""", a non-linear eigenvalue solver.
Copyright (C) 2017 N. Marsic and H. De Gersem,
Institut fuer Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder (TEMF),
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt.
See the LICENSE.txt and README.txt for more license and copyright information.

Nicolas Marsic
import getdp as GetDP
import numpy as np
class GetDPWave:
"""A GetDP solver using complex arithmetic for time-harmonic wave problems
Only one instance of this class makes sens
The .pro file should use the following variables:
angularFreqRe -- the real part of the angular frequency to use
angularFreqIm -- the imaginary part of the angular frequency to use
b -- the right hand side (RHS) to use
x -- the solution vector computed by GetDP
imposeRHS -- should the imposed RHS be taken into account?

Nicolas Marsic
doPostpro -- should only a view be created for x?
doApply -- should only the application of x be computed?

Nicolas Marsic
fileName -- post-processing file name

Nicolas Marsic
def __init__(self, pro, mesh, resolution):
"""Instanciates a new SolverGetDP with a full '-solve'
Keyword arguments:
pro -- the .pro file to use
mesh -- the .msh file to use
resolution -- the resolution (from the .pro file) to use
# Save
self.__pro = pro
self.__mesh = mesh
self.__resolution = resolution
# Generate DoFs and initialise RHS and solution vectors in GetDP
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,
"-solve", self.__resolution,
"-v", "2"])
def solution(self):
"""Returns the solution"""
return self.__toNumpy(GetDP.GetDPGetNumber("x"))
def size(self):
"""Returns the number of degrees of freedom"""
return self.solution().shape[0]

Nicolas Marsic
def apply(self, x, w):
"""Applies x to the operator with a pulsation of w
This method updates self.solution()

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqRe", np.real(w).tolist())
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqIm", np.imag(w).tolist())

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("x", self.__toGetDP(x))
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("doApply", 1)
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("doApply", 0)

Nicolas Marsic
def solve(self, b, w):
"""Solves with b as RHS and w as complex angular frequency"""
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqRe", np.real(w).tolist())
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("angularFreqIm", np.imag(w).tolist())
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("b", self.__toGetDP(b))
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("imposeRHS", 1)
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("imposeRHS", 0)
def view(self, x, posName, fileName):
"""Generates a post-processing view
Keyword arguments:
x -- the solution vector to use
posName -- the post-operation to use (from the .pro file)
fileName -- the post-precessing file name
This method generates a linear system
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("x", self.__toGetDP(x))

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("doPostpro", 1)

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetString("fileName", fileName)
GetDP.GetDP(["getdp", self.__pro,
"-msh", self.__mesh,
"-pos", posName])

Nicolas Marsic
GetDP.GetDPSetNumber("doPostpro", 0)

Nicolas Marsic
def __toNumpy(vGetDP):
"""Takes a GetDP list and returns a numpy array"""
size = vGetDP.size() / 2
vNumpy = np.empty((size, 1), dtype=complex)
for i in range(size):
vNumpy[i] = complex(vGetDP[i*2], vGetDP[i*2 + 1])
return vNumpy
def __toGetDP(vNumpy):
"""Takes a numpy array and returns a GetDP list"""
size = vNumpy.shape[0]
vGetDP = list()
for i in range(size):
return vGetDP