diff --git a/Fltk/optionWindow.cpp b/Fltk/optionWindow.cpp
index 83f5bc192d73bd786e2bdbffe09cf3c52f488c16..d5fb62376aa11d22f8ac7508e744552bb17a8048 100644
--- a/Fltk/optionWindow.cpp
+++ b/Fltk/optionWindow.cpp
@@ -1481,7 +1481,10 @@ optionWindow::optionWindow(int deltaFontSize)
       Fl_Button *b2 = new Fl_Button
         (L + 2 * WB, 2 * WB + 9 * BH, BW, BH, "Restore all options to default settings");
-      b2->labelcolor(FL_DARK_RED);
+      if(CTX::instance()->guiColorScheme)
+        b2->color(FL_DARK_RED);
+      else
+        b2->labelcolor(FL_DARK_RED);
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.cpp b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.cpp
index 00f7dbbea438797cbc74f64486f995c4be5a2dba..e710158ac8a8c0df313a274f4db13f3eff27f03d 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.cpp
@@ -31,429 +31,10 @@
 #include "linearSystemPETSc.h"
-// computes the characteristic length of the mesh at a vertex in order
-// to have the geometry captured with accuracy. A parameter called
-// CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints tells the minimum number of points per
-// radius of curvature
 #if defined(HAVE_ANN)
 static int _NBANN = 2;
-//SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToCurve(SVector3 &t, double l_t, double l_n)
-//  if (l_t == 0.0) return SMetric3(1.e-22);
-//  SVector3 a;
-//  if (fabs(t(0)) <= fabs(t(1)) && fabs(t(0)) <= fabs(t(2))){
-//    a = SVector3(1,0,0);
-//  }
-//  else if (fabs(t(1)) <= fabs(t(0)) && fabs(t(1)) <= fabs(t(2))){
-//    a = SVector3(0,1,0);
-//  }
-//  else{
-//    a = SVector3(0,0,1);
-//  }
-//  SVector3 b = crossprod (t,a);
-//  SVector3 c = crossprod (b,t);
-//  b.normalize();
-//  c.normalize();
-//  t.normalize();
-//  SMetric3 Metric (1./(l_t*l_t),1./(l_n*l_n),1./(l_n*l_n),t,b,c);
-//  //  printf("bmttc %g %g %g %g %g\n",l_t,l_n,Metric(0,0),Metric(0,1),Metric(1,1));
-//  return Metric;
-//SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToSurface(SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2,
-//                                     double l_t1, double l_t2, double l_n)
-//  t1.normalize();
-//  t2.normalize();
-//  SVector3 n = crossprod (t1,t2);
-//  n.normalize();
-//  l_t1 = std::max(l_t1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  l_t2 = std::max(l_t2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  l_t1 = std::min(l_t1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  l_t2 = std::min(l_t2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  SMetric3 Metric (1./(l_t1*l_t1),1./(l_t2*l_t2),1./(l_n*l_n),t1,t2,n);
-//  return Metric;
-//SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GVertex *gv)
-//  SMetric3 val (1.e-12);
-//  std::list<GEdge*> l_edges = gv->edges();
-//  for (std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator ite = l_edges.begin();
-//       ite != l_edges.end(); ++ite){
-//    GEdge *_myGEdge = *ite;
-//    Range<double> range = _myGEdge->parBounds(0);
-//    SMetric3 cc;
-//    if (gv == _myGEdge->getBeginVertex()) {
-//      SVector3 t = _myGEdge->firstDer(range.low());
-//      t.normalize();
-//      double l_t = ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(_myGEdge->curvature(range.low()))
-//				*  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ));
-//      double l_n = 1.e12;
-//      cc = buildMetricTangentToCurve(t,l_t,l_n);
-//    }
-//    else {
-//      SVector3 t = _myGEdge->firstDer(range.high());
-//      t.normalize();
-//      double l_t = ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(_myGEdge->curvature(range.high()))
-//				  *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ));
-//      double l_n = 1.e12;
-//      cc = buildMetricTangentToCurve(t,l_t,l_n);
-//    }
-//    val = intersection(val,cc);
-//  }
