diff --git a/FunctionSpace/CMakeLists.txt b/FunctionSpace/CMakeLists.txt
index d4c99a11864fbb9bc1d96cafa0bd4340140317ca..193a31464872d066ca3b93298dc98c66daedbc28 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/FunctionSpace/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ set(SRC
+  QuadReferenceSpace.cpp
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.cpp b/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecec74d447e1ac75f98ac3de124904ba9a717edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include <sstream>
+#include "QuadReferenceSpace.h"
+#include "MQuadrangle.h"
+using namespace std;
+  // Vertex Definition //
+  nVertex = 4;
+  // Edge Definition //
+  nEdge   = 4;
+  refEdge = new unsigned int*[nEdge];
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nEdge; i++){
+    refEdge[i]    = new unsigned int[2];
+    refEdge[i][0] = MQuadrangle::edges_quad(i, 0);
+    refEdge[i][1] = MQuadrangle::edges_quad(i, 1);
+  }
+  // Face Definition //
+  nFace      = 1;
+  refFace    = new unsigned int*[nFace];
+  refFace[0] = new unsigned int[4];
+  refFace[0][0] = 0;
+  refFace[0][1] = 1;
+  refFace[0][2] = 2;
+  refFace[0][3] = 3;
+  // Init All //
+  init();
+  // Delete Ref Edge //
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nEdge; i++)
+    delete[] refEdge[i];
+  delete[] refEdge;
+  // Delete Ref Face //
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nFace; i++)
+    delete[] refFace[i];
+  delete[] refFace;
+string QuadReferenceSpace::toLatex(void) const{
+  stringstream stream;
+  stream << "\\documentclass{article}" << endl << endl
+	 << "\\usepackage{longtable}"  << endl
+	 << "\\usepackage{tikz}"       << endl
+	 << "\\usetikzlibrary{arrows}" << endl << endl
+	 << "\\begin{document}"                                   << endl
+	 << "\\tikzstyle{vertex} = [circle, fill = black!25]"     << endl
+	 << "\\tikzstyle{line}   = [draw, thick, black, -latex']" << endl << endl
+	 << "\\begin{longtable}{ccc}" << endl << endl;
+  for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
+    stream << "\\begin{tikzpicture}" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n0) at(0, 0) {$" << perm[p][0] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n1) at(3, 0) {$" << perm[p][1] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n2) at(3, 3) {$" << perm[p][2] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n3) at(0, 3) {$" << perm[p][3] << "$};" << endl
+           << endl;
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+      stream << "\\path[line]"
+	     << " (n" << (*(*(*edge)[p])[i])[0] << ")"
+	     << " -- "
+	     << " (n" << (*(*(*edge)[p])[i])[1] << ");"
+	     << endl;
+    if((p + 1) % 3)
+      stream << "\\end{tikzpicture} & "        << endl << endl;
+    else
+      stream << "\\end{tikzpicture} \\\\ \\\\" << endl << endl;
+  }
+  stream << "\\end{longtable}" << endl
+	 << "\\end{document}"  << endl;
+  return stream.str();
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.h b/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dadc5a7f48e358403e81f84e736983fae85d7999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FunctionSpace/QuadReferenceSpace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "ReferenceSpace.h"
+   @class QuadReferenceSpace
+   @brief ReferenceSpace for a Quadrangle
+   This class implements a ReferenceSpace for a Quadrangle.
