This directory contains 3 Folders with several subfolders:
1. Calibration - Split into two subfolders by material type.
- Each folder has the following:
* "Polypropylene/TPU" - Run to generate requisite experimental plots and their pdfs.
* loadCase_ParaValues_"PP/TPU" - Library of parameter values (No output).
* runCaseScript_"PP/TPU" - This is base input file fully parametrised (No output).
* runScript_"PP/TPU" - MAIN file to run and generate "dat" files and folders with the calibration results.
- Creates "dat" binary files for deformation (F)/ material parameters (M)/ stress (P)/ temperature (T)/ equivalent plastic strain (epl)/ loadcase (L)
- Also, Creates folders for each case to postproc in gmsh if required.)
* - Run to generate the calibration exp. vs num. plots and their pdfs based on existing results.
* The other files if any include data for cyclic loading.
2. Experiments - The requisite experimental data for calibration and validation on PP BJ380MO by Leartiker and TPU EOS 1301 by IMDEA/JKU
- Several subfolders - split first on material type and then the last folder contains a readMe.txt to explain the experiment files.
- THIS FOLDER HAS NO PLOTS, only data. USE ....Experiments.... in the other folder to generate these plots.
3. Validation - All validation tests for TPU split by test type and simulation numbers as follows in respective folders:
1. Compression - Uses Zoltan's tests - A_viii, A_ix, A_x, A_xi
2. Tension - Uses Zoltan's tests - A_iii, A_iv, A_v, A_vi
3. Torsion - F22, F23, F24 with axial displacement constraint, F25, F26, F27 without axial displacement constraint
4. TorsionRotationCorrection - F26 (w/o correction), F43 (with correction)
5. Images_Paper1 - Has the generated figures
* - Run to generate the validation exp. vs num. plots and their pdfs based on existing results.