-//  return val;
-//SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GEdge *ge, double u)
-//  SVector3 t =  ge->firstDer(u);
-//  t.normalize();
-//  double l_t = ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(ge->curvature(u))
-//			      *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ));
-//  double l_n = 1.e12;
-//  return buildMetricTangentToCurve(t,l_t,l_n);
-//static double max_edge_curvature(const GVertex *gv)
-//  double val = 0;
-//  std::list<GEdge*> l_edges = gv->edges();
-//  for (std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator ite = l_edges.begin();
-//       ite != l_edges.end(); ++ite){
-//    GEdge *_myGEdge = *ite;
-//    Range<double> range = _myGEdge->parBounds(0);
-//    double cc;
-//    if (gv == _myGEdge->getBeginVertex()) cc = _myGEdge->curvature(range.low());
-//    else cc = _myGEdge->curvature(range.high());
-//    val = std::max(val, cc);
-//  }
-//  return val;
-//static double max_surf_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u)
-//  double val = 0;
-//  std::list<GFace *> faces = ge->faces();
-//  std::list<GFace *>::iterator it = faces.begin();
-//  while(it != faces.end()){
-//    if ((*it)->geomType() != GEntity::CompoundSurface &&
-//        (*it)->geomType() != GEntity::DiscreteSurface){
-//      SPoint2 par = ge->reparamOnFace((*it), u, 1);
-//      double cc = (*it)->curvature(par);
-//      val = std::max(cc, val);
-//    }
-//    ++it;
-//  }
-//  return val;
-// static double max_surf_curvature_vertex(const GVertex *gv)
-// {
-//   double val = 0;
-//   std::list<GEdge*> l_edges = gv->edges();
-//   for (std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator ite = l_edges.begin();
-//        ite != l_edges.end(); ++ite){
-//     GEdge *_myGEdge = *ite;
-//     Range<double> bounds = _myGEdge->parBounds(0);
-//     if (gv == _myGEdge->getBeginVertex())
-//       val = std::max(val, max_surf_curvature(_myGEdge, bounds.low()));
-//     else
-//       val = std::max(val, max_surf_curvature(_myGEdge, bounds.high()));
-//   }
-//   return val;
-// }
-//SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GFace *gf, double u, double v,
-//					   bool surface_isotropic,
-//					   double d_normal ,
-//					   double d_tangent_max)
-//  if (gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane)return SMetric3(1.e-12);
-//  double cmax, cmin;
-//  SVector3 dirMax,dirMin;
-//  cmax = gf->curvatures(SPoint2(u, v),&dirMax, &dirMin, &cmax,&cmin);
-//  if (cmin == 0)cmin =1.e-12;
-//  if (cmax == 0)cmax =1.e-12;
-//  double lambda1 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmin) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
-//  double lambda2 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmax) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
-//  SVector3 Z = crossprod(dirMax,dirMin);
-//  if (surface_isotropic)  lambda2 = lambda1 = std::min(lambda2,lambda1);
-//  dirMin.normalize();
-//  dirMax.normalize();
-//  Z.normalize();
-//  lambda1 = std::max(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  lambda2 = std::max(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  lambda1 = std::min(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  lambda2 = std::min(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  double lambda3 = std::min(d_normal, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  lambda3 = std::max(lambda3, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  lambda1 = std::min(lambda1, d_tangent_max);
-//  lambda2 = std::min(lambda2, d_tangent_max);
-//  SMetric3 curvMetric (1./(lambda1*lambda1),1./(lambda2*lambda2),
-//		       1./(lambda3*lambda3),
-//                       dirMin, dirMax, Z );
-//  return curvMetric;
-//static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u, bool iso_surf)
