Plugin(Annotate) adds the text string `Text', in
font `Font' and size `FontSize', in the view `iView'.
If `3D' is equal to 1, the plugin inserts the
string in model coordinates at the position
(`X',`Y',`Z'). If `3D' is equal to 0, the plugin
inserts the string in screen coordinates at the
position (`X',`Y'). The string is aligned according
to `Align'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run on the
Plugin(Annotate) is executed in-place.
String options:
@table @code
@item Text
Default value: @code{"My Text"}
@item Font
Default value: @code{"Helvetica"}
@item Align
Default value: @code{"Left"}
@end table
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item X
@item Z
Default value: @code{0}
@item 3D
Default value: @code{0}
@item FontSize
Default value: @code{14}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Curl)
Plugin(Curl) computes the curl of the field
in the view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin
is run on the current view.
Plugin(Curl) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
Plugin(CutGrid) cuts the view `iView' with a
rectangular grid defined by the 3 points
(`X0',`Y0',`Z0') (origin), (`X1',`Y1',`Z1') (axis of U)
and (`X2',`Y2',`Z2') (axis of V). The number of points
along U and V is set with the options `nPointsU'
and `nPointsV'. If `ConnectPoints' is zero, the
generates quadrangles, lines or points depending
on the values of `nPointsU' and `nPointsV'. If
`iView' < 0, the plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(CutGrid) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item X0
Plugin(CutMap) extracts the isosurface of value
`A' from the view `iView' and draws the
`dTimeStep'-th value of the view `dView' on the
isosurface. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run
on the current view. If `dTimeStep' < 0, the
plugin uses, for each time step in `iView', the
corresponding time step in `dView'. If `dView'
< 0, the plugin uses `iView' as the value source.
extracts the isovolume with values greater (if
`ExtractVolume' > 0) or smaller (if `ExtractVolume'
Plugin(CutMap) creates as many views as there
are time steps in `iView'.
Plugin(CutParametric) cuts the view `iView' with
the parametric function (`X'(u), `Y'(u), `Z'(u)),
using `nPointsU' values of the parameter u in
[`MinU', `MaxU']. If `ConnectPoints' is set, the
plugin creates line elements; otherwise, the
plugin generates points. If `iView' < 0, the plugin
is run on the current view.
Plugin(CutParametric) creates one new view.
String options:
@table @code
@item X
Default value: @code{"0 + 1 * Cos(u)"}
@item Y
Default value: @code{"0 + 1 * Sin(u)"}
@item Z
Default value: @code{"0"}
@end table
Numeric options:
@table @code
Default value: @code{6.28319}
@item nPointsU
Default value: @code{360}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(CutPlane)
Plugin(CutPlane) cuts the view `iView' with
the plane `A'*X + `B'*Y + `C'*Z + `D' = 0. If
Plugin(CutPlane) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item A
@end table
@item Plugin(CutSphere)
Plugin(CutSphere) cuts the view `iView' with the
sphere (X-`Xc')^2 + (Y-`Yc')^2 + (Z-`Zc')^2 = `R'^2.
If `ExtractVolume' is nonzero, the plugin extracts
the elements inside (if `ExtractVolume' < 0) or
outside (if `ExtractVolume' > 0) the sphere. If
Plugin(CutSphere) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Xc
@end table
@item Plugin(DecomposeInSimplex)
Plugin(DecomposeInSimplex) decomposes all
non-simplectic elements (quadrangles, prisms,
hexahedra, pyramids) in the view `iView' into
simplices (triangles, tetrahedra). If `iView' < 0,
the plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(DecomposeInSimplex) is executed
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
@end table
@item Plugin(DisplacementRaise)
Plugin(DisplacementRaise) transforms the
view `dView'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run
on the current view. If `dView' < 0, the plugin
looks for the displacements in the view located
just after `iView' in the view list.
Plugin(DisplacementRaise) is executed in-place.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Factor
@item Plugin(Divergence)
Plugin(Divergence) computes the divergence of the
field in the view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin
is run on the current view.
Plugin(Divergence) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Eigenvalues)
Plugin(Eigenvalues) computes the three real
eigenvalues of each tensor in the view `iView'.
