From cef2e611bd31ad60acdc132f039d376175900883 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Alexandre Beaufort <>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 13:42:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Partioning of the initial triangulation for reparametrization
 (disk-like topology). The mesher cannot be used yet, but the parametrization
 does work ! Todo: partioning for large aspect ratio, check if each part is
 connected, make discreteEdges (for mesher)

 Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp | 565 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 Geo/discreteDiskFace.h   | 182 ++++++++++---
 Geo/discreteFace.cpp     | 208 +++++++++++++-
 Geo/discreteFace.h       |  12 +-
 4 files changed, 589 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp b/Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp
index 7262b86987..eab809d66f 100644
--- a/Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp
+++ b/Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 // Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
 #include <queue> // #mark
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER) && defined(HAVE_ANN)
 #include "GmshMessage.h"
 #include "Octree.h"
 #include "discreteDiskFace.h"
@@ -24,20 +23,21 @@
 #include "dofManager.h"
 #include "laplaceTerm.h"
 #include "convexLaplaceTerm.h"
-#include "convexCombinationTerm.h"  // #
-#include "BasisFactory.h"
+#include "convexCombinationTerm.h"  // #FIXME
+#include "qualityMeasuresJacobian.h" // #temporary?
 static inline void functionShapes(int p, double Xi[2], double* phi)
   case 1:
     phi[0] = 1. - Xi[0] - Xi[1];
     phi[1] = Xi[0];
     phi[2] = Xi[1];
   case 2:
     phi[0] = 1. - 3.*(Xi[0]+Xi[1]) + 2.*(Xi[0]+Xi[1])*(Xi[0]+Xi[1]);
     phi[1] = Xi[0]*(2.*Xi[0]-1);
@@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ static inline void functionShapes(int p, double Xi[2], double* phi)
     phi[4] = 4.*Xi[0]*Xi[1];
     phi[5] = 4.*Xi[1]*(1.-Xi[0]-Xi[1]);
     Msg::Error("(discreteDiskFace) static inline functionShapes, only first and second order available; order %d requested.",p);
 static inline void derivativeShapes(int p, double Xi[2], double phi[6][2])
   case 1:
     phi[0][0] = -1. ; phi[0][1] = -1.;
     phi[1][0] = 1.  ; phi[1][1] = 0.;
     phi[2][0] = 0.  ; phi[2][1] = 1.;
   case 2:
     phi[0][0] = -3. + 4.*(Xi[0]+Xi[1])   ; phi[0][1] = -3. + 4.*(Xi[0]+Xi[1]);
     phi[1][0] = 4.*Xi[0] - 1.            ; phi[1][1] = 0.;
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ static inline void derivativeShapes(int p, double Xi[2], double phi[6][2])
     phi[4][0] = 4.*Xi[1]                 ; phi[4][1] = 4.*Xi[0];
     phi[5][0] = -4.*Xi[1]                ; phi[5][1] = 4. - 4.*Xi[0] - 8.*Xi[1];
     Msg::Error("(discreteDiskFace) static inline derivativeShapes, only first and second order available; order %d requested.",p);
 static inline bool uv2xi(discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft, double U[2], double Xi[2]){
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ static inline bool uv2xi(discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft, double U[2], double
   R[0] = (U[0] - p0.x());
   R[1] = (U[1] - p0.y());
   sys2x2(M, R, Xi);
   if (my_ddft->tri->getPolynomialOrder() == 2){
     int iter = 1, maxiter = 20;
     double error = 1., tol = 1.e-6;
     while (error > tol && iter < maxiter){// Newton-Raphson
       double fs[6];// phi_i
       double ds[6][2];// dPhi_i/dXi_j
       double un[2] = {0.,0.};
       double jac[2][2] = {{0.,0.},{0.,0.}}; // d(u,v)/d(xi,eta)
       for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static inline bool uv2xi(discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft, double U[2], double
 	    jac[k][j] += ui[k] * ds[i][j];
       double inv[2][2];
       double xin[2] = {Xi[0],Xi[1]};
@@ -128,34 +128,31 @@ static inline bool uv2xi(discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft, double U[2], double
 	  xin[i] += inv[i][j] * (U[j] - un[j]);
 	error += (xin[i] - Xi[i])*(xin[i] - Xi[i]);
       error = sqrt(error);
       Xi[0] = xin[0];
       Xi[1] = xin[1];
     } // end Newton-Raphson
     if (iter == maxiter){
       return false;
-    else{
-      return true;
-    }
   }// end order 2
   return true;
-// The three things that are mandatory to manipulate octrees (octree in (u;v)).
+// The three following things are mandatory to manipulate octrees (octree in (u;v)).
