diff --git a/Numeric/JacobianBasis.cpp b/Numeric/JacobianBasis.cpp
index 13320799a460b31a27b10ec0e42a206d684f0434..cba205218dcf19dc938960d3d9494cd8457279a0 100644
--- a/Numeric/JacobianBasis.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/JacobianBasis.cpp
@@ -277,27 +277,33 @@ double JacobianBasis::getPrimJac3D(const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ) const
-namespace {
-// Calculate (signed) Jacobian for one element, given the gradients of the shape functions
-// and vectors for regularization of line and surface Jacobians in 3D.
-inline void computeSignedJacobian(int dim, int numJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gradShapeMatX,
-                                  const fullMatrix<double> &gradShapeMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gradShapeMatZ,
-                                  const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, const fullMatrix<double> &normals,
-                                  fullVector<double> &jacobian)
+// Calculate (signed, possibly scaled) Jacobian for one element, with normal vectors to straight element
+// for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+template<bool scaling>
+inline void JacobianBasis::getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const
+  const int dim = bezier->getDim();
   switch (dim) {
     case 0 : {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i) = 1.;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i) = 1.;
     case 1 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(numJacNodes,3);
-      gradShapeMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numJacNodes; i++) {
+      fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
+      const double invScale = getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
+      if (scaling) {
+        const double scale = 1./invScale;
+        normals(0,0) *= scale; normals(0,1) *= scale; normals(0,2) *= scale;            // Faster to scale 1 normal than afterwards
+      }
+      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3);
+      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
+      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
         const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
         const double &dxdY = normals(0,0), &dydY = normals(0,1), &dzdY = normals(0,2);
         const double &dxdZ = normals(1,0), &dydZ = normals(1,1), &dzdZ = normals(1,2);
@@ -307,29 +313,40 @@ inline void computeSignedJacobian(int dim, int numJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
     case 2 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(numJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(numJacNodes,3);
-      gradShapeMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
-      gradShapeMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numJacNodes; i++) {
+      fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
+      const double invScale = getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
+      if (scaling) {
+        const double scale = 1./invScale;
+        normal(0,0) *= scale; normal(0,1) *= scale; normal(0,2) *= scale;               // Faster to scale normal than afterwards
+      }
+      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3);
+      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
+      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
+      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
         const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
         const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
-        const double &dxdZ = normals(0,0), &dydZ = normals(0,1), &dzdZ = normals(0,2);
+        const double &dxdZ = normal(0,0), &dydZ = normal(0,1), &dzdZ = normal(0,2);
         jacobian(i) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);
     case 3 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(numJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(numJacNodes,3), dxyzdZ(numJacNodes,3);
-      gradShapeMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
-      gradShapeMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
-      gradShapeMatZ.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdZ);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numJacNodes; i++) {
+      fullMatrix<double> dum;
+      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdZ(nJacNodes,3);
+      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
+      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
+      gSMatZ.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdZ);
+      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
         const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
         const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
         const double &dxdZ = dxyzdZ(i,0), &dydZ = dxyzdZ(i,1), &dzdZ = dxyzdZ(i,2);
         jacobian(i) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);
+      if (scaling) {
+        const double scale = 1./getPrimJac3D(nodesXYZ);
+        jacobian.scale(scale);
+      }
@@ -337,91 +354,32 @@ inline void computeSignedJacobian(int dim, int numJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
-} // namespace
-// Calculate (signed) Jacobian for one element, with normal vectors to straight element for regularization.
-// Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+// Calculate signed Jacobian for one element, with normal vectors to straight element for
+// regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
 void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const
-  const int dim = bezier->getDim();
-  switch (dim) {
-    case 1 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
-      getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,normals,jacobian);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
-      getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,normal,jacobian);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 0 :
-    case 3 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> dum;
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,dum,jacobian);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
+  getJacobianGeneral<false>(nJacNodes, gSMatX,  gSMatY, gSMatZ, nodesXYZ, jacobian);
-// Calculate scaled (signed) Jacobian for one element, with normal vectors to straight element for regularization
-// and scaling. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+// Calculate (signed) scaled Jacobian for one element, with normal vectors to straight element
+// for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
 void JacobianBasis::getScaledJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const
-  const int dim = bezier->getDim();
-  switch (dim) {
-    case 1 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
-      const double scale = 1./getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
-      normals(0,0) *= scale; normals(0,1) *= scale; normals(0,2) *= scale;  // Faster to scale 1 normal than afterwards
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,normals,jacobian);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
-      const double scale = 1./getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
-      normal(0,0) *= scale; normal(0,1) *= scale; normal(0,2) *= scale;     // Faster to scale normal than afterwards
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,normal,jacobian);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 0 :
-    case 3 : {
-      fullMatrix<double> dum;
-      const double scale = 1./getPrimJac3D(nodesXYZ);
-      computeSignedJacobian(dim,nJacNodes,gSMatX,gSMatY,gSMatZ,nodesXYZ,dum,jacobian);
-      jacobian.scale(scale);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
+  getJacobianGeneral<true>(nJacNodes, gSMatX,  gSMatY, gSMatZ, nodesXYZ, jacobian);
-// Calculate (signed) Jacobian for several elements.
-// Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+// Calculate (signed, possibly scaled) Jacobian for several elements, with normal vectors to straight
+// elements for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
 // TODO: Optimize and test 1D & 2D
-void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
-                                             const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
-                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
-                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const
+template<bool scaling>
+inline void JacobianBasis::getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const
   switch (bezier->getDim()) {
@@ -438,14 +396,18 @@ void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
       fullMatrix<double> dxdX(nJacNodes,numEl), dydX(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdX(nJacNodes,numEl);
       gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
       for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
-        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimJacNodes,3);
-        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimJacNodes; i++) {
+        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
+        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
           nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
           nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
           nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
         fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
-        getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
+        const double invScale = getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
+        if (scaling) {
+          const double scale = 1./invScale;
+          normals(0,0) *= scale; normals(0,1) *= scale; normals(0,2) *= scale;                // Faster to scale 1 normal than afterwards
+        }
         const double &dxdY = normals(0,0), &dydY = normals(0,1), &dzdY = normals(0,2);
         const double &dxdZ = normals(1,0), &dydZ = normals(1,1), &dzdZ = normals(1,2);
         for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
@@ -463,14 +425,18 @@ void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
       gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
       gSMatY.mult(nodesX, dxdY); gSMatY.mult(nodesY, dydY); gSMatY.mult(nodesZ, dzdY);
