From dff2fbfc6e3f31c2bb2fa93e400c26dd3472a175 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Francois Remacle <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:25:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ooops : forgot 3 files

 Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.cpp | 341 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h   |  89 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 430 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.cpp
 create mode 100644 Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h

diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87b6e5ba0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#include "GModel.h"
+#include "GFace.h"
+#include "MVertex.h"
+#include "MLine.h"
+#include "MTriangle.h"
+#include "MEdge.h"
+#include "meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h"
+#include "Field.h"
+             |
+             |   /
+    +--------x /
+              \
+                \
+                  \
+SVector3 interiorNormal (SPoint2 p1, SPoint2 p2, SPoint2 p3){
+  SVector3 ez (0,0,1);
+  SVector3 d (p1.x()-p2.x(),p1.y()-p2.y(),0);
+  SVector3 h (p3.x()-0.5*(p2.x()+p1.x()),p3.y()-0.5*(p2.y()+p1.y()),0);
+  SVector3 n = crossprod(d,ez);
+  n.normalize();
+  //  printf("%g %g\n",n.x(),n.y());
+  if (dot(n,h) > 0)return n;
+  return n*(-1.);
+double computeAngle (GFace *gf, const MEdge &e1, const MEdge &e2, SVector3 &n1, SVector3 &n2){
+  double cosa = dot(n1,n2);
+  SPoint2 p0,p1,p2;
+  MVertex *v11 = e1.getVertex(0);
+  MVertex *v12 = e1.getVertex(1);
+  MVertex *v21 = e2.getVertex(0);
+  MVertex *v22 = e2.getVertex(1);
+  MVertex *v0,*v1,*v2;
+  if (v11 == v21){
+    v0 = v12 ; v1 = v11 ; v2 = v22; 
+  }
+  else if (v11 == v22){
+    v0 = v12 ; v1 = v11 ; v2 = v21; 
+  }
+  else if (v12 == v21){
+    v0 = v11 ; v1 = v12 ; v2 = v22; 
+  }
+  else if (v12 == v22){
+    v0 = v11 ; v1 = v12 ; v2 = v21; 
+  }
+  else throw;
+  reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(v0, v1, gf, p0, p1);
+  reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(v0, v2, gf, p0, p2);
+  SVector3 t1 (p1.x()-p0.x(),p1.y()-p0.y(),0);
+  SVector3 t2 (p2.x()-p1.x(),p2.y()-p1.y(),0);
+  t1.normalize();
+  t2.normalize();
+  SVector3 n = crossprod(t1,t2);
+  double sign = dot(t1,n2);
+  double a = atan2 (n.z(),cosa);
+  a = sign > 0 ? fabs(a) : -fabs(a);
+  //  printf("a = %12.5e cos %12.5E sin %12.5E %g %g vs %g %g\n",a,cosa,n.z(),n1.x(),n1.y(),n2.x(),n2.y());
+  return a;
+void buildMeshMetric(GFace *gf, double *uv, SMetric3 &m, double metric[3])
+  Pair<SVector3, SVector3> der = gf->firstDer(SPoint2(uv[0], uv[1]));
+  double res[2][2];
+  double M[2][3] = {{der.first().x(),der.first().y(),der.first().z()},
+		    {der.second().x(),der.second().y(),der.second().z()}};
+  for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
+    for (int l=0;l<3;l++){
+      res[i][l] = 0;
+      for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
+	for (int k=0;k<3;k++){
+	  res[i][l] += M[i][j]*m(j,k)*M[l][k]; 
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  metric[0] = res[0][0];
+  metric[1] = res[1][0];
+  metric[2] = res[1][1];
+BoundaryLayerColumns* buidAdditionalPoints2D (GFace *gf, double _treshold) {
+  FieldManager *fields = gf->model()->getFields();
+  if(fields->background_field <= 0){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  Field *bl_field = fields->get(fields->background_field);
+  BoundaryLayerField *blf = dynamic_cast<BoundaryLayerField*> (bl_field);
+  if (!blf)return 0;
+  BoundaryLayerColumns * _columns = new BoundaryLayerColumns;
+  // assume a field that i) gives us the closest point on one of the BL components
+  // ii) Gives us mesh sizes in the 3 directions.  
