// $Id: Generator.cpp,v 1.38 2003-01-23 20:19:22 geuzaine Exp $ // // Copyright (C) 1997 - 2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "gmsh@geuz.org". #include "Gmsh.h" #include "Numeric.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "Create.h" #include "Context.h" #include "OpenFile.h" extern Mesh *THEM; extern Context_T CTX; void GetStatistics (double s[50]){ int i; if(!THEM){ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) s[i] = 0.; } else{ THEM->Statistics[0] = Tree_Nbr (THEM->Points); THEM->Statistics[1] = Tree_Nbr (THEM->Curves); THEM->Statistics[2] = Tree_Nbr (THEM->Surfaces); THEM->Statistics[3] = Tree_Nbr (THEM->Volumes); Mesh_Quality(THEM); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) s[i] = THEM->Statistics[i]; } } void ApplyLcFactor_Point(void *a, void *b){ Vertex *v = *(Vertex**)a; if(v->lc <= 0.0){ Msg(GERROR, "Wrong characteristic length (%g <= 0) for Point %d, defaulting to 1.0", v->lc, v->Num); v->lc = 1.0 ; } v->lc *= CTX.mesh.lc_factor; } void ApplyLcFactor_Attractor(void *a, void *b){ Attractor *v = *(Attractor**)a; v->lc1 *= CTX.mesh.lc_factor; v->lc2 *= CTX.mesh.lc_factor; } void ApplyLcFactor(Mesh *M){ Tree_Action(M->Points, ApplyLcFactor_Point); List_Action(M->Metric->Attractors, ApplyLcFactor_Attractor); } void Maillage_Dimension_0 (Mesh * M){ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) M->Statistics[i] = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < NB_HISTOGRAM; i++) M->Histogram[0][i] = M->Histogram[1][i] = M->Histogram[2][i] = 0; // This is the default type of BGM (lc associated with // points of the geometry). It can be changed to // - ONFILE by loading a view containing a bgmesh // - CONSTANT // - FUNCTION Create_BgMesh (WITHPOINTS, .2, M); } void Maillage_Dimension_1 (Mesh * M){ double t1, t2; t1 = Cpu(); Tree_Action (M->Curves, Maillage_Curve); t2 = Cpu(); M->Statistics[13] = t2 - t1; } void Maillage_Dimension_2 (Mesh * M){ int i; Curve *c, *neew, C; double t1, t2, shortest=1.e300; t1 = Cpu(); // create reverse 1D meshes List_T *Curves = Tree2List (M->Curves); for (i = 0; i < List_Nbr (Curves); i++){ List_Read (Curves, i, &c); if (c->Num > 0){ if(c->l < shortest) shortest = c->l ; neew = &C; neew->Num = -c->Num; Tree_Query (M->Curves, &neew); neew->Vertices = List_Create (List_Nbr (c->Vertices), 1, sizeof (Vertex *)); List_Invert (c->Vertices, neew->Vertices); } } List_Delete (Curves); Msg(DEBUG, "Shortest curve has length %g", shortest); // mesh 2D Tree_Action (M->Surfaces, Maillage_Surface); t2 = Cpu(); M->Statistics[14] = t2 - t1; } void Maillage_Dimension_3 (Mesh * M){ Volume *v; double t1, t2; Volume *vol; t1 = Cpu(); v = Create_Volume (99999, 99999); List_T *list = Tree2List (M->Volumes); for (int i = 0; i < List_Nbr (list); i++){ List_Read (list, i, &vol); if ((!vol->Extrude || !vol->Extrude->mesh.ExtrudeMesh) && (vol->Method != TRANSFINI)){ for (int j = 0; j < List_Nbr (vol->Surfaces); j++){ List_Replace (v->Surfaces, List_Pointer (vol->Surfaces, j), compareSurface); } } } List_Delete (list); Tree_Insert (M->Volumes, &v); if(CTX.mesh.oldxtrude){ Extrude_Mesh_Old(M); // old automatic extrusion algorithm } else{ Extrude_Mesh(M->Volumes); // new extrusion Tree_Action(M->Volumes, Maillage_Volume); // delaunay of remaining parts } t2 = Cpu(); M->Statistics[15] = t2 - t1; } void Init_Mesh (Mesh * M, int all){ THEM = M; M->MaxPointNum = 0; M->MaxLineNum = 0; M->MaxLineLoopNum = 0; M->MaxSurfaceNum = 0; M->MaxSurfaceLoopNum = 0; M->MaxVolumeNum = 0; M->MaxPhysicalNum = 0; M->MaxSimplexNum = 