From f63c2cb590a27bf8b68976f19760521daa0852f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Geuzaine <>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 12:13:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] cleanup

 Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp           | 309 +++++++++-----------
 Mesh/pointInsertion.h             |   2 +-
 Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp | 113 +++----
 Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h   | 469 +++++++++++-------------------
 Mesh/surfaceFiller.h              |  11 +-
 Mesh/yamakawa.cpp                 |  11 +-
 Mesh/yamakawa.h                   |   3 +-
 7 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 552 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp b/Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp
index 9fbcab3656..b6945fb3bb 100644
--- a/Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
+// Contributed by Paul-Emile Bernard
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
@@ -38,26 +45,31 @@ void print_nodal_info(string filename, map<MVertex*, T> &mapp)
-bool shoot(const SPoint2 &start, const SPoint2 &dir, const double &h, SPoint2 &res){
+bool shoot(const SPoint2 &start, const SPoint2 &dir,
+           const double &h, SPoint2 &res)
   const int RK = 1;
   if (RK==1){
     res = start + (dir*h);
-    //    cout << "(" << start[0] << "," <<start[1] << ") -> (" << res[0] << "," <<res[1] << ") " << endl;
+    //    cout << "(" << start[0] << "," <<start[1] << ") -> (" << res[0] << ","
+    //    <<res[1] << ") " << endl;
     return true;
   return false;
-bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm, MVertex *v_center, // the vertex for which we want to generate 4 neighbors (real vertex (xyz), not parametric !!! )
-    SPoint2 &midpoint,
-    bool goNonLinear, // do we compute the position in the real surface which is nonlinear
-    SPoint2 newP[4][NUMDIR], // look into other directions
-    SMetric3 &metricField) // the mesh metric
+bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm,
+                           MVertex *v_center, // the vertex for which we want to
+                                              // generate 4 neighbors (real
+                                              // vertex (xyz), not parametric!)
+                           SPoint2 &midpoint,
+                           bool goNonLinear, // do we compute the position in
+                                             // the real surface which is
+                                             // nonlinear
+                           SPoint2 newP[4][NUMDIR], // look into other directions
+                           SMetric3 &metricField) // the mesh metric
   // we assume that v is on surface gf, and backgroundMesh2D has been created based on gf
@@ -69,42 +81,38 @@ bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm, MVertex *v_center, /
   // get RK info on midpoint (infos in two directions...)
   RK_form infos;
-  bgm->compute_RK_infos(midpoint[0],midpoint[1],v_center->x(), v_center->y(),v_center->z(),infos);
+  bgm->compute_RK_infos(midpoint[0],midpoint[1],v_center->x(), v_center->y(),
+                        v_center->z(), infos);
   metricField = infos.metricField;
   // shoot in four directions
   SPoint2 param_vec;
   double h;
-  //  cout << "shooting..." << endl;
   for (int i=0;i<4;i++){// in four directions
     switch (i){
-      case 0:
-        param_vec = infos.paramt1;
-        h = infos.paramh.first;
-        break;
-      case 1:
-        param_vec = infos.paramt2;
-        h = infos.paramh.second;
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        param_vec = infos.paramt1 * -1.;
-        h = infos.paramh.first;
-        break;
-      case 3:
-        param_vec = infos.paramt2 * -1.;
-        h = infos.paramh.second;
-        break;
+    case 0:
+      param_vec = infos.paramt1;
+      h = infos.paramh.first;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      param_vec = infos.paramt2;
+      h = infos.paramh.second;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      param_vec = infos.paramt1 * -1.;
+      h = infos.paramh.first;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      param_vec = infos.paramt2 * -1.;
+      h = infos.paramh.second;
+      break;
-    //    cout << "(" << midpoint[0] << "," <<midpoint[1] << ") -> (" << newP[i][0][0] << "," << newP[i][0][1] << ") " << endl;
+    //    cout << "(" << midpoint[0] << "," <<midpoint[1] << ") -> (" <<
+    //    newP[i][0][0] << "," << newP[i][0][1] << ") " << endl;
-  // -------------------------------------------------
   // the following comes from surfaceFiller.cpp...
-  // -------------------------------------------------
   const double EPS = 1.e-7;
   for (int j=0;j<2;j++){
     for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
@@ -112,8 +120,8 @@ bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm, MVertex *v_center, /
-  // We could stop here. Yet, if the metric varies a lot, we can solve
-  // a nonlinear problem in order to find a better approximation in the real
+  // We could stop here. Yet, if the metric varies a lot, we can solve a
+  // nonlinear problem in order to find a better approximation in the real
   // surface
   if (1 && goNonLinear){
     double L = infos.localsize;
@@ -131,8 +139,8 @@ bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm, MVertex *v_center, /
       //      if (newPoint[i][1] > rangeV.high())newPoint[i][1] = rangeV.high();
       GPoint pp = gf->point(newP[i][0]);
       double D = sqrt ((pp.x() - v_center->x())*(pp.x() - v_center->x()) +
-          (pp.y() - v_center->y())*(pp.y() - v_center->y()) +
-          (pp.z() - v_center->z())*(pp.z() - v_center->z()) );
+                       (pp.y() - v_center->y())*(pp.y() - v_center->y()) +
+                       (pp.z() - v_center->z())*(pp.z() - v_center->z()) );
       ERR[i] = 100*fabs(D-L)/(D+L);
       //      printf("L = %12.5E D = %12.5E ERR = %12.5E\n",L,D,100*fabs(D-L)/(D+L));
@@ -142,46 +150,51 @@ bool computeFourNeighbors (frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm, MVertex *v_center, /
     for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
       if (ERR[i] > 12){
         double uvt[3] = {newPoint[i][0],newPoint[i][1],0.0};
-        //	  printf("Intersecting with circle N = %g %g %g dir = %g %g %g R = %g p = %g %g %g\n",n.x(),n.y(),n.z(),dirs[i].x(),dirs[i].y(),dirs[i].z(),L,v_center->x(),v_center->y(),v_center->z());
-        curveFunctorCircle cf (dirs[i],infos.normal, SVector3(v_center->x(),v_center->y(),v_center->z()), L);
+        // printf("Intersecting with circle N = %g %g %g dir = %g %g %g R
+        //	  = %g p = %g %g
+        //	  %g\n",n.x(),n.y(),n.z(),dirs[i].x(),dirs[i].y(),dirs[i].z(),L,
+        //        v_center->x(),v_center->y(),v_center->z());