+  // build vertex to vertex connexions 
+  std::list<GEdge*> edges = gf->edges();
+  std::list<GEdge*>::iterator ite = edges.begin();
+  std::set<MVertex*> _vertices;
+  while(ite != edges.end()){
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< (*ite)->lines.size(); i++){
+      MVertex *v1 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(0);
+      MVertex *v2 = (*ite)->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
+      _columns->_non_manifold_edges.insert(std::make_pair(v1,v2));
+      _columns->_non_manifold_edges.insert(std::make_pair(v2,v1));
+      _vertices.insert(v1);
+      _vertices.insert(v2);
+    }
+    ++ite;
+  }
+  //  printf("%d boundary points\n",_vertices.size());
+  // assume that the initial mesh has been created i.e. that there exist
+  // triangles inside the domain. Triangles are used to define
+  // exterior normals 
+  std::multimap<MEdge,SVector3,Less_Edge> _normals;
+  for (int i=0;i<gf->triangles.size();i++){
+    SPoint2 p0,p1,p2;
+    MVertex *v0 = gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(0);
+    MVertex *v1 = gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(1);
+    MVertex *v2 = gf->triangles[i]->getVertex(2);
+    reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(v0, v1, gf, p0, p1);
+    reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(v0, v2, gf, p0, p2);
+    MEdge me01(v0,v1);
+    SVector3 v01 = interiorNormal (p0,p1,p2);        
+    _normals.insert(std::make_pair(me01,v01));
+    MEdge me02(v0,v2);
+    SVector3 v02 = interiorNormal (p0,p2,p1);        
+    _normals.insert(std::make_pair(me02,v02));
+    MEdge me21(v2,v1);
+    SVector3 v21 = interiorNormal (p2,p1,p0);        
+    _normals.insert(std::make_pair(me21,v21));
+  }  
+  // for all boundry points
+  for (std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = _vertices.begin(); it != _vertices.end() ; ++it){
+    std::vector<MVertex*> _connections;      
+    std::vector<SVector3> _dirs;
+    double LL;
+    for ( std::multimap<MVertex*,MVertex*> :: iterator itm  = _columns->_non_manifold_edges.lower_bound(*it);
+	  itm != _columns->_non_manifold_edges.upper_bound(*it); ++itm)
+      _connections.push_back (itm->second);
+    // STANDARD CASE, one vertex connected to two neighboring vertices
+    //    printf("point %d %d edegs connected\n",(*it)->getNum(),_connections.size());
+    if (_connections.size() == 2){
+      MEdge e1 (*it,_connections[0]);
+      MEdge e2 (*it,_connections[1]);
+      LL = 0.5 * (e1.length() + e2.length()); 
+      std::vector<SVector3> N1,N2;
+      for ( std::multimap<MEdge,SVector3,Less_Edge> :: iterator itm  = _normals.lower_bound(e1);
+	    itm != _normals.upper_bound(e1); ++itm) N1.push_back(itm->second);
+      for ( std::multimap<MEdge,SVector3,Less_Edge> :: iterator itm  = _normals.lower_bound(e2);
+	    itm != _normals.upper_bound(e2); ++itm) N2.push_back(itm->second);
+      double LL;
+      if (N1.size() == 1 && N2.size() == 1){
+	double angle = computeAngle (gf,e1,e2,N1[0],N2[0]);
+	if (angle < _treshold /*&& angle > - _treshold*/){
+	  SVector3 x = N1[0]*1.01+N2[0];
+	  x.normalize();
+	  _dirs.push_back(x);
+	}
+	else if (angle >= _treshold){	  
+	  int fanSize = angle /  _treshold;
+	  printf("ONE FAN HAS BEEN CREATED : %d %d %d %d ANGLE = %g | %g %g %g %g\n",e1.getVertex(0)->getNum(),
+		 e1.getVertex(1)->getNum(),e2.getVertex(0)->getNum(),e2.getVertex(1)->getNum(),
+		 angle/M_PI*180,N1[0].x(),N1[0].y(),N2[0].x(),N2[0].y());
+	  // if the angle is greater than PI, than reverse the sense
+	  double alpha1 = atan2(N1[0].y(),N1[0].x());
+	  double alpha2 = atan2(N2[0].y(),N2[0].x());
+	  double AMAX = std::max(alpha1,alpha2);
+	  double AMIN = std::min(alpha1,alpha2);
+	  MEdge ee[2];