       for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
-        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimJacNodes,3);
-        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimJacNodes; i++) {
+        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
+        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
           nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
           nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
           nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
         fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
-        getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
+        const double invScale = getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
+        if (scaling) {
+          const double scale = 1./invScale;
+          normal(0,0) *= scale; normal(0,1) *= scale; normal(0,2) *= scale;                   // Faster to scale normal than afterwards
+        }
         const double &dxdZ = normal(0,0), &dydZ = normal(0,1), &dzdZ = normal(0,2);
         for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
           jacobian(i,iEl) = calcDet3D(dxdX(i,iEl),dydX(i,iEl),dzdX(i,iEl),
@@ -488,11 +454,22 @@ void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
       gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
       gSMatY.mult(nodesX, dxdY); gSMatY.mult(nodesY, dydY); gSMatY.mult(nodesZ, dzdY);
       gSMatZ.mult(nodesX, dxdZ); gSMatZ.mult(nodesY, dydZ); gSMatZ.mult(nodesZ, dzdZ);
-      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++)
+      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
         for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
           jacobian(i,iEl) = calcDet3D(dxdX(i,iEl),dydX(i,iEl),dzdX(i,iEl),
+        if (scaling) {
+          fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
+          for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
+            nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
+            nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
+            nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
+          }
+          const double scale = 1./getPrimJac3D(nodesXYZ);
+          for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i,iEl) *= scale;
+        }
+      }
@@ -500,6 +477,26 @@ void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<dou
+// Calculate signed Jacobian for several elements, with normal vectors to straight elements for
+// regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const
+  getJacobianGeneral<false>(nJacNodes, gSMatX,  gSMatY, gSMatZ, nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobian);
+// Calculate (signed) scaled Jacobian for several elements, with normal vectors to straight elements
+// for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
+void JacobianBasis::getScaledJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                             const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const
+  getJacobianGeneral<true>(nJacNodes, gSMatX,  gSMatY, gSMatZ, nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobian);
 // Calculate (signed) Jacobian and its gradients for one element, with normal vectors to straight element
 // for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
 void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacAndGradientsGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
diff --git a/Numeric/JacobianBasis.h b/Numeric/JacobianBasis.h
index db54b0c1021bd93718d9d29b32c60a0054db3d4c..cdcd1adab34bc8bed90e26ccce24618af7a0d65c 100644
--- a/Numeric/JacobianBasis.h
+++ b/Numeric/JacobianBasis.h
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ class JacobianBasis {
     getScaledJacobianGeneral(numJacNodes, _gradBasis->gradShapeMatX,
         _gradBasis->gradShapeMatY, _gradBasis->gradShapeMatZ,nodesXYZ,jacobian);
+  inline void getScaledJacobian(const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const {
+    getScaledJacobianGeneral(numJacNodes, _gradBasis->gradShapeMatX,
+        _gradBasis->gradShapeMatY, _gradBasis->gradShapeMatZ,nodesX,nodesY,nodesZ,jacobian);
+  }
   inline void getSignedJacobianFast(const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const {
-  inline void getSignedJacobianFast(const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
-                                    const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const {
-    getSignedJacobianGeneral(numJacNodesFast,gradShapeMatXFast,gradShapeMatYFast,
-                             gradShapeMatZFast,nodesX,nodesY,nodesZ,jacobian);
-  }
   inline void getScaledJacobianFast(const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const {
@@ -122,6 +122,15 @@ class JacobianBasis {
  private :
+  template<bool scaling>
+  inline void getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                 const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                 const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const;