-//  const GEdgeCompound* ptrCompoundEdge = dynamic_cast<const GEdgeCompound*>(ge);
-//  if (ptrCompoundEdge){
-//    double cmax, cmin;
-//    SVector3 dirMax,dirMin;
-//    cmax = ptrCompoundEdge->curvatures(u,&dirMax, &dirMin, &cmax,&cmin);
-//    if (cmin == 0)cmin =1.e-12;
-//    if (cmax == 0)cmax =1.e-12;
-//    double lambda2 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmax) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
-//    double lambda1 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmin) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
-//    SVector3 Z = crossprod(dirMax,dirMin);
-//    lambda1 = std::max(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//    lambda2 = std::max(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//    lambda1 = std::min(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//    lambda2 = std::min(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//    SMetric3 curvMetric (1. / (lambda1 * lambda1), 1. / (lambda2 * lambda2),
-//                         1.e-12, dirMin, dirMax, Z);
-//    return curvMetric;
-//  }
-//  else{
-//    SMetric3 mesh_size(1.e-12);
-//    std::list<GFace *> faces = ge->faces();
-//    std::list<GFace *>::iterator it = faces.begin();
-//    // we choose the metric eigenvectors to be the ones
-//    // related to the edge ...
-//    SMetric3 curvMetric = max_edge_curvature_metric(ge, u);
-//    while(it != faces.end()){
-//      if (((*it)->geomType() != GEntity::CompoundSurface) &&
-//          ((*it)->geomType() != GEntity::DiscreteSurface)){
-//        SPoint2 par = ge->reparamOnFace((*it), u, 1);
-//        SMetric3 m = metric_based_on_surface_curvature (*it, par.x(), par.y(), iso_surf);
-//        curvMetric = intersection_conserveM1(curvMetric,m);
-//      }
-//      ++it;
-//    }
-//    return curvMetric;
-//  }
-//static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GVertex *gv, bool iso_surf)
-//  SMetric3 mesh_size(1.e-15);
-//  std::list<GEdge*> l_edges = gv->edges();
-//  for (std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator ite = l_edges.begin();
-//       ite != l_edges.end(); ++ite){
-//    GEdge *_myGEdge = *ite;
-//    Range<double> bounds = _myGEdge->parBounds(0);
-//    // ES: Added extra if condition to use the code below only with compund curves
-//    // This is because we want to call the function
-//    // metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u) for the case when
-//    // ge is a compound edge
-//    if (_myGEdge->geomType() == GEntity::CompoundCurve){
-//      if (gv == _myGEdge->getBeginVertex())
-//        mesh_size = intersection
-//          (mesh_size,
-//           metric_based_on_surface_curvature(_myGEdge, bounds.low(), iso_surf));
-//      else
-//        mesh_size = intersection
-//          (mesh_size,
-//           metric_based_on_surface_curvature(_myGEdge, bounds.high(), iso_surf));
-//    }
-//  }
-//  return mesh_size;
-// the mesh vertex is classified on a model vertex.  we compute the
-// maximum of the curvature of model faces surrounding this point if
-// it is classified on a model edge, we do the same for all model
-// faces surrounding it if it is on a model face, we compute the
-// curvature at this location
-//static double LC_MVertex_CURV(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
-//  double Crv = 0;
-//  switch(ge->dim()){
-//  case 0:
-//    Crv = max_edge_curvature((const GVertex *)ge);
-//    //Crv = std::max(max_surf_curvature_vertex((const GVertex *)ge), Crv);
-//    // Crv = max_surf_curvature((const GVertex *)ge);
-//    break;
-//  case 1:
-//    {
-//      GEdge *ged = (GEdge *)ge;
-//      Crv = ged->curvature(U);
-//      Crv = std::max(Crv, max_surf_curvature(ged, U));
-//      // Crv = max_surf_curvature(