// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2008 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle // // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all // bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>. #include <stdlib.h> #include "Message.h" #include "Numeric.h" #include "Context.h" #include "OS.h" #include "GModel.h" #include "MElement.h" #include "meshGEdge.h" #include "meshGFace.h" #include "meshGFaceBDS.h" #include "meshGRegion.h" #include "BackgroundMesh.h" #include "BoundaryLayers.h" #include "HighOrder.h" #if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST) #include "PView.h" #include "PViewData.h" #endif extern Context_T CTX; template<class T> static void GetQualityMeasure(std::vector<T*> &ele, double &gamma, double &gammaMin, double &gammaMax, double &eta, double &etaMin, double &etaMax, double &rho, double &rhoMin, double &rhoMax, double &disto, double &distoMin, double &distoMax, double quality[4][100]) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ele.size(); i++){ double g = ele[i]->gammaShapeMeasure(); gamma += g; gammaMin = std::min(gammaMin, g); gammaMax = std::max(gammaMax, g); double e = ele[i]->etaShapeMeasure(); eta += e; etaMin = std::min(etaMin, e); etaMax = std::max(etaMax, e); double r = ele[i]->rhoShapeMeasure(); rho += r; rhoMin = std::min(rhoMin, r); rhoMax = std::max(rhoMax, r); double d = ele[i]->distoShapeMeasure(); disto += d; distoMin = std::min(distoMin, d); distoMax = std::max(distoMax, d); for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++){ if(g > j / 100. && g <= (j + 1) / 100.) quality[0][j]++; if(e > j / 100. && e <= (j + 1) / 100.) quality[1][j]++; if(r > j / 100. && r <= (j + 1) / 100.) quality[2][j]++; if(d > j / 100. && d <= (j + 1) / 100.) quality[3][j]++; } } } void GetStatistics(double stat[50], double quality[4][100]) { for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) stat[i] = 0.; GModel *m = GModel::current(); if(!m) return; stat[0] = m->getNumVertices(); stat[1] = m->getNumEdges(); stat[2] = m->getNumFaces(); stat[3] = m->getNumRegions(); std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > physicals[4]; m->getPhysicalGroups(physicals); stat[45] = physicals[0].size() + physicals[1].size() + physicals[2].size() + physicals[3].size(); for(GModel::eiter it = m->firstEdge(); it != m->lastEdge(); ++it) stat[4] += (*it)->mesh_vertices.size(); for(GModel::fiter it = m->firstFace(); it != m->lastFace(); ++it){ stat[5] += (*it)->mesh_vertices.size(); stat[7] += (*it)->triangles.size(); stat[8] += (*it)->quadrangles.size(); } for(GModel::riter it = m->firstRegion(); it != m->lastRegion(); ++it){ stat[6] += (*it)->mesh_vertices.size(); stat[9] += (*it)->tetrahedra.size(); stat[10] += (*it)->hexahedra.size(); stat[11] += (*it)->prisms.size(); stat[12] += (*it)->pyramids.size(); } stat[13] = CTX.mesh_timer[0]; stat[14] = CTX.mesh_timer[1]; stat[15] = CTX.mesh_timer[2]; if(quality){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++) quality[i][j] = 0.; double gamma=0., gammaMin=1., gammaMax=0.; double eta=0., etaMin=1., etaMax=0.; double rho=0., rhoMin=1., rhoMax=0.; double disto=0., distoMin=1., distoMax=0.; if (m->firstRegion() == m->lastRegion()){ for(GModel::fiter it = m->firstFace(); it != m->lastFace(); ++it){ GetQualityMeasure((*it)->quadrangles, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); GetQualityMeasure((*it)->triangles, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); } } else{ for(GModel::riter it = m->firstRegion(); it != m->lastRegion(); ++it){ GetQualityMeasure((*it)->tetrahedra, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); GetQualityMeasure((*it)->hexahedra, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); GetQualityMeasure((*it)->prisms, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); GetQualityMeasure((*it)->pyramids, gamma, gammaMin, gammaMax, eta, etaMin, etaMax, rho, rhoMin, rhoMax, disto, distoMin,distoMax,quality); } } double N = stat[9] + stat[10] + stat[11] + stat[12]; stat[17] = N ? gamma / N : 0.; stat[18] = gammaMin; stat[19] = gammaMax; stat[20] = N ? eta / N : 0.; stat[21] = etaMin; stat[22] = etaMax; stat[23] = N ? rho / N : 0; stat[24] = rhoMin; stat[25] = rhoMax; stat[46] = N ? disto / N : 0; stat[47] = distoMin; stat[48] = distoMax; } #if !defined(HAVE_NO_POST) stat[26] = PView::list.size(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PView::list.size(); i++) { PViewData *data = PView::list[i]->getData(); stat[27] += data->getNumPoints(); stat[28] += data->getNumLines(); stat[29] += data->getNumTriangles(); stat[30] += data->getNumQuadrangles(); stat[31] += data->getNumTetrahedra(); stat[32] += data->getNumHexahedra(); stat[33] += data->getNumPrisms(); stat[34] += data->getNumPyramids(); stat[35] += data->getNumStrings2D() + data->getNumStrings3D(); } #endif } static bool TooManyElements(GModel *m, int dim) { if(CTX.expert_mode || !m->getNumVertices()) return false; // try to detect obvious mistakes in characteristic lenghts (one of // the most common cause for erroneous bug reports on the mailing // list) double sumAllLc = 0.; for(GModel::viter it = m->firstVertex(); it != m->lastVertex(); ++it) sumAllLc += (*it)->prescribedMeshSizeAtVertex() * CTX.mesh.lc_factor; sumAllLc /= (double)m->getNumVertices(); if(!sumAllLc || pow(CTX.lc / sumAllLc, dim) > 1.e10) return !Msg::GetBinaryAnswer ("Your choice of characteristic lengths will likely produce a very\n" "large mesh. Do you really want to continue?\n\n" "(To disable this warning in the future, select `Enable expert mode'\n" "in the option dialog.)", "Continue", "Cancel"); return false; } static bool CancelDelaunayHybrid(GModel *m) { if(CTX.expert_mode) return false; int n = 0; for(GModel::riter it = m->firstRegion(); it != m->lastRegion(); ++it) n += (*it)->getNumMeshElements(); if(n) return !Msg::GetBinaryAnswer ("You are trying to generate a mixed structured/unstructured grid using\n" "the 3D Delaunay algorithm. This algorithm cannot garantee that the\n" "final mesh will be conforming. You should probably use the Frontal\n" "Netgen algorithm instead. Do you really want to continue?\n\n" "(To disable this warning in the future, select `Enable expert mode'\n" "in the option dialog.)", "Continue", "Cancel"); return false; } static void Mesh1D(GModel *m) { if(TooManyElements(m, 1)) return; Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Meshing 1D..."); double t1 = Cpu(); std::for_each(m->firstEdge(), m->lastEdge(), meshGEdge()); double t2 = Cpu(); CTX.mesh_timer[0] = t2 - t1; Msg::Info("Mesh 1D complete (%g s)", CTX.mesh_timer[0]); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); } static void PrintMesh2dStatistics(GModel *m) { FILE *statreport = 0; if(CTX.create_append_statreport == 1) statreport = fopen(CTX.statreport, "w"); else if(CTX.create_append_statreport == 2) statreport = fopen(CTX.statreport, "a"); else return; double worst = 1, best = 0, avg = 0; double e_long = 0, e_short = 1.e22, e_avg = 0; int nTotT = 0, nTotE = 0, nTotGoodLength = 0, nTotGoodQuality = 0; int nUnmeshed = 0, numFaces = 0; Msg::Info("2D Mesh Statistics :"); for(GModel::fiter it = m->firstFace() ; it != m->lastFace(); ++it){ worst = std::min((*it)->meshStatistics.worst_element_shape, worst); best = std::max((*it)->meshStatistics.best_element_shape, best); avg += (*it)->meshStatistics.average_element_shape * (*it)->meshStatistics.nbTriangle; e_avg += (*it)->meshStatistics.efficiency_index;//* (*it)->meshStatistics.nbEdge; e_long = std::max((*it)->meshStatistics.longest_edge_length, e_long); e_short = std::min((*it)->meshStatistics.smallest_edge_length, e_short); if ((*it)->meshStatistics.status == GFace::FAILED || (*it)->meshStatistics.status == GFace::PENDING) nUnmeshed++; nTotT += (*it)->meshStatistics.nbTriangle; nTotE += (*it)->meshStatistics.nbEdge; nTotGoodLength += (*it)->meshStatistics.nbGoodLength; nTotGoodQuality += (*it)->meshStatistics.nbGoodQuality; numFaces++; } if(CTX.create_append_statreport == 1){ fprintf(statreport, "2D stats\tname\t\t#faces\t\t#fail\t\t" "#t\t\tQavg\t\tQbest\t\tQworst\t\t#Q>90\t\t#Q>90/#t\t" "#e\t\ttau\t\t#Egood\t\t#Egood/#e\tCPU\n"); } fprintf(statreport,"\t%16s\t%d\t\t%d\t\t", CTX.base_filename, numFaces, nUnmeshed); fprintf(statreport,"%d\t\t%8.7f\t%8.7f\t%8.7f\t%d\t\t%8.7f\t", nTotT, avg / (double)nTotT, best, worst, nTotGoodQuality, (double)nTotGoodQuality / nTotT); fprintf(statreport,"%d\t\t%8.7f\t%d\t\t%8.7f\t%8.1f\n", nTotE, exp(e_avg / (double)nTotE), nTotGoodLength, (double)nTotGoodLength / nTotE, CTX.mesh_timer[1]); fclose(statreport); } static void Mesh2D(GModel *m) { if(TooManyElements(m, 2)) return; if(!CTX.expert_mode && (CTX.mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY || CTX.mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL)){ if(!Msg::GetBinaryAnswer ("The 2D Delaunay and Frontal algorithms are still experimental\n" "and produce triangles with random orientations. Do you really\n" "want to continue?\n\n" "(To disable this warning in the future, select `Enable expert\n" "mode' in the option dialog.)", "Continue", "Cancel")) return; } Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Meshing 2D..."); double t1 = Cpu(); // boundary layers are special: their generation (including vertices // and curve meshes) is global as it depends on a smooth normal // field generated from the surface mesh of the source surfaces if(!Mesh2DWithBoundaryLayers(m)){ std::for_each(m->firstFace(), m->lastFace(), meshGFace()); int nIter = 0; while(1){ meshGFace mesher; int nbPending = 0; for(GModel::fiter it = m->firstFace() ; it!