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Gmsh Mesh File Format

   The 'msh' file format is the native output file format for
   Gmsh. The file is divided in two sections (enclosed in $KEY and
   $ENDKEY pairs): $NOD/$ENDNOD defines the nodes and $ELM/$ENDELM
   defines the elements.

   node-number x-coord y-coord z-coord 
   elm-number elm-type elm-region unused number-of-nodes node-numbers

   All the syntactic variables stand for integers except x-coord,
   y-coord and z-coord which stand for floating point values.  The
   elm-type value defines the geometrical type for the element:
   1  Line (2 nodes, 1 edge). 
   2  Triangle (3 nodes, 3 edges). 
   3  Quadrangle (4 nodes, 4 edges). 
   4  Tetrahedron (4 nodes, 6 edges, 4 facets). 
   5  Hexahedron (8 nodes, 12 edges, 6 facets). 
   6  Prism (6 nodes, 9 edges, 5 facets). 
   7  Pyramid (5 nodes, 8 edges, 5 facets). 
   15 Point (1 node). 

   The elm-region value is the number of the physical entity to which
   the element belongs. 

Parsed View Format

   View "name" {
     type of element (list of coordinates) {list of values} ;

   12 base objects can be displayed:

                       type of element   list of coordinates    list of values
   scalar point        SP                3                      1  * nb time steps
   vector point        VP                3                      3  * nb time steps
   tensor point        TP                3                      9  * nb time steps
   scalar line         SL                6                      2  * nb time steps
   vector line         VL                6                      6  * nb time steps
   tensor line         TL                6                      18 * nb time steps
   scalar triangle     ST                9                      3  * nb time steps
   vector triangle     VT                9                      9  * nb time steps
   tensor triangle     TT                9                      27 * nb time steps
   scalar tetrahedron  SS                12                     4  * nb time steps
   vector tetrahedron  VS                12                     12 * nb time steps
   tensor tetrahedron  TS                12                     36 * nb time steps

   The coordinates are given "by node", that is (x,y,z) for a point, (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
   for a line, (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3) for a triangle, ...
   The values are given by timestep, by node and by component. That is, for a vector line,
   {valxnode1time1,valynode1time1,valznode1time1, valxnode2time1,valynode2time1,valznode2time1,
    valxnode1time2,valynode1time2,valznode1time2, valxnode2time2,valynode2time2,valznode2time2, ...}

Ascii View Format

Binary View Format

    int one=1;	

    fprintf(file, "$View /* %s */\n", name);
    fprintf(file, "%s %g\n", name, version);
    fprintf(file, "$EndView\n");
    fwrite(&One, sizeof(int), 1, PostStream);