+ */
+class QuadReferenceSpace: public ReferenceSpace{
+ public:
+  QuadReferenceSpace(void);
+  virtual ~QuadReferenceSpace(void);
+  virtual std::string toLatex(void) const;
+   @fn QuadReferenceSpace::QuadReferenceSpace
+   Instatiate a new ReferenceSpace for a Quadrangle
+   **
+   @fn QuadReferenceSpace::~QuadReferenceSpace
+   Deletes this QuadReferenceSpace
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
index fca8c8cfac571f54361c7b4e38e144aba22a0af8..7b9ef5967bf5da468f81f49c707374eff0d1a4e0 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
+++ b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,33 @@
 using namespace std;
+  // Init to NULL                  //
+  nVertex    = 0;
+  nextLeafId = 0;
+  nPerm = 0;
+  perm  = NULL;
+  lPerm = NULL;
+  nUnconnected    = 0;
+  unconnected     = NULL;
+  toBeUnconnected = NULL;
+  reduceBy        = 0;
+  pTreeRoot.depth    = 0;
+  pTreeRoot.last     = NULL;
+  pTreeRoot.number   = 0;
+  pTreeRoot.possible = NULL;
+  pTreeRoot.next     = NULL;
+  nEdge   = 0;
+  refEdge = NULL;
+  edge    = NULL;
+  nFace   = 0;
+  refFace = NULL;
+  face    = NULL;
   // Defining Ref Edge and Face in //
   // Dervived Class                //
   // And CALL INIT()               //
@@ -239,6 +266,24 @@ unsigned int ReferenceSpace::getPermutation(const MElement& elem) const{
   //                 (vertex[i].second->getNum) //
   std::sort(vertex.begin(), vertex.end(), sortPredicate);
+  /*****************************************************************
+   * What does that do ?                                           *
+   *  Tree lookup needs vertices in the range [0 .. nVertex[.      *
+   *                                                               *
+   *  So we need to convert the node ID from 'element.getVertex()' *
+   *  to a number between [0 .. nVertex[.                          *
+   *                                                               *
+   *  The convertion is such that the smallest node ID             *
+   *  gets the converted ID '0'.                                   *
+   *  Then the second smallest the ID '1'.                         *
+   *  And so on...                                                 *
+   *                                                               *
+   *  The sorting of the vector 'vertex' with respect              *
+   *  to the element.getVertex() IDs does that job                 *
+   *****************************************************************/
   // Tree Lookup //
     return treeLookup(&pTreeRoot, vertex);
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
index 88e86a097839f6ce35fc3ec08bb0aac00bc19cfa..5fd8258b4489f5c0475bc126adba7102841b8056 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
+++ b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <list>
+#include <stack>
 #include <string>
 #include "MElement.h"
@@ -35,13 +36,19 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   // Permutation (Tree + Leaf) //
-  unsigned int   nextLeafId;
-  unsigned int   nVertex;
-  unsigned int   nPerm;
-  unsigned int** perm;
-  node pTreeRoot;
+  unsigned int    nVertex;
+  unsigned int nextLeafId;
+  unsigned int              nPerm;
+  unsigned int**             perm;
+  std::list<unsigned int*>* lPerm;
-  mutable std::list<unsigned int*>* lPerm;
+  unsigned int                           nUnconnected;
+  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>*  unconnected;
+  std::stack<node*>*                  toBeUnconnected;
+  unsigned int                               reduceBy;
+  node pTreeRoot;
   // Edge Permutation //
   unsigned int    nEdge;
@@ -77,6 +84,10 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   void populate(node* pTreeRoot);
   void destroy(node* node);
+  void unconnectWalk(node* pTreeRoot);    // Find wrong permutations
+  void markAsUnconnect(node* pTreeRoot);  // Mark leafs, with pTreeRoot as root, to be 'unconnected'
+  void unconnect(void);                   // Unconnects leafs marked before
   void getEdge(void);
   void getFace(void);
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/TetReferenceSpace.cpp b/FunctionSpace/TetReferenceSpace.cpp
index 585744aa12d98b90f125ec7b5a98b748c46d2b65..b591b39023fc7f66908eec8a024e9b88e646cb97 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/TetReferenceSpace.cpp
+++ b/FunctionSpace/TetReferenceSpace.cpp
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ string TetReferenceSpace::toLatex(void) const{
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     stream << "\\begin{tikzpicture}" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n0) at(0, 0) {$0$};" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n1) at(3, 0) {$1$};" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n2) at(0, 3) {$2$};" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n3) at(1, 1) {$3$};" << endl << endl;
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n0) at(0, 0) {$" << perm[p][0] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n1) at(3, 0) {$" << perm[p][1] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n2) at(0, 3) {$" << perm[p][2] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n3) at(1, 1) {$" << perm[p][3] << "$};" << endl
+           << endl;
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
       stream << "\\path[line]"
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/TriReferenceSpace.cpp b/FunctionSpace/TriReferenceSpace.cpp
index 92720d547cb1c07357c8a383e49f93ea7eff8af5..a0c9b9f46df300a9083d2959f629d3d77ebf82d5 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/TriReferenceSpace.cpp
+++ b/FunctionSpace/TriReferenceSpace.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ TriReferenceSpace::TriReferenceSpace(void){
   // Face Definition //
-  nFace   = 1;
+  nFace      = 1;
   refFace    = new unsigned int*[nFace];
   refFace[0] = new unsigned int[3];
@@ -63,9 +63,10 @@ string TriReferenceSpace::toLatex(void) const{
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     stream << "\\begin{tikzpicture}" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n0) at(0, 0) {$0$};" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n1) at(3, 0) {$1$};" << endl
-	   << "\\node[vertex] (n2) at(0, 3) {$2$};" << endl << endl;
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n0) at(0, 0) {$" << perm[p][0] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n1) at(3, 0) {$" << perm[p][1] << "$};" << endl
+	   << "\\node[vertex] (n2) at(0, 3) {$" << perm[p][2] << "$};" << endl
+           << endl;
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       stream << "\\path[line]"