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Commit 8b077ef0 authored by Nicolas Marsic's avatar Nicolas Marsic
Browse files

An implemetation of the contour integral method using GetDP python bindings.

The python script uses GetDP to represent the operator considered in the CIM.
It seems OK.
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import solver as Solver
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
def simple(operator, radius, origin,
nodes=100, maxIt=10, lStart=1, lStep=1, rankTol=1e-4):
"""Solve an eigenvalue problem using Beyn's algorithm (simple version)
Keyword arguments:
operator -- the solver defining the operator to use
radius -- the radius of the circular contour used to search the eigenvalues
origin -- the origin (in the complex plane) of the above circular contour
nodes -- the number of nodes for the trapezoidal integration rule (optional)
lStart -- the number of columns used for A0 when algorithm starts (optional)
lStep -- the step used for increasing the number of columns of A0 (optional)
rankTol -- the tolerance for the rank test
# Initialise A0 search
myPath = path(nodes, origin, radius)
hasK = False
it = 0
m = operator.size()
l = lStart
k = -1
# Search A0
while(not hasK and it != maxIt):
print "Iteration: " + str(it+1)
vHat = randomMatrix(m ,l) # Take a random VHat
A0 = integrate(operator, myPath, 0, vHat) # Compute A0
k = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A0, tol=rankTol) # Rank test
if(k == 0): # Rank is zero?
raise RuntimeError(zeroRankErrorStr()) # -> Stop
elif(k == m): # Maximum rank reached?
raise RuntimeError(maxRankErrorStr()) # -> Stop
elif(k < l): # Found a null SV?
hasK = True # -> We have A0
else: # Matrix is full rank?
l = l + lStep # -> Increase A0 size
it += 1 # Keep on searching A0
# Check if maxIt was reached
if(it == maxIt):
raise RuntimeError(maxItErrorStr())
print "Constructing linear EVP..."
# Compute V, S and Wh
# NB: For SVD(A) = V*S*Wh, numpy computes {v, s, w}, such that:
# v = V; diag(s) = S and w = Wh
V, S, Wh = np.linalg.svd(A0, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=1)
# Extract V0, W0 and S0Inv
V0 = np.delete(V, l-1, 1)
W0 = np.delete(Wh, l-1, 0).H
S0Inv = np.matrix(np.diag(1/np.delete(S, l-1, 0)))
# Compute A1 and B
A1 = integrate(operator, myPath, 1, vHat)
B = V0.H * A1 * W0 * S0Inv
# Eigenvalues of B
print "Solving linear EVP..."
myLambda, QHat = numpy.linalg.eig(B)
# Display
# Done
## Import only simple (other functions are just helpers)
__all__ = ['simple']
## Helper functions
def path(nodes, origin, radius):
"""Returns a list with the coordinates of a circular contour
Keyword arguments:
nodes -- the number of nodes used to discretise the contour
radius -- the radius of the circular contour
origin -- the origin (in the complex plane) of the circular contour
The returned list contains nodes+1 elements,
such that the first and the last are identical (up the machine precision)
step = 1.0 / nodes
nodesPlusOne = nodes + 1
path = list()
for i in range(nodesPlusOne):
path.append(origin + radius * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * i * step))
return path
def integrate(operator, path, order, vHat):
"""Computes the countour integral of Beyn's method, that is matrix A_p
Keyword arguments:
operator -- the solver defining the operator to use
path -- the path to integrate on
order -- the order of Beyn's integral (that is the 'p' defining matrix A_p)
vHat -- the RHS matrix defing Beyn's integral
# Initialise I
I = np.matlib.zeros(vHat.shape, dtype=complex)
# Initialise integration loop
F1 = multiSolve(operator, vHat, path[0])
F1 *= np.power(path[0], order)