 static void discreteDiskFaceBB(void *a, double*mmin, double*mmax)
-{ // called once  by buildOct()
   discreteDiskFaceTriangle *t = (discreteDiskFaceTriangle *)a;
   mmin[0] = std::min(std::min(t->p[0].x(), t->p[1].x()), t->p[2].x());
   mmin[1] = std::min(std::min(t->p[0].y(), t->p[1].y()), t->p[2].y());
   mmax[0] = std::max(std::max(t->p[0].x(), t->p[1].x()), t->p[2].x());
   mmax[1] = std::max(std::max(t->p[0].y(), t->p[1].y()), t->p[2].y());
   if (t->tri->getPolynomialOrder() == 2){
     for (int i=3; i<6; i++){
       int j = i==5 ? 0 : i-2;
@@ -170,18 +167,18 @@ static void discreteDiskFaceBB(void *a, double*mmin, double*mmax)
   mmin[2] = -1;
   mmax[2] = 1;
 static void discreteDiskFaceCentroid(void *a, double*c)
-{ // called once  by buildOct()
   discreteDiskFaceTriangle *t = (discreteDiskFaceTriangle *)a;
   c[0] = (t->p[0].x() + t->p[1].x() + t->p[2].x()) / 3.0;
   c[1] = (t->p[0].y() + t->p[1].y() + t->p[2].y()) / 3.0;
   c[2] = 0.0;
 static int discreteDiskFaceInEle(void *a, double*c)// # mark
-{ // called once  by buildOct()
   discreteDiskFaceTriangle *t = (discreteDiskFaceTriangle *)a;
   double Xi[2];
   double U[2] = {c[0],c[1]};
@@ -190,49 +187,52 @@ static int discreteDiskFaceInEle(void *a, double*c)// # mark
   if(ok && Xi[0] > -eps && Xi[1] > -eps && 1. - Xi[0] - Xi[1] > -eps)
     return 1;
   return 0;
 static bool orderVertices(const double &tot_length, const std::vector<MVertex*> &l, std::vector<double> &coord)
 { // called once by constructor ; organize the vertices for the linear system expressing the mapping
   MVertex* first = l[0];
   for(unsigned int i=1; i < l.size(); i++){
     MVertex* next = l[i];
     const double length = sqrt( (next->x() - first->x()) * (next->x() - first->x()) +
 				(next->y() - first->y()) * (next->y() - first->y()) +
 				(next->z() - first->z()) * (next->z() - first->z()) );
     coord.push_back(coord[coord.size()-1] + length / tot_length);
     first = next;
   return true;
-discreteDiskFace::discreteDiskFace(GFace *gf,  std::vector<MTriangle*> &mesh, int p, std::vector<GFace*> *CAD) :
-  GFace(gf->model(),123), _parent (gf),_ddft(NULL), oct(NULL)
+discreteDiskFace::discreteDiskFace(GFace *gf, triangulation* diskTriangulation, int p, std::vector<GFace*> *CAD) :
+  GFace(gf->model(),123), _parent (gf),_ddft(NULL)
+  initialTriangulation = diskTriangulation;
+  std::vector<MElement*> mesh = diskTriangulation->tri;
   _order = p;
   _N = (p+1)*(p+2)/2;
+  discrete_triangles.resize(mesh.size());
   std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> v2v;// mesh vertex |-> face vertex
   std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> ed2nodes; // edge to interior node(s)
   for (unsigned int i=0;i<mesh.size();i++){ // triangle by triangle
     std::vector<MVertex*> vs; // MTriangle vertices
     for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++){ // loop over vertices AND edges of the current triangle
       MVertex *v = mesh[i]->getVertex(j);// firstly, edge vertices
       if (v->onWhat()->dim() == 2) {
 	std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> :: iterator it = v2v.find(v);
@@ -277,19 +277,25 @@ discreteDiskFace::discreteDiskFace(GFace *gf,  std::vector<MTriangle*> &mesh, in
     }// end order == 2
     if (_order==1)
-      discrete_triangles.push_back(new MTriangle (vs));
+      discrete_triangles[i] = new MTriangle (vs);
     else if (_order==2)
-      discrete_triangles.push_back(new MTriangle6 (vs));
+      discrete_triangles[i] = new MTriangle6 (vs);
   }// end loop over triangles
-  buildAllNodes();
-  getBoundingEdges();
+  geoTriangulation = new triangulation(discrete_triangles,gf);
+  allNodes = geoTriangulation->vert;
+  _U0 = geoTriangulation->bord.rbegin()->second;
+  _totLength = geoTriangulation->bord.rbegin()->first;
   orderVertices(_totLength, _U0, _coords);
   if (!checkOrientationUV()){
+    Msg::Info("discreteDIskFace:: parametrization is not one-to-one; fixing the discrete system.");
@@ -300,166 +306,11 @@ discreteDiskFace::discreteDiskFace(GFace *gf,  std::vector<MTriangle*> &mesh, in
-  if (_ddft)delete[] _ddft;
-  if (oct)Octree_Delete(oct);
+  if (_ddft) delete[] _ddft;
+  if (oct) Octree_Delete(oct);
+  if(geoTriangulation) delete geoTriangulation;
-void discreteDiskFace::getBoundingEdges()
-  // first of all, all the triangles have to be oriented in the same way
-  std::map<MEdge,std::vector<MElement*>,Less_Edge> ed2tri; // edge to 1 or 2 triangle(s)
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MElement *e = discrete_triangles[i];
-    for(int j = 0; j <  e->getNumEdges() ; j++){
-      MEdge ed = e->getEdge(j);
-      ed2tri[ed].push_back(e);
-    }
-  }
-  // element to its neighbors
-  std::map<MElement*,std::vector<MElement*> > neighbors;
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MElement* e = discrete_triangles[i];
-    for(int j=0; j<e->getNumEdges(); j++){ // #improveme: efficiency could be improved by setting neighbors mutually
-      std::vector<MElement*> my_mt = ed2tri[e->getEdge(j)];
-      if (my_mt.size() > 1){// my_mt.size() = {1;2}
-	MElement* neighTri  = my_mt[0] == e ? my_mt[1] : my_mt[0];
-	neighbors[e].push_back(neighTri);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // queue: first in, first out
-  std::queue<MElement*> checkList; // element for reference orientation
-  std::queue< std::vector<MElement*> > checkLists; // corresponding neighbor element to be checked for its orientation
-  std::queue<MElement*> my_todo; // todo list
-  std::map<MElement*,bool> check_todo; // help to complete todo list
-  my_todo.push(discrete_triangles[0]);
-  check_todo[discrete_triangles[0]]=true;
-  while(!my_todo.empty()){
-    MElement* myMT = my_todo.front();
-    my_todo.pop();
-    std::vector<MElement*> myV = neighbors[myMT];
-    std::vector<MElement*> myInsertion;
-    checkList.push(myMT);
-    for(unsigned int i=0; i<myV.size(); ++i){
-      if (check_todo.find(myV[i]) == check_todo.end()){
-	myInsertion.push_back(myV[i]);
-	check_todo[myV[i]] = true;
-	my_todo.push(myV[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    checkLists.push(myInsertion);
-  }// end while
-  while(!checkList.empty() && !checkLists.empty()){
-    MElement* current = checkList.front();
-    checkList.pop();
-    std::vector<MElement*> neigs = checkLists.front();
-    checkLists.pop();
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<neigs.size(); i++){
-      bool myCond = false;
-      for (unsigned int k=0; k<3; k++){
-	for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++){
-	  if (current->getVertex(k) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j)){
-	    myCond = true;
-	    if (!(current->getVertex(k!=2 ?k+1 : 0 ) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j!=0 ? j-1 : 2) ||
-		  current->getVertex(k!=0 ?k-1 : 2 ) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j!=2 ? j+1 : 0))){
-	      neigs[i]->reverse();
-	      //	      std::cout << "discreteDiskFace: triangle " << neigs[i]->getNum() << " has been reoriented." << std::endl;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-	if (myCond)
-	  break;
-      }
-    } // end for unsigned int i
-  } // end while
-  // now, it is possible to identify the border(s) of the triangulation
-  // allEdges contains all edges of the boundary
-  std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> allEdges;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MElement *e = discrete_triangles[i];
-    for(int j = 0; j <  e->getNumEdges() ; j++){
-      MEdge ed = e->getEdge(j);
-      std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator it = allEdges.find(ed);
-      if (it == allEdges.end()) allEdges.insert(ed);
-      else allEdges.erase(it);
-    }
-  }
-  std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> > firstNode2Edge;
-  for (std::set<MEdge>::iterator ie = allEdges.begin(); ie != allEdges.end() ; ++ie) {
-    MEdge ed = *ie;
-    std::vector<MElement *> vectri = ed2tri[ed];
-    MElement* tri = vectri[0]; // boundary edge: only one triangle :-)
-    std::vector<MVertex*> vecver;
-    tri->getEdgeVertices(edgeLocalNum(tri,ed),vecver);
-    MVertex *first = vecver[0];
-    MVertex *last = vecver[1];
-    vecver.erase(vecver.begin());
-    vecver.erase(vecver.begin());
-    std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >::iterator im = firstNode2Edge.find(first);
-    if (im != firstNode2Edge.end()) Msg::Fatal("Incorrect topology in discreteDiskFace %d", tag());
-    firstNode2Edge[first] = vecver;
-    firstNode2Edge[first].push_back(last);
-  }
-  while (!firstNode2Edge.empty()) { // quid 'firstNode2Edge' is not empty but 'in' within the map ?
