell->getDim() > 0 && coeff < 0) ecopy->revert();
data[e->getNum()] = coeffs;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
max[i] = this->getCellComplex()->getModel()->getMaxElementaryNumber(i);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
max[i] = this->getCellComplex()->getModel()->getMaxPhysicalNumber(i);
int physicalNum = *std::max_element(max,max+4) + 1;
std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > entityMap;
entityMap[entityNum] = elements;
std::map<int, std::map<int, std::string> > physicalMap;
std::map<int, std::string> physicalInfo;
physicalInfo[physicalNum] = getName();
Matti Pellika
GModel* m = this->getCellComplex()->getModel();
m->storeChain(getDim(), entityMap, physicalMap);
m->setPhysicalName(getName(), getDim(), physicalNum);
// create PView for instant visualization
std::string pnum = "";
convert(physicalNum, pnum);
std::string postname = pnum + ": " + getName();
PView* view = new PView(postname, "ElementData", m, data, 0, 1);
Matti Pellika
// the user should be interested about the orientations
int size = 30;
PViewOptions* opt = view->getOptions();
if(opt->tangents == 0) opt->tangents = size;
if(opt->normals == 0) opt->normals = size;
Chain::Chain(std::map<Cell*, int, Less_Cell>& chain,
CellComplex* cellComplex, int num,
std::string name, int torsion)
_cells = chain;
if(!_cells.empty()) _dim = firstCell()->first->getDim();
else _dim = 0;
_name = name;
_num = num;
_cellComplex = cellComplex;
_torsion = torsion;
void Chain::eraseNullCells()
std::vector<Cell*> toRemove;
for(citer cit = _cells.begin(); cit != _cells.end(); cit++){
if(cit->second == 0) toRemove.push_back(cit->first);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < toRemove.size(); i++) _cells.erase(toRemove[i]);