+  template<bool scaling>
+  inline void getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                 const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                 const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                 const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const;
   void getSignedJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                 const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                 const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const;
@@ -132,6 +141,11 @@ class JacobianBasis {
   void getScaledJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                 const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                 const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const;
+  void getScaledJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
+                                const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
+                                const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
+                                const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const;
   void getSignedJacAndGradientsGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                        const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                        const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, const fullMatrix<double> &normals,
diff --git a/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.cpp b/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.cpp
index f99be2624e06e9058e20412291bb58902fe50932..530d39f2193432abb36c33abf1291525b9a9c5c8 100644
--- a/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.cpp
@@ -24,15 +24,36 @@
 namespace {
-  double sum(fullVector<double> &v)
-  {
-    double sum = .0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
-      sum += v(i);
-    }
-    return sum;
-  }
+class BezierJacobian;
+struct lessMinB {
+  bool operator()(BezierJacobian*, BezierJacobian*) const;
+struct lessMaxB {
+  bool operator()(BezierJacobian*, BezierJacobian*) const;
+class BezierJacobian
+  fullVector<double> _jacBez;
+  double _minJ, _maxJ, _minB, _maxB; //Extremum of Jac at corners and of bezier values
+  int _depthSub;
+  const JacobianBasis *_jfs;
+  BezierJacobian(fullVector<double> &, const JacobianBasis *, int depth);
+  void subDivisions(fullVector<double> &vect) const
+    {_jfs->subdivideBezierCoeff(_jacBez, vect);}
+  inline int depth() const {return _depthSub;}
+  inline double minJ() const {return _minJ;}
+  inline double maxJ() const {return _maxJ;}
+  inline double minB() const {return _minB;}
+  inline double maxB() const {return _maxB;}
+} // namespace
 //#define UNDEF_JAC_TAG -999
@@ -141,8 +162,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(int toDo)
     case 2 :
-      Msg::Warning("2D elements must be in a z=cst plane ! If they aren't, results won't be correct.");
       for (GModel::fiter it = _m->firstFace(); it != _m->lastFace(); it++) {
         GFace *f = *it;
@@ -159,7 +178,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(int toDo)
         GFace *f = *it;
         unsigned int numType[3] = {0, 0, 0};
         for (int type = 0; type < 3; type++) {
           MElement *const *el = f->getStartElementType(type);
           checkValidity(el, numType[type], invalids);
@@ -169,7 +187,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(int toDo)
     case 1 :
-      Msg::Warning("1D elements must be on a y=cst & z=cst line ! If they aren't, results won't be correct.");
       for (GModel::eiter it = _m->firstEdge(); it != _m->lastEdge(); it++) {
         GEdge *e = *it;
         unsigned int numElement = e->getNumMeshElements();
@@ -224,23 +241,20 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(MElement *const*el,
   if (numEl < 1)
-  const JacobianBasis *jfs = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace(-1);
-  const JacobianBasis *jfs1 = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace(1);
-  if (!jfs || !jfs1) {
+  const JacobianBasis *jfs = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace();
+  if (!jfs) {
     Msg::Error("Jacobian function space not implemented for type of element %d", el[0]->getNum());
-  const int numSamplingPt = jfs->getNumJacNodes(), numSamplingPt1 = jfs1->getNumJacNodes();
-  const int numMapNodes = jfs->getNumMapNodes(), numMapNodes1 = jfs1->getNumMapNodes();
+  const int numSamplingPt = jfs->getNumJacNodes();
+  const int numMapNodes = jfs->getNumMapNodes();
   fullMatrix<double> jacobianB(numSamplingPt, numEl);
   fullMatrix<double> jacBezB(numSamplingPt, numEl);
-  fullMatrix<double> jac1B(numSamplingPt1, numEl);
-  fullVector<double> jacBez, jacobian, jac1;
+  fullVector<double> jacBez, jacobian;
   fullMatrix<double> nodesX(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesY(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesZ(numMapNodes, numEl);
