<th colspan="2">Double pendulum model in Python</th>
<td style="text-align:center"><img src="Double-pendulum-model-in-Python_screenshot1.png" width=100%></td>
<td style="text-align:center"><img src="Double-pendulum-model-in-Python_screenshot2.png" width=100%></td>
<th colspan="2">Browse <a href="https://gitlab.onelab.info/doc/tutorials/tree/master/PendulumPython/">model files</a></th>
## Quick start
To run the model, open `pend.py` with Gmsh and click on the "Run" button in the
left panel.
## Features addressed in this tutorial
* Python ONELAB model
## Additional information
Any Python script can become a native ONELAB client by importing the
module. This module comes pre-installed with Gmsh, in the same directory as the
Gmsh executable. When you open a ONELAB-enabled Python solver with Gmsh, Gmsh
automatically finds the onelab.py module. You can also install `onelab.py` in
any directory of your choosing; in this case don't forget to update your
`PYTHONPATH` environment variable.
*Model developed by @henrotte and @geuzaine.* |