-    std::vector<MVertex*> loop;
-    double length = 0.;
-    std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >::iterator in = firstNode2Edge.begin();
-    while(in != firstNode2Edge.end()) {
-      MVertex *first = in->first;
-      std::vector<MVertex*>  myV = in->second;
-      loop.push_back(first);
-      MVertex* previous = first;
-      for(unsigned int i=0; i<=myV.size()-1; i++){
-	MVertex* current = myV[i];
-	loop.push_back(current);
-	length += sqrt( (current->x()-previous->x()) * (current->x()-previous->x()) +
-			(current->y()-previous->y()) * (current->y()-previous->y()) +
-			(current->z()-previous->z()) * (current->z()-previous->z()) );
-	_loops.insert(std::make_pair(length,loop)); // it shouldn't be possible to have twice the same length ? actually, it is possible, but quite seldom #fixme ----> multimap ?
-	previous = current;
-      }
-      firstNode2Edge.erase(in);
-      in = firstNode2Edge.find(previous);
-    }// end while in
-  } // end while firstNode2Edge
-    // dirichlet BC
-  _U0  = _loops.rbegin()->second;
-  _totLength = _loops.rbegin()->first;
 void discreteDiskFace::buildOct(std::vector<GFace*> *CAD) const
   if (oct)Octree_Delete(oct);
@@ -468,22 +319,22 @@ void discreteDiskFace::buildOct(std::vector<GFace*> *CAD) const
   double ssize[3] = {2.02,2.02,2.0};
   const int maxElePerBucket = 15;
   oct = Octree_Create(maxElePerBucket, origin, ssize, discreteDiskFaceBB,
-                      discreteDiskFaceCentroid, discreteDiskFaceInEle);
+		      discreteDiskFaceCentroid, discreteDiskFaceInEle);
   _ddft = new discreteDiskFaceTriangle[discrete_triangles.size()];
   //  if (CAD) printf("------------->  %ld %ld\n",CAD->size(),discrete_triangles.size());
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MTriangle *t = discrete_triangles[i];
+    MElement *t = discrete_triangles[i];
     discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft = &_ddft[i];
+    my_ddft->p.resize(_N);
     for(int io=0; io<_N; io++)
       my_ddft->p[io] = coordinates[t->getVertex(io)];
     my_ddft->gf = CAD ? (*CAD)[i] : _parent;
     my_ddft->tri = t;
     Octree_Insert(my_ddft, oct);
@@ -491,7 +342,7 @@ void discreteDiskFace::buildOct(std::vector<GFace*> *CAD) const
 bool discreteDiskFace::parametrize(bool one2one) const
-{ // mark, to improve
+{ // #improveme
   if (one2one)
     Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'one-to-one map'", tag());
@@ -500,34 +351,34 @@ bool discreteDiskFace::parametrize(bool one2one) const
   linearSystem<double> *lsys_u;
   linearSystem<double> *lsys_v;
   lsys_u = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>; // taucs :-)
   lsys_v = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>; // taucs :-)
   dofManager<double> myAssemblerU(lsys_u);   // hashing
   dofManager<double> myAssemblerV(lsys_v);
   for(size_t i = 0; i < _U0.size(); i++){
     MVertex *v = _U0[i];
     const double theta = 2 * M_PI * _coords[i];
     myAssemblerU.fixVertex(v, 0, 1, cos(theta));
     myAssemblerV.fixVertex(v, 0, 1, sin(theta));
   for(size_t i = 0; i < discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MTriangle *t = discrete_triangles[i];
+    MElement *t = discrete_triangles[i];
     for(int j=0; j<t->getNumVertices(); j++){
       myAssemblerU.numberVertex(t->getVertex(j), 0, 1);
       myAssemblerV.numberVertex(t->getVertex(j), 0, 1);
   Msg::Debug("Creating term %d dofs numbered %d fixed",
-             myAssemblerU.sizeOfR() + myAssemblerV.sizeOfR(), myAssemblerU.sizeOfF() + myAssemblerV.sizeOfF());
+	     myAssemblerU.sizeOfR() + myAssemblerV.sizeOfR(), myAssemblerU.sizeOfF() + myAssemblerV.sizeOfF());
   double t1 = Cpu();
   simpleFunction<double> ONE(1.0);
@@ -552,14 +403,12 @@ bool discreteDiskFace::parametrize(bool one2one) const
   double t2 = Cpu();
   Msg::Debug("Assembly done in %8.3f seconds", t2 - t1);
   Msg::Debug("Systems solved");
   for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; ++itv){
     MVertex *v = *itv;
     double value_U, value_V;
@@ -577,21 +426,21 @@ bool discreteDiskFace::parametrize(bool one2one) const
       itf->second[1]= value_V;
   delete lsys_u;
   delete lsys_v;
   return true;
 void discreteDiskFace::getTriangleUV(const double u,const double v,
 				     discreteDiskFaceTriangle **mt,
 				     double &_xi, double &_eta)const{
   double uv[3] = {u,v,0.};
   *mt = (discreteDiskFaceTriangle*) Octree_Search(uv,oct);
   if (!(*mt)) return;
   double Xi[2];
   double U[2] = {u,v};
@@ -602,29 +451,50 @@ void discreteDiskFace::getTriangleUV(const double u,const double v,
 bool discreteDiskFace::checkOrientationUV(){
-  double initial, current; // initial and current orientation
   discreteDiskFaceTriangle *ct;
-  ct = &_ddft[0];
-  double p1[2] = {ct->p[0].x(), ct->p[0].y()};
-  double p2[2] = {ct->p[1].x(), ct->p[1].y()};
-  double p3[2] = {ct->p[2].x(), ct->p[2].y()};
-  initial = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p3);
-  unsigned int i=1;
-  for (; i<discrete_triangles.size(); i++){
-    ct = &_ddft[i];
-    p1[0] = ct->p[0].x(); p1[1] = ct->p[0].y();
-    p2[0] = ct->p[1].x(); p2[1] = ct->p[1].y();
-    p3[0] = ct->p[2].x(); p3[1] = ct->p[2].y();
-    current = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p3);
-    if(initial*current < 0.) break;
+  if(_order==1){
+    double initial, current; // initial and current orientation
