diff --git a/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp b/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
index beb42ddf23d994cef53e03ecc1a89fbe207f4c2b..e7506606ad7595ddc17724b59af9c05218d5f112 100644
--- a/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
+++ b/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
@@ -201,183 +201,184 @@ void statisticsWindow::compute(bool elementQuality)
 #if 0
-    double minAngle = 120.0;
+    double minAngle = 1.0; //M_PI;
     double meanAngle = 0.0;
     int count = 0;
     std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
     std::map<int, std::vector<double> > d;
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
-      if(entities[i]->dim() < 2) continue;
-      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
-	MElement *e = entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
-	double angle = e->angleShapeMeasure();
-	minAngle = std::min(minAngle, angle);
-	meanAngle += angle;
-	count++;
+      if(entities[i]->dim() == 3) {// continue;//<3
+	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
+	  MElement *e = entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
+	  double angle = e->angleShapeMeasure();
+	  minAngle = std::min(minAngle, angle);
+	  meanAngle += angle;
+	  count++;
+	}
     meanAngle  = meanAngle / count;
-    printf("Angles = min=%g av=%g \n", minAngle, meanAngle);
+    printf("Angles min =%g av=%g nbhex=%d\n", minAngle, meanAngle, count);
-  {
-    std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
-    std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> edges;
-    GModel::current()->getEntities(entities);
-    std::map<MVertex*, int > vert2Deg;
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
-      if(entities[i]->dim() < 2 ) continue;
-      // if(entities[i]->tag() < 100) continue;
-      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
-	MElement *e =  entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
-	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumEdges(); k++){
-	  edges.insert(e->getEdge(k));
-	}
-	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumVertices(); k++){
-	  MVertex *v = e->getVertex(k);
-	  if (v->onWhat()->dim() < 2) continue;
-	  std::map<MVertex*, int >::iterator it = vert2Deg.find(v);
-	  if (it == vert2Deg.end()) {
-	    vert2Deg.insert(std::make_pair(v,1));
-	  }
-	  else{
-	    int nbE = it->second+1;
-	    it->second = nbE;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    int dMin = 10;
-    int dMax = 0;
-    int d4 = 0;
-    int nbElems = vert2Deg.size();
-    std::map<MVertex*, int >::const_iterator itmap = vert2Deg.begin();
-    for(; itmap !=vert2Deg.end(); itmap++){
-      MVertex *v = itmap->first;
-      int nbE =  itmap->second;
-      dMin = std::min(nbE, dMin);
-      dMax = std::max(nbE, dMax);
-      if (nbE == 4) d4 += 1;
-    }
-    if (nbElems > 0)
-      printf("Stats degree vertices: dMin=%d , dMax=%d, d4=%g \n",
-	     dMin, dMax, (double)d4/nbElems);
-    FieldManager *fields = GModel::current()->getFields();
-    Field *f = fields->get(fields->background_field);
-    int nbEdges = edges.size();
-    printf("nb edges =%d \n", nbEdges);
-    if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
-    FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
-    std::vector<int> qualE;
-    int nbS = 50;
-    qualE.resize(nbS);
-    if(fields.getBackgroundField() > 0){
-      std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge>::iterator it = edges.begin();
-      double sum = 0;
-      for (; it !=edges.end();++it){
-	MVertex *v0 = it->getVertex(0);
-	MVertex *v1 = it->getVertex(1);
-	double l = sqrt((v0->x()-v1->x())*(v0->x()-v1->x())+
