#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#ifdef USE_MPI
namespace g = gmsh;
namespace go = gmsh::option;
namespace gm = gmsh::model;
namespace gmm = gmsh::model::mesh;
namespace gmo = gmsh::model::occ;
namespace gmg = gmsh::model::geo;
namespace gv = gmsh::view;
using gvp_t = gmsh::vectorpair;
/* Macros used to annotate GMSH integer inputs */
#define DIMENSION(x) x
std::string quadrature_name(int);
std::string basis_func_name(int);
std::string basis_grad_name(int);
using face_key = std::array<size_t, 3>;
struct boundary_descriptor
face_type type;
int gmsh_entity; /* Actual GMSH entity */
int parent_entity; /* Parent GMSH entity in partitioned model */
bool operator<(const boundary_descriptor& other) const
return (type < other.type) or
( (type == other.type) and (gmsh_entity < other.gmsh_entity) );
bool operator==(const boundary_descriptor& other) const
return (type == other.type) and (gmsh_entity == other.gmsh_entity);
: type(face_type::NONE), gmsh_entity(0)
#ifdef USE_MPI
, parent_entity(-1)
#endif /* USE_MPI */
int material_tag(void) const
#ifdef USE_MPI
if (parent_entity != -1)
return parent_entity;
return gmsh_entity;
#define IMPLIES(a, b) ((not(a)) or (b))
#define IFF(a,b) (IMPLIES(a,b) and IMPLIES(b,a))
#ifdef USE_MPI
struct dof_range
int tag;
int dim;
size_t base;
size_t length;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const dof_range& dr)
os << "Tag " << dr.tag << ", dim " << dr.dim << ": (";
os << dr.base << ", " << dr.length << ")";
return os;
int geometric_order;
int approximation_order;
/* Map from boundary tag to all the faces of the entity with that tag */
std::map<int, std::vector<element_key>> boundary_map;
std::vector<entity> entities;
std::vector<boundary_descriptor> bnd_descriptors;
element_connectivity<element_key> conn;
#ifdef USE_MPI
/* Map from boundary tag to all the partitions it belongs to */
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> comm_map;
/* Map from the partition number to the entities belonging to that partition */
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> partition_map;
/* In a partitioned model, map from 2D entity tag to parent tag */
std::map<int, int> surface_to_parent_map;
/* Map from 3D entity tag to partition */
std::map<int, int> partition_inverse_map;
/* Global dof range, only rank0 has this */
std::map<int, dof_range> global_dof_ranges;
#endif /* USE_MPI */
using entofs_pair = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
std::map<size_t, entofs_pair> etag_to_entity_offset;
void update_connectivity(const entity&, size_t);
void populate_from_gmsh_rank0(void);
void populate_from_gmsh_rankN(void);
void import_gmsh_entities_rankN(void);
int my_partition(void) const;
void make_partition_to_entities_map(void);
#endif /* USE_MPI */
void make_boundary_to_faces_map(void);
model(int, int);
model(const char *);
model(const char *, int, int);
void build(void);
void build(double);
void generate_mesh(void);
void generate_mesh(double);
void partition_mesh(int);
void populate_from_gmsh(void);
const element_connectivity<element_key>& connectivity() const
return conn;
const std::vector<boundary_descriptor>& boundary_descriptors() const
return bnd_descriptors;
std::vector<element_key> get_bnd(size_t which)
size_t num_dofs() const;
size_t num_fluxes() const;
size_t num_cells() const;
size_t num_faces() const;
std::vector<entity>::const_iterator begin() const;
std::vector<entity>::const_iterator end() const;
std::vector<entity>::iterator begin();
std::vector<entity>::iterator end();
entity& entity_at(size_t);
const entity& entity_at(size_t) const;
entofs_pair lookup_tag(size_t tag) const;