From da7e203f5263dc74114cb4993cf3df100a5e53ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Lambrechts <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 18:24:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] dg: limiter can use more than one group and works in parallel

 Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua |   4 +-
 Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp     |   4 +-
 Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp  |   8 ++
 Solver/dgDofContainer.h    |   4 +
 Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp  | 149 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
index 5b6a7e476c..7ad6ccc051 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ end
 function valueRight(f)
   for i=0,f:size1()-1 do
-    f:set(i,0,math.sin(2*math.pi*t/T))
+    f:set(i,0,math.sin(2*math.pi*t/T+math.pi/2))
 function valueLeft(f)
   for i=0,f:size1()-1 do
-    f:set(i,0,-math.sin(2*math.pi*t/T))
+    f:set(i,0,-math.sin(2*math.pi*t/T+math.pi/2))
diff --git a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
index 4e4c426205..db458c85e6 100644
--- a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -293,9 +293,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::rungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conservation l
-    if (limiter){
-      limiter->apply(K, groups);
-    }
+    if (limiter) limiter->apply(K, groups);
     for(int k=0; k < groups.getNbElementGroups(); k++) {
diff --git a/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp b/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
index 34aa06db1c..fe13a95aad 100644
--- a/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ dgDofContainer::dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection &groups, int nbFields):
   for (int i=0;i<_groups.getNbElementGroups();i++){    
     dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
+    _groupId[group] = i;
     int nbNodes    = group->getNbNodes();
     int nbElements = group->getNbElements();
     _dataProxys[i] = new fullMatrix<double> (&(*_data)(offset),nbNodes, _nbFields*nbElements);
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ dgDofContainer::dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection &groups, int nbFields):
     dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getGhostGroup(i);
     int nbNodes    = group->getNbNodes();
     int nbElements = group->getNbElements();
+    _groupId[group] = i+_groups.getNbElementGroups();
     _dataProxys[i+_groups.getNbElementGroups()] = new fullMatrix<double> (&(*_ghostData)(offset),nbNodes, _nbFields*nbElements);
     offset += nbNodes*_nbFields*nbElements;
@@ -142,6 +144,12 @@ void dgDofContainer::scatter() {
+void dgDofContainer::setAll(double v) {
+  for(int i=0;i<_data->size();i++)
+    (*_data)(i)=v;
+  for(int i=0;i<_ghostData->size();i++)
+    (*_ghostData)(i)=v;
 void dgDofContainer::scale(double f) 
diff --git a/Solver/dgDofContainer.h b/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
index 8eaf22b0e3..6c21641777 100644
--- a/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
+++ b/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "fullMatrix.h"
 class dgGroupCollection;
+class dgGroupOfElements;
 struct dgDofContainer {
@@ -21,16 +22,19 @@ private:
   int *countSend,*countRecv,*shiftSend,*shiftRecv,*groupShiftRecv;
   double *sendBuf, *recvBuf;
   std::vector<fullMatrix<double> *> _dataProxys; // proxys 
+  std::map<const dgGroupOfElements*,int> _groupId;
   void scale(double f);
   double norm();
   void axpy(dgDofContainer &x, double a=1.);
   inline fullMatrix<double> &getGroupProxy(int gId){ return *(_dataProxys[gId]); }
+  inline fullMatrix<double> &getGroupProxy(const dgGroupOfElements* g){ return *(_dataProxys[_groupId[g]]); }
   dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection &groups, int nbFields);