-			(v0->y()-v1->y())*(v0->y()-v1->y())+
-			(v0->z()-v1->z())*(v0->z()-v1->z()));
-	double lf =  (*f)(0.5*(v0->x()+v1->x()), 0.5*(v0->y()+v1->y()),
-			  0.5*(v0->z()+v1->z()),v0->onWhat());
-	double el = l/lf;
-	int index = (int) ceil(el*nbS*0.5);
-	qualE[index]+= 1;
-	double e = (l>lf) ? lf/l : l/lf;
-	sum += e - 1.0;
-      }
-      double tau = exp ((1./edges.size()) * sum);
-      printf("N edges = %d tau = %g\n",(int)edges.size(),tau);
-      double ibegin = 2./(2*nbS);
-      double inext = 2./nbS;
-      for (int i= 0; i< qualE.size(); i++){
-	fprintf(fp, "0 0 0 0 %g 0 0 %g \n", ibegin+i*inext , (double)qualE[i]/nbEdges);
-      }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-  {
-    std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
-    std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> edges;
-    GModel::current()->getEntities(entities);
-    std::map<MVertex*, int > vert2Deg;
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
-      if(entities[i]->dim() < 2 ) continue;
-      if(entities[i]->tag() != 10) continue;
-      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
-	MElement *e =  entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
-	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumEdges(); k++){
-	  edges.insert(e->getEdge(k));
-	}
-	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumVertices(); k++){
-	  MVertex *v = e->getVertex(k);
-	  if (v->onWhat()->dim() < 2) continue;
-	  std::map<MVertex*, int >::iterator it = vert2Deg.find(v);
-	  if (it == vert2Deg.end()){
-	    vert2Deg.insert(std::make_pair(v,1));
-	  }
-	  else{
-	    int nbE = it->second+1;
-	    it->second = nbE;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    int dMin = 10;
-    int dMax = 0;
-    int d4 = 0;
-    int nbElems = vert2Deg.size();
-    std::map<MVertex*, int >::const_iterator itmap = vert2Deg.begin();
-    for(; itmap !=vert2Deg.end(); itmap++){
-      MVertex *v = itmap->first;
-      int nbE =  itmap->second;
-      dMin = std::min(nbE, dMin);
-      dMax = std::max(nbE, dMax);
-      if (nbE == 4) d4 += 1;
-    }
-    if (nbElems > 0) printf("Stats degree vertices: dMin=%d , dMax=%d, d4=%g \n",
-			    dMin, dMax, (double)d4/nbElems);
-    FieldManager *fields = GModel::current()->getFields();
-    Field *f = fields->get(fields.getBackgroundField());
-    int nbEdges = edges.size();
-    if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
-    FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
-    std::vector<int> qualE;
-    int nbS = 50;
-    qualE.resize(nbS);
-    if(fields.getBackgroundField() > 0){
-      std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge>::iterator it = edges.begin();
-      double sum = 0;
-      for (; it !=edges.end();++it){
-	MVertex *v0 = it->getVertex(0);
-	MVertex *v1 = it->getVertex(1);
-	double l = sqrt((v0->x()-v1->x())*(v0->x()-v1->x())+
-			(v0->y()-v1->y())*(v0->y()-v1->y())+
-			(v0->z()-v1->z())*(v0->z()-v1->z()));
-	double lf =  (*f)(0.5*(v0->x()+v1->x()), 0.5*(v0->y()+v1->y()),
-			  0.5*(v0->z()+v1->z()),v0->onWhat());
-	double el = l/lf;
-	int index = (int) ceil(el*nbS*0.5);
-	qualE[index]+= 1;
-	double e = (l>lf) ? lf/l : l/lf;
-	sum += e - 1.0;
-      }
-      double tau = exp ((1./edges.size()) * sum);
-      double ibegin = 2./(2*nbS);
-      double inext = 2./nbS;
-      for (int i= 0; i< qualE.size(); i++){
-	fprintf(fp, "0 0 0 0 %g 0 0 %g \n", ibegin+i*inext , (double)qualE[i]/nbEdges);
-      }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
+  // {
+  //   std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
+  //   std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> edges;
+  //   GModel::current()->getEntities(entities);