+    ct = &_ddft[0];
+    double p1[2] = {ct->p[0].x(), ct->p[0].y()};
+    double p2[2] = {ct->p[1].x(), ct->p[1].y()};
+    double p3[2] = {ct->p[2].x(), ct->p[2].y()};
+    initial = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p3);
+    unsigned int i=1;
+    for (; i<discrete_triangles.size(); i++){
+      ct = &_ddft[i];
+      p1[0] = ct->p[0].x(); p1[1] = ct->p[0].y();
+      p2[0] = ct->p[1].x(); p2[1] = ct->p[1].y();
+      p3[0] = ct->p[2].x(); p3[1] = ct->p[2].y();
+      current = robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p3);
+      if(initial*current < 0.) {
+	return false;
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
-  if(i < discrete_triangles.size())
-    return false;
-  //    Msg::Error("discreteDiskFace: The parametrization is not one-to-one :-(");
-  else
+  else{    
+    double min, max;
+    std::vector<MVertex*> localVertices;
+    localVertices.resize(_N);
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<discrete_triangles.size(); i++){  
+      ct = &_ddft[i];      
+      for(int j=0; j<_N; j++)
+	localVertices[j] = new MVertex(ct->p[j].x(),ct->p[j].y(),0.);
+      MTriangle6 mt6(localVertices);
+      jacobianBasedQuality::minMaxJacobianDeterminant(&mt6,min,max);
+      for(int j=0; j<_N; j++)
+	delete localVertices[j];      
+      if (min < 0){
+	return false;      
+	break;
+      }
+    }
     return true;
+  }
 // (u;v) |-> < (x;y;z); GFace; (u;v) >
 GPoint discreteDiskFace::point(const double par1, const double par2) const
@@ -637,11 +507,9 @@ GPoint discreteDiskFace::point(const double par1, const double par2) const
     GPoint gp = GPoint(1.e22,1.e22,1.e22,_parent,par);
     return gp;
-  }
+  }	
-  //polynomialBasis myPolynomial = polynomialBasis(dt->tri->getTypeForMSH());
   std::vector<double> eval(_N);
-  //mynodalbasis->f(U,V,0.,eval);//#mark
   double X=0,Y=0,Z=0;
   for(int io=0; io<_N; io++){
@@ -651,7 +519,7 @@ GPoint discreteDiskFace::point(const double par1, const double par2) const
   return GPoint(X,Y,Z,_parent,par);
 SPoint2 discreteDiskFace::parFromVertex(MVertex *v) const
   if (v->onWhat() == this){
@@ -660,7 +528,7 @@ SPoint2 discreteDiskFace::parFromVertex(MVertex *v) const
     return SPoint2(uu,vv);
   std::map<MVertex*,SPoint3>::iterator it = coordinates.find(v);
   if(it != coordinates.end()) return SPoint2(it->second.x(),it->second.y());
   // The 1D mesh has been re-done
@@ -681,82 +549,81 @@ SPoint2 discreteDiskFace::parFromVertex(MVertex *v) const
     Msg::Fatal("FIXME TO DO %d %s",__LINE__,__FILE__);
-  else if (v->onWhat()->dim()==0){
+  else if (v->onWhat()->dim()==0)
     Msg::Fatal("discreteDiskFace::parFromVertex vertex classified on a model vertex that is not part of the face");
-  }
   return SPoint2(0,0);
 SVector3 discreteDiskFace::normal(const SPoint2 &param) const
   return GFace::normal(param);
 double discreteDiskFace::curvatureMax(const SPoint2 &param) const
   return false;
 double discreteDiskFace::curvatures(const SPoint2 &param, SVector3 *dirMax, SVector3 *dirMin,
-                                double *curvMax, double *curvMin) const
+				    double *curvMax, double *curvMin) const
   return false;
 Pair<SVector3, SVector3> discreteDiskFace::firstDer(const SPoint2 &param) const
   double xi,eta;
   discreteDiskFaceTriangle* ddft;
-  MTriangle* tri = NULL;
+  MElement* tri = NULL;
   if (ddft) tri = ddft->tri;
   else {
     Msg::Warning("discreteDiskFace::firstDer << triangle not found %g %g",param[0],param[1]);
     return Pair<SVector3, SVector3>(SVector3(1,0,0), SVector3(0,1,0));
   double Xi[2] = {xi,eta};
   double df[6][2];
-  //mynodalbasis->df(U,V,0.,df);
   double dxdxi[3][2] = {{0.,0.},{0.,0.},{0.,0.}};
   double dudxi[2][2] = {{0.,0.},{0.,0.}};
   for (int io=0; io<_N; io++){
     double X = tri->getVertex(io)->x();
     double Y = tri->getVertex(io)->y();
     double Z = tri->getVertex(io)->z();
     double U = ddft->p[io].x();
     double V = ddft->p[io].y();
     dxdxi[0][0] += X*df[io][0];
     dxdxi[0][1] += X*df[io][1];
     dxdxi[1][0] += Y*df[io][0];
     dxdxi[1][1] += Y*df[io][1];
     dxdxi[2][0] += Z*df[io][0];
     dxdxi[2][1] += Z*df[io][1];
     dudxi[0][0] += U*df[io][0];
     dudxi[0][1] += U*df[io][1];
     dudxi[1][0] += V*df[io][0];
     dudxi[1][1] += V*df[io][1];
   double dxidu[2][2];
   double dxdu[3][2];
   for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
     for (int j=0;j<2;j++){
@@ -765,81 +632,119 @@ Pair<SVector3, SVector3> discreteDiskFace::firstDer(const SPoint2 &param) const
   return Pair<SVector3, SVector3>(SVector3(dxdu[0][0],dxdu[1][0],dxdu[2][0]),
 void discreteDiskFace::secondDer(const SPoint2 &param,
-                             SVector3 *dudu, SVector3 *dvdv, SVector3 *dudv) const
-{ // cf Sauvage's thesis
-    return;
+				 SVector3 *dudu, SVector3 *dvdv, SVector3 *dudv) const
+{ // cf Sauvage's thesis	
+  return;
-void discreteDiskFace::buildAllNodes()
+void discreteDiskFace::putOnView()
-  // allNodes contains all mesh-nodes
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < discrete_triangles.size(); ++i){
-    MElement *e = discrete_triangles[i];
-    for(int j = 0; j <  e->getNumVertices() ; j++){
-      MVertex* ev = e->getVertex(j);
-      std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = allNodes.find(ev); // several times the same nodes !
