// $Id: CreateFile.cpp,v 1.20 2001-07-25 13:11:07 geuzaine Exp $ #include "Gmsh.h" #include "GmshUI.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "OpenFile.h" #include "Draw.h" #include "Context.h" extern Context_T CTX; extern Mesh M; #ifdef _XMOTIF #include <unistd.h> #include "Widgets.h" #include "XContext.h" #include "XDump.h" extern Widgets_T WID; extern XContext_T XCTX; #endif #include "gl2ps.h" #include "gl2gif.h" #include "gl2jpeg.h" #include "gl2ppm.h" #include "gl2yuv.h" void FillBuffer(void){ InitOpengl(); ClearOpengl(); Draw3d(); Draw2d(); } void CreateOutputFile (char *name, int format) { FILE *fp; GLint size3d; char ext[256]; int res, i; #ifdef _XMOTIF FILE *tmp; char cmd[1000], *tmpFileName="tmp.xwd"; #endif if(!name || !strlen(name)) return; CTX.print.gl_fonts = 1; switch(format){ case FORMAT_AUTO : for(i=strlen(name)-1; i>=0; i--){ if(name[i] == '.'){ strcpy(ext,&name[i]); break; } } if(i<=0) strcpy(ext,""); if (!strcmp(ext,".geo")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GEO); else if(!strcmp(ext,".msh")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_MSH); else if(!strcmp(ext,".unv")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_UNV); else if(!strcmp(ext,".gif")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GIF); else if(!strcmp(ext,".jpg")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_JPEG); else if(!strcmp(ext,".jpeg")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_JPEG); else if(!strcmp(ext,".ps")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_EPS); else if(!strcmp(ext,".eps")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_EPS); else if(!strcmp(ext,".xpm")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_XPM); else if(!strcmp(ext,".ppm")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_PPM); else if(!strcmp(ext,".yuv")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_YUV); else if(!strcmp(ext,".gref")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GREF); else if(!strcmp(ext,".Gref")) CreateOutputFile(name, FORMAT_GREF); else Msg(GERROR, "Unknown extension '%s' for automatic format detection", ext); break; case FORMAT_GEO : Print_Geo(&M, name); break; case FORMAT_MSH : Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_MSH); break; case FORMAT_UNV : Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_UNV); break; case FORMAT_GREF : Print_Mesh(&M, name, FORMAT_GREF); break; #ifdef _XMOTIF case FORMAT_XPM : if(!(fp = fopen(name,"wb"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } Window_Dump(XCTX.display, XCTX.scrnum, XtWindow(WID.G.glw), fp); Msg(INFO, "XPM creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; #endif case FORMAT_JPEG : if(!(fp = fopen(name,"wb"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_jpeg(fp, CTX.viewport[2]-CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3]-CTX.viewport[1], CTX.print.jpeg_quality); Msg(INFO, "JPEG creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_GIF : if(!(fp = fopen(name,"wb"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_gif(fp, CTX.viewport[2]-CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3]-CTX.viewport[1], CTX.print.gif_dither, CTX.print.gif_sort, CTX.print.gif_interlace, CTX.print.gif_transparent, UNPACK_RED(CTX.color.bg), UNPACK_GREEN(CTX.color.bg), UNPACK_BLUE(CTX.color.bg)); Msg(INFO, "GIF creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_PPM : if(!(fp = fopen(name,"wb"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_ppm(fp, CTX.viewport[2]-CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3]-CTX.viewport[1]); Msg(INFO, "PPM creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_YUV : if(!(fp = fopen(name,"wb"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } FillBuffer(); create_yuv(fp, CTX.viewport[2]-CTX.viewport[0], CTX.viewport[3]-CTX.viewport[1]); Msg(INFO, "YUV creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; case FORMAT_EPS : switch(CTX.print.eps_quality){ #ifdef _XMOTIF case 0 : // Bitmap EPS if(!(fp = fopen(name,"w"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } if(!(tmp = fopen(tmpFileName,"w"))){ Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", tmpFileName); return; } Window_Dump(XCTX.display, XCTX.scrnum, XtWindow(WID.G.glw), tmp); fclose(tmp); sprintf(cmd, "xpr -device ps -gray 4 %s >%s", tmpFileName, name); Msg(INFO, "Executing '%s'", cmd); system(cmd); unlink(tmpFileName); Msg(INFO, "Bitmap EPS creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); break; #endif default : // Vector EPS if(!(fp = fopen(name,"w"))) { Msg(WARNING, "Unable to open file '%s'", name); return; } CTX.print.gl_fonts = 0; size3d = 0 ; res = GL2PS_OVERFLOW ; while(res == GL2PS_OVERFLOW){ size3d += 2048*2048 ; gl2psBeginPage(CTX.base_filename, "Gmsh", (CTX.print.eps_quality == 1 ? GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT : GL2PS_BSP_SORT), GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET | (CTX.print.eps_background ? GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND : 0), GL_RGBA, 0, NULL, size3d, fp); CTX.stream = TO_FILE ; FillBuffer(); CTX.stream = TO_SCREEN ; res = gl2psEndPage(); } Msg(INFO, "EPS creation complete '%s'", name); Msg(STATUS2, "Wrote '%s'", name); fclose(fp); CTX.print.gl_fonts = 1; break; } break ; default : Msg(WARNING, "Unknown print format"); break; } }