-  fullMatrix<double> nodesX1(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesY1(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesZ1(numMapNodes, numEl);
   for (int k = 0; k < numEl; ++k)
     for (int i = 0; i < numMapNodes; ++i)
@@ -248,20 +262,13 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(MElement *const*el,
       nodesX(i,k) = v->x();
       nodesY(i,k) = v->y();
       nodesZ(i,k) = v->z();
-      if (i < numMapNodes1) {
-        nodesX1(i,k) = nodesX(i,k);
-        nodesY1(i,k) = nodesY(i,k);
-        nodesZ1(i,k) = nodesZ(i,k);
-      }
-  jfs->getSignedJacobian(nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobianB);
-  jfs1->getSignedJacobian(nodesX1, nodesY1, nodesZ1, jac1B);
+  jfs->getScaledJacobian(nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobianB);
   jfs->lag2Bez(jacobianB, jacBezB);
   fullVector<double> jacobian(numSamplingPt);
   fullVector<double> jacBez(numSamplingPt);
-  fullVector<double> jac1(numSamplingPt1);
   for (int k = 0; k < numEl; ++k) {
@@ -269,25 +276,14 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(MElement *const*el,
     jacBez.setAsProxy(jacBezB, k);
     jacobian.setAsProxy(jacobianB, k);
-    jac1.setAsProxy(jac1B, k);
-    fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numMapNodes,3), nodesXYZ1(numMapNodes1,3);
+    fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numMapNodes,3);
-    nodesXYZ1.copy(nodesXYZ,0,numMapNodes1,0,3,0,0);
-    jfs->getSignedJacobian(nodesXYZ,jacobian);
-    jfs1->getSignedJacobian(nodesXYZ1,jac1);
+    jfs->getScaledJacobian(nodesXYZ,jacobian);
-    // AmJ : avgJ is not the average Jac for quad, prism or hex
-    double avgJ = sum(jac1) / jac1.size();
-    if (avgJ < 0) {
-      jacBez.scale(-1);
-      jacobian.scale(-1);
-      avgJ *= -1;
-    }
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < numSamplingPt && jacobian(i) > _jacBreak * avgJ; ++i);
+    for (i = 0; i < numSamplingPt && jacobian(i) > _jacBreak; ++i);
     if (i < numSamplingPt) {
@@ -304,7 +300,7 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::checkValidity(MElement *const*el,
     jfs->lag2Bez(jacobian, jacBez);
-    for (i = 0; i < jacBez.size() && jacBez(i) > _bezBreak * avgJ; ++i);
+    for (i = 0; i < jacBez.size() && jacBez(i) > _bezBreak; ++i);
     if (i >= jacBez.size()) {
@@ -386,7 +382,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(std::map<int, std::vector<doubl
   _numInvalid = 0;
   _numValid = 0;
   _numUncertain = 0;
-  _min_Javg = .0, _max_Javg = .0, _avg_Javg = .0;
   _min_pJmin = .0, _avg_pJmin = .0;
   _min_ratioJ = .0, _avg_ratioJ = .0;
@@ -406,7 +401,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(std::map<int, std::vector<doubl
     case 2 :
-      Msg::Warning("2D elements must be in a z=cst plane ! If they aren't, results won't be correct.");
       for (GModel::fiter it = _m->firstFace(); it != _m->lastFace(); it++) {
         GFace *f = *it;
         unsigned int numType[3] = {0, 0, 0};
@@ -421,7 +415,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(std::map<int, std::vector<doubl
     case 1 :
-      Msg::Warning("1D elements must be on a y=cst & z=cst line ! If they aren't, results won't be correct.");
       for (GModel::eiter it = _m->firstEdge(); it != _m->lastEdge(); it++) {
         GEdge *e = *it;
         unsigned int numElement = e->getNumMeshElements();
@@ -435,7 +428,6 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(std::map<int, std::vector<doubl
       Msg::Error("I can't analyse any element.");
-  Msg::Info("Extrema of J_avg : %g, %g (avg: %g)", _min_Javg, _max_Javg, _avg_Javg/_numAnalysedEl);
   Msg::Info("Minimum of min(~distortion) : %g", _min_pJmin);
   Msg::Info("Average of min(~distortion) : %g", _avg_pJmin / _numAnalysedEl);
   Msg::Info("Minimum of min(J) / max(J) : %g", _min_ratioJ);
@@ -447,24 +439,21 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(MElement *const*el, int numEl,
   if (numEl < 1)
-  const JacobianBasis *jfs = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace(-1);
-  const JacobianBasis *jfs1 = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace(1);
-  if (!jfs || !jfs1) {
+  const JacobianBasis *jfs = el[0]->getJacobianFuncSpace();
+  if (!jfs) {
     Msg::Error("Jacobian function space not implemented for type of element %d", el[0]->getNum());
-  const int numSamplingPt = jfs->getNumJacNodes(), numSamplingPt1 = jfs1->getNumJacNodes();
-  const int numMapNodes = jfs->getNumMapNodes(), numMapNodes1 = jfs1->getNumMapNodes();
+  const int numSamplingPt = jfs->getNumJacNodes();
+  const int numMapNodes = jfs->getNumMapNodes();
   fullMatrix<double> jacobianB(numSamplingPt, numEl);
   fullMatrix<double> jacBezB(numSamplingPt, numEl);
-  fullMatrix<double> jac1B(numSamplingPt1, numEl);
   fullVector<double> jacBez, jacobian, jac1;
   fullMatrix<double> nodesX(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesY(numMapNodes, numEl), nodesZ(numMapNodes, numEl);