-      if (it == allNodes.end()) allNodes.insert (ev);
-    }
-  }
+  char mybuffer [64];
-void discreteDiskFace::putOnView()
+  snprintf(mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer),"param_u_part%d_order%d.pos",initialTriangulation->idNum,_order);
+  FILE* view_u = Fopen(mybuffer,"w");
-  FILE* view_u = Fopen("param_u.pos","w");
-  FILE* view_v = Fopen("param_v.pos","w");
-  FILE* UVxyz = Fopen("UVxyz.pos","w");
-  if(view_u && view_v){
+  snprintf(mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer),"param_v_part%d_order%d.pos",initialTriangulation->idNum,_order);
+  FILE* view_v = Fopen(mybuffer,"w");
+  snprintf(mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer),"UVx_part%d_order%d.pos",initialTriangulation->idNum,_order);
+  FILE* UVx = Fopen(mybuffer,"w");
+  snprintf(mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer),"UVy_part%d_order%d.pos",initialTriangulation->idNum,_order);
+  FILE* UVy = Fopen(mybuffer,"w");
+  snprintf(mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer),"UVz_part%d_order%d.pos",initialTriangulation->idNum,_order);
+  FILE* UVz = Fopen(mybuffer,"w");
+  if(view_u && view_v && UVx && UVy && UVz){
     fprintf(view_u,"View \"paramU\"{\n");
     fprintf(view_v,"View \"paramV\"{\n");
-    fprintf(UVxyz,"View \"Uxyz\"{\n");
+    fprintf(UVx,"View \"Ux\"{\n");
+    fprintf(UVy,"View \"Uy\"{\n");
+    fprintf(UVz,"View \"Uz\"{\n");
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<discrete_triangles.size(); i++){
       discreteDiskFaceTriangle* my_ddft = &_ddft[i];
       if (_order == 1){
-	fprintf(UVxyz,"ST(");
+	fprintf(UVx,"ST(");
+	fprintf(UVy,"ST(");	
+	fprintf(UVz,"ST(");
-	fprintf(UVxyz,"ST%d(",_order);
+	fprintf(UVx,"ST%d(",_order);
+	fprintf(UVy,"ST%d(",_order);
+	fprintf(UVz,"ST%d(",_order);
       for (int j=0; j<_N-1; j++){
-	fprintf(UVxyz,"%g,%g,%g,",my_ddft->p[j].x(),my_ddft->p[j].y(),0.);
+	fprintf(UVx,"%g,%g,%g,",my_ddft->p[j].x(),my_ddft->p[j].y(),0.);
+	fprintf(UVy,"%g,%g,%g,",my_ddft->p[j].x(),my_ddft->p[j].y(),0.);
+	fprintf(UVz,"%g,%g,%g,",my_ddft->p[j].x(),my_ddft->p[j].y(),0.);
-      fprintf(UVxyz,"%g,%g,%g){",my_ddft->p[_N-1].x(),my_ddft->p[_N-1].y(),0.);
+      fprintf(UVx,"%g,%g,%g){",my_ddft->p[_N-1].x(),my_ddft->p[_N-1].y(),0.);
+      fprintf(UVy,"%g,%g,%g){",my_ddft->p[_N-1].x(),my_ddft->p[_N-1].y(),0.);
+      fprintf(UVz,"%g,%g,%g){",my_ddft->p[_N-1].x(),my_ddft->p[_N-1].y(),0.);
       for (int j=0; j<_N-1; j++){
-	fprintf(UVxyz,"%d,",my_ddft->gf->tag());
+	fprintf(UVx,"%g,",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(j)->x());
+	fprintf(UVy,"%g,",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(j)->y());
+	fprintf(UVz,"%g,",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(j)->z());
-      fprintf(UVxyz,"%d};\n",my_ddft->gf->tag());
+      fprintf(UVx,"%g};\n",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(_N-1)->x());
+      fprintf(UVy,"%g};\n",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(_N-1)->y());
+      fprintf(UVz,"%g};\n",my_ddft->tri->getVertex(_N-1)->z());
-    fprintf(UVxyz,"};\n");
+    fprintf(UVx,"};\n");
+    fprintf(UVy,"};\n");
+    fprintf(UVz,"};\n");
-    fclose(UVxyz);
+    fclose(UVx);
+    fclose(UVy);
+    fclose(UVz);
+  /*
+    #ifdef HAVE_POST
+    std::map<int, std::vector<double> > u;
+    std::map<int, std::vector<double> > v;
+    for(std::set<MVertex*>::iterator iv = allNodes.begin(); iv!=allNodes.end(); ++iv){
+    MVertex *p = *iv;
+    u[p->getNum()].push_back(coordinates[p].x());
+    v[p->getNum()].push_back(coordinates[p].y());
+    }
+    PView* view_u = new PView("u", "NodeData", GModel::current(), u);
+    PView* view_v = new PView("v", "NodeData", GModel::current(), v);
+    view_u->setChanged(true);
+    view_v->setChanged(true);
+    view_u->write("param_u.msh", 5);
+    view_v->write("param_v.msh", 5);
+    delete view_u;
+    delete view_v;
+    #else
+    Msg::Error("discreteDiskFace: cannot export without post module")
+    #endif
+  */
 // useful for mesh generators ----------------------------------------
 // Intersection of a circle and a plane
 GPoint discreteDiskFace::intersectionWithCircle(const SVector3 &n1, const SVector3 &n2,
@@ -894,7 +799,7 @@ GPoint discreteDiskFace::intersectionWithCircle(const SVector3 &n1, const SVecto
     // they correspond to two points s_1 = q + ta m and s_2 = q + tb m
     // we choose the one that corresponds to (s_i - p) . n1 > 0
     SVector3 m = crossprod(w,n);
     const double a = dot(m,m);
     const double b = 2*dot(m,q-p);
     const double c = dot(q-p,q-p) - d*d;
@@ -912,14 +817,14 @@ GPoint discreteDiskFace::intersectionWithCircle(const SVector3 &n1, const SVecto
 	s = s2;
       else continue;