0; ExitExtrude(); if (M->Vertices){ Tree_Action (M->Vertices, Free_Vertex); Tree_Delete (M->Vertices); } if (M->VertexEdges){ Tree_Action (M->VertexEdges, Free_Vertex); Tree_Delete (M->VertexEdges); } if (M->Simplexes){ // Tree_Action (M->Simplexes, Free_Simplex); //produit des crashes innatendus... // normal, cette memoire est dupliquee // dans les volumes. Je crois qu'on a besoin // des 2, ce truc ne provoque pas de leaks. Tree_Delete (M->Simplexes); } if (M->Points){ Tree_Action (M->Points, Free_Vertex); Tree_Delete (M->Points); } if (M->Curves){ Tree_Action (M->Curves, Free_Curve); Tree_Delete (M->Curves); } if (M->SurfaceLoops){ //Tree_Action (M->SurfaceLoops, Free_SurfaceLoop); Tree_Delete (M->SurfaceLoops); } if (M->EdgeLoops){ //Tree_Action (M->EdgeLoops, Free_EdgeLoop); Tree_Delete (M->EdgeLoops); } if (M->Surfaces){ Tree_Action (M->Surfaces, Free_Surface); Tree_Delete (M->Surfaces); } if (M->Volumes){ Tree_Action (M->Volumes, Free_Volume); //produit des crashes innatendus... Tree_Delete (M->Volumes); } if (M->PhysicalGroups){ //Tree_Action (M->PhysicalGroups, Free_PhysicalGroup); List_Delete (M->PhysicalGroups); } if (M->Metric){ delete M->Metric; } M->Vertices = Tree_Create (sizeof (Vertex *), compareVertex); M->VertexEdges = Tree_Create (sizeof (Vertex *), compareVertex); M->Simplexes = Tree_Create (sizeof (Simplex *), compareSimplex); M->Points = Tree_Create (sizeof (Vertex *), compareVertex); M->Curves = Tree_Create (sizeof (Curve *), compareCurve); M->SurfaceLoops = Tree_Create (sizeof (SurfaceLoop *), compareSurfaceLoop); M->EdgeLoops = Tree_Create (sizeof (EdgeLoop *), compareEdgeLoop); M->Surfaces = Tree_Create (sizeof (Surface *), compareSurface); M->Volumes = Tree_Create (sizeof (Volume *), compareVolume); M->PhysicalGroups = List_Create (5, 5, sizeof (PhysicalGroup *)); M->Metric = new GMSHMetric; M->BGM.bgm = NULL; M->status = 0; CTX.mesh.changed = 1; } void mai3d (Mesh * M, int Asked){ double t1, t2; int oldstatus; if(CTX.threads_lock){ Msg(INFO, "I'm busy! Ask me that later..."); return; } M->MeshParams.DelaunayAlgorithm = CTX.mesh.algo ; M->MeshParams.NbSmoothing = CTX.mesh.nb_smoothing ; M->MeshParams.InteractiveDelaunay = CTX.mesh.interactive ; oldstatus = M->status; // re-read data if ((Asked > oldstatus && Asked >= 0 && oldstatus < 0) || (Asked < oldstatus)){ OpenProblem (CTX.filename); M->status = 0; } CTX.threads_lock = 1 ; // 1D mesh if ((Asked > oldstatus && Asked > 0 && oldstatus < 1) || (Asked < oldstatus && Asked > 0)){ Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 1D..."); t1 = Cpu(); if(M->status > 1) { OpenProblem (CTX.filename); } Maillage_Dimension_1 (M); t2 = Cpu(); Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 1D complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); M->status = 1; } // 2D mesh if ((Asked > oldstatus && Asked > 1 && oldstatus < 2) || (Asked < oldstatus && Asked > 1)){ Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 2D..."); t1 = Cpu(); if(M->status == 3) { OpenProblem (CTX.filename); Maillage_Dimension_1 (M); } Maillage_Dimension_2 (M); t2 = Cpu(); Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 2D complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); M->status = 2; } // 3D mesh if ((Asked > oldstatus && Asked > 2 && oldstatus < 3) || (Asked < oldstatus && Asked > 2)){ Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 3D..."); t1 = Cpu(); Maillage_Dimension_3 (M); t2 = Cpu(); Msg(STATUS2, "Mesh 3D complete (%g s)", t2 - t1); M->status = 3; } CTX.threads_lock = 0 ; CTX.mesh.changed = 1; }