// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems to <>.
#include "Plugin.h"
#include "Extract.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "Views.h"
#include "Context.h"
#include "Malloc.h"
extern Context_T CTX;
StringXNumber ExtractOptions_Number[] = {
{GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.}
StringXString ExtractOptions_String[] = {
{GMSH_FULLRC, "Expression0", NULL, "v0"},
{GMSH_FULLRC, "Expression1", NULL, ""},
{GMSH_FULLRC, "Expression2", NULL, ""}
extern "C"
GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterExtractPlugin()
return new GMSH_ExtractPlugin();
void GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getName(char *name) const
strcpy(name, "Extract");
void GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright, char *help_text) const
strcpy(author, "C. Geuzaine (");
strcpy(copyright, "DGR (");
"components from the view `iView'. If\n"
"`Expression1' or `Expression2' is empty, the\n"
"plugin creates a scalar view using\n"
"`Expression0'; otherwise the plugin creates\n"
"a vector view. In addition to the usual\n"
"mathematical functions (Exp, Log, Sqrt, Sin,\n"
"Cos, Fabs, etc.) and operators (+, -, *, /, ^),\n"
"the expressions can contain the symbols v0,\n"
"v1, v2, ..., vn, which represent the n\n"
"components of the field, and the symbols x, y\n"
"and z, which represent the three spatial\n"
"coordinates. If `iView' < 0, the plugin is\n"
"run on the current view.\n"
"Plugin(Extract) creates one new view.\n");
int GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getNbOptions() const
return sizeof(ExtractOptions_Number) / sizeof(StringXNumber);
StringXNumber *GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getOption(int iopt)
return &ExtractOptions_Number[iopt];
int GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getNbOptionsStr() const
return sizeof(ExtractOptions_String) / sizeof(StringXString);
StringXString *GMSH_ExtractPlugin::getOptionStr(int iopt)
return &ExtractOptions_String[iopt];
void GMSH_ExtractPlugin::catchErrorMessage(char *errorMessage) const
strcpy(errorMessage, "Extract failed...");
static void extract(char *expr[3], List_T *inList, int inNb,
List_T *outListScalar, int *outNbScalar,
List_T *outListVector, int *outNbVector,
int nbTime, int nbNod, int nbComp)
int outNbComp, *outNb;
List_T *outList;
if(!strlen(expr[1]) || !strlen(expr[2])){
outNbComp = 1;
outNb = outNbScalar;
outList = outListScalar;
outNbComp = 3;
outNb = outNbVector;
outList = outListVector;
// if we have MathEval, we can evaluate arbitrary expressions;
// otherwise, we only allow to extract single components
#if defined(HAVE_MATH_EVAL)
for(int i = 0; i < outNbComp; i++){
f[i] = evaluator_create(expr[i]);
Msg(GERROR, "Invalid expression '%s'", expr[i]);
for(int i = 0; i < outNbComp; i++){
if (!strcmp(expr[i], "v0")) comp[i] = 0;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v1")) comp[i] = 1;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v2")) comp[i] = 2;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v3")) comp[i] = 3;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v4")) comp[i] = 4;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v5")) comp[i] = 5;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v6")) comp[i] = 6;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v7")) comp[i] = 7;
else if(!strcmp(expr[i], "v8")) comp[i] = 8;
Msg(GERROR, "Invalid expression '%s'", expr[i]);
int nb = List_Nbr(inList) / inNb;
for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(inList); i += nb) {
double *x = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(inList, i);
double *y = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(inList, i + nbNod);
double *z = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(inList, i + 2 * nbNod);
for(int j = 0; j < 3 * nbNod; j++)
List_Add(outList, List_Pointer_Fast(inList, i + j));
for(int j = 0; j < nbTime; j++){
for(int k = 0; k < nbNod; k++){