+        curveFunctorCircle cf (dirs[i],infos.normal,
+                               SVector3(v_center->x(),v_center->y(),v_center->z()), L);
         if (intersectCurveSurface (cf,ss,uvt,infos.paramh.first*1.e-3)){
           GPoint pp = gf->point(SPoint2(uvt[0],uvt[1]));
           double D = sqrt ((pp.x() - v_center->x())*(pp.x() - v_center->x()) +
-              (pp.y() - v_center->y())*(pp.y() - v_center->y()) +
-              (pp.z() - v_center->z())*(pp.z() - v_center->z()) );
+                           (pp.y() - v_center->y())*(pp.y() - v_center->y()) +
+                           (pp.z() - v_center->z())*(pp.z() - v_center->z()) );
           double DP = sqrt ((newPoint[i][0]-uvt[0])*(newPoint[i][0]-uvt[0]) +
-              (newPoint[i][1]-uvt[1])*(newPoint[i][1]-uvt[1]));
+                            (newPoint[i][1]-uvt[1])*(newPoint[i][1]-uvt[1]));
           double newErr = 100*fabs(D-L)/(D+L);
           //	    if (v_center->onWhat() != gf && gf->tag() == 3){
           //	      crossField2d::normalizeAngle (uvt[2]);
           //	      printf("INTERSECT angle = %g DP %g\n",uvt[2],DP);
           //	    }
           if (newErr < 1 && DP < .1){
-            //	      printf("%12.5E vs %12.5E : %12.5E  %12.5E vs %12.5E  %12.5E \n",ERR[i],newErr,newPoint[i][0],newPoint[i][1],uvt[0],uvt[1]);
-            newPoint[i][0] = uvt[0];                                        //
-            newPoint[i][1] = uvt[1];                                        //
-          }                                                                 //
+            //	      printf("%12.5E vs %12.5E : %12.5E %12.5E vs %12.5E %12.5E
+            //	      \n",ERR[i],newErr,newPoint[i][0],newPoint[i][1],uvt[0],uvt[1]);
+            newPoint[i][0] = uvt[0];
+            newPoint[i][1] = uvt[1];
+          }
           //	    printf("OK\n");
           Msg::Debug("Cannot put a new point on Surface %d",gf->tag());
-          //	    printf("NOT OK\n");
+          // printf("NOT OK\n");
-    }                                                                   //
+    }
     // return the four new vertices
     for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
       newP[i][0] = SPoint2(newPoint[i][0],newPoint[i][1]);
-  } /// end non linear -------------------------------------------------//
+  }
   return true;
-void computeTwoNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent, vector<MVertex*> &spawns, SVector3 dir, double h){
+void computeTwoNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent,
+                         vector<MVertex*> &spawns, SVector3 dir, double h)
   // using approximate size, RK1...
   double x = parent->x();
   double y = parent->y();
@@ -200,10 +213,9 @@ void computeTwoNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent, vecto
   spawns[1] = new MVertex(newx,newy,newz,gr,0);
-void computeSixNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent, vector<MVertex*> &spawns, STensor3 dir, double h){
+void computeSixNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent,
+                         vector<MVertex*> &spawns, STensor3 dir, double h)
   // using approximate size, RK1...
   double x = parent->x();
   double y = parent->y();
@@ -224,25 +236,26 @@ void computeSixNeighbors(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex *parent, vecto
 double Filler2D::time_bgm_and_smoothing = 0.;
 double Filler2D::time_insertion = 0.;
   cout << "FILLER2D timing:" << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME2D bgm & smoothing  : " << time_bgm_and_smoothing << " s." << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME2D inserting points : " << time_insertion << " s." << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- TOTAL 2D TIME (new)   : " << time_bgm_and_smoothing+time_insertion << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME2D bgm & smoothing  : "
+       << time_bgm_and_smoothing << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME2D inserting points : "
+       << time_insertion << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- TOTAL 2D TIME (new)   : "
+       << time_bgm_and_smoothing+time_insertion << " s." << endl;
-void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMetric3> &metrics){
-  // NB/ do not use the mesh in GFace, use the one in backgroundMesh2D !!!
+void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed,
+                                vector<SMetric3> &metrics)
+  // NB/ do not use the mesh in GFace, use the one in backgroundMesh2D!
   //  if(debug) cout << " ------------------   OLD -------------------" << endl;
   //  stringstream ssa;
@@ -252,21 +265,19 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   //  backgroundMesh::current()->print(ssa.str(),gf,0);
-  //  
-  //  
+  //
+  //
   //  if(debug) cout << " ------------------   NEW -------------------" << endl;
   //  backgroundMesh2D *bgm2 = dynamic_cast<backgroundMesh2D*>(BGMManager::get(gf));
   //  stringstream ss2;
   //  ss2 << "basebg_sizefield_" << gf->tag() << ".pos";
   //  bgm2->exportSizeField(ss2.str());
-  //  
-  //  
-  //  
+  //
+  //
+  //
   //  return;
   const bool goNonLinear = true;
@@ -274,13 +285,14 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   const bool export_stuff=true;
   if (debug) cout << "ENTERING POINTINSERTION2D" << endl;
   double a;
   // acquire background mesh
   if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D: recover BGM" << endl;
-  frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm = dynamic_cast<frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D*>(BGMManager::get(gf));
+  frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D *bgm =
+    dynamic_cast<frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D*>(BGMManager::get(gf));
   time_bgm_and_smoothing += (Cpu() - a);
   if (!bgm){
@@ -319,11 +331,10 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D : get bnd vertices " << endl;
   set<MVertex*> bnd_vertices = bgm->get_vertices_of_maximum_dim(1);
-  // put boundary vertices in a fifo queue 
+  // put boundary vertices in a fifo queue
   set<smoothness_point_pair, compareSurfacePointWithExclusionRegionPtr_Smoothness> fifo;
   vector<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*> vertices;
   // initiate the rtree
   if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D : initiate RTree " << endl;
   RTree<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*,double,2,double> rtree;
@@ -334,14 +345,8 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   for (; it !=  bnd_vertices.end() ; ++it){
     SPoint2 midpoint;
     computeFourNeighbors(bgm,*it, midpoint, goNonLinear, newp, metricField);
-    surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *sp = new surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (*it, newp, midpoint,metricField);
-    //    if(debug){
