// $Id: CreateFile.cpp,v 1.38 2003-03-01 22:36:39 geuzaine Exp $ // // Copyright (C) 1997 - 2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "gmsh@geuz.org". #include "Gmsh.h" #include "GmshUI.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "OpenFile.h" #include "Draw.h" #include "Context.h" #include "Options.h" extern Context_T CTX; extern Mesh M; #include "gl2ps.h" #include "gl2gif.h" #include "gl2jpeg.h" #include "gl2ppm.h" #include "gl2yuv.h" void FillBuffer(void) { InitOpengl(); ClearOpengl(); Draw3d(); Draw2d(); } void CreateOutputFile(char *name, int format) { FILE *fp; GLint size3d; char ext[256]; int res, i, oldformat, psformat, pssort, psoptions; if(!name || !strlen(name)) return; oldformat = CTX.print.format; CTX.print.format = format; switch (format) { case FORMAT_AUTO: for(i = strlen(name) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(name[i] == '.') { strcpy(ext, &name[i]); break; } } if(i <= 0) strcpy(ext, ""); if(!strcmp(ext, ".geo")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GEO); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".opt")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_OPT); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".msh")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_MSH); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".unv")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_UNV); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".gif")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GIF); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".jpg")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_JPEG); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".jpeg")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_JPEG); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".ps")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_PS); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".eps")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_EPS); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".tex")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_TEX); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".pstex")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_PSTEX); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".epstex")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_EPSTEX); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".jpegtex")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_JPEGTEX); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".ppm")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_PPM); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".yuv")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_YUV); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".gref")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GREF); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".Gref")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GREF); else if(!strcmp(ext, ".wrl")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_VRML); else Msg(GERROR, "Unknown extension '%s' for automatic format detection", ext); break; case FORMAT_GEO: Print_Geo(&M, name); break; case FORMAT_OPT: Print_Options(0, GMSH_FULLRC, name); break; case FORMAT_MSH: Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_MSH); break; case FORMAT_UNV: Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_UNV); break; case FORMAT_GREF: Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_GREF); break; case FORMAT_VRML: Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_VRML); break; case FORMAT_JPEG: case FORMAT_JPEGTEX: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "wb"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } if(format == FORMAT_JPEGTEX) CTX.print.gl_fonts = 0; FillBuffer(); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 1; create_jpeg(fp, CTX.viewport[2] - CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3] - CTX.viewport[1], CTX.print.jpeg_quality); Msg(INFO, "JPEG creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_GIF: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "wb"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_gif(fp, CTX.viewport[2] - CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3] - CTX.viewport[1], CTX.print.gif_dither, CTX.print.gif_sort, CTX.print.gif_interlace, CTX.print.gif_transparent, UNPACK_RED(CTX.color.bg), UNPACK_GREEN(CTX.color.bg), UNPACK_BLUE(CTX.color.bg)); Msg(INFO, "GIF creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_PPM: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "wb"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_ppm(fp, CTX.viewport[2] - CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3] - CTX.viewport[1]); Msg(INFO, "PPM creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_YUV: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "wb"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_yuv(fp, CTX.viewport[2] - CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3] - CTX.viewport[1]); Msg(INFO, "YUV creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_PS: case FORMAT_PSTEX: case FORMAT_EPS: case FORMAT_EPSTEX: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "w"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } psformat = (format == FORMAT_PS || format == FORMAT_PSTEX) ? GL2PS_PS : GL2PS_EPS; pssort = (CTX.print.eps_quality == 1) ? GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT : GL2PS_BSP_SORT; psoptions = GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET | GL2PS_SILENT | (CTX.print. eps_occlusion_culling ? GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL : 0) | (CTX.print.eps_best_root ? GL2PS_BEST_ROOT : 0) | (CTX.print. eps_background ? GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND : 0) | (format == FORMAT_PSTEX ? GL2PS_NO_TEXT : 0) | (format == FORMAT_EPSTEX ? GL2PS_NO_TEXT : 0); size3d = 0; res = GL2PS_OVERFLOW; while(res == GL2PS_OVERFLOW) { size3d += 2048 * 2048; gl2psBeginPage(CTX.base_filename, "Gmsh", psformat, pssort, psoptions, GL_RGBA, 0, NULL, size3d, fp, name); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 0; FillBuffer(); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 1; res = gl2psEndPage(); } Msg(INFO, "PS/EPS creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_TEX: if(!(fp = fopen(name, "w"))) { Msg(GERROR, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } gl2psBeginPage(CTX.base_filename, "Gmsh", GL2PS_TEX, GL2PS_NO_SORT, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, NULL, 1, fp, name); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 0; FillBuffer(); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 1; res = gl2psEndPage(); Msg(INFO, "TEX creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; default: Msg(WARNING, "Unknown print format"); break; } CTX.print.format = oldformat; }