=m->lastFace(); ++it){ if ((*it)->meshStatistics.status == GFace::PENDING){ mesher(*it); nbPending++; } } if(!nbPending) break; if(nIter++ > 10) break; } } gmshCollapseSmallEdges (*m); double t2 = Cpu(); CTX.mesh_timer[1] = t2 - t1; Msg::Info("Mesh 2D complete (%g s)", CTX.mesh_timer[1]); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); PrintMesh2dStatistics(m); } static void FindConnectedRegions(std::vector<GRegion*> &delaunay, std::vector<std::vector<GRegion*> > &connected) { // FIXME: need to split region vector into connected components here! connected.push_back(delaunay); } static void Mesh3D(GModel *m) { if(TooManyElements(m, 3)) return; Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Meshing 3D..."); double t1 = Cpu(); // mesh the extruded volumes first std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), meshGRegionExtruded()); // then subdivide if necessary (unfortunately the subdivision is a // global operation, which can require changing the surface mesh!) SubdivideExtrudedMesh(m); // then mesh all the non-delaunay regions std::vector<GRegion*> delaunay; std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), meshGRegion(delaunay)); // warn if attempting to use Delaunay for mixed meshes if(delaunay.size() && CancelDelaunayHybrid(m)) return; // and finally mesh the delaunay regions (again, this is global; but // we mesh each connected part separately for performance and mesh // quality reasons) std::vector<std::vector<GRegion*> > connected; FindConnectedRegions(delaunay, connected); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < connected.size(); i++) MeshDelaunayVolume(connected[i]); double t2 = Cpu(); CTX.mesh_timer[2] = t2 - t1; Msg::Info("Mesh 3D complete (%g s)", CTX.mesh_timer[2]); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); } void OptimizeMeshNetgen(GModel *m) { Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Optimizing 3D with Netgen..."); double t1 = Cpu(); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), optimizeMeshGRegionNetgen()); double t2 = Cpu(); Msg::Info("Mesh 3D optimization with Netgen complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); } void OptimizeMesh(GModel *m) { Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Optimizing 3D..."); double t1 = Cpu(); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), optimizeMeshGRegionGmsh()); double t2 = Cpu(); Msg::Info("Mesh 3D optimization complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); } void AdaptMesh(GModel *m) { Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Adapting the 3D Mesh..."); double t1 = Cpu(); if(CTX.threads_lock) { Msg::Info("I'm busy! Ask me that later..."); return; } CTX.threads_lock = 1; std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), adaptMeshGRegion()); double t2 = Cpu(); Msg::Info("Mesh Adaptation complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); Msg::StatusBar(1, true, "Mesh"); } void GenerateMesh(GModel *m, int ask) { if(CTX.threads_lock) { Msg::Info("I'm busy! Ask me that later..."); return; } CTX.threads_lock = 1; Msg::ResetErrorCounter(); int old = m->getMeshStatus(false); // Initialize pseudo random mesh generator with the same seed srand(1); // Change any high order elements back into first order ones SetOrder1(m); // 1D mesh if(ask == 1 || (ask > 1 && old < 1)) { std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), deMeshGRegion()); std::for_each(m->firstFace(), m->lastFace(), deMeshGFace()); Mesh1D(m); } // 2D mesh if(ask == 2 || (ask > 2 && old < 2)) { std::for_each(m->firstRegion(), m->lastRegion(), deMeshGRegion()); Mesh2D(m); } // 3D mesh if(ask == 3) { Mesh3D(m); } // Orient the surface mesh so that it matches the geometry if(m->getMeshStatus() >= 2) std::for_each(m->firstFace(), m->lastFace(), orientMeshGFace()); // Optimize quality of 3D tet mesh if(m->getMeshStatus() == 3){ for(int i = 0; i < std::max(CTX.mesh.optimize, CTX.mesh.optimize_netgen); i++){ if(CTX.mesh.optimize > i) OptimizeMesh(m); if(CTX.mesh.optimize_netgen > i) OptimizeMeshNetgen(m); } } // Create high order elements if(m->getMeshStatus() && CTX.mesh.order > 1) SetOrderN(m, CTX.mesh.order, CTX.mesh.second_order_linear, CTX.mesh.second_order_incomplete); Msg::Info("%d vertices %d elements", m->getNumMeshVertices(), m->getNumMeshElements()); Msg::PrintErrorCounter("Mesh generation error summary"); CTX.threads_lock = 0; CTX.mesh.changed = ENT_ALL; }