+  //   std::map<MVertex*, int > vert2Deg;
+  //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
+  //     if(entities[i]->dim() < 2 ) continue;
+  //     // if(entities[i]->tag() < 100) continue;
+  //     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
+  // 	MElement *e =  entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
+  // 	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumEdges(); k++){
+  // 	  edges.insert(e->getEdge(k));
+  // 	}
+  // 	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumVertices(); k++){
+  // 	  MVertex *v = e->getVertex(k);
+  // 	  if (v->onWhat()->dim() < 2) continue;
+  // 	  std::map<MVertex*, int >::iterator it = vert2Deg.find(v);
+  // 	  if (it == vert2Deg.end()) {
+  // 	    vert2Deg.insert(std::make_pair(v,1));
+  // 	  }
+  // 	  else{
+  // 	    int nbE = it->second+1;
+  // 	    it->second = nbE;
+  // 	  }
+  // 	}
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   int dMin = 10;
+  //   int dMax = 0;
+  //   int d4 = 0;
+  //   int nbElems = vert2Deg.size();
+  //   std::map<MVertex*, int >::const_iterator itmap = vert2Deg.begin();
+  //   for(; itmap !=vert2Deg.end(); itmap++){
+  //     MVertex *v = itmap->first;
+  //     int nbE =  itmap->second;
+  //     dMin = std::min(nbE, dMin);
+  //     dMax = std::max(nbE, dMax);
+  //     if (nbE == 4) d4 += 1;
+  //   }
+  //   if (nbElems > 0)
+  //     printf("Stats degree vertices: dMin=%d , dMax=%d, d4=%g \n",
+  // 	     dMin, dMax, (double)d4/nbElems);
+  //   FieldManager *fields = GModel::current()->getFields();
+  //   Field *f = fields->get(fields->background_field);
+  //   int nbEdges = edges.size();
+  //   printf("nb edges =%d \n", nbEdges);
+  //   if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
+  //   FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
+  //   std::vector<int> qualE;
+  //   int nbS = 50;
+  //   qualE.resize(nbS);
+  //   if(fields.getBackgroundField() > 0){
+  //     std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+  //     double sum = 0;
+  //     for (; it !=edges.end();++it){
+  // 	MVertex *v0 = it->getVertex(0);
+  // 	MVertex *v1 = it->getVertex(1);
+  // 	double l = sqrt((v0->x()-v1->x())*(v0->x()-v1->x())+
+  // 			(v0->y()-v1->y())*(v0->y()-v1->y())+
+  // 			(v0->z()-v1->z())*(v0->z()-v1->z()));
+  // 	double lf =  (*f)(0.5*(v0->x()+v1->x()), 0.5*(v0->y()+v1->y()),
+  // 			  0.5*(v0->z()+v1->z()),v0->onWhat());
+  // 	double el = l/lf;
+  // 	int index = (int) ceil(el*nbS*0.5);
+  // 	qualE[index]+= 1;
+  // 	double e = (l>lf) ? lf/l : l/lf;
+  // 	sum += e - 1.0;
+  //     }
+  //     double tau = exp ((1./edges.size()) * sum);
+  //     printf("N edges = %d tau = %g\n",(int)edges.size(),tau);
+  //     double ibegin = 2./(2*nbS);
+  //     double inext = 2./nbS;
+  //     for (int i= 0; i< qualE.size(); i++){
+  // 	fprintf(fp, "0 0 0 0 %g 0 0 %g \n", ibegin+i*inext , (double)qualE[i]/nbEdges);
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   fclose(fp);
+  // }
+  // {
+  //   std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
+  //   std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> edges;
+  //   GModel::current()->getEntities(entities);
+  //   std::map<MVertex*, int > vert2Deg;
+  //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
+  //     if(entities[i]->dim() < 2 ) continue;
+  //     if(entities[i]->tag() != 10) continue;
+  //     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entities[i]->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
+  // 	MElement *e =  entities[i]->getMeshElement(j);
+  // 	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumEdges(); k++){
+  // 	  edges.insert(e->getEdge(k));
