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Commit 8c9c895e authored by Matteo Cicuttin's avatar Matteo Cicuttin
Browse files

Parameter validation.

parent e65b1477
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......@@ -280,17 +280,19 @@ target_link_libraries(test_mass gmshdg)
add_executable(test_differentiation tests/test_differentiation.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_differentiation gmshdg)
add_executable(test_differentiation_gpu tests/test_differentiation_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_differentiation_gpu gmshdg)
add_executable(profile_differentiation_gpu tests/profile_differentiation_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(profile_differentiation_gpu gmshdg)
add_executable(test_lifting tests/test_lifting.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_lifting gmshdg)
add_executable(test_lifting_gpu tests/test_lifting_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_lifting_gpu gmshdg)
add_executable(test_differentiation_gpu tests/test_differentiation_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_differentiation_gpu gmshdg)
add_executable(profile_differentiation_gpu tests/profile_differentiation_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(profile_differentiation_gpu gmshdg)
add_executable(test_lifting_gpu tests/test_lifting_gpu.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_lifting_gpu gmshdg)
#add_executable(test test.cpp test_basics.cpp test_mass.cpp test_differentiation.cpp test_differentiation_gpu.cpp test_lifting.cpp ${COMMON_SOURCES})
#target_link_libraries(test ${LINK_LIBS})
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ struct boundary_descriptor
face_type type;
int gmsh_entity;
auto operator<=>(const boundary_descriptor&) const = default;
: type(face_type::NONE), gmsh_entity(0)
......@@ -49,12 +49,15 @@ class parameter_loader : public parameter_loader_base
void init(void);
bool validate_materials(const std::string&, int);
bool validate_materials(const std::string&, int) const;
bool validate_boundary_condition(const model&, int) const;
bool validate_interface_condition(const model&, int) const;
bool validate_conditions(const model&) const;
bool validate_model_params(const model&);
bool validate_model_params(const model&) const;
double epsilon(int, const point_3d&) const;
double mu(int, const point_3d&) const;
double sigma(int, const point_3d&) const;
......@@ -93,7 +93,12 @@ class physical_elements_factory
std::vector<double> cellDets;
std::vector<int> cellOrientations;
std::vector<double> barycenters;
#ifdef USE_INITIAL_4_8_4_API
gmsh::vectorpair keypairs;
std::vector<int> tagKeys;
std::vector<size_t> entityKeys;
int keys_per_elem;
......@@ -5,6 +5,33 @@
#define ROBIN 1.0
#define NEUMANN 0.0
#define SEC_BCONDS "bndconds"
#define BC_KIND "kind"
#define BC_SOURCE "source"
#define BCOND_TYPE_PEC "pec"
#define BCOND_TYPE_PMC "pmc"
#define BCOND_TYPE_IMPEDANCE "impedance"
#define BCOND_TYPE_EPLANEW "plane_wave_E"
#define BCOND_TYPE_HPLANEW "plane_wave_H"
#define BCOND_TYPE_EFIELD "E_field"
#define BCOND_TYPE_HFIELD "H_field"
#define BCOND_TYPE_SURFCURR "surface_current"
#define SEC_IFCONDS "ifaceconds"
#define IFC_KIND "kind"
#define IFC_SOURCE "source"
#define IFCOND_TYPE_EFIELD "E_field"
#define IFCOND_TYPE_HFIELD "H_field"
#define IFCOND_TYPE_SURFCURR "surface_current"
#define SEC_MATERIALS "materials"
#define MAT_EPS "epsilon"
#define MAT_EPS0 "eps0"
#define MAT_MU "mu"
#define MAT_MU0 "mu0"
#define MAT_SIGMA "sigma"
namespace maxwell {
/* Take a model and a parameter loader and return a vector with the
......@@ -138,44 +165,156 @@ init_lax_milgram(const model& mod, const parameter_loader& mpl,
lua["const"]["eps0"] = 8.8541878128e-12;
lua["const"]["mu0"] = 4e-7*M_PI;
lua["const"][MAT_EPS0] = 8.8541878128e-12;
lua["const"][MAT_MU0] = 4e-7*M_PI;
parameter_loader::validate_materials(const std::string& mpn, int tag)
parameter_loader::validate_materials(const std::string& mpn, int tag) const
auto mfun = lua["materials"][mpn];
auto mfun = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][mpn];
if ( mfun.valid() )
return true;
auto mparams = lua["materials"][tag];
auto mparams = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][tag];
if ( mparams.valid() )
auto matparams_mpn = lua["materials"][tag][mpn];
auto matparams_mpn = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][tag][mpn];
if ( matparams_mpn.valid() )
return true;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] 'materials[" << tag << "]." << mpn << "' not defined and ";
std::cout << "'materials." << mpn << "(tag,x,y,z)' not present." << std::endl;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] '"SEC_MATERIALS".[" << tag << "]." << mpn;