double xx = x[k];
double yy = y[k];
double zz = z[k];
double d[9] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
for(int l = 0; l < nbComp; l++)
List_Read(inList, i + 3 * nbNod + nbNod * nbComp * j + nbComp * k + l, &d[l]);
char *names[] = { "x", "y", "z", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7", "v8" };
double values[] = { xx, yy, zz, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8] };
double res = evaluator_evaluate(f[l], sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]), names, values);
Post_View *GMSH_ExtractPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
int iView = (int)ExtractOptions_Number[0].def;
char *expr[3] = { ExtractOptions_String[0].def,
ExtractOptions_String[2].def };
if(iView < 0)
iView = v ? v->Index : 0;
if(!List_Pointer_Test(, iView)) {
Msg(GERROR, "View[%d] does not exist", iView);
return v;
Post_View *v1 = *(Post_View **)List_Pointer(, iView);
extract(expr, v1->SP, v1->NbSP, v2->SP, &v2->NbSP, v2->VP, &v2->NbVP, v1->NbTimeStep, 1, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VP, v1->NbVP, v2->SP, &v2->NbSP, v2->VP, &v2->NbVP, v1->NbTimeStep, 1, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TP, v1->NbTP, v2->SP, &v2->NbSP, v2->VP, &v2->NbVP, v1->NbTimeStep, 1, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SL, v1->NbSL, v2->SL, &v2->NbSL, v2->VL, &v2->NbVL, v1->NbTimeStep, 2, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VL, v1->NbVL, v2->SL, &v2->NbSL, v2->VL, &v2->NbVL, v1->NbTimeStep, 2, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TL, v1->NbTL, v2->SL, &v2->NbSL, v2->VL, &v2->NbVL, v1->NbTimeStep, 2, 9);
extract(expr, v1->ST, v1->NbST, v2->ST, &v2->NbST, v2->VT, &v2->NbVT, v1->NbTimeStep, 3, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VT, v1->NbVT, v2->ST, &v2->NbST, v2->VT, &v2->NbVT, v1->NbTimeStep, 3, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TT, v1->NbTT, v2->ST, &v2->NbST, v2->VT, &v2->NbVT, v1->NbTimeStep, 3, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SQ, v1->NbSQ, v2->SQ, &v2->NbSQ, v2->VQ, &v2->NbVQ, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VQ, v1->NbVQ, v2->SQ, &v2->NbSQ, v2->VQ, &v2->NbVQ, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TQ, v1->NbTQ, v2->SQ, &v2->NbSQ, v2->VQ, &v2->NbVQ, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SS, v1->NbSS, v2->SS, &v2->NbSS, v2->VS, &v2->NbVS, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VS, v1->NbVS, v2->SS, &v2->NbSS, v2->VS, &v2->NbVS, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TS, v1->NbTS, v2->SS, &v2->NbSS, v2->VS, &v2->NbVS, v1->NbTimeStep, 4, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SH, v1->NbSH, v2->SH, &v2->NbSH, v2->VH, &v2->NbVH, v1->NbTimeStep, 8, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VH, v1->NbVH, v2->SH, &v2->NbSH, v2->VH, &v2->NbVH, v1->NbTimeStep, 8, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TH, v1->NbTH, v2->SH, &v2->NbSH, v2->VH, &v2->NbVH, v1->NbTimeStep, 8, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SI, v1->NbSI, v2->SI, &v2->NbSI, v2->VI, &v2->NbVI, v1->NbTimeStep, 6, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VI, v1->NbVI, v2->SI, &v2->NbSI, v2->VI, &v2->NbVI, v1->NbTimeStep, 6, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TI, v1->NbTI, v2->SI, &v2->NbSI, v2->VI, &v2->NbVI, v1->NbTimeStep, 6, 9);
extract(expr, v1->SY, v1->NbSY, v2->SY, &v2->NbSY, v2->VY, &v2->NbVY, v1->NbTimeStep, 5, 1);
extract(expr, v1->VY, v1->NbVY, v2->SY, &v2->NbSY, v2->VY, &v2->NbVY, v1->NbTimeStep, 5, 3);
extract(expr, v1->TY, v1->NbTY, v2->SY, &v2->NbSY, v2->VY, &v2->NbVY, v1->NbTimeStep, 5, 9);
// copy time data
for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(v1->Time); i++)
List_Add(v2->Time, List_Pointer(v1->Time, i));
// finalize
char name[1024], filename[1024];
sprintf(name, "%s_Extract", v1->Name);
sprintf(filename, "%s_Extract.pos", v1->Name);
EndView(v2, 1, filename, name);
return v2;