-    //      cout << "  treating parent uv=(" << midpoint[0] << "," << midpoint[1] << ")" << endl;
-    //      for (int ii=0;ii<4;ii++)
-    //        cout << "     child is uv=(" << newp[ii][0][0] << "," << newp[ii][0][1] << ")" << endl;
-    //    }
+    surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *sp = new surfacePointWithExclusionRegion
+      (*it, newp, midpoint,metricField);
     smoothness_point_pair mp;
     mp.ptr = sp;
@@ -354,9 +359,6 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   // ---------- main loop -----------------
     if(debug) cout << " -------- fifo.size() = " << fifo.size() << endl;
@@ -365,31 +367,20 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
     surfacePointWithExclusionRegion * parent = (*fifo.begin()).ptr;
-    //    if(debug) cout << "  treating parent (" << parent->_v->x() << "," << parent->_v->y() << "," << parent->_v->z() << ")    uv=(" << parent->_center[0] << "," << parent->_center[1] << ")" << endl;
     for (int dir=0;dir<NUMDIR;dir++){
       for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
-        //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: check child " << i << endl;
-        //        if(debug) cout << "     treating child (" << gp.x() << "," << gp.y() << "," << gp.z() << ")    uv=(" << gp.u() << "," << gp.v() << ")" << endl;
-        ////        if(debug) cout << "     child is uv=(" << parent->_p[i][dir][0] << "," << parent->_p[i][dir][1] << ")" << endl;
         if (!inExclusionZone (parent->_p[i][dir], rtree, vertices) ){
           GPoint gp = gf->point(parent->_p[i][dir]);
-          //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: one child not in exclusion zone "<< endl;
           MFaceVertex *v = new MFaceVertex(gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z(),gf,gp.u(),gp.v());
           SPoint2 midpoint;
-          //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: computeFourNeighbors " << endl;
           computeFourNeighbors(bgm,v, midpoint, goNonLinear, newp, metricField);
-          //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: create new surfacePointWithExclusionRegion " << endl;
-          surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *sp = new surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (v, newp, midpoint, metricField, parent);
-          //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: get smoothness " << endl;
+          surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *sp = new surfacePointWithExclusionRegion
+            (v, newp, midpoint, metricField, parent);
           smoothness_point_pair mp;mp.ptr = sp;mp.rank=(1.-bgm->get_smoothness(gp.u(),gp.v()));
           if (debug) vert_priority[v] = priority_counter++;
-          //if(debug) cout << "pointInsertion2D main loop: insert in RTree " << endl;
           double _min[2],_max[2];
@@ -397,11 +388,12 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
           if (debug){
-            cout << "  adding node (" << sp->_v->x() << "," << sp->_v->y() << "," << sp->_v->z() << ")" << endl;
-            cout << "    ----------------------------- sub --- fifo.size() = " << fifo.size() << endl;
+            cout << "  adding node (" << sp->_v->x() << "," << sp->_v->y()
+                 << "," << sp->_v->z() << ")" << endl;
+            cout << "    ----------------------------- sub --- fifo.size() = "
+                 << fifo.size() << endl;
@@ -409,7 +401,6 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   time_insertion += (Cpu() - a);
   if (debug){
     stringstream ss;
     ss << "priority_" << gf->tag() << ".pos";
@@ -417,7 +408,6 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
   // add the vertices as additional vertices in the
   // surface mesh
   char ccc[256]; sprintf(ccc,"points%d.pos",gf->tag());
@@ -435,47 +425,24 @@ void Filler2D::pointInsertion2D(GFace* gf,  vector<MVertex*> &packed, vector<SMe
-bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
-  //if (gr->tag()>=11) return false;
-  //  if (gr->tag()==11) return false;
-  //  if (gr->tag()==12) return false;
-  //  if (gr->tag()==13) return false;
-  //  if (gr->tag()==17) return false;
+bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr)
   bool use_vectorial_smoothness;
   bool use_fifo;
   string algo;
-//  readValue("param.dat","SMOOTHNESSALGO",algo);
+  // readValue("param.dat","SMOOTHNESSALGO",algo);
   if (!"SCALAR")){
-    compareSmoothnessVertexPairs::vectorial = false;
     use_vectorial_smoothness = false;
     use_fifo = false;
-  else if (!"VECTORIAL")){
-    compareSmoothnessVertexPairs::vectorial = true;
-    use_vectorial_smoothness = true;
-    use_fifo = false;
-    cout << "Vectorial smoothness algo: abandonné pour l'instant !" << endl;
-    throw;
-  }
   else if (!"FIFO")){
-    compareSmoothnessVertexPairs::vectorial = false;
     use_vectorial_smoothness = false;
     use_fifo = true;
@@ -490,11 +457,11 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   cout << "ENTERING POINTINSERTION3D" << endl;
   // acquire background mesh
   cout << "pointInsertion3D: recover BGM" << endl;
   a = Cpu();
-  frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm = dynamic_cast<frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D*>(BGMManager::get(gr));
+  frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm =
+    dynamic_cast<frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D*>(BGMManager::get(gr));
   time_smoothing += (Cpu() - a);
   if (!bgm){
@@ -502,7 +469,6 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   // export BGM fields
     cout << "pointInsertion3D: export size field " << endl;
@@ -528,8 +494,6 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   // ---------------- START FILLING NEW POINTS ----------------
   cout << "pointInsertion3D : inserting points in region " << gr->tag()  << endl;
@@ -553,16 +517,16 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   map<MVertex*,double> smoothness_forplot;
   MElement *element;
   MVertex *vertex;
-  list<GFace*> faces = gr->faces();	
+  list<GFace*> faces = gr->faces();
   for(list<GFace*>::iterator it=faces.begin();it!=faces.end();it++){// for all faces
     GFace *gf = *it;
-    //    int limit = code_kesskessai(gf->tag());
+    // int limit = code_kesskessai(gf->tag());
     for(unsigned int i=0;i<gf->getNumMeshElements();i++){
       element = gf->getMeshElement(i);
       for(int j=0;j<element->getNumVertices();j++){// for all vertices
         vertex = element->getVertex(j);
-        //        limits.insert(make_pair(vertex,limit));
+        // limits.insert(make_pair(vertex,limit));
@@ -580,7 +544,8 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
     y = boundary_vertices[i]->y();
     z = boundary_vertices[i]->z();
-    MVertex *closest = bgm->get_nearest_neighbor_on_boundary(boundary_vertices[i]);// "on boundary since working on boundary_vertices ...