+  // 	}
+  // 	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < e->getNumVertices(); k++){
+  // 	  MVertex *v = e->getVertex(k);
+  // 	  if (v->onWhat()->dim() < 2) continue;
+  // 	  std::map<MVertex*, int >::iterator it = vert2Deg.find(v);
+  // 	  if (it == vert2Deg.end()){
+  // 	    vert2Deg.insert(std::make_pair(v,1));
+  // 	  }
+  // 	  else{
+  // 	    int nbE = it->second+1;
+  // 	    it->second = nbE;
+  // 	  }
+  // 	}
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   int dMin = 10;
+  //   int dMax = 0;
+  //   int d4 = 0;
+  //   int nbElems = vert2Deg.size();
+  //   std::map<MVertex*, int >::const_iterator itmap = vert2Deg.begin();
+  //   for(; itmap !=vert2Deg.end(); itmap++){
+  //     MVertex *v = itmap->first;
+  //     int nbE =  itmap->second;
+  //     dMin = std::min(nbE, dMin);
+  //     dMax = std::max(nbE, dMax);
+  //     if (nbE == 4) d4 += 1;
+  //   }
+  //   if (nbElems > 0) printf("Stats degree vertices: dMin=%d , dMax=%d, d4=%g \n",
+  // 			    dMin, dMax, (double)d4/nbElems);
+  //   FieldManager *fields = GModel::current()->getFields();
+  //   Field *f = fields->get(fields.getBackgroundField());
+  //   int nbEdges = edges.size();
+  //   if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
+  //   FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
+  //   std::vector<int> qualE;
+  //   int nbS = 50;
+  //   qualE.resize(nbS);
+  //   if(fields.getBackgroundField() > 0){
+  //     std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+  //     double sum = 0;
+  //     for (; it !=edges.end();++it){
+  // 	MVertex *v0 = it->getVertex(0);
+  // 	MVertex *v1 = it->getVertex(1);
+  // 	double l = sqrt((v0->x()-v1->x())*(v0->x()-v1->x())+
+  // 			(v0->y()-v1->y())*(v0->y()-v1->y())+
+  // 			(v0->z()-v1->z())*(v0->z()-v1->z()));
+  // 	double lf =  (*f)(0.5*(v0->x()+v1->x()), 0.5*(v0->y()+v1->y()),
+  // 			  0.5*(v0->z()+v1->z()),v0->onWhat());
+  // 	double el = l/lf;
+  // 	int index = (int) ceil(el*nbS*0.5);
+  // 	qualE[index]+= 1;
+  // 	double e = (l>lf) ? lf/l : l/lf;
+  // 	sum += e - 1.0;
+  //     }
+  //     double tau = exp ((1./edges.size()) * sum);
+  //     double ibegin = 2./(2*nbS);
+  //     double inext = 2./nbS;
+  //     for (int i= 0; i< qualE.size(); i++){
+  // 	fprintf(fp, "0 0 0 0 %g 0 0 %g \n", ibegin+i*inext , (double)qualE[i]/nbEdges);
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   fclose(fp);
+  // }
   int num = 0;
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index b22b554f8ad00aa462f57fbd79403939d11ccde8..bd1b92b082bf304b55be2446d1f8a53d93ddaf4f 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -175,13 +175,18 @@ static bool computeCGKernelPolygon(std::map<MVertex*,SPoint3> &coordinates,
   int nbPts = cavV.size();
   fullMatrix<double> u(100,2);
-  int i = 0;
+  int ipt = 0;
   for(std::vector<MVertex*>::iterator it = cavV.begin(); it != cavV.end(); it++){
     SPoint3 vsp = coordinates[*it];
-    u(i,0) = vsp[0];
-    u(i,1) = vsp[1];
-    i++;
+    u(ipt,0) = vsp[0];
+    u(ipt,1) = vsp[1];
+    ucg += u(ipt,0);
+    vcg += u(ipt,1);
+    ipt++;
+  ucg /= ipt;
+  vcg /= ipt;
   double eps = -5.e-7;
   int N = nbPts;
@@ -238,6 +243,8 @@ static bool computeCGKernelPolygon(std::map<MVertex*,SPoint3> &coordinates,
   int nbFinal = setP.size();
   if(nbFinal > 0){
+    ucg = 0.0;
+    vcg = 0.0;
     for(std::set<int>::iterator it =setP.begin(); it != setP.end(); it++){
       ucg += u(*it,0);
       vcg += u(*it,1);
@@ -679,11 +686,14 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkOrientation(int iter, bool moveBoundaries) const
     else if (!moveBoundaries){
       if (iter ==0) Msg::Info("--- Flipping : applying cavity checks.");