       // we have now to look if the point is inside the triangle
       // s = v1 + u t1 + v t2
       // we know the system has a solution because s is in the plane
       // defined by v1 and v2 we solve then
       // (s - v1) . t1 = u t1^2    + v t2 . t1
       // (s - v1) . t2 = u t1 . t2 + v t2^2
       double mat[2][2], b[2],uv[2];
       mat[0][0] = dot(t1,t1);
       mat[1][1] = dot(t2,t2);
@@ -943,6 +848,6 @@ GPoint discreteDiskFace::intersectionWithCircle(const SVector3 &n1, const SVecto
   Msg::Debug("ARGG no success intersection circle");
   return pp;
diff --git a/Geo/discreteDiskFace.h b/Geo/discreteDiskFace.h
index 1fb99a2df7..56fbb1fb36 100644
--- a/Geo/discreteDiskFace.h
+++ b/Geo/discreteDiskFace.h
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER) && defined(HAVE_ANN)
 #include <list>
 #include <map>
 #include "GModel.h"
@@ -23,33 +23,159 @@
 #include "PView.h"
 #include "robustPredicates.h"
+/*inline utilities*/
+inline int nodeLocalNum(MElement* e, MVertex* v) {// const
+  for(int i=0; i<e->getNumVertices(); i++)
+    if (v == e->getVertex(i))
+      return i;
+  return -1;
+inline int edgeLocalNum(MElement* e, MEdge ed) {// const
+  for(int i=0; i<e->getNumEdges(); i++)
+    if (ed == e->getEdge(i))
+      return i;
+  return -1;
+/*various classes*/
 class ANNkd_tree;
 class Octree;
 class GRbf;
+class triangulation {
+ public:
+  // attributes
+  std::vector<MElement*> tri;// triangles
+  std::set<MVertex*> vert;// nodes
+  std::map<MEdge,std::vector<int>,Less_Edge> ed2tri; // edge to 1 or 2 triangle(s), their num into the vector of MElement*
+  std::map<double,std::vector<MVertex*> > bord; //border(s)
+  std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> borderEdg; // border edges
+  GFace *gf;
+  int idNum; // number of identification, for hashing purposes
+  //methods
+  int genus(){
+    return ( -vert.size() + ed2tri.size() - tri.size() + 2 - bord.size() )/2;
+  }
+  void assignVert(){ 
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tri.size(); ++i){
+      MElement* t = tri[i];
+      for(int j = 0; j < t->getNumVertices()  ; j++){
+	MVertex* tv = t->getVertex(j);
+	std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = vert.find(tv);
+	if (it == vert.end()) vert.insert (tv);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void assignEd2tri(){
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tri.size(); ++i){
+      MElement *t = tri[i];
+      for(int j = 0; j <  3 ; j++){
+	MEdge ed = t->getEdge(j);
+	ed2tri[ed].push_back(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void assignBord(){
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tri.size(); ++i){
+      MElement *t = tri[i];
+      for(int j = 0; j <  t->getNumEdges() ; j++){
+	MEdge ed = t->getEdge(j);
+	std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator it = borderEdg.find(ed);
+	if (it == borderEdg.end()) borderEdg.insert(ed);
+	else borderEdg.erase(it);
+      }
+    }
+    std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> > firstNode2Edge;
+    for (std::set<MEdge>::iterator ie = borderEdg.begin(); ie != borderEdg.end() ; ++ie) {
+      MEdge ed = *ie;
+      std::vector<int> nT = ed2tri[ed];
+      MElement* t = tri[nT[0]];
+      std::vector<MVertex*> vecver;
+      t->getEdgeVertices(edgeLocalNum(t,ed),vecver);
+      MVertex *first = vecver[0];
+      MVertex *last = vecver[1];
+      vecver.erase(vecver.begin());
+      vecver.erase(vecver.begin());
+      std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >::iterator im = firstNode2Edge.find(first);
+      if (im != firstNode2Edge.end()) Msg::Fatal("Incorrect topology in discreteDiskFace %d", gf->tag());
+      firstNode2Edge[first] = vecver;
+      firstNode2Edge[first].push_back(last);
+    }
+    while (!firstNode2Edge.empty()) { 
+      std::vector<MVertex*> loop;
+      double length = 0.;
+      std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >::iterator in = firstNode2Edge.begin();      	
+      MVertex* previous = in->first;
+      while(in != firstNode2Edge.end()) { // it didn't find it
+	std::vector<MVertex*> myV = in->second;
+	for(unsigned int i=0; i<myV.size(); i++){
+	  loop.push_back(previous);
+	  MVertex* current = myV[i];	  
+	  length += sqrt( (current->x()-previous->x()) * (current->x()-previous->x()) +
+			  (current->y()-previous->y()) * (current->y()-previous->y()) +
+			  (current->z()-previous->z()) * (current->z()-previous->z()) );
+	  previous = current;
+	}
+	firstNode2Edge.erase(in);
+	in = firstNode2Edge.find(previous);
+      }// end while in
+      bord.insert(std::make_pair(length,loop)); // it shouldn't be possible to have twice the same length ? actually, it is possible, but quite seldom #fixme ----> multimap ?
