From f1a481eb18f305073bb43ea539593c86e941d620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Francois Remacle <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 19:55:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Gmsh Plugin's

 Plugin/Makefile   | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Plugin/Plugin.cpp | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Plugin/Plugin.h   | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 195 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Plugin/Makefile
 create mode 100644 Plugin/Plugin.cpp
 create mode 100644 Plugin/Plugin.h

diff --git a/Plugin/Makefile b/Plugin/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bf2a2e74e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2001-03-04 19:55:25 remacle Exp $
+# Makefile for "libAdapt.a"
+CC        = c++
+AR        = ar ruvs
+RM        = rm
+RANLIB    = ranlib
+LIB       = ../lib/libPlugin.a
+INCLUDE   = -I../Common -I../DataStr
+C_FLAGS       = -g -Wall
+OS_FLAGS      = 
+RMFLAGS   = -f
+SRC = Plugin.cpp
+OBJ = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
+.SUFFIXES: .o .cpp
+$(LIB): $(OBJ)
+	$(AR) $(LIB) $(OBJ)
+	$(RANLIB) $(LIB)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+	$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) *.o 
+	$(LINT) $(CFLAGS) $(SRC)
+	(sed '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/q' Makefile && \
+	$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) ${SRC} \
+	) >
+	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
+	cp Makefile
+	$(RM) $(RMFLAGS)
diff --git a/Plugin/Plugin.cpp b/Plugin/Plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..001267d55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/Plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <map>
+#include "Plugin.h"
+using namespace std;
+struct ltstr
+  bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
+  {
+    return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0;
+  }
+class PluginContainer
+public :
+  typedef map<char*,GMSH_Plugin*,ltstr>::iterator iter;
+  map<char*,GMSH_Plugin*,ltstr> m;
+  iter begin() {return m.begin();}
+  iter end() {return m.end();}
+  iter find(char *c) {return m.find(c);}
+GMSH_PluginManager *GMSH_PluginManager::instance = 0;
+  allPlugins = new PluginContainer;
+  for(PluginContainer::iter it = allPlugins->begin();
+      it != allPlugins->end();
+      ++it)delete (*it).second;
+  delete allPlugins;
+GMSH_PluginManager* GMSH_PluginManager::Instance()
+  if(!instance)
+    {
+      instance = new GMSH_PluginManager;
+    }
+  return instance;
+void GMSH_PluginManager::RegisterDefaultPlugins()
+  char *homeplugins = getenv ("GMSHPLUGINSHOME");
+  if(!homeplugins)return;
+void GMSH_PluginManager::AddPlugin( char *dirName, char *pluginName)
+  char dynamic_lib[1024];
+  char plugin_name[256];
+  class GMSH_Plugin* (*RegisterPlugin)(void);
+  sprintf(dynamic_lib,"%s/",dirName,pluginName);
+  void *hlib = dlopen (dynamic_lib,RTLD_NOW);
+  if(hlib == NULL)
+    {
+      throw dynamic_lib;
+    }
+  RegisterPlugin = (class GMSH_Plugin* (*)(void)) dlsym(hlib,GMSH_PluginEntry);
+  char *err = dlerror();
+  if(err != NULL)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+  GMSH_Plugin *p = RegisterPlugin();
+  p->hlib = hlib;
+  p->getName(plugin_name);
+  if(allPlugins->find(plugin_name) != allPlugins->end())
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+  allPlugins->m[plugin_name] = p;
diff --git a/Plugin/Plugin.h b/Plugin/Plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d66966a9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/Plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#ifndef _PLUGIN_H_
+#define _PLUGIN_H_
+  The one who intend to create a plugin for gmsh have to 
+    -) Create a dynamin lib (.so) containing 1 symbols
+       GMSH_Plugin * GMSH_RegisterPlugin ();
+    -) When there is an unacceptable error in the plugin,
+    just throw this, the plugin manager will be able to 
+    catch the exception.
+const char *GMSH_PluginEntry = "GMSH_RegisterPlugin";
+class PluginContainer;
+class GMSH_Plugin
+public :
+  /*this is there for internal use, this variable will be
+   used by the PluginManager, just forget it*/
+  void *hlib;
+  /* 3 kind of plugins, one for cad, one for mesh, one for postpro*/
+  /* returns the type of plugin for downcasting GMSH_Plugin into
+     GMSH_CAD_Plugin, GMSH_Mesh_Plugin and GMSH_Post_Plugin */
+  virtual GMSH_PLUGIN_TYPE getType() const = 0;
+  virtual void getName (char *name);
+  virtual void getInfos (char *author, 
+			 char *copyright,
+			 char *help_text) const = 0;
+  /* When an error is thrown by the plugin, the plugin manager
+     will show the message and hopefully continue */
+  virtual void CatchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const = 0;
+  /* gmsh style option, ca be loaded, saved and set*/
+  virtual void SetOption (char *optionName, void *optionValue) = 0;
+  virtual int getNbOptions() const;
+  virtual void GetOption (char *optionName, void *optionValue) const = 0;  
+class GMSH_PluginManager
+  Registering all default plugins that are in $(GMSHPLUGINSHOME)
+  In fact, we will load all .so files in dir $(GMSHPLUGINSHOME)
+  void RegisterDefaultPlugins();
+  GMSH_PluginManager();
+  ~GMSH_PluginManager();
+  static GMSH_PluginManager *instance;
+  PluginContainer* allPlugins;
+public :
+  static GMSH_PluginManager *Instance();
+  /** Dynamically add a plugin in dirName*/
+  void AddPlugin(char *dirName, char *pluginName);
+  void CallPlugin (char *name);
+  void DestroyPlugin (char *name);
+  void SetPluginOption (char *pluginName, char *option, void *value);