       Msg::Debug("--- Cavity Check - iter %d -",iter);
-      bool success = one2OneMap();
-      if (success) return checkOrientation(iter+1);
+      oriented = one2OneMap();
+      printStuff(iter);
+      iter++;
+      if (!oriented) return checkOrientation(iter);
-  else if (iter > 0 && iter < iterMax){
+  if (iter > 0 && iter < iterMax){
     Msg::Info("--- Flipping : no more flips (%d iter)", iter);
@@ -857,11 +867,11 @@ bool GFaceCompound::one2OneMap() const
       std::vector<MVertex*> cavV;
       myPolygon(vTri, cavV);
       bool success = computeCGKernelPolygon(coordinates, cavV, u_cg, v_cg);
-      if (success){
+      //if (success){ //if not succes compute with CG polygon
 	SPoint3 p_cg(u_cg,v_cg,0.0);
 	coordinates[v] = p_cg;
-      }
+      //}
   if (nbRepair == 0) return false;
@@ -918,24 +928,24 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   // Conformal map parametrization
   else if (_mapping == CONFORMAL){
     std::vector<MVertex *> vert;
-    bool oriented;
+    bool oriented, overlap;
     if (_type == SPECTRAL){
       Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'spectral conformal map'", tag());
-      parametrize_conformal_spectral();
+      overlap = parametrize_conformal_spectral();
-    else if (_type == FE){
+    else {
       Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'FE conformal map'", tag());
-      parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
+      overlap = parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
-    printStuff(55);
-    oriented = checkOrientation(0, true);
-    printStuff(77);
-    if (_type==SPECTRAL &&  (!oriented  || checkOverlap(vert)) ){
+    //printStuff(55);
+    oriented = checkOrientation(0);
+    //printStuff(77);
+    if (_type==SPECTRAL &&  (!oriented || overlap) ){
       Msg::Warning("!!! parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
-      parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
-      oriented = checkOrientation(0, true);
+      overlap = parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
+      oriented = checkOrientation(0);
-    if (!oriented || checkOverlap(vert)){
+    if (!oriented || overlap){
       Msg::Warning("$$$ parametrization switched to 'convex' map");
       _type  = UNITCIRCLE;
@@ -973,6 +983,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   if (_mapping != RBF){
     if (!checkOrientation(0)){
+      printStuff(22);
       Msg::Info("### parametrization switched to 'convex map' onto circle");
       _type = UNITCIRCLE;
diff --git a/Geo/MHexahedron.cpp b/Geo/MHexahedron.cpp
index 615a23d2091af589489823d8cc117d243b794eb0..070e21af38ddcd60ba398ac7b556dad4aa201885 100644
--- a/Geo/MHexahedron.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MHexahedron.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "Context.h"
 #include "polynomialBasis.h"
 #include "MQuadrangle.h"
+#include "qualityMeasures.h"
 int MHexahedron::getVolumeSign()
   double mat[3][3];
@@ -32,6 +33,39 @@ void MHexahedron::getIntegrationPoints(int pOrder, int *npts, IntPt **pts)
   *pts = getGQHPts(pOrder);
+double MHexahedron::angleShapeMeasure()
+#if defined(HAVE_MESH)
+   double angleMax = 0.0;
+   double angleMin = M_PI;
+   double zeta = 0.0;
+   for (int i=0; i<getNumFaces(); i++){
+     std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
+     vv.push_back(getFace(i).getVertex(0));
+     vv.push_back(getFace(i).getVertex(1));
+     vv.push_back(getFace(i).getVertex(2)); 
+     vv.push_back(getFace(i).getVertex(3));
+     // MVertex *v0 = new MVertex(0, 0, 0); vv.push_back(v0);
+     // MVertex *v1 = new MVertex(1., 0, 0);vv.push_back(v1);
+     // MVertex *v2 = new MVertex(2., 1., 0);vv.push_back(v2);