std::cout << "' not defined and '"SEC_MATERIALS"." << mpn;
std::cout << "(tag,x,y,z)' not present." << std::endl;
return false;
parameter_loader::validate_boundary_condition(const model& mod, int tag) const
auto bc = lua[SEC_BCONDS][tag];
if (not bc.valid())
return true;
if ( not bc[BC_KIND].valid() )
std::cout << "[CONFIG] '"BC_KIND"' not specified on interface ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return false;
std::string bc_kind = bc[BC_KIND];
if (bc_kind == BCOND_TYPE_PEC)
return true;
if (bc_kind == BCOND_TYPE_PMC)
return true;
if (bc_kind == BCOND_TYPE_IMPEDANCE)
return true;
if (bc_kind == BCOND_TYPE_EPLANEW)
if (bc[BC_SOURCE].valid())
return true;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] '"BC_SOURCE"' not specified for plane ";
std::cout << "wave condition on surface " << tag << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] boundary condition not implemented on ";
std::cout << "surface " << tag << std::endl;
return false;
parameter_loader::validate_interface_condition(const model& mod, int tag) const
auto ic = lua[SEC_IFCONDS][tag];
if (not ic.valid())
return true;
if ( not ic[IFC_KIND].valid() )
std::cout << "[CONFIG '"IFC_KIND"' not specified on interface ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return false;
std::string ic_kind = ic[IFC_KIND];
if (ic_kind == IFCOND_TYPE_SURFCURR)
if (ic[IFC_SOURCE].valid())
return true;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] '"IFC_SOURCE"' not specified for surface ";
std::cout << "current condition on surface " << tag << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] interface condition not implemented on ";
std::cout << "surface " << tag << std::endl;
return false;
parameter_loader::validate_model_params(const model& mod)
parameter_loader::validate_conditions(const model& mod) const
bool success = true;
auto bds = mod.boundary_descriptors();
std::sort(bds.begin(), bds.end());
bds.erase( std::unique(bds.begin(), bds.end()), bds.end() );
auto ft_none = [](const boundary_descriptor& bd) -> bool {
return bd.type == face_type::NONE;
bds.erase( std::remove_if(bds.begin(), bds.end(), ft_none), bds.end() );
for (auto& bd : bds)
switch (bd.type)
case face_type::NONE:
case face_type::BOUNDARY:
if (not validate_boundary_condition(mod, bd.gmsh_entity) )
success = false;
case face_type::INTERFACE:
if (not validate_interface_condition(mod, bd.gmsh_entity) )
success = false;
return success;
parameter_loader::validate_model_params(const model& mod) const
bool success = true;
for (auto& e : mod)
auto tag = e.gmsh_tag();
bool eps_valid = validate_materials("epsilon", tag);
bool mu_valid = validate_materials("mu", tag);
bool sigma_valid = validate_materials("sigma", tag);
bool eps_valid = validate_materials(MAT_EPS, tag);
bool mu_valid = validate_materials(MAT_MU, tag);
bool sigma_valid = validate_materials(MAT_SIGMA, tag);
if ( (not eps_valid) or (not mu_valid) or (not sigma_valid) )
success = false;
if ( not validate_conditions(mod) )
success = false;
return success;
......@@ -215,14 +354,14 @@ double
parameter_loader::epsilon(int tag, const point_3d& pt) const
double eps0 = lua["const"]["eps0"];
auto eps_dom = lua["materials"][tag]["epsilon"];
auto eps_dom = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][tag][MAT_EPS];
if (eps_dom.valid())
double ret = eps_dom;
return eps0*ret;
double ret = lua["materials"]["epsilon"](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
double ret = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][MAT_EPS](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
return eps0*ret;
......@@ -230,101 +369,83 @@ double
parameter_loader::mu(int tag, const point_3d& pt) const
double mu0 = lua["const"]["mu0"];
auto mu_dom = lua["materials"][tag]["mu"];
auto mu_dom = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][tag][MAT_MU];
if (mu_dom.valid())
double ret = mu_dom;
return mu0*ret;
double ret = lua["materials"]["mu"](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
double ret = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][MAT_MU](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
return mu0*ret;
parameter_loader::sigma(int tag, const point_3d& pt) const
auto sigma_dom = lua["materials"][tag]["sigma"];
auto sigma_dom = lua[SEC_MATERIALS][tag][MAT_SIGMA];
if (sigma_dom.valid())
return sigma_dom;
return lua["materials"]["sigma"](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
return lua[SEC_MATERIALS][MAT_SIGMA](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
parameter_loader::boundary_type(int tag) const
auto bnd_data = lua["bndconds"][tag];