+	  if (alpha1 > alpha2){
+	    //	    _dirs.push_back(N2[0]);
+	    //	    _dirs.push_back(N1[0]);
+	    ee[0] = e2;ee[1] = e1;
+	    //	    printf("reversing the first and the last normal %g %g\n",alpha2,alpha1);
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    //	    _dirs.push_back(N1[0]);
+	    //	    _dirs.push_back(N2[0]);
+	    ee[0] = e1;ee[1] = e2;
+	    //	    printf("the first and the last normal are ok %g %g\n",alpha1,alpha2);
+	  }
+	  if ( AMAX - AMIN >= M_PI){
+	    double temp = AMAX;
+	    AMAX = AMIN + 2*M_PI;
+	    AMIN = temp;
+	    //	    printf("wrong part of the quadrant taken %g %g\n",AMIN,AMAX);
+	    //	    fanSize = 0;
+	    MEdge eee0 = ee[0];
+	    ee[0] = ee[1];ee[1] = eee0;
+	  }
+	  _columns->addFan (*it,ee[0],ee[1],true);
+	  for (int i=-1; i<=fanSize; i++){
+	    double t = (double)(i+1)/ (fanSize+1);
+	    double alpha = t * AMAX + (1.-t)* AMIN;
+	    //	    printf("%d %g %g %g %g\n",i,alpha,alpha1,alpha2,alpha2-alpha1);	    
+	    SVector3 x (cos(alpha),sin(alpha),0);
+	    x.normalize();
+	    _dirs.push_back(x);
+	  }	  
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    // now create the BL points 
+    for (int DIR=0;DIR<_dirs.size();DIR++){
+      SPoint2 p;
+      SVector3 n = _dirs[DIR];   
+      // < ------------------------------- > //
+      //   N = X(p0+ e n) - X(p0)            //
+      //     = e * (dX/du n_u + dX/dv n_v)   //
+      // < ------------------------------- > //
+      MVertex *current = *it;
+      reparamMeshVertexOnFace(current,gf,p);
+      int nbCol = 100;
+      std::vector<MVertex*> _column;
+      std::vector<SMetric3> _metrics;
+      //      printf("start with point %g %g (%g %g)\n",current->x(),current->y(),p.x(),p.y()); 
+      AttractorField *catt = 0;
+      SPoint3 _close;
+      double _current_distance;
+      while(1){
+	SMetric3 m;
+	double metric[3];
+	double l;
+	(*bl_field)(current->x(),current->y(), current->z(), m, current->onWhat());      
+	if (!catt){
+	  catt = blf->current_closest;
+	  _close = blf->_closest_point;
+	  _current_distance = blf -> current_distance;
+	}
+	SPoint2 poffset  (p.x() + 1.e-8 * n.x(), 
+			  p.y() + 1.e-8 * n.y());
+	buildMeshMetric(gf, poffset, m, metric);	  
+	const double l2 = n.x()*n.x()*metric[0] + 2*n.x()*n.y()*metric[1] + n.y()*n.y()*metric[2] ;
+	l = 1./sqrt(l2); 
+	//	  if (_dirs.size() > 1) printf("l = %g metric = %g %g %g dim %d tag %d \n",l,metric[0],metric[1],metric[2],current->onWhat()->dim(),current->onWhat()->tag());
+	//	  printf("%g %g\n",l,LL);
+	if (l >= blf->hfar){
+	  //	    printf("stopping %g %g\n",l,LL);
+	  break;
+	}
+	//	printf("%g %g %g \n",current->x(),current->y(),blf->current_distance);
+	if (blf->current_closest != catt || blf -> current_distance <  _current_distance){
+	  SVector3 aaa (_close- blf->_closest_point);
+	  if (aaa.norm() > 8*blf->hwall_n || blf -> current_distance <  _current_distance){
+	    printf("reaching the skelton %d\n",_column.size());
+	    delete _column[_column.size()-1];
+	    _column.erase(--_column.end());
+	    _metrics.erase(--_metrics.end());
+	    if (_column.size()){
+	      delete _column[_column.size()-1];
+	      _column.erase(--_column.end());
+	      _metrics.erase(--_metrics.end());
+	    }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	if (blf -> current_distance > blf->thickness) break;
+	catt = blf->current_closest;
+	_close = blf->_closest_point;
+	_current_distance = blf -> current_distance;
+	SPoint2 pnew  (p.x() + l * n.x(), 
+		       p.y() + l * n.y());
+	GPoint gp = gf->point (pnew);
+	MFaceVertex *_current = new MFaceVertex (gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z(),gf,pnew.x(),pnew.y());
+	_current->bl_data = new MVertexBoundaryLayerData;