If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(Eigenvalues) creates three new scalar views.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
Plugin(Eigenvectors) computes the three (right)
eigenvectors of each tensor in the view `iView'
and sorts them according to the value of the
associated eigenvalues. If `ScaleByEigenvalues'
is set, each eigenvector is scaled by its
associated eigenvalue. The plugin gives an error
if the eigenvectors are complex. If `iView' < 0,
the plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(Eigenvectors) creates three new
vector views.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item ScaleByEigenvalues
Default value: @code{1}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
component of the `TimeStep'-th time step in the
view `iView' to the expression `Expression'.
`Expression' can contain:
- the usual mathematical functions (Log, Sqrt
Sin, Cos, Fabs, ...) and operators (+, -, *, /, ^);
- the symbols x, y and z, to retrieve the
coordinates of the current node;
- the symbols Time and TimeStep, to retrieve the
current time and time step values;
- the symbol v, to retrieve the `Component'-th
component of the field in `iView' at the
`TimeStep'-th time step;
- the symbols v0, v1, v2, ..., v8, to retrieve each
component of the field in `iView' at the
`TimeStep'-th time step;
- the symbol w, to retrieve the `Component'-th
component of the field in `ExternalView' at the
and `iView' are based on different spatial grids,
or if their data types are different, `ExternalView'
is interpolated onto `iView';
- the symbols w0, w1, w2, ..., w8, to retrieve each
component of the field in `ExternalView' at the
`ExternalTimeStep'-th time step.
If `TimeStep' < 0, the plugin atomatically loops
over all the time steps in `iView' and evaluates
`Expression' for each one. If `ExternalTimeStep'
< 0, the plugin uses `TimeStep' instead. If
`Component' < 0, the plugin automatically loops
over all the components in the view and
evaluates `Expression' for each one. If `iView'
< 0, the plugin is run on the current view. If
`ExternalView' < 0, the plugin uses `iView'
Plugin(Evaluate) is executed in-place.
String options:
@table @code
@item Expression
Default value: @code{-1}
@item TimeStep
Default value: @code{-1}
@item ExternalView
Default value: @code{-1}
@item ExternalTimeStep
Default value: @code{-1}
components from the `TimeStep'th time step
in the view `iView'. If only `Expression0' is
given (and `Expression1', ..., `Expression8' are
all empty), the plugin creates a scalar view.
If `Expression0', `Expression1' and/or
`Expression2' are given (and `Expression3',
..., `Expression8' are all empty) the plugin
creates a vector view. Otherwise the plugin
creates a tensor view. In addition to the usual
mathematical functions (Exp, Log, Sqrt, Sin, Cos,
Fabs, etc.) and operators (+, -, *, /, ^), all
expressions can contain the symbols v0, v1, v2,
..., vn, which represent the n components of the
field, and the symbols x, y and z, which represent
the three spatial coordinates. If `TimeStep' < 0,
the plugin extracts data from all the time steps
in the view. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run on
the current view.
@item Expression1
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression2
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression3
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression4
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression5
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression6
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression7
Default value: @code{""}
@item Expression8
Default value: @code{""}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Gradient)
Plugin(Gradient) computes the gradient of the
field in the view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the
plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(Gradient) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Plugin(HarmonicToTime)
Plugin(HarmonicToTime) takes the values in the
containing (`iView'[`RealPart'] * cos(p) -
`iView'[`ImaginaryPart'] * sin(p)), with
p = 2*Pi*k/`nSteps', k = 0, ..., `nSteps'-1.
If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run on the
current view.
Plugin(HarmonicToTime) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
Default value: @code{1}
@item nSteps
Default value: @code{20}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Integrate)
Plugin(Integrate) integrates scalar fields over
all the elements in the view `iView', as well
as the circulation/flux of vector fields over
line/surface elements. If `iView' < 0, the
plugin is run on the current view. If
computes the positive area (volume) of the map.