auto bnd_data = lua[SEC_BCONDS][tag];
if (not bnd_data.valid())
return boundary_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
auto kind = bnd_data["kind"];
if (not kind.valid())
std::cout << "[CONFIG] warning: 'kind' not specified on boundary ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return boundary_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
std::string kind_str = kind;
std::string kind_str = bnd_data[BC_KIND];
if (kind_str == "pec")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_PEC)
return boundary_condition::PEC;
if (kind_str == "pmc")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_PMC)
return boundary_condition::PMC;
if (kind_str == "impedance")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_IMPEDANCE)
return boundary_condition::IMPEDANCE;
if (kind_str == "plane_wave_E")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_EPLANEW)
return boundary_condition::PLANE_WAVE_E;
if (kind_str == "plane_wave_H")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_HPLANEW)
return boundary_condition::PLANE_WAVE_H;
if (kind_str == "E_field")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_EFIELD)
return boundary_condition::E_FIELD;
if (kind_str == "H_field")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_HFIELD)
return boundary_condition::H_FIELD;
if (kind_str == "surface_current")
if (kind_str == BCOND_TYPE_SURFCURR)
return boundary_condition::SURFACE_CURRENT;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] warning: 'kind' invalid on boundary ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return boundary_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
parameter_loader::interface_type(int tag) const
auto bnd_data = lua["ifaceconds"][tag];
if (not bnd_data.valid())
auto if_data = lua[SEC_IFCONDS][tag];
if (not if_data.valid())
return interface_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
auto kind = bnd_data["kind"];
if (not kind.valid())
std::cout << "[CONFIG] warning: 'kind' not specified on interface ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return interface_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
auto kind = if_data[IFC_KIND];
std::string kind_str = kind;
if (kind_str == "E_field")
if (kind_str == IFCOND_TYPE_EFIELD)
return interface_condition::E_FIELD;
if (kind_str == "H_field")
if (kind_str == IFCOND_TYPE_HFIELD)
return interface_condition::H_FIELD;
if (kind_str == "surface_current")
if (kind_str == IFCOND_TYPE_SURFCURR)
return interface_condition::SURFACE_CURRENT;
std::cout << "[CONFIG] warning: 'kind' invalid on boundary ";
std::cout << tag << std::endl;
return interface_condition::UNSPECIFIED;
......@@ -333,7 +454,7 @@ parameter_loader::eval_boundary_source(int tag, const point_3d& pt, double t) co
vec3d ret;
sol::tie(ret(0), ret(1), ret(2)) =
lua["bndconds"][tag]["source"](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z(), t);
lua[SEC_BCONDS][tag][BC_SOURCE](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z(), t);
return ret;
......@@ -342,8 +463,8 @@ parameter_loader::eval_interface_source(int tag, const point_3d& pt, double t) c
vec3d ret;
sol::tie(ret(0), ret(1), ret(2)) =
lua["ifaceconds"][tag]["source"](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z(), t);
lua[SEC_IFCONDS][tag][IFC_SOURCE](tag, pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z(), t);
return ret;
} // namespace maxwell
\ No newline at end of file
} // namespace maxwell
......@@ -114,10 +114,6 @@ physical_element::barycenter(void) const
return m_barycenter;
physical_elements_factory::physical_elements_factory(const entity_params& ep)
: dim(ep.dim), tag(ep.tag), elemType(ep.etype), geom_order(ep.gorder),
......@@ -131,8 +127,15 @@ physical_elements_factory::physical_elements_factory(const entity_params& ep)
gmm::getBarycenters(elemType, tag, false, false, barycenters);
std::vector<double> coord;
#ifdef USE_INITIAL_4_8_4_API
gmm::getKeysForElements(elemType, basis_func_name(approx_order),
keypairs, coord, tag, false);
gmm::getKeysForElements(elemType, basis_func_name(approx_order),
tagKeys, entityKeys, coord, tag, false);
assert(tk.size() == ek.size());
keys_per_elem = gmm::getNumberOfKeysForElements(elemType, basis_func_name(approx_order));
assert(keys_per_elem*cellTags.size() == keypairs.size());
......@@ -170,7 +173,12 @@ physical_elements_factory::get_elements()
for (size_t i = 0; i < keys_per_elem; i++)
#ifdef USE_INITIAL_4_8_4_API
auto [vi, vu] = keypairs[keys_per_elem*elem + i];
auto vi = tagKeys[keys_per_elem*elem + i];
auto vu = entityKeys[keys_per_elem*elem + i];
new_pe.m_bf_keys[i] = bf_key(vi,vu);
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