   ~dgDofContainer ();  
   int getNbElements() {return _totalNbElements;}
   void scatter();
   void save(const std::string name);
   void load(const std::string name);
+  void setAll(double v);
diff --git a/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp b/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
index adcdd9355d..6f1009f33b 100644
--- a/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
@@ -6,89 +6,101 @@
 bool dgSlopeLimiter::apply ( dgDofContainer &solution, dgGroupCollection &groups)
-  //TODO: make this more general   
-  dgGroupOfFaces* group = groups.getFaceGroup(0);  
-  fullMatrix<double> &solleft = solution.getGroupProxy(0);
-  fullMatrix<double> &solright = solution.getGroupProxy(0); 
+  solution.scatter();
   int nbFields =_claw->nbFields();    
-  int totNbElems = solution.getNbElements();
   // first compute max and min of all fields for all stencils    
+  dgDofContainer MIN(groups, nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer MAX(groups, nbFields);
-  fullMatrix<double> MIN (totNbElems,nbFields );  
-  fullMatrix<double>  MAX (totNbElems, nbFields); 
   MIN.setAll ( 1.e22);  
   MAX.setAll (-1.e22);  
   int iElementL, iElementR, fSize; 	 
-  for(int iFace=0 ; iFace<group->getNbElements();iFace++)   {
-    iElementL = group->getElementLeftId(iFace);  
-    iElementR = group->getElementRightId(iFace); 
-    fullMatrix<double> TempL, TempR;
-    TempL.setAsProxy(solleft, nbFields*iElementL, nbFields );
-    TempR.setAsProxy(solright, nbFields*iElementR, nbFields );    	
-    fSize = TempL.size1(); 
-    for (int k=0; k< nbFields; ++k){    
-      double AVGL = 0;  
-      double AVGR = 0;  
-      for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i) {  
-	AVGL += TempL(i,k);  
-	AVGR += TempR(i,k);  
-      }  
-      AVGL /= (double) fSize;
-      AVGR /= (double) fSize;
-      MIN ( iElementL , k ) = std::min ( AVGR , MIN ( iElementL , k ) );  
-      MAX ( iElementL , k ) = std::max ( AVGR , MAX ( iElementL , k ) );  
-      MIN ( iElementR , k ) = std::min ( AVGL , MIN ( iElementR , k ) );  
-      MAX ( iElementR , k ) = std::max ( AVGL , MAX ( iElementR , k ) );  
-    }    
+  fullMatrix<double> TempL, TempR;
+  for( int iGFace=0; iGFace<groups.getNbFaceGroups(); iGFace++) {
+    dgGroupOfFaces* group = groups.getFaceGroup(iGFace);  
+    const dgGroupOfElements *groupLeft = &group->getGroupLeft();
+    const dgGroupOfElements *groupRight = &group->getGroupRight();
+    fullMatrix<double> &solleft = solution.getGroupProxy(groupLeft);
+    fullMatrix<double> &solright = solution.getGroupProxy(groupRight); 
+    fullMatrix<double> &MINLeft = MIN.getGroupProxy(groupLeft);
+    fullMatrix<double> &MAXLeft = MAX.getGroupProxy(groupLeft);
+    fullMatrix<double> &MINRight = MIN.getGroupProxy(groupRight);
+    fullMatrix<double> &MAXRight = MAX.getGroupProxy(groupRight);
+    for(int iFace=0 ; iFace<group->getNbElements();iFace++)   {
+      iElementL = group->getElementLeftId(iFace);  
+      iElementR = group->getElementRightId(iFace); 
+      TempL.setAsProxy(solleft, nbFields*iElementL, nbFields );
+      TempR.setAsProxy(solright, nbFields*iElementR, nbFields );    	
+      fSize = TempL.size1(); 
+      for (int k=0; k< nbFields; ++k){    
+        double AVGL = 0;  
+        double AVGR = 0;  
+        for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i) {  
+          AVGL += TempL(i,k);  
+          AVGR += TempR(i,k);  
+        }  
+        AVGL /= (double) fSize;
+        AVGR /= (double) fSize;
+        MINLeft ( iElementL , k ) = std::min ( AVGR , MINLeft ( iElementL , k ) );  
+        MAXLeft ( iElementL , k ) = std::max ( AVGR , MAXLeft ( iElementL , k ) );  
+        MINRight ( iElementR , k ) = std::min ( AVGL , MINRight ( iElementR , k ) );  
+        MAXRight ( iElementR , k ) = std::max ( AVGL , MAXRight ( iElementR , k ) );  