-  fullMatrix<double> nodesX1(numMapNodes1, numEl), nodesY1(numMapNodes1, numEl), nodesZ1(numMapNodes1, numEl);
   for (int k = 0; k < numEl; ++k)
     for (int i = 0; i < numMapNodes; ++i)
@@ -472,25 +461,16 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(MElement *const*el, int numEl,
       nodesX(i,k) = v->x();
       nodesY(i,k) = v->y();
       nodesZ(i,k) = v->z();
-      if (i < numMapNodes1) {
-        nodesX1(i,k) = nodesX(i,k);
-        nodesY1(i,k) = nodesY(i,k);
-        nodesZ1(i,k) = nodesZ(i,k);
-      }
-  jfs->getSignedJacobian(nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobianB);
-  jfs1->getSignedJacobian(nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jac1B);
+  jfs->getScaledJacobian(nodesX, nodesY, nodesZ, jacobianB);
   jfs->lag2Bez(jacobianB, jacBezB);
   fullVector<double> jacobian(numSamplingPt);
   fullVector<double> jacBez(numSamplingPt);
-  fullVector<double> jac1(numSamplingPt1);
   fullVector<double> subJacBez(jfs->getNumSubNodes());
-  _min_Javg = 1.7e308;
-  _max_Javg = -1.7e308;
   _min_pJmin = 1.7e308;
   _min_ratioJ = 1.7e308;
@@ -502,24 +482,13 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(MElement *const*el, int numEl,
     jacBez.setAsProxy(jacBezB, k);
     jacobian.setAsProxy(jacobianB, k);
-    jac1.setAsProxy(jac1B, k);
-    fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numMapNodes,3), nodesXYZ1(numMapNodes1,3);
+    fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numMapNodes,3);
-    nodesXYZ1.copy(nodesXYZ,0,numMapNodes1,0,3,0,0);
-    jfs->getSignedJacobian(nodesXYZ,jacobian);
-    jfs1->getSignedJacobian(nodesXYZ1,jac1);
+    jfs->getScaledJacobian(nodesXYZ,jacobian);
     jfs->lag2Bez(jacobian, jacBez);
-    // AmJ : avgJ is not the average Jac for quad, prism or hex
-    double avgJ = sum(jac1) / jac1.size();
-    if (avgJ < 0) {
-      jacBez.scale(-1);
-      jacobian.scale(-1);
-      avgJ *= -1;
-    }
     double minJ, maxJ = minJ = jacobian(0);
     for (int i = 1; i < numSamplingPt; ++i) {
@@ -527,18 +496,12 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(MElement *const*el, int numEl,
       if (jacobian(i) > maxJ) maxJ = jacobian(i);
-    double minB, maxB = minB = jacBez(0);//, avgJ = .0;
+    double minB, maxB = minB = jacBez(0);
     for (int i = 1; i < numSamplingPt; ++i) {
       if (jacBez(i) < minB) minB = jacBez(i);
       if (jacBez(i) > maxB) maxB = jacBez(i);
-      //avgJ += jacBez(i);
-    //avgJ /= numSamplingPt;
-    _avg_Javg += avgJ;
-    _min_Javg = std::min(_min_Javg, avgJ);
-    _max_Javg = std::max(_max_Javg, avgJ);
     if (_maxDepth > 1 &&
         (minJ - minB > _tol * (std::abs(minJ) + std::abs(minB)) / 2 ||
@@ -618,18 +581,18 @@ void GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin::computeMinMax(MElement *const*el, int numEl,
         delete bj;
-    fwrite << minB/avgJ << " " << minB/maxB << "\r";
+    fwrite << minB << " " << minB/maxB << "\r";
     if (data){
       if (1-minB <= _tol * minJ && maxB-1 <= _tol * maxB)
-      else if (1-minB/avgJ <= 1e-8)
+      else if (1-minB <= 1e-8)
-        (*data)[el[k]->getNum()].push_back(minB/avgJ);
+        (*data)[el[k]->getNum()].push_back(minB);
-    _min_pJmin = std::min(_min_pJmin, minB/avgJ);
-    _avg_pJmin += minB/avgJ;
+    _min_pJmin = std::min(_min_pJmin, minB);
+    _avg_pJmin += minB;
     _min_ratioJ = std::min(_min_ratioJ, minB/maxB);
     _avg_ratioJ += minB/maxB;
diff --git a/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.h b/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.h
index a16c68c3c9687ad8e6e6938f77b8fca65009c9e5..b9153a68bde5d4e82cb3cfda94ebf3ce42da6e84 100644
--- a/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.h
+++ b/Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ class GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin : public GMSH_PostPlugin
     int _numAnalysedEl;
     int _numInvalid, _numValid, _numUncertain;
-    double _min_Javg, _max_Javg, _avg_Javg;
     double _min_pJmin, _avg_pJmin;
     double _min_ratioJ, _avg_ratioJ;
@@ -53,32 +52,4 @@ class GMSH_AnalyseCurvedMeshPlugin : public GMSH_PostPlugin
     void hideValid_ShowInvalid(std::vector<MElement*> &invalids);
-class BezierJacobian;
-struct lessMinB {
-  bool operator()(BezierJacobian*, BezierJacobian*) const;
-struct lessMaxB {
-  bool operator()(BezierJacobian*, BezierJacobian*) const;
-class BezierJacobian
-  fullVector<double> _jacBez;
-  double _minJ, _maxJ, _minB, _maxB; //Extremum of Jac at corners and of bezier values
-  int _depthSub;
-  const JacobianBasis *_jfs;
-  BezierJacobian(fullVector<double> &, const JacobianBasis *, int depth);
-  void subDivisions(fullVector<double> &vect) const
-    {_jfs->subdivideBezierCoeff(_jacBez, vect);}
-  inline int depth() const {return _depthSub;}
-  inline double minJ() const {return _minJ;}
-  inline double maxJ() const {return _maxJ;}
-  inline double minB() const {return _minB;}
-  inline double maxB() const {return _maxB;}