@c This file is generated automatically by running "gmsh -doc".
@c Do not edit by hand!
@item -tol float
Set geometrical tolerance
@item -match
Match geometries and meshes
@item -1, -2, -3
Perform 1D, 2D or 3D mesh generation, then exit
@item -format string
Select output mesh format (auto (default), msh, msh1, msh2, unv, vrml, ply2, stl, mesh, bdf, cgns, p3d, diff, med, ...)
@item -refine
Perform uniform mesh refinement, then exit
@item -part int
Partition after batch mesh generation
Weight of a triangle/quad/etc. during partitioning
@item -saveall
Save all elements (discard physical group definitions)
@item -parametric
Save vertices with their parametric coordinates
@item -algo string
Select mesh algorithm (meshadapt, del2d, front2d, delquad, del3d, front3d, mmg3d, pack)
@item -smooth int
Set number of mesh smoothing steps
@item -order int
Set mesh order (1, ..., 5)
@item -optimize[_netgen]
Optimize quality of tetrahedral elements
@item -optimize_ho
Optimize high order meshes
@item -ho_[min,max,nlayers]
High-order optimization parameters
@item -optimize_lloyd
Optimize 2D meshes using Lloyd algorithm
@item -clscale float
Set global mesh element size scaling factor
@item -clmin float
Set minimum mesh element size
@item -clmax float
Set maximum mesh element size
@item -anisoMax float
Set maximum anisotropy (only used in bamg for now)
@item -smoothRatio float
Set smoothing ration between mesh sizes at nodes of a same edge (only used in bamg)
@item -clcurv
Automatically compute element sizes from curvatures
@item -epslc1d
Set accuracy of evaluation of LCFIELD for 1D mesh
@item -swapangle
Set the threshold angle (in degree) between two adjacent faces below which a swap is allowed
@item -rand float
Set random perturbation factor
@item -bgm file
Load background mesh from file
@item -check
Perform various consistency checks on mesh
@item -ignorePartBound
Ignore partitions boundaries
@item -link int
Select link mode between views (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
@item -combine
Combine views having identical names into multi-time-step views
@end ftable
Solver options:
@ftable @code
@item -listen
Always listen to incoming connection requests
@item -minterpreter string
Name of Octave interpreter
@item -pyinterpreter string
Name of Python interpreter
@item -n
Hide all meshes and post-processing views on startup
@item -nodb
Disable double buffering
@item -numsubedges
Set num of subdivisions for high order element display
@item -fontsize int
Specify the font size for the GUI
@item -theme string
Specify FLTK GUI theme
@item -display string
Specify display
@item -camera
Use camera mode view;
@item -stereo
OpenGL quad-buffered stereo rendering (requires special graphic card)
@item -gamepad
Use gamepad controller if available

Christophe Geuzaine
@item -new
Create new model before merge next file
@item -merge
Merge next files
@item -open
Open next files
@item -a, -g, -m, -s, -p
Start in automatic, geometry, mesh, solver or post-processing mode
@item -pid
Print process id on stdout
@item -watch pattern
Pattern of files to merge as they become available

Christophe Geuzaine
@item -bg file
Load background (image or PDF) file
@item -v int
Set verbosity level
@item -nopopup
Don't popup dialog windows in scripts
@item -string "string"

Christophe Geuzaine
Parse command string at startup
@item -setnumber name value
Set constant number name=value
@item -setstring name value
Set constant string name=value
@item -option file
Parse option file at startup
@item -convert files
Convert files into latest binary formats, then exit
@item -version
Show version number
@item -info
Show detailed version information
@item -help