+	current = _current;
+	_column.push_back(current);
+	//	printf("pnew %g %g new point %g %g n %g %g\n",pnew.x(),pnew.y(),gp.x(),gp.y(),n.x(),n.y());
+	_metrics.push_back(m);
+	//	const double l = n[0]*m(0,0) +; 
+	if (_column.size() > nbCol)break; // FIXME
+	p = pnew;
+      }
+      _columns->addColumn(*it, _column, _metrics);
+    }
+  }  
+  FILE *f = fopen ("test.pos","w");
+  fprintf(f,"View \"\" {\n");
+  for (std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = _vertices.begin(); it != _vertices.end() ; ++it){
+    MVertex *v = *it;
+    for (int i=0;i<_columns->getNbColumns(v);i++){
+      const BoundaryLayerData &data = _columns->getColumn(v,i);
+      for (int j=0;j<data._column.size();j++){
+	MVertex *blv = data._column[j];
+	fprintf(f,"SP(%g,%g,%g){%d};\n",blv->x(),blv->y(),blv->z(),v->getNum());
+      }
+    }
+  } 
+  fprintf(f,"};\n");
+  fclose (f);
+  return _columns;
+void BoundaryLayerColumns::filterPoints() {
+  std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> tooclose;
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h b/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bf4a99581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceBoundaryLayers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "STensor3.h"
+#include "MEdge.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+class Field;
+class GFace;
+struct BoundaryLayerData
+  BoundaryLayerData (std::vector<MVertex*> column,
+		     std::vector<SMetric3> metrics)
+    : _column(column),_metrics(metrics)
+  {
+  }
+  std::vector<MVertex*> _column;
+  std::vector<SMetric3> _metrics;    
+struct BoundaryLayerFan 
+  MEdge _e1, _e2;
+  bool sense;
+  BoundaryLayerFan (MEdge e1, MEdge e2 , bool s = true) 
+  : _e1(e1),_e2(e2) , sense (s)
+  {}
+class BoundaryLayerColumns  
+  std::multimap<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerData>  _data;
+  std::map<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerFan> _fans;
+  typedef  std::multimap<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerData>::iterator iter;
+  typedef  std::map<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerFan>::iterator iterf;
+  std::multimap<MVertex*,MVertex*> _non_manifold_edges;
+  iter begin() {return _data.begin();}
+  iter end() {return _data.end();}
+  iterf beginf() {return _fans.begin();}
+  iterf endf() {return _fans.end();}
+  BoundaryLayerColumns () 
+  {    
+  }
+  inline void addColumn (MVertex* v,
+		  std::vector<MVertex*> _column,
+		  std::vector<SMetric3> _metrics){
+    _data.insert (std::make_pair(v,BoundaryLayerData(_column,_metrics)));
+  }
+  inline void addFan (MVertex *v, MEdge e1, MEdge e2, bool s){
+    _fans.insert(std::make_pair(v,BoundaryLayerFan(e1,e2,s)));
+  }
+  inline const BoundaryLayerData & getColumn ( MVertex *v, MEdge e ){
+    std::map<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerFan>::const_iterator it = _fans.find(v);
+    int N =  getNbColumns (v) ;
+    if (N == 1) return getColumn(v,0);
+    Equal_Edge aaa;
+    if (it != _fans.end()){
+      if (aaa(it->second._e1,e))
+	return getColumn ( v, 0 );
+      else
+	return  getColumn ( v, N-1 );
+    }
+    else printf("ooops\n");
+  }
+  inline int getNbColumns (MVertex *v) {
+    return _data.count (v);
+  }
+  inline const BoundaryLayerData & getColumn ( MVertex *v, int iColumn ){
+    int count = 0;
+    for ( std::multimap<MVertex*,BoundaryLayerData> :: iterator itm  = _data.lower_bound(v);
+	  itm != _data.upper_bound(v); ++itm)
+      {
+	if (count++ == iColumn) return itm->second;
+      }    
+  }
+  void filterPoints();
+BoundaryLayerColumns * buidAdditionalPoints2D (GFace *gf,  double _angle) ;
+void buildMeshMetric(GFace *gf, double *uv, SMetric3 &m, double metric[3]);