+     // MVertex *v3 = new MVertex(1, 1., 0);vv.push_back(v3);
+     for (int j=0; j<4; j++){
+       SVector3 a(vv[(j+2)%4]->x()-vv[(j+1)%4]->x(),vv[(j+2)%4]->y()-vv[(j+1)%4]->y(),vv[(j+2)%4]->z()-vv[(j+1)%4]->z()  );
+       SVector3 b(vv[(j+1)%4]->x()-vv[(j)%4]->x(),  vv[(j+1)%4]->y()-vv[(j)%4]->y(),  vv[(j+1)%4]->z()-vv[(j)%4]->z()  );
+       double angle = acos( dot(a,b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))); //*180/M_PI;
+       angleMax = std::max(angleMax, angle);
+       angleMin = std::min(angleMin, angle);
+     }
+     //printf("angle max =%g min =%g \n", angleMax*180/M_PI, angleMin*180/M_PI);
+   }
+   zeta = 1.-std::max((angleMax-0.5*M_PI)/(0.5*M_PI),(0.5*M_PI-angleMin)/(0.5*M_PI));
+   return zeta; 
+   return 1.;
 double MHexahedron::getInnerRadius()
   //Only for vertically aligned elements (not inclined)
diff --git a/Geo/MHexahedron.h b/Geo/MHexahedron.h
index c50db1af48e4b0837405436d52a7cdd82be06eff..4cadf664f2197904838c92b82453a9291a436012 100644
--- a/Geo/MHexahedron.h
+++ b/Geo/MHexahedron.h
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ class MHexahedron : public MElement {
                  _v[faces_hexa(num, 3)]);
   virtual double getInnerRadius();
+  virtual double angleShapeMeasure();
   virtual void getFaceInfo (const MFace & face, int &ithFace, int &sign, int &rot)const;
   virtual int getNumFacesRep(){ return 12; }
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
diff --git a/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp b/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
index 519667629a6e71cf828325dbfeb039c15ee3ad8e..d6bc9feeabab966a440abc4248800bfb453e4e1f 100644
--- a/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ void Centerline::cutMesh()
     //for (int k= 0; k< edges[i].children.size() ; k++) printf("%d ", edges[i].children[k].tag);
-    int nbSplit = (int)floor(AR/2 + 0.9);
+    int nbSplit = (int)floor(AR/2 + 0.9); //AR/2 + 0.9
     if( nbSplit > 1 ){
       printf("->> cut branch in %d parts \n",  nbSplit);
       double li  = L/nbSplit;
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ void  Centerline::operator() (double x, double y, double z, SMetric3 &metr, GEnt
    curvature.vertexNodalValues(vertices[index[0]], curv, 0);
    double sign = (curv > 0.0) ? -1.0: 1.0;
-   double beta = CTX::instance()->mesh.smoothRatio;
+   double beta = CTX::instance()->mesh.smoothRatio; //beta = 1.25 better !
    double ratio = 1.1;
    double thickness = radMax/3.;
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.cpp
index 43b8d5b4fcafbffea12aa33a276a10f104f29f64..6ff27d4f17d2dae212f069d2fae8e43942d8f6ca 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static void printQuads(GFace *gf, fullMatrix<SPoint2> uv, std::vector<MQuadrangl
   FILE *f = fopen(name,"w");
   fprintf(f,"View \"%s\" {\n",name);
-  for (int i = 0; i < uv.size1(); i++)
+  for (int i = 1; i < uv.size1()-1; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < uv.size2(); j++)
       fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%d};\n", uv(i,j).x(), uv(i,j).y(), 0.0, i);
@@ -85,11 +85,17 @@ static void printParamGrid(GFace *gf, std::vector<MVertex*> vert1, std::vector<M
   FILE *f = fopen(name,"w");
   fprintf(f,"View \"%s\" {\n",name);
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++)
-    fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%d};\n", p1[i].x(), p1[i].y(), 0.0, i);
+  // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++)
+  //   fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%d};\n", p1[i].x(), p1[i].y(), 0.0, i);
+  // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < p2.size(); j++)