# Integration loop
pathSizeMinus = len(path) - 1;
for i in range(pathSizeMinus):
F2 = multiSolve(operator, vHat, path[i + 1])
F2 *= np.power(path[i + 1], order)
I += (F1 + F2) * (path[i + 1] - path[i])
F1 = F2
# Done
return I
def multiSolve(solver, B, w):
"""Solves for multiple RHS
Keyword arguments:
solver -- the solver to use
B -- the matrix of RHS
w -- the complex frequency to use
# Number of solve
nSolve = B.shape[1]
# Initialise X
size = solver.size()
X = np.matlib.empty((size, nSolve), dtype=complex)
# Loop and solve
for i in range(nSolve):
b = B[:, i]
solver.solve(b, w)
X[:, i] = solver.solution()
# Done
return X
def randomMatrix(n, m):
"""Returns a random complex matrix of the given size (n x m)"""
return np.matlib.rand(n, m) + np.matlib.rand(n, m) * 1j
def display(v):
"""Displays the eigenvalues given in the array v"""
size = v.shape[0]
print "Eigenvalues:"
print "----------- "
for i in range(size):
print "(" + format(np.real(v[i]).tolist(), '+e') + ")",
print "+",
print "(" + format(np.imag(v[i]).tolist(), '+e') + ")*j"
print "----------- "
print "Found: " + str(size)
def zeroRankErrorStr():
"""Returns a string explaining the probable reason of a zero rank"""
return ("Found a rank of zero: " +
"the contour is probably enclosing no eigenvalues")
def maxRankErrorStr():
"""Returns a string explaining the probable reason of a maximal rank"""
return ("Maximal rank found: " +
"the contour is probably enclosing to many eigenvalues")
def maxItErrorStr():
"""Returns a string claiming: the maximum number of iterations is reached"""
return "Maximum number iterations is reached!" 0 → 100644
import solver as Solver
import beyn as Beyn
import numpy as np
# Data
pro = ""
mesh = "square.msh"
resolution = "Maxwell"
# Initialise GetDP
operator = Solver.GetDPWave(pro, mesh, resolution)
# Compute
Beyn.simple(operator, 1e8, complex(9e8, 0))
Omega = Region[1]; // Domain
Bndry = Region[2]; // Boundary
// Physical data //
DefineConstant[angularFreqRe = 5, // [rad/s]
angularFreqIm = 0]; // [rad/s]
C0 = 299792458; // [m/s]
aFC[] = Complex[angularFreqRe,
angularFreqIm]; // [rad/m]
k[] = aFC[]/C0; // [rad/m]
Printf["Angular frequency set to: %g + i*%g [rad/s]",
angularFreqRe, angularFreqIm];
// Algebraic data //
DefineConstant[x() = {}, // Solution
b() = {}, // Right hand side
d() = {}]; // DoFs
// Control data //
DefineConstant[imposeRHS = 0]; // Should I use an imposed RHS?
{ Name JVol;
{ Region All; Jacobian Vol; }
{ Name IP2;
{ Type Gauss;
{ GeoElement Line; NumberOfPoints 2; }
{ GeoElement Triangle; NumberOfPoints 3; }
{ GeoElement Tetrahedron; NumberOfPoints 4; }
{ Name Dirichlet; Type Assign;
{ Region Bndry; Value 0; }
{ Name HCurl; Type Form1;
BasisFunction{ // Nedelec
{ Name se; NameOfCoef ee; Function BF_Edge;
Support Omega; Entity EdgesOf[All]; }
{ NameOfCoef ee; EntityType EdgesOf; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
{ Name Maxwell; Type FemEquation;
{ Name e; Type Local; NameOfSpace HCurl; }
Galerkin{ [ Dof{d e} , {d e}];
In Omega; Integration IP2; Jacobian JVol; }
Galerkin{ [-k[]^2 * Dof{ e} , { e}];
In Omega; Integration IP2; Jacobian JVol; }
{ Name Maxwell;
{ Name A; NameOfFormulation Maxwell; Type Complex; }
CopyRightHandSide[b(), A];
CopySolution[A, x()];
{ Name Maxwell; NameOfFormulation Maxwell;
{ Name e; Value{ Local{ [{e}]; In Omega; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name Maxwell; NameOfPostProcessing Maxwell;
Print[e, OnElementsOf Omega, File "maxwell.pos"];
} 0 → 100644
Omega = Region[1]; // Domain
Bndry = Region[2]; // Boundary
// Physical data //
C0 = 299792458; // [m/s]
// Eigenvalue solver data //
DefineConstant[nEig = 10, // [-]
target = 8e17]; // [(rad/s)^2]