+    } // end while firstNode2Edge
+  }// end method
+  void assign(){
+    assignVert();
+    assignEd2tri();
+    assignBord();
+  }
+  //builder
+ triangulation() : gf(0) {}
+ triangulation(std::vector<MElement*> input, GFace* gface) : tri(input), gf(gface) {assign();}
+// --------------------
+// triangles in the physical space xyz, with their parametric coordinates	
 class  discreteDiskFaceTriangle {
-  SPoint3 p[6]; // vertices in (u;v) #improveme std::vector instead
+  std::vector<SPoint3> p; // vertices in (u;v) #improveme std::vector instead
   //SPoint2 gfp[6]; // CAD model
   GFace *gf; // GFace tag
-  MTriangle *tri; // mesh triangle in (x;y;z)
+  MElement *tri; // mesh triangle in (x;y;z)
  discreteDiskFaceTriangle() : gf(0), tri(0) {}
 // --------------------
 class discreteDiskFace : public GFace {
   GFace *_parent;
   void buildOct(std::vector<GFace*> *CAD = NULL) const;
   bool parametrize(bool one2one = false) const;
-  void buildAllNodes() ;
-  void getBoundingEdges();
   void putOnView();
   bool checkOrientationUV();
-  discreteDiskFace(GFace *parent, std::vector<MTriangle*> &mesh, int p=1, std::vector<GFace*> *CAD = NULL);// MTriangle -> MTriangle 6
+  discreteDiskFace(GFace *parent, triangulation* diskTriangulation, int p=1, std::vector<GFace*> *CAD = NULL);// BUILDER
   virtual ~discreteDiskFace();
   void getTriangleUV(const double u,const double v,discreteDiskFaceTriangle **mt, double &_u, double &_v) const;
   GPoint point(double par1, double par2) const;
@@ -59,7 +185,7 @@ class discreteDiskFace : public GFace {
   double curvatures(const SPoint2&,SVector3*,SVector3*,double*,double*) const;
   virtual Pair<SVector3, SVector3> firstDer(const SPoint2 &param) const;
   virtual void secondDer(const SPoint2 &param,
-                         SVector3 *dudu, SVector3 *dvdv, SVector3 *dudv) const;
+			 SVector3 *dudu, SVector3 *dvdv, SVector3 *dudv) const;
   GEntity::GeomType geomType() const { return DiscreteDiskSurface; }
   GPoint intersectionWithCircle(const SVector3 &n1, const SVector3 &n2,
 				const SVector3 &p, const double &d,
@@ -67,38 +193,28 @@ class discreteDiskFace : public GFace {
   // a copy of the mesh that should not be destroyed
-  std::vector<MTriangle*> discrete_triangles; 
+  triangulation* initialTriangulation;
+  triangulation* geoTriangulation;// parametrized triangulation
+  std::vector<MElement*> discrete_triangles; 
   std::vector<MVertex*> discrete_vertices;
-  int nodeLocalNum(MElement* e, MVertex* v) const{
-    for(int i=0; i<e->getNumVertices(); i++)
-      if (v == e->getVertex(i))
-	return i;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  int edgeLocalNum(MElement* e, MEdge ed) const{
-    for(int i=0; i<e->getNumEdges(); i++)
-      if (ed == e->getEdge(i))
-	return i;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  //------------------------------------------------
+  //-----------------------------------------------  
   int _order;
-  int _N;
+  int _N;// number of dof's for a triangle
   double _totLength;
   std::map<double,std::vector<MVertex*> > _loops;
   std::vector<MVertex*> _U0; // dirichlet's bc's
   mutable std::set<MVertex*> allNodes;
   mutable std::map<MVertex*, SPoint3> coordinates;
-  mutable std::map<SPoint3,SPoint3 > _coordPoints; // ?
-  mutable v2t_cont adjv; // ? v2t_cont ? ?????
+  mutable std::map<SPoint3,SPoint3 > _coordPoints;
+  mutable v2t_cont adjv;
   mutable std::map<MVertex*, Pair<SVector3,SVector3> > firstDerivatives;
   mutable discreteDiskFaceTriangle *_ddft;
-  mutable Octree *oct;
+  mutable Octree *oct =  NULL;
   mutable std::vector<double> _coords;
-  //  const nodalBasis* mynodalbasis;
diff --git a/Geo/discreteFace.cpp b/Geo/discreteFace.cpp
index 039681c756..e9a69c2605 100644
--- a/Geo/discreteFace.cpp
+++ b/Geo/discreteFace.cpp
@@ -3,23 +3,26 @@
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <>.
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #include "GmshMessage.h"
 #include "discreteFace.h"
 #include "discreteDiskFace.h"
-#include "MTriangle.h"
-#include "MEdge.h"
 #include "Geo.h"
 #include "GFaceCompound.h"
 #include "Context.h"
 #include "OS.h"
+#include <stack>
+#include <queue>
+extern "C" {
+#include <metis.h>
 discreteFace::discreteFace(GModel *model, int num) : GFace(model, num)
   Surface *s = Create_Surface(num, MSH_SURF_DISCRETE);
-  Tree_Add(model->getGEOInternals()->Surfaces, &s);
-  meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
+  Tree_Add(model->getGEOInternals()->Surfaces, &s);  
+  meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;   
 void discreteFace::setBoundEdges(GModel *gm, std::vector<int> tagEdges)
@@ -77,19 +80,18 @@ SPoint2 discreteFace::parFromPoint(const SPoint3 &p, bool onSurface) const
 SVector3 discreteFace::normal(const SPoint2 &param) const
-    return SVector3();
+  return SVector3();
 double discreteFace::curvatureMax(const SPoint2 &param) const
-    return false;
+  return false;
 double discreteFace::curvatures(const SPoint2 &param, SVector3 *dirMax, SVector3 *dirMin,
                                 double *curvMax, double *curvMin) const
-    return false;  
+  return false;  
 Pair<SVector3, SVector3> discreteFace::firstDer(const SPoint2 &param) const
@@ -106,13 +108,52 @@ void discreteFace::secondDer(const SPoint2 &param,
 // FIXME PAB ----> really create an atlas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 void discreteFace::createGeometry()
+  checkAndFixOrientation();
+  int order = 1;
+  int nPart = 2;
+  std::vector<triangulation*> part;
+  part.resize(nPart);
 #if defined(HAVE_ANN) && defined(HAVE_SOLVER)
   if (!_atlas.empty())return;  
-  // parametrization is done here !!!
