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PartitionMesh.cpp 4.28 KiB
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#include "Gmsh.h"
#include "Numeric.h"
#include "Mesh.h"
#include "CAD.h"
#include "Geo.h"
#include "Create.h"
#include "Interpolation.h"
#include "Context.h"
#include "BDS.h"
#include "PartitionMesh.h"
#include "OpenFile.h"
#include "MinMax.h"

extern "C"
#include "metis.h"
extern void Mesh_To_BDS(Mesh *m);
extern void BDS_To_Mesh_2(Mesh *m);
extern void BDS_To_Mesh(Mesh *m);

void DeleteMesh(Mesh * M)
  List_T *Curves = Tree2List(M->Curves);
  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(Curves); i++) {
    Curve *c;
    List_Read(Curves, i, &c);
    Tree_Action(c->Simplexes, Free_SimplexBase);
    c->Simplexes = Tree_Create(sizeof(SimplexBase *), compareSimplex);
  List_T *Surfaces = Tree2List(M->Surfaces);
  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(Surfaces); i++){
    Surface *s;
    List_Read(Surfaces, i, &s);
    Tree_Action(s->Simplexes, Free_SimplexBase);
    s->Simplexes = Tree_Create(sizeof(SimplexBase *), compareSimplex);
  List_T *Volumes = Tree2List(M->Volumes);
  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(Volumes); i++){
    Volume *v;
    List_Read(Volumes, i, &v);
    Tree_Action(v->Simplexes, Free_SimplexBase);
    v->Simplexes = Tree_Create(sizeof(SimplexBase *), compareSimplex);

void PartitionMesh ( Mesh *M , int NP)

  printf("moving the mesh to BDS\n");
  Mesh_To_BDS (M);
  BDS_Mesh *m = M->bds;
  PartitionMesh (m,NP);
  printf("Moving back to the old data str\n");
  DeleteMesh (M);// BDS_To_Mesh(M);
  M->bds_mesh = new BDS_Mesh (*M->bds);
  delete M->bds;
  //  delete M->bds_mesh;
  //M->bds_mesh = 0;

void PartitionMesh ( BDS_Mesh *m , int NP)

  // NN = number of nodes of the graph
  int dim = (m->tets.size() == 0)?2:3;
  int NN = (dim == 2)? m->triangles.size() : m->tets.size() ;

  printf ("%d nodes in the graph\n",NN);
  int *partitionVector = new int[NN];
  int *xadj   = new int[NN+2];

  int totCount = 0;

  std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator it2 = m->triangles.begin();
  std::list<BDS_Tet*>::iterator it3 = m->tets.begin();

  xadj[0] = 0;
  for(int i=0;i<NN;i++)
      int nbAdj = 0;
      if (dim == 2)
	  BDS_Triangle *t = *it2;
	  t->partition = i;
	  nbAdj = (t->e1->numfaces() + t->e2->numfaces() + t->e3->numfaces() - 3);
	  totCount += nbAdj;
      else if (dim == 3)
	  BDS_Tet *t = *it3;
	  t->partition = i;
	  nbAdj =(t->f1->numtets() + t->f2->numtets() + t->f3->numtets() + t->f4->numtets() - 4); 
	  totCount += nbAdj;
      xadj[i+1] = xadj[i] + nbAdj;

  printf ("Tot Count %d \n",totCount);

  it2 = m->triangles.begin();
  it3 = m->tets.begin();

  int *adjncy = new int[totCount+1];    

  int count = 0;

  for(int i=0;i<NN;i++)
      if (dim == 2)
	  BDS_Triangle *t = *it2;
	  for (int j=0;j<t->e1->numfaces();j++)
	      BDS_Triangle *f = t->e1->faces(j);
	      if (f != t) adjncy[count++] = f->partition;
	  for (int j=0;j<t->e2->numfaces();j++)
	      BDS_Triangle *f = t->e2->faces(j);
	      if (f != t) adjncy[count++] = f->partition;
	  for (int j=0;j<t->e3->numfaces();j++)
	      BDS_Triangle *f = t->e3->faces(j);
	      if (f != t) adjncy[count++] = f->partition;
      else if (dim == 3)
	  BDS_Tet *t = *it3;
	  BDS_Tet *o = t->f1->opposite_tet (t);
	  if (o) adjncy[count++] = o->partition;
	  o = t->f2->opposite_tet (t);
	  if (o) adjncy[count++] = o->partition;
	  o = t->f3->opposite_tet (t);
	  if (o) adjncy[count++] = o->partition;
	  o = t->f4->opposite_tet (t);
	  if (o) adjncy[count++] = o->partition;

  int wgtflag = 0;
  int numflag = 0;
  int options[4];
  options[0] = 0;
  int edgecut;
  delete [] xadj;
  delete [] adjncy;

  it2 = m->triangles.begin();
  it3 = m->tets.begin();

  for(int i=0;i<NN;i++)
      if (dim == 2)
	  BDS_Triangle *t = *it2;
	  t->partition = partitionVector[i];
      else if (dim == 3)
	  BDS_Tet *t = *it3;
	  t->partition = partitionVector[i];

  delete [] partitionVector;