{ Name JVol;
{ Region All; Jacobian Vol; }
{ Name IP2;
{ Type Gauss;
{ GeoElement Line; NumberOfPoints 2; }
{ GeoElement Triangle; NumberOfPoints 3; }
{ GeoElement Tetrahedron; NumberOfPoints 4; }
{ Name Dirichlet; Type Assign;
{ Region Bndry; Value 0; }
{ Name HCurl; Type Form1;
BasisFunction{ // Nedelec
{ Name se; NameOfCoef ee; Function BF_Edge;
Support Omega; Entity EdgesOf[All]; }
{ NameOfCoef ee; EntityType EdgesOf; NameOfConstraint Dirichlet; }
{ Name Eig; Type FemEquation;
{ Name e; Type Local; NameOfSpace HCurl; }
Galerkin{ [ Dof{d e} , {d e}];
In Omega; Integration IP2; Jacobian JVol; }
Galerkin{ DtDtDof[1/C0^2 * Dof{ e} , { e}];
In Omega; Integration IP2; Jacobian JVol; }
{ Name Eig;
{ Name A; NameOfFormulation Eig; Type Complex; }
EigenSolve[A, nEig, target, 0];
{ Name Eig; NameOfFormulation Eig;
{ Name e; Value{ Local{ [{e}]; In Omega; Jacobian JVol; } } }
{ Name Eig; NameOfPostProcessing Eig;
Print[e, OnElementsOf Omega, File "eig.pos", EigenvalueLegend];
import getdp as GetDP
import numpy as np
class GetDPWave:
"""A GetDP solver using complex arithmetic for time-harmonic wave problems
Only one instance of this class makes sens
The .pro file should use the following variables:
angularFreqRe -- the real part of the angular frequency to use
angularFreqIm -- the imaginary part of the angular frequency to use
b -- the right hand side (RHS) to use
x -- the solution vector computed by GetDP
imposeRHS -- should the imposed RHS be taken into account?
def __init__(self, pro, mesh, resolution):
"""Instanciates a new SolverGetDP with a full '-solve'
Keyword arguments:
pro -- the .pro file to use
mesh -- the .msh file to use
resolution -- the resolution (from the .pro file) to use
# Save
self.__pro = pro
self.__mesh = mesh
self.__resolution = resolution
# Generate DoFs and initialise RHS and solution vectors in GetDP
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,
"-solve", self.__resolution,
"-v", "2"])
def solution(self):
"""Returns the solution"""
return self.__toNumpy(GetDP.GetDPGetNumber("x"))
def size(self):
"""Returns the number of degrees of freedom"""
return self.solution().shape[0]
def solve(self, b, w):
"""Solves with b as RHS and w as complex angular frequency"""
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqRe", np.real(w).tolist())
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqIm", np.imag(w).tolist())
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("b", self.__toGetDP(b))
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("imposeRHS", 1)
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,
"-cal", self.__resolution,
"-v", "2"])
def __toNumpy(vGetDP):
"""Takes a GetDP list and returns a numpy array"""
size = vGetDP.size() / 2
vNumpy = np.empty((size, 1), dtype=complex)
for i in range(size):
vNumpy[i] = complex(vGetDP[i*2], vGetDP[i*2 + 1])
return vNumpy
def __toGetDP(vNumpy):
"""Takes a numpy array and returns a GetDP list"""
size = vNumpy.shape[0]
vGetDP = list()
for i in range(size):
return vGetDP
DefineConstant[l = {01, Name "Input/00Geometry/00Length [m]"},
msh = {10, Name "Input/01Mesh/00Density [point per length]"}];
Point(1) = {+l/2, -l/2, 0, 1};
Point(2) = {+l/2, +l/2, 0, 1};
Point(3) = {-l/2, +l/2, 0, 1};
Point(4) = {-l/2, -l/2, 0, 1};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 1};
Line Loop(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Plane Surface(1) = {1};
Transfinite Line {1, 2, 3, 4} = (msh * l) Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {1};
Physical Surface(1) = {1};
Physical Line(2) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
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