-  // if (_CAD != empty) --> _triangles[i] is classified on _CAD[i]
-  discreteDiskFace *df = new discreteDiskFace (this, triangles,1,(_CAD.empty() ? NULL : &_CAD));
-  df->replaceEdges(l_edges);
-  _atlas.push_back(df);
+  int id=1;
+  std::stack<triangulation*>  toSplit;
+  std::vector<triangulation*> toParam;
+  std::vector<MElement*> tem(triangles.begin(),triangles.end());
+  toSplit.push(new triangulation(tem,this));
+  if((>genus()!=0){
+    while( !toSplit.empty()){
+      triangulation* tosplit =;
+      toSplit.pop();
+      split(tosplit,part,nPart);
+      delete tosplit; // #mark
+      for(int i=0; i<nPart; i++){
+	if(part[i]->genus()!=0)
+	  toSplit.push(part[i]);
+	else{
+	  toParam.push_back(part[i]);
+	  part[i]->idNum=id++;
+	}
+      }// end for i      
+    }
+  }// end if it is not disk-like
+  else{
+    toParam.push_back(;
+  }
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<toParam.size(); i++){
+    discreteDiskFace *df = new discreteDiskFace (this,toParam[i], order,(_CAD.empty() ? NULL : &_CAD));
+    df->replaceEdges(l_edges);// #FIXME
+    _atlas.push_back(df);
+  }  
@@ -169,6 +210,145 @@ void discreteFace::mesh(bool verbose)
+void discreteFace::checkAndFixOrientation(){
+  // first of all, all the triangles have to be oriented in the same way
+  std::map<MEdge,std::vector<MElement*>,Less_Edge> ed2tri; // edge to 1 or 2 triangle(s)
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ++i){
+    MElement *e = triangles[i];
+    for(int j = 0; j <  e->getNumEdges() ; j++){
+      MEdge ed = e->getEdge(j);
+      ed2tri[ed].push_back(e);
+    }
+  }
+  // element to its neighbors
+  std::map<MElement*,std::vector<MElement*> > neighbors;
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i<triangles.size(); ++i){
+    MElement* e = triangles[i];
+    for(int j=0; j<e->getNumEdges(); j++){ // #improveme: efficiency could be improved by setting neighbors mutually
+      std::vector<MElement*> my_mt = ed2tri[e->getEdge(j)];
+      if (my_mt.size() > 1){// my_mt.size() = {1;2}
+	MElement* neighTri  = my_mt[0] == e ? my_mt[1] : my_mt[0];
+	neighbors[e].push_back(neighTri);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // queue: first in, first out
+  std::queue<MElement*> checkList; // element for reference orientation
+  std::queue< std::vector<MElement*> > checkLists; // corresponding neighbor element to be checked for its orientation
+  std::queue<MElement*> my_todo; // todo list
+  std::map<MElement*,bool> check_todo; // help to complete todo list
+  my_todo.push(triangles[0]);
+  check_todo[triangles[0]]=true;
+  while(!my_todo.empty()){
+    MElement* myMT = my_todo.front();
+    my_todo.pop();
+    std::vector<MElement*> myV = neighbors[myMT];
+    std::vector<MElement*> myInsertion;
+    checkList.push(myMT);
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<myV.size(); ++i){
+      if (check_todo.find(myV[i]) == check_todo.end()){
+	myInsertion.push_back(myV[i]);
+	check_todo[myV[i]] = true;
+	my_todo.push(myV[i]);
+      }
+    }
+    checkLists.push(myInsertion);
+  }// end while
+  while(!checkList.empty() && !checkLists.empty()){
+    MElement* current = checkList.front();
+    checkList.pop();
+    std::vector<MElement*> neigs = checkLists.front();
+    checkLists.pop();
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<neigs.size(); i++){
+      bool myCond = false;
+      for (unsigned int k=0; k<3; k++){
+	for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++){
+	  if (current->getVertex(k) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j)){
+	    myCond = true;
+	    if (!(current->getVertex(k!=2 ?k+1 : 0 ) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j!=0 ? j-1 : 2) ||
+		  current->getVertex(k!=0 ?k-1 : 2 ) == neigs[i]->getVertex(j!=2 ? j+1 : 0))){
+	      neigs[i]->reverse();
+	      Msg::Info("discreteDiskFace: triangle %d has been reoriented.",neigs[i]->getNum());
+	    }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	if (myCond)
+	  break;
+      }
+    } // end for unsigned int i
+  } // end while
+void discreteFace::split(triangulation* trian,std::vector<triangulation*> &partition,int nPartitions)
+  int nVertex = trian->tri.size(); // number of elements
+  int nEdge = trian->ed2tri.size() - trian->borderEdg.size();// number of edges, (without the boundary ones)
+  std::vector<int> idx;
+  idx.resize(nVertex+1);
+  std::vector<int> nbh;
+  nbh.resize(2*nEdge);
+  idx[0]=0;  
+  for(int i=0; i<nVertex; i++){// triangle by triangle
+    MElement* current = trian->tri[i];
+    int temp = 0;
+    for(int j=0; j<3; j++){ // edge by edge
+      MEdge ed = current->getEdge(j);
+      int nEd = trian->ed2tri[ed].size();
+      if (nEd > 1){
+	std::vector<int> local = trian->ed2tri[ed];
+	nbh[idx[i]+temp] = local[0] == i ? local[1] : local[0];
+	temp++;
+      }
+    }// end for j
+    idx[i+1] = idx[i]+temp;
+  }// end for i
+  int edgeCut;
+  std::vector<int> part;
+  part.resize(nVertex);
+  int zero = 0;
+  METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&nVertex,&idx[0],&nbh[0],NULL,NULL,&zero,&zero,&nPartitions,&zero,&edgeCut,&part[0]);
+  // CONNEC
+  std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> > elem;
+  elem.resize(nPartitions);
+  for(int i=0; i<nVertex; i++)
+    elem[part[i]].push_back(trian->tri[i]);
+  for(int i=0; i<nPartitions; i++)
+    partition[i] = new triangulation(elem[i],this);
+  return;
 // delete all discrete disk faces
 //void discreteFace::deleteAtlas() {
diff --git a/Geo/discreteFace.h b/Geo/discreteFace.h
index c489a934cf..8b4abfb2d4 100644
--- a/Geo/discreteFace.h
+++ b/Geo/discreteFace.h
@@ -10,17 +10,27 @@
 #include "GFace.h"
 #include "discreteEdge.h"
 #include "MEdge.h"
+#include "meshPartitionObjects.h"
+#include "meshPartitionOptions.h"
+#include "meshPartition.h"
+#include "MTriangle.h"
+#include "MEdge.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
 class discreteDiskFace;
+class triangulation;
 class discreteFace : public GFace {
   // FIXME we should at the end use a
-  // mesh() functioon that is specific to
+  // mesh() function that is specific to
   // discreteFace
   // we should also SAVE those data's
   discreteFace(GModel *model, int num);
   virtual ~discreteFace() {}
+  void checkAndFixOrientation();
+  void split(triangulation*,std::vector<triangulation*>&,int);
   GPoint point(double par1, double par2) const;
   SPoint2 parFromPoint(const SPoint3 &p, bool onSurface=true) const;
   SVector3 normal(const SPoint2 &param) const;