+      }    
+    }
   // then limit the solution  
-  for (int iElement=0 ; iElement<totNbElems; ++iElement)  { 
+  for (int iGroup=0 ; iGroup<groups.getNbElementGroups() ; iGroup++) {
+    dgGroupOfElements &group = *groups.getElementGroup(iGroup);
+    fullMatrix<double> &sol = solution.getGroupProxy(iGroup);
+    fullMatrix<double> &MAXG = MAX.getGroupProxy(iGroup);
+    fullMatrix<double> &MING = MIN.getGroupProxy(iGroup);
     fullMatrix<double> Temp;  
-    Temp.setAsProxy(solleft, nbFields*iElement, nbFields );    	
-    for (int k=0; k<nbFields; ++k) 
-    {
-      double AVG = 0.;   
-      double locMax = -1.e22; 
-      double locMin =  1.e22; 
-      double neighMax = MAX (iElement,k);    
-      double neighMin = MIN (iElement,k);    
-      for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i)  
+    for (int iElement=0 ; iElement<group.getNbElements() ; ++iElement)  { 
+      Temp.setAsProxy(sol, nbFields*iElement, nbFields );    	
+      for (int k=0; k<nbFields; ++k) 
-        AVG += Temp(i,k);   
-        locMax = std::max (locMax, Temp (i,k)); 
-        locMin = std::min (locMin, Temp (i,k)); 
-      }	
-      AVG /= (double) fSize;  
-      //-------------------  
-      for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i)Temp(i,k) -= AVG;
-      double slopeLimiterValue = 1.0;   
-      if (locMax != AVG && locMax > neighMax) slopeLimiterValue = (neighMax-AVG) / (locMax-AVG);    
-      if (locMin != AVG && locMin < neighMin) slopeLimiterValue = std::min ( slopeLimiterValue , (AVG-neighMin) / (AVG-locMin) ); 
-      if (AVG < neighMin) slopeLimiterValue = 0;  
-      if (AVG > neighMax) slopeLimiterValue = 0;  
-      //      if (slopeLimiterValue != 1.0)	printf("LIMTING %g\n",slopeLimiterValue);
-      //      slopeLimiterValue = 0.0;   
-      for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i) Temp(i,k) = AVG + Temp(i,k)*slopeLimiterValue;
+        double AVG = 0.;   
+        double locMax = -1.e22; 
+        double locMin =  1.e22; 
+        double neighMax = MAXG (iElement,k);    
+        double neighMin = MING (iElement,k);    
+        for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i)  
+        {
+          AVG += Temp(i,k);   
+          locMax = std::max (locMax, Temp (i,k)); 
+          locMin = std::min (locMin, Temp (i,k)); 
+        }	
+        AVG /= (double) fSize;  
-    }
-  }  
+        //-------------------  
+        for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i)Temp(i,k) -= AVG;
+        double slopeLimiterValue = 1.0;   
+        if (locMax != AVG && locMax > neighMax) slopeLimiterValue = (neighMax-AVG) / (locMax-AVG);    
+        if (locMin != AVG && locMin < neighMin) slopeLimiterValue = std::min ( slopeLimiterValue , (AVG-neighMin) / (AVG-locMin) ); 
+        if (AVG < neighMin) slopeLimiterValue = 0;  
+        if (AVG > neighMax) slopeLimiterValue = 0;  
+        //      if (slopeLimiterValue != 1.0)	printf("LIMTING %g\n",slopeLimiterValue);
+        //      slopeLimiterValue = 0.0;   
+        for (int i=0; i<fSize; ++i) Temp(i,k) = AVG + Temp(i,k)*slopeLimiterValue;
+      }
+    }  
+  }
   //  --- CLIPPING: check unphysical values
   for (int iG = 0; iG < groups.getNbElementGroups(); iG++){
     dgGroupOfElements* egroup = groups.getElementGroup(iG);  
@@ -100,12 +112,11 @@ bool dgSlopeLimiter::apply ( dgDofContainer &solution, dgGroupCollection &groups
     dataCacheDouble *solutionEClipped = _claw->newClipToPhysics(cacheMap);
     if (solutionEClipped){
       for (int iElement=0 ; iElement<egroup->getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
-	solutionE.setAsProxy(solGroup, iElement*nbFields, nbFields );
-	solutionE.set((*solutionEClipped)());    
-       }
+        solutionE.setAsProxy(solGroup, iElement*nbFields, nbFields );
+        solutionE.set((*solutionEClipped)());    
+      }
   return true; 