Plugin(Integrate) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Plugin(Lambda2)
Plugin(Lambda2) computes the eigenvalues
Lambda(1,2,3) of the tensor (S_ik S_kj +
Om_ik Om_kj), where S_ij = 0.5 (ui,j + uj,i)
and Om_ij = 0.5 (ui,j - uj,i) are respectively
the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the
represented by regions where Lambda(2) is
negative. If `iView' contains tensor elements,
the plugin directly uses the tensors as the
values of the velocity gradient tensor; if
`iView' contains vector elements, the plugin
uses them as the velocities from which to derive
the velocity gradient tensor. If `iView' < 0,
the plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(Lambda2) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Eigenvalue
Default value: @code{2}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
the point (`X',`Y',`Z'). If `iView' < 0, the plugin is
run on the current view.
Plugin(Probe) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item X
Default value: @code{0}
@item Y
Default value: @code{0}
@item Z
Default value: @code{0}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Remove)
Plugin(Remove) removes the marked items
from the view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin
is run on the current view.
Plugin(Remove) is executed in-place.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Text2D
Default value: @code{1}
@item Text3D
Default value: @code{1}
@item Points
Default value: @code{0}
@item Lines
Default value: @code{0}
@item Triangles
Default value: @code{0}
@item Quadrangles
Default value: @code{0}
@item Tetrahedra
Default value: @code{0}
@item Hexahedra
Default value: @code{0}
@item Prisms
Default value: @code{0}
@item Pyramids
Default value: @code{0}
@item Scalar
Default value: @code{1}
@item Vector
Default value: @code{1}
@item Tensor
Default value: @code{1}
@item iView
Default value: @code{-1}
@end table
@item Plugin(Skin)
Plugin(Skin) extracts the skin (the boundary) of
the view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run
on the current view.
Plugin(Skin) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
@end table
@item Plugin(Smooth)
Plugin(Smooth) averages the values at the nodes
of the scalar view `iView'. If `iView' < 0, the
plugin is run on the current view.
Plugin(Smooth) is executed in-place.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView
@end table
@item Plugin(SphericalRaise)
Plugin(SphericalRaise) transforms the
coordinates of the elements in the view `iView'
using the values associated with the
`TimeStep'-th time step. Instead of elevating
the nodes along the X, Y and Z axes as in
View[`iView'].RaiseX, View[`iView'].RaiseY
and View[`iView'].RaiseZ, the raise is applied
along the radius of a sphere centered at (`Xc',
`Yc', `Zc'). If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run
on the current view.
Plugin(SphericalRaise) is executed in-place.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item Xc
@item Plugin(StreamLines)
Plugin(StreamLines) computes stream lines
from a vector view `iView' and optionally
interpolates the scalar view `dView' on the
resulting stream lines. It takes as input a
grid defined by the 3 points (`X0',`Y0',`Z0')
(origin), (`X1',`Y1',`Z1') (axis of U) and
(`X2',`Y2',`Z2') (axis of V). The number of points
that are going to be transported along U and V is
set with the options `nPointsU' and `nPointsV'.
Then, we solve the equation DX(t)/dt = V(x,y,z)
with X(t=0) chosen as the grid and V(x,y,z)
interpolated on the vector view. The timestep and
the maximum number of iterations are set with
the options `MaxIter' and `DT'. The time stepping
scheme is a RK44. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run
on the current view.
Plugin(StreamLines) creates one new view. This
view contains multi-step vector points if `dView'
< 0, or single-step scalar lines if `dView' >= 0.
@item dView
Default value: @code{-1}
Plugin(Transform) transforms the homogenous
node coordinates (x,y,z,1) of the elements in
the view `iView' by the matrix
[`A11' `A12' `A13' `T1']
[`A21' `A22' `A23' `T2']
[`A31' `A32' `A33' `T3'].
elements is reversed. If `iView' < 0, the plugin
is run on the current view.
Plugin(Transform) is executed in-place.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item A11
@item T1
Default value: @code{0}
@item T2
Default value: @code{0}
@item T3
Default value: @code{0}
Plugin(Triangulate) triangulates the points in the
view `iView', assuming that all the points belong
to a surface that can be projected one-to-one
onto a plane. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is run on
the current view.
Plugin(Triangulate) creates one new view.
Numeric options:
@table @code
@item iView