diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/DamBreak.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/DamBreak.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bb084ed0549fe5350648b4a084375821280a4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/DamBreak.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+     Function for initial conditions
+function initial_condition( xyz , f )
+  for i=0,xyz:size1()-1 do
+    x = xyz:get(i,0)
+    y = xyz:get(i,1)
+    z = xyz:get(i,2)
+    if (x<0.0) then
+     f:set (i, 0, 40)
+     f:set (i, 1, 0)
+    else
+     f:set (i, 0, 5)
+     f:set (i, 1, 0)
+    end	
+  end
+     Example of a lua program driving the DG code
+model = GModel()
+model:load ('edge.msh')
+-- boundary condition
+law = dgConservationLawShallowWater1d()
+groups = dgGroupCollection(model, dimension, order)
+claw = dgConservationLawShallowWater1d()
+limiter = dgSlopeLimiter(law)
+-- build solution vector
+FS = functionLua(1, 'initial_condition', {'XYZ'}):getName()
+solution = dgDofContainer(groups, law:getNbFields())
+print'*** print initial sol ***'
+print'*** solve ***'
+--dt = 0.00001;
+CFL = 1;
+for i=1,1000 do 
+    dt = CFL * rk:computeInvSpectralRadius(law,solution);  
+--  norm = rk:iterate44(law,dt,solution)
+    norm = rk:iterateEuler(law,dt,solution)
+    if (i % 20 == 0) then 
+       print('|ITER|',i,'|NORM|',norm,'|DT|',dt,'|CPU|',os.clock() - x)
+    end
+    if (i % 20 == 0) then 
+       solution:exportMsh(string.format('output/solution-%06d', i)) 
+    end