+  //   fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%d};\n", p2[j].x(), p2[j].y(), 0.0, 100+j);
-  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < p2.size(); j++)
-    fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g) {%d};\n", p2[j].x(), p2[j].y(), 0.0, 100+j);
+   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size()-1; i++)
+     fprintf(f,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%d,%d};\n", p1[i].x(), p1[i].y(), 0.0, p1[i+1].x(), p1[i+1].y(), 0.0, 1, 1);
+   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p2.size()-1; i++)
+     fprintf(f,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%d,%d};\n", p2[i].x(), p2[i].y(), 0.0, p2[i+1].x(), p2[i+1].y(), 0.0, 1, 1);
+   fprintf(f,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%d,%d};\n", p1[p1.size()-1].x(), p1[ p1.size()-1].y(), 0.0, p1[0].x(), p1[0].y(), 0.0, 1, 1);
+   fprintf(f,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g) {%d,%d};\n", p2[p2.size()-1].x(), p2[ p2.size()-1].y(), 0.0, p2[0].x(), p2[0].y(), 0.0, 1, 1);
@@ -235,7 +241,7 @@ static void transfiniteSmoother(GFace* gf,
    int N = uv.size2();
    int jStart = isPeriodic ? 0 : 1;
-   int numSmooth = 100;
+   int numSmooth = 150;
   fullMatrix<SPoint2> uvold = uv;
   for(int k = 0; k < numSmooth; k++){
     double norm = 0.0;
@@ -750,7 +756,6 @@ bool createRegularTwoCircleGridPeriodic (Centerline *center, GFace *gf)
   updateFaceQuads(gf, quads, newv);
   //printParamGrid(gf, vert1, vert2, e00,e22,e02,e02,e02,e02, quads);
   return true;
diff --git a/Mesh/qualityMeasures.cpp b/Mesh/qualityMeasures.cpp
index 425fe59d194110f04065d9b90fac9ed0c7f053a1..ca48affd43236c4f973ef25f4cd4c89edc79c1b6 100644
--- a/Mesh/qualityMeasures.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/qualityMeasures.cpp
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ double qmTriangleAngles (MTriangle *e) {
   rot[2][0]= 0; rot[2][1]=0; rot[2][2]=1;
   double tmp[3][3];
-  // double minAngle = 120.0;
+  //double minAngle = 120.0;
   for (int i = 0; i < e->getNumPrimaryVertices(); i++) {
     const double u = i == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     const double v = i == 2 ? 1 : 0;
@@ -468,13 +468,12 @@ double qmTriangleAngles (MTriangle *e) {
     double quality = (atan(a*(x+M_PI/9)) + atan(a*(M_PI/9-x)))/den;
     worst_quality = std::min(worst_quality, quality);
-    // minAngle = std::min(angle, minAngle);
-    // printf("Angle %g ", angle);
+    //minAngle = std::min(angle, minAngle);
+    //printf("Angle %g ", angle);
     // printf("Quality %g\n",quality);
-  // printf("MinAngle %g ", minAngle);
-  // printf("\n");
-  // return minAngle;
+  //printf("MinAngle %g \n", minAngle);
+  //return minAngle;
   return worst_quality;
@@ -530,12 +529,13 @@ double qmQuadrangleAngles (MQuadrangle *e) {
     double c;
-    //    printf("Youhou %g %g\n",c,acos(c)*180/M_PI);
     double x = fabs(acos(c))-M_PI/2;
+    //double angle = fabs(acos(c))*180/M_PI;
     double quality = (atan(a*(x+M_PI/4)) + atan(a*(2*M_PI/4 - (x+M_PI/4))))/den;
     worst_quality = std::min(worst_quality, quality);
   return worst_quality;
diff --git a/benchmarks/centerlines/aneurysm_centerlines.geo b/benchmarks/centerlines/aneurysm_centerlines.geo
index 02831d26ce8272000a13f7777efe56a23af1cda6..ba4987ebd668e066d7c5b549ffee3186ca71343e 100644
--- a/benchmarks/centerlines/aneurysm_centerlines.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/centerlines/aneurysm_centerlines.geo
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Mesh.Algorithm3D = 7; //(1=tetgen, 4=netgen, 7=mmg3D
 Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-2;
 Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
-Mesh.Bunin = 170;
+//Mesh.Bunin = 120;