+    // "on boundary since working on boundary_vertices ...
+    MVertex *closest = bgm->get_nearest_neighbor_on_boundary(boundary_vertices[i]);
     h = bgm->size(closest);// get approximate size, closest vertex, faster ?!
@@ -592,7 +557,7 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
       svp->v = boundary_vertices[i];
       svp->rank = bgm->get_smoothness(x,y,z);
       svp->dir = 0;
-      svp->layer = 0; 
+      svp->layer = 0;
       svp->size = h;
       bgm->eval_approximate_crossfield(closest, svp->cf);
@@ -609,21 +574,19 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
         svp->v = boundary_vertices[i];
         svp->rank = bgm->get_vectorial_smoothness(idir,x,y,z);
         svp->dir = idir;
-        svp->layer = 0; 
+        svp->layer = 0;
         svp->size = h;
         svp->cf = temp;
         for (int k=0;k<3;k++) svp->direction(k) = temp(k,idir);
-        //        cout << "fifo size=" << fifo->size() << " inserting   "  ;
+        // cout << "fifo size=" << fifo->size() << " inserting   "  ;
-        //        cout << " ->  fifo size=" << fifo->size() << endl;
+        // cout << " ->  fifo size=" << fifo->size() << endl;
-  // TODO: si fifo était list of *PTR -> pas de copies, gain temps ? 
+  // TODO: si fifo était list of *PTR -> pas de copies, gain temps ?
   Wrapper3D wrapper;
   MVertex *parent,*individual;
@@ -646,15 +609,19 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
     vector<MVertex*> spawns;
     if (!use_vectorial_smoothness){
-      computeSixNeighbors(bgm,parent,spawns,fifo->get_first_crossfield(),fifo->get_first_size());
+      computeSixNeighbors(bgm,parent,spawns,fifo->get_first_crossfield(),
+                          fifo->get_first_size());
-      computeTwoNeighbors(bgm,parent,spawns,fifo->get_first_direction(),fifo->get_first_size());
+      computeTwoNeighbors(bgm,parent,spawns,fifo->get_first_direction(),
+                          fifo->get_first_size());
-    //    cout << "while, fifo->size()=" << fifo->size() << "  parent=(" << parent->x() << "," << parent->y() << "," << parent->z() << ")" << endl;
+    //    cout << "while, fifo->size()=" << fifo->size() << " parent=(" <<
+    //    parent->x() << "," << parent->y() << "," << parent->z() << ")" <<
+    //    endl;
     for(unsigned int i=0;i<spawns.size();i++){
       spawn_created = false;
@@ -662,7 +629,8 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
       x = individual->x();
       y = individual->y();
       z = individual->z();
-      //      cout << "  working on candidate " << "(" << individual->x() << "," << individual->y() << "," << individual->z() << ")" << endl;
+      //      cout << " working on candidate " << "(" << individual->x() << ","
+      //      << individual->y() << "," << individual->z() << ")" << endl;
         //        cout << "   spawn " << i << " in domain" << endl;
@@ -691,7 +659,7 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
               svp->v = individual;
               svp->dir = 0;
-              svp->layer = parent_layer+1; 
+              svp->layer = parent_layer+1;
               svp->size = h;
               svp->cf = crossfield;
@@ -708,7 +676,7 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
                 svp->v = individual;
                 svp->rank = bgm->get_vectorial_smoothness(idir,x,y,z);
                 svp->dir = idir;
-                svp->layer = parent_layer+1; 
+                svp->layer = parent_layer+1;
                 svp->size = h;
                 for (int k=0;k<3;k++) svp->direction(k) = crossfield(k,idir);
                 svp->cf = crossfield;
@@ -733,7 +701,6 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   time_insert_points += (Cpu() - a);
   // --- output ---
   if (debug){
     stringstream ss;
@@ -755,7 +722,6 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   int option = CTX::instance()->mesh.algo3d;
   CTX::instance()->mesh.algo3d = ALGO_3D_DELAUNAY;
   deMeshGRegion deleter;
   std::vector<GRegion*> regions;
@@ -775,31 +741,32 @@ bool Filler3D::treat_region(GRegion *gr){
   return true;
-int Filler3D::get_nbr_new_vertices(){
+int Filler3D::get_nbr_new_vertices()
   return new_vertices.size();
-MVertex* Filler3D::get_new_vertex(int i){
+MVertex* Filler3D::get_new_vertex(int i)
   return new_vertices[i];
   cout << "FILLER3D timing:" << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D bgm & smoothing  : " << time_smoothing << " s." << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D inserting points : " << time_insert_points << " s." << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D meshing region   : " << time_meshing << " s." << endl;
-  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TOTAL 3D TIME (new)   : " << time_meshing+time_smoothing+time_insert_points << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D bgm & smoothing  : "
+       << time_smoothing << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D inserting points : "
+       << time_insert_points << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TIME3D meshing region   : "
+       << time_meshing << " s." << endl;
+  cout << "  ------- CUMULATIVE TOTAL 3D TIME (new)   : "
+       << time_meshing+time_smoothing+time_insert_points << " s." << endl;
 std::vector<MVertex*> Filler3D::new_vertices;
diff --git a/Mesh/pointInsertion.h b/Mesh/pointInsertion.h
index ecda4439e7..156f0a8b25 100644
--- a/Mesh/pointInsertion.h
+++ b/Mesh/pointInsertion.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2014 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
diff --git a/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp b/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp
index d8845e1ad1..debf01c640 100644
--- a/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
-#include "pointInsertionRTreeTools.h"
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
+// Contributed by Tristan Carrier and Paul-Emile Bernard
