diff --git a/Plugin/o_internals.h b/Plugin/o_internals.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35dc338d242f053d45c3bd61c6465ae5d15e75fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/o_internals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include <list>
+  /* file of function prototypes and macro constants */
+  typedef void (*BBFunction)(void *, double*, double*);
+  typedef int (*InEleFunction)(void *, double *); 
+  typedef void (*CentroidFunction)(void *, double *);
+  /* structure for list of elements in an octant */
+  typedef struct elem {
+    void * region;  /* the pointer to a mesh Db region */
+    double centroid[3]; /* centroid of element bounding box inside of the octant */
+    double minPt[3]; /* corner of element bounding box nearest the origin */
+    double maxPt[3]; /* corner of elem bound box furthest from the origin */ 
+    struct elem *next; /* link to next item in list, NULL if end */
+  } Elem;
+  typedef Elem *ELink;
+  /* stucture for octant buckets */
+  struct bucket {
+    double minPt[3];   /*  the point with the smallest coordinates */
+    double maxPt[3];   /*  the point with the biggest coordinates */
+    int numElements; /* number of elements contained by bucket */
+    int precision;   /* the level of precision of the bucket */
+    ELink lhead; /* list of elements in bucket, if NULL -> no elements */
+    std::list<void *> listBB; /* list of elements in bucket by Bounding Box */ 	
+    struct bucket *next; /* link to ragged digit extensions to bucket array */
+    struct bucket *parent; /* link to the parent bucket */
+  };
+  typedef struct bucket octantBucket; 
+  /* octantBucket *buckets=NULL; */
+  /* structure for global information and requirment */
+  struct global {
+    int numBuckets; /* number of octant buckets in initial grid array */
+    int maxElements; /* max. number of elements allowed in an octant */
+    int maxPrecision; /* current maximum octant precision for model */
+    double origin[3];   /* smallest x,y, z of model's bounding box */ 
+    double size[3];    /* size in x, y, z of model bounding box */
+    void * ptrToPrevElement;	
+    std::list<void *> listAllElements;
+  };
+  typedef struct global globalInfo;
+  typedef struct
+  {
+    globalInfo *info;
+    octantBucket *root;
+    BBFunction function_BB;
+    InEleFunction function_inElement; 
+    CentroidFunction function_centroid; 
+  }Octree;
+  void refineOctants( octantBucket *buckets,
+		      globalInfo *globalPara);
+  int addElement2Bucket (octantBucket *bucket, void * element, 
+			 double *minBB, double *maxBB,
+			 double *ele_centroid, globalInfo *globalPara);
+  int subdivideOctantBucket (octantBucket *bucket, globalInfo *globalPara);
+  int initializeOctantBuckets (double *orig, double *size, int maxElem,
+			       octantBucket **buckets, globalInfo **globalPara);
+  int checkElementInBucket (octantBucket *bucket, void * element); 
+  octantBucket* findElementBucket(octantBucket *buckets, double *pt);
+  void * searchElement(octantBucket *buckets, double *pt, 
+		       globalInfo *globalPara, BBFunction BBElement, 
+		       InEleFunction xyzInElement);
+  int xyzInElementBB(double *xyz, void *region, BBFunction BBElement);
+  void insertOneBB(void *, double *, double *, octantBucket *);
+  void * searchAllElements(octantBucket *_buckets_head, double *_pt, globalInfo *_globalPara,
+                     BBFunction BBElement, InEleFunction xyzInElement, std::list<void *> *_elements);