#include "CutMap.h"
double opt_cut_map_A(OPT_ARGS_NUM)
StringXNumber CutMapOptions_Number[] = {
{ GMSH_FULLRC, "A" , opt_cut_map_A , 1. },
{ GMSH_FULLRC, "iView" , opt_cut_map_A , 1. }
extern "C"
GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterCutMapPlugin ()
GMSH_CutMapPlugin::GMSH_CutMapPlugin(double a, int I)
void GMSH_CutMapPlugin::getName(char *name) const
strcpy(name,"Cut Map");
void GMSH_CutMapPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright, char *help_text) const
strcpy(author,"J.-F. Remacle (");
strcpy(copyright,"DGR (");
strcpy(help_text,"This Plugins cuts a view \n with a plane (x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2 + (z-zc)^2 = r^20\n");
int GMSH_CutMapPlugin::getNbOptions() const
return 2;
StringXNumber *GMSH_CutMapPlugin:: GetOption (int iopt)
void GMSH_CutMapPlugin::CatchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const
strcpy(errorMessage,"CutMap Failed...");
double GMSH_CutMapPlugin :: levelset (double x, double y, double z, double val) const
// we must look into the map for A - Map(x,y,z)
// this is the case when the map is the same as the view,
// the result is the extraction of isovalue A
return A - val;