 Merge "aneu_ext.stl";
diff --git a/benchmarks/centerlines/aorta_centerlines.geo b/benchmarks/centerlines/aorta_centerlines.geo
index 52c55b59f3cacbc843bb985a39f64e4d7c2a6df8..a97090ea88dd0265631478c192a2294fffdd7b2f 100644
--- a/benchmarks/centerlines/aorta_centerlines.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/centerlines/aorta_centerlines.geo
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
 Mesh.Algorithm = 8; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
-Mesh.Algorithm3D = 7; //(1=tetgen, 4=netgen, 5=FrontalDel, 6=FrontalHex, 7=MMG3D, 9=R-tree
+Mesh.Algorithm3D = 8; //(1=tetgen, 4=netgen, 5=FrontalDel, 6=FrontalHex, 7=MMG3D, 9=R-tree
 Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-3;
 Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
-Mesh.Bunin = 150;
+Mesh.Bunin = 60;
 Merge "aorta2.stl";
 Field[1] = Centerline;
 Field[1].FileName = "centerlinesAORTA.vtk";
-Field[1].nbPoints = 20; //33;
+Field[1].nbPoints = 25; //33;
 Field[1].nbElemLayer = 4;
 Field[1].hLayer = 0.2;//percent of vessel radius
 Field[1].closeVolume =1;
-//Field[1].extrudeWall =1;
+Field[1].extrudeWall =1;
 Field[1].reMesh =1;
 Background Field = 1;
diff --git a/benchmarks/centerlines/bypass_centerlines.geo b/benchmarks/centerlines/bypass_centerlines.geo
index a21967ad288997a459a81fdac6dd44fb233576de..916b8a5aaa5ecd0779f1e5e66309b0fa3ae287f8 100644
--- a/benchmarks/centerlines/bypass_centerlines.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/centerlines/bypass_centerlines.geo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Mesh.Algorithm = 8; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
+Mesh.Algorithm = 7; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
 Mesh.Algorithm3D = 7; //(1=tetgen, 4=netgen, 7=mmg3D
 Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-2;
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Merge "bypass.stl";
 Field[1] = Centerline;
 Field[1].FileName = "centerlinesBYPASS.msh";
-Field[1].nbPoints = 25;
+Field[1].nbPoints = 15;
 Field[1].nbElemLayer = 4;
 Field[1].hLayer = 0.2;//percent of vessel radius
diff --git a/benchmarks/centerlines/carotid_centerlines.geo b/benchmarks/centerlines/carotid_centerlines.geo
index 3f87cc1f7ef8dedb272c47a3a89b3b28b10d1a0d..d0a2d072441ef07dcab9fa617cecc23af324e1a2 100644
--- a/benchmarks/centerlines/carotid_centerlines.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/centerlines/carotid_centerlines.geo
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Mesh.Algorithm3D = 7;
 Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-2;
 Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
-Mesh.Bunin = 130;
+Mesh.Bunin = 100;
 Merge "carotid.stl";
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Field[1].nbElemLayer = 4;
 Field[1].hLayer = 0.2; //percent of vessel radius
 Field[1].closeVolume =1;
-//Field[1].extrudeWall =1;
+Field[1].extrudeWall =1;
 Field[1].reMesh =1;
diff --git a/benchmarks/centerlines/lung_centerlines.geo b/benchmarks/centerlines/lung_centerlines.geo
index 59ddbc2844a779b6c343eb29027e9b6f0d07c1ba..c1fc3361159b21081b1f54886dd229c73ad7686a 100644
--- a/benchmarks/centerlines/lung_centerlines.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/centerlines/lung_centerlines.geo
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-Mesh.Algorithm = 5; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
+Mesh.Algorithm = 8; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
 Mesh.Algorithm3D = 1; //(1=tetgen, 4=netgen, 7=mmg3D
-//Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
+Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
+Mesh.Bunin = 100;
 Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-2;
 Merge "lung.stl";