+#include "pointInsertionRTreeTools.h"
 #include "BackgroundMesh.h"
 #include "BackgroundMeshManager.h"
 #include "pointInsertion.h"
 #include "GEntity.h"
-surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (MVertex *v, SPoint2 p[4][NUMDIR], SPoint2 &_mp, SMetric3 & meshMetric, surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *father){
+  (MVertex *v, SPoint2 p[4][NUMDIR], SPoint2 &_mp, SMetric3 & meshMetric,
+   surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *father)
   _v = v;
   _meshMetric = meshMetric;
   _center = _mp;
@@ -28,8 +33,8 @@ surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (MVertex *v, SP
-bool surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::inExclusionZone (const SPoint2 &p){
+bool surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::inExclusionZone (const SPoint2 &p)
   double mat[2][2];
   double b[2] , uv[2];
   mat[0][0]= _q[1].x()-_q[0].x();
@@ -53,16 +58,16 @@ bool surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::inExclusionZone (const SPoint2 &p){
   return false;
-void surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::minmax  (double _min[2], double _max[2]) const{
+void surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::minmax (double _min[2], double _max[2]) const
   _min[0] = std::min(std::min(std::min(_q[0].x(),_q[1].x()),_q[2].x()),_q[3].x());
   _min[1] = std::min(std::min(std::min(_q[0].y(),_q[1].y()),_q[2].y()),_q[3].y());
   _max[0] = std::max(std::max(std::max(_q[0].x(),_q[1].x()),_q[2].x()),_q[3].x());
   _max[1] = std::max(std::max(std::max(_q[0].y(),_q[1].y()),_q[2].y()),_q[3].y());
-void surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::print (FILE *f, int i){
+void surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::print (FILE *f, int i)
@@ -72,15 +77,10 @@ void surfacePointWithExclusionRegion::print (FILE *f, int i){
 my_wrapper::my_wrapper (SPoint2 sp) : _tooclose (false), _p(sp) {}
-bool rtree_callback(surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *neighbour,void* point){
+bool rtree_callback(surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *neighbour,void* point)
   my_wrapper *w = static_cast<my_wrapper*>(point);
   if (neighbour->inExclusionZone(w->_p)){
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ bool rtree_callback(surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *neighbour,void* point){
   return true;
-bool inExclusionZone (SPoint2 &p,
-    RTree<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*,double,2,double> &rtree,
-    std::vector<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*> & all ){
+bool inExclusionZone
+  (SPoint2 &p,
+   RTree<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*,double,2,double> &rtree,
+   std::vector<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*> & all )
   // should assert that the point is inside the domain
   // OLD BGM
   if (old_algo_hexa()){
@@ -114,25 +114,18 @@ bool inExclusionZone (SPoint2 &p,
   for (unsigned int i=0;i<all.size();++i){
     if (all[i]->inExclusionZone(p)){
-      //      printf("%g %g is in exclusion zone of %g %g\n",p.x(),p.y(),all[i]._center.x(),all[i]._center.y());
+      // printf("%g %g is in exclusion zone of %g
+      //        %g\n",p.x(),p.y(),all[i]._center.x(),all[i]._center.y());
       return true;
   return false;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------   3D  --------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D* Wrapper3D::bgmesh = NULL;
-bool compareSmoothnessVertexPairs::vectorial = false;
-double infinity_distance_3D(const MVertex *v1,const MVertex *v2,STensor3 &cf){
+double infinity_distance_3D(const MVertex *v1,const MVertex *v2,STensor3 &cf)
   SPoint3 p1 = v1->point();
   SPoint3 p2 = v2->point();
   double x1=0.;
@@ -154,8 +147,8 @@ double infinity_distance_3D(const MVertex *v1,const MVertex *v2,STensor3 &cf){
   return std::max(std::max(fabs(x2-x1),fabs(y2-y1)),fabs(z2-z1));// distance
-void fill_min_max(double x,double y,double z,double h,double *min,double *max){
+void fill_min_max(double x,double y,double z,double h,double *min,double *max)
   min[0] = x - sqrt3*h;
   max[0] = x + sqrt3*h;
   min[1] = y - sqrt3*h;
@@ -164,19 +157,18 @@ void fill_min_max(double x,double y,double z,double h,double *min,double *max){
   max[2] = z + sqrt3*h;
-bool rtree_callback_3D(MVertex* neighbour,void* w){
+bool rtree_callback_3D(MVertex* neighbour,void* w)
   Wrapper3D* wrapper;
   wrapper = static_cast<Wrapper3D*>(w);
   const MVertex* individual = wrapper->get_individual();
   const MVertex *parent = wrapper->get_parent();
   if (parent==neighbour) return true;
-//  frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D* bgm = wrapper->bgm();
-//  const MVertex *closest = bgm->get_nearest_neighbor(individual);
-//  const double h = bgm->size(closest);// get approximate size, closest vertex, faster ?!
-//  STensor3 crossfield;
-//  bgm->eval_approximate_crossfield(closest, crossfield);
+  // frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D* bgm = wrapper->bgm();
+  // const MVertex *closest = bgm->get_nearest_neighbor(individual);
+  // const double h = bgm->size(closest);// get approximate size, closest vertex, faster ?!
+  // STensor3 crossfield;
+  // bgm->eval_approximate_crossfield(closest, crossfield);
   double *h = wrapper->get_size();
   STensor3 *crossfield = wrapper->get_crossfield();
@@ -188,10 +180,10 @@ bool rtree_callback_3D(MVertex* neighbour,void* w){
   return true;
-bool far_from_boundary_3D(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex* v, double h){
+bool far_from_boundary_3D(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex* v, double h)
   // check if the box (v->point +- k2*h) is in domain
   const double x = v->x();
   const double y = v->y();
   const double z = v->z();
@@ -205,28 +197,3 @@ bool far_from_boundary_3D(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex* v, double h)
   return true;
-// vient de l'ancien code hexa, mais... kesskessai ?
-//int code_kesskessai(int tag){
-//  int limit;
-//  std::string s;
-//  std::stringstream s2;
-//  limit = -1;
-//  s2 << tag;
-//  s = s2.str();
-//  if(s.length()>=5){
-//    if('1' &&'1' &&'1' &&'1' &&'1'){
-//      limit = 0;
-//    }
-//    else if('2' &&'2' &&'2' &&'2' &&'2'){
-//      limit = 1;
-//    }
-//  }
-//  return limit;
diff --git a/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h b/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h
index 22cf1ffe6a..8ac501c870 100644
--- a/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h
+++ b/Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
+// Contributed by Tristan Carrier and Paul-Emile Bernard
+#include <math.h>
+#include <queue>
 #include "MVertex.h"
 #include "STensor3.h"
 #include "BackgroundMesh3D.h"
 #include "GEntity.h"
 #include "rtree.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <queue>
-//using namespace std;
 static const double k1 = 0.61; //k1*h is the minimal distance between two nodes
 static const double k2 = 0.5; //k2*h is the minimal distance to the boundary
 static const double sqrt3 = 1.73205081;
@@ -27,18 +27,14 @@ static const double DIRS [NUMDIR] = {0.0};
 //static const int NUMDIR = 3;
 //static const double DIRS [NUMDIR] = {0.0, M_PI/20.,-M_PI/20.};
 class surfacePointWithExclusionRegion {
-  public:
-    MVertex *_v;
-    SPoint2 _center;
-    SPoint2 _p[4][NUMDIR];
-    SPoint2 _q[4];
-    SMetric3 _meshMetric;
-    double _distanceSummed;
+  MVertex *_v;
+  SPoint2 _center;
+  SPoint2 _p[4][NUMDIR];
+  SPoint2 _q[4];
+  SMetric3 _meshMetric;
+  double _distanceSummed;
        + p3
        p4   |
@@ -47,327 +43,212 @@ class surfacePointWithExclusionRegion {
        + p1
+  surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (MVertex *v, SPoint2 p[4][NUMDIR],
+                                   SPoint2 &_mp, SMetric3 & meshMetric,
+                                   surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *father = 0);
-    surfacePointWithExclusionRegion (MVertex *v, SPoint2 p[4][NUMDIR], SPoint2 &_mp, SMetric3 & meshMetric, surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *father = 0);
-    bool inExclusionZone (const SPoint2 &p);
-    void minmax  (double _min[2], double _max[2]) const;
-    void print (FILE *f, int i);
+  bool inExclusionZone (const SPoint2 &p);
+  void minmax  (double _min[2], double _max[2]) const;
+  void print (FILE *f, int i);
 class my_wrapper {
-  public:
-    bool _tooclose;
-    SPoint2 _p;
-    my_wrapper (SPoint2 sp);
+  bool _tooclose;
+  SPoint2 _p;
+  my_wrapper (SPoint2 sp);
 struct smoothness_point_pair{
   double rank;
   surfacePointWithExclusionRegion* ptr;
 class compareSurfacePointWithExclusionRegionPtr_Smoothness
-  public:
-    inline bool operator () (const smoothness_point_pair &a, const smoothness_point_pair &b)  const
-    {
-      if (a.rank == b.rank){
-        if(a.ptr->_distanceSummed > b.ptr->_distanceSummed) return false;
-        if(a.ptr->_distanceSummed < b.ptr->_distanceSummed) return true;
-        return a.ptr<b.ptr;
-      }
-      // else
-      return (a.rank < b.rank);
+  inline bool operator () (const smoothness_point_pair &a,
+                           const smoothness_point_pair &b)  const
+  {
+    if (a.rank == b.rank){
+      if(a.ptr->_distanceSummed > b.ptr->_distanceSummed) return false;
+      if(a.ptr->_distanceSummed < b.ptr->_distanceSummed) return true;
+      return a.ptr<b.ptr;
+    return (a.rank < b.rank);
+  }
 class compareSurfacePointWithExclusionRegionPtr
-  public:
-    inline bool operator () (const surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *a, const surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *b)  const
-    {
-      if(a->_distanceSummed > b->_distanceSummed) return false;
-      if(a->_distanceSummed < b->_distanceSummed) return true;
-      return a<b;
-    }
+  inline bool operator () (const surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *a,
+                           const surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *b)  const
+  {
+    if(a->_distanceSummed > b->_distanceSummed) return false;
+    if(a->_distanceSummed < b->_distanceSummed) return true;
+    return a<b;
+  }
 extern bool rtree_callback(surfacePointWithExclusionRegion *neighbour,void* point);
-extern bool inExclusionZone (SPoint2 &p, RTree<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*,double,2,double> &rtree, std::vector<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*> & all );
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------   3D  --------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern bool inExclusionZone (SPoint2 &p,
+                             RTree<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*,double,2,double> &rtree,
+                             std::vector<surfacePointWithExclusionRegion*> & all);
 class Wrapper3D{
-  private:
-    static frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D* bgmesh;
-    MVertex *individual,*parent;
-    double *size;
-    STensor3 *cf;
-    SVector3 *vec;
-    bool ok;
-    //    Node* individual;
-    //    Node* parent;
-  public:
-    Wrapper3D():ok(true){};
-    Wrapper3D(MVertex* _i,MVertex* _p):individual(_i), parent(_p),ok(true){};
-    ~Wrapper3D(){};
-    void set_ok(bool b){ok=b;};
-    void set_individual(MVertex *vertex){individual=vertex;};
-    void set_parent(MVertex *vertex){parent=vertex;};
-    void set_size(double *h){size=h;};
-    void set_crossfield(STensor3 *_cf){cf=_cf;};
-    void set_direction(SVector3 *_v){vec=_v;};
-    bool get_ok(){return ok;};
-    void set_bgm(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm){bgmesh = bgm;};
-    frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D * bgm(){return bgmesh;};
-    MVertex* get_individual(){return individual;};
-    MVertex* get_parent(){return parent;};
-    STensor3* get_crossfield(){return cf;};
-    SVector3* get_direction(){return vec;};
-    double* get_size(){return size;};
+  static frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D* bgmesh;
+  MVertex *individual,*parent;
+  double *size;
+  STensor3 *cf;
+  SVector3 *vec;
+  bool ok;
+  Wrapper3D():ok(true){};
+  Wrapper3D(MVertex* _i,MVertex* _p):individual(_i), parent(_p),ok(true){};
+  ~Wrapper3D(){};
+  void set_ok(bool b){ok=b;};
+  void set_individual(MVertex *vertex){individual=vertex;};
+  void set_parent(MVertex *vertex){parent=vertex;};
+  void set_size(double *h){size=h;};
+  void set_crossfield(STensor3 *_cf){cf=_cf;};
+  void set_direction(SVector3 *_v){vec=_v;};
+  bool get_ok(){return ok;};
+  void set_bgm(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm){bgmesh = bgm;};
+  frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D * bgm(){return bgmesh;};
+  MVertex* get_individual(){return individual;};
+  MVertex* get_parent(){return parent;};
+  STensor3* get_crossfield(){return cf;};
+  SVector3* get_direction(){return vec;};
+  double* get_size(){return size;};
 extern double infinity_distance_3D(const MVertex *v1,const MVertex *v2,STensor3 &cf);
 extern bool rtree_callback_3D(MVertex* neighbour,void* w);
 extern bool far_from_boundary_3D(frameFieldBackgroundMesh3D *bgm, MVertex* v, double h);
-//extern int code_kesskessai(int tag);
 extern void fill_min_max(double x,double y,double z,double h,double *min,double *max);
-// TODO: this is not a pair anymore, the name has to be changed
-// this will be in listOfPoints AND !!! in RTree: larger memory footprint but less CPU time...
+// TODO: this is not a pair anymore, the name has to be changed; this will be in
+// listOfPoints AND in RTree: larger memory footprint but less CPU time...
 class smoothness_vertex_pair{
-  public:
-    smoothness_vertex_pair(){};
-//    smoothness_vertex_pair(const smoothness_vertex_pair &other){
-//      rank = other.rank;
-//      v = other.v;
-//      dir = other.dir;
-//      layer = other.layer;
-//    };
-    ~smoothness_vertex_pair(){};
-    STensor3 cf;
-    SVector3 direction;
-    double rank,size;
-    MVertex *v;
-    int dir,layer;
+  smoothness_vertex_pair(){};
+  ~smoothness_vertex_pair(){};
+  STensor3 cf;
+  SVector3 direction;
+  double rank, size;
+  MVertex *v;
+  int dir, layer;
 class compareSmoothnessVertexPairs
-  private:
-    const double threshold;
-    double roundit(const double &d)const{
-      //return (round(d/threshold)*threshold);
-      return ((int)(d/threshold + 0.5)*threshold);
-    }
-  public:
-    static bool vectorial;
-    compareSmoothnessVertexPairs():threshold(0.05){};
-    inline bool operator () (const smoothness_vertex_pair *a, const smoothness_vertex_pair *b)  const
-    {
-      // THIS IS USED :
-      if (!vectorial){
-        if (a->rank==b->rank) return (a->v<b->v);
-        return (a->rank > b->rank);
-      }
-      //      cout << "   operator() " << endl;
-      if (roundit(a->rank)==roundit(b->rank) && ((a->rank+b->rank)/2.>=0.9)){// if good smoothness and approximately equal
-        //        cout << "     smoothness same,";
-        if (a->layer!=b->layer){// layers are different
-          //          cout << "layers different, return " << (a->layer > b->layer) << endl;
-          return (a->layer > b->layer);// priority to larger layer
-        }
-        //cout << "a b rankls: " << roundit(a->rank) << "," << roundit(b->rank) << "  layers=" << a->layer << "," << b->layer << "   -> return " << (a->layer > b->layer) << endl;
-        if ((a->layer==0) && (b->layer==0)){// both on boundaries
-          //          cout << "both on boundaries,";
-          if ((a->v->onWhat()->dim()==2) && (b->v->onWhat()->dim()==2)){// both on faces
-            //          cout << "both on faces,";
-            if ((a->v->onWhat()->tag()) != (b->v->onWhat()->tag())){// with different tags
-              //          cout << "with different tags, return " << (a->v->onWhat()->tag() < b->v->onWhat()->tag()) << endl;
-              return (a->v->onWhat()->tag() < b->v->onWhat()->tag());// priority to smaller tag
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (a->rank==b->rank){// same smoothness
-        //        cout << "     same smoothness";
-        if (a->v==b->v){// same vertex
-          //          cout << "     same vertex, return "  << (a->dir < b->dir) << endl;
-          return (a->dir < b->dir);
-        }
-        //        cout << "return " << (a->v < b->v) << endl;
-        return (a->v<b->v);
-      }
-      //      cout << "     comparing smoothness, return " << (a->rank > b->rank) << endl;
-      //      cout << "no roundit !!!" << endl;
-      return (a->rank > b->rank);
-    }
+  const double threshold;
+  double roundit(const double &d) const
+  {
+    //return (round(d/threshold)*threshold);
+    return ((int)(d/threshold + 0.5)*threshold);
+  }
+  compareSmoothnessVertexPairs():threshold(0.05){};
+  inline bool operator () (const smoothness_vertex_pair *a,
+                           const smoothness_vertex_pair *b)  const
+  {
+    if (a->rank==b->rank) return (a->v<b->v);
+    return (a->rank > b->rank);
+  }
 class listOfPoints{
-  public:
-    listOfPoints(){};
-    virtual ~listOfPoints(){};
-    virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp)=0;
-    virtual unsigned int size()=0;
-    virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex()=0;
-    virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield()=0;
-    virtual double get_first_size()=0;
-    virtual int get_first_layer()=0;
-    virtual SVector3 get_first_direction()=0;
-    virtual void erase_first()=0;
-    virtual bool empty()=0;
+  listOfPoints(){};
+  virtual ~listOfPoints(){};
+  virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp)=0;
+  virtual unsigned int size()=0;
+  virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex()=0;
+  virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield()=0;
+  virtual double get_first_size()=0;
+  virtual int get_first_layer()=0;
+  virtual SVector3 get_first_direction()=0;
+  virtual void erase_first()=0;
+  virtual bool empty()=0;
 class listOfPointsScalarSmoothness : public listOfPoints{
-  public:
-    listOfPointsScalarSmoothness(){
-      cout << "USING SMOOTHNESS-BASED LIST" << endl;
-    };
-    virtual ~listOfPointsScalarSmoothness(){
-      while (!empty())
-        erase_first();
-    };
-    virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp){points.insert(svp);};
-    virtual unsigned int size(){return points.size();};
-    virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex(){return (*points.begin())->v;};
-    virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield(){return (*points.begin())->cf;};
-    virtual double get_first_size(){return (*points.begin())->size;};
-    virtual int get_first_layer(){return (*points.begin())->layer;};
-    virtual SVector3 get_first_direction(){
-      cout << "listOfPointsScalarSmoothness:: get_first_direction NOT applicable ! " << endl;
-      throw;
-      return SVector3(0.);
-    };
-    virtual void erase_first(){
-      smoothness_vertex_pair *ptr = *(points.begin());
-      points.erase(points.begin());
-      delete ptr;
-    };
-    virtual bool empty(){return points.empty();};
-  protected:
-    set<smoothness_vertex_pair*, compareSmoothnessVertexPairs> points;
+  listOfPointsScalarSmoothness(){ };
+  virtual ~listOfPointsScalarSmoothness()
+  {
+    while (!empty())
+      erase_first();
+  };
+  virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp){ points.insert(svp); };
+  virtual unsigned int size(){ return points.size(); };
+  virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex(){ return (*points.begin())->v; };
+  virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield(){ return (*points.begin())->cf; };
+  virtual double get_first_size(){ return (*points.begin())->size; };
+  virtual int get_first_layer(){ return (*points.begin())->layer; };
+  virtual SVector3 get_first_direction()
+  {
+    Msg::Error("listOfPointsScalarSmoothness::get_first_direction NOT applicable");
+    return SVector3(0.);
+  };
+  virtual void erase_first()
+  {
+    smoothness_vertex_pair *ptr = *(points.begin());
+    points.erase(points.begin());
+    delete ptr;
+  };
+  virtual bool empty(){ return points.empty(); };
+  set<smoothness_vertex_pair*, compareSmoothnessVertexPairs> points;
 class listOfPointsVectorialSmoothness : public listOfPointsScalarSmoothness{
-  public:
-    listOfPointsVectorialSmoothness(){
-    };
-    virtual ~listOfPointsVectorialSmoothness(){
-      while (!empty())
-        erase_first();
-    };
-    virtual SVector3 get_first_direction(){return (*points.begin())->direction;};
-  protected:
-    set<smoothness_vertex_pair*, compareSmoothnessVertexPairs> points;
+  listOfPointsVectorialSmoothness(){};
+  virtual ~listOfPointsVectorialSmoothness(){
+    while (!empty())
+      erase_first();
+  };
+  virtual SVector3 get_first_direction(){ return (*points.begin())->direction; };
+  set<smoothness_vertex_pair*, compareSmoothnessVertexPairs> points;
 class listOfPointsFifo : public listOfPoints{
-  public:
-    listOfPointsFifo(){
-      cout << "USING FIFO LIST" << endl;
-    };
-    virtual ~listOfPointsFifo(){
-      while (!empty())
-        erase_first();
-    };
-    virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp){points.push(svp);};
-    virtual unsigned int size(){return points.size();};
-    virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex(){return (points.front())->v;};
-    virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield(){return (points.front())->cf;};
-    virtual double get_first_size(){return (points.front())->size;};
-    virtual int get_first_layer(){return (points.front())->layer;};
-    virtual SVector3 get_first_direction(){
-      cout << "listOfPointsFifo:: get_first_direction NOT applicable ! " << endl;
-      throw;
-      return SVector3(0.);
-    };
-    virtual void erase_first(){
-      smoothness_vertex_pair *ptr = points.front();
-      points.pop();
-      delete ptr;
-    };
-    virtual bool empty(){return points.empty();};
-  protected:
-    queue<smoothness_vertex_pair*> points;
+  listOfPointsFifo(){};
+  virtual ~listOfPointsFifo(){
+    while (!empty())
+      erase_first();
+  };
+  virtual void insert(smoothness_vertex_pair *svp){ points.push(svp); };
+  virtual unsigned int size(){ return points.size(); };
+  virtual MVertex* get_first_vertex(){ return (points.front())->v; };
+  virtual STensor3 get_first_crossfield(){ return (points.front())->cf; };
+  virtual double get_first_size(){ return (points.front())->size; };
+  virtual int get_first_layer(){ return (points.front())->layer; };
+  virtual SVector3 get_first_direction()
+  {
+    Msg::Error("listOfPointsFifo::get_first_direction NOT applicable");
+    return SVector3(0.);
+  };
+  virtual void erase_first()
+  {
+    smoothness_vertex_pair *ptr = points.front();
+    points.pop();
+    delete ptr;
+  };
+  virtual bool empty(){ return points.empty(); };
+  queue<smoothness_vertex_pair*> points;
-////class 3DNode{
-////  private:
-////    SPoint3 point;
-////  public:
-////    double min[3];
-////    double max[3];
-////    Node(SPoint3);
-////    Node(double x, double y, double z);
-////    ~Node();
diff --git a/Mesh/surfaceFiller.h b/Mesh/surfaceFiller.h
index e7fba84897..dabb87040b 100644
--- a/Mesh/surfaceFiller.h
+++ b/Mesh/surfaceFiller.h
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
-#include "STensor3.h"
 #include <vector>
+#include "STensor3.h"
 class GFace;
 class MVertex;
-void packingOfParallelogramsSmoothness(GFace* gf, std::vector<MVertex*> &packed, std::vector<SMetric3> &metrics );
-void packingOfParallelograms(GFace* gf, std::vector<MVertex*> &packed, std::vector<SMetric3> &metrics );
+void packingOfParallelogramsSmoothness(GFace* gf, std::vector<MVertex*> &packed,
+                                       std::vector<SMetric3> &metrics);
+void packingOfParallelograms(GFace* gf, std::vector<MVertex*> &packed,
+                             std::vector<SMetric3> &metrics);
diff --git a/Mesh/yamakawa.cpp b/Mesh/yamakawa.cpp
index 24382028e6..ec356ca73d 100644
--- a/Mesh/yamakawa.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/yamakawa.cpp
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
-// Contributor(s):
-//   Tristan Carrier
-// FIXME: This code should be cleaned up and made to conform with Gmsh's coding
-// style
+// Contributed by Tristan Carrier and Paul-Emile Bernard
 #include <numeric>
 #include <iterator>
@@ -29,7 +25,7 @@
 void export_gregion_mesh(GRegion *gr, string filename)
-  // FIXME: why not use MElement::writeMSH !?
+  // FIXME: use MElement::writeMSH!
   // create set of all tets
   map<MVertex*,int> vertices;
@@ -255,7 +251,8 @@ void clique_stop_criteria<T>::export_corresponding_mesh
   // create MHexahedron, remove included tets from set "tets"
-  for (typename graph_data_no_hash::const_iterator it = clique.begin();it!=clique.end();it++){
+  for (typename graph_data_no_hash::const_iterator it = clique.begin();
+       it!=clique.end(); it++){
     typename map<T, std::set<MElement*> >::const_iterator itfind = hex_to_tet.find(*it);
     if (itfind==hex_to_tet.end()){
       cout << "clique_stop_criteria::void export_corresponding_mesh : not found !!!" << endl;
diff --git a/Mesh/yamakawa.h b/Mesh/yamakawa.h
index 2fc5405046..19f0d357b8 100644
--- a/Mesh/yamakawa.h
+++ b/Mesh/yamakawa.h
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
-// Contributor(s):
-//   Tristan Carrier
+// Contributed by Tristan Carrier
 #ifndef _YAMAKAWA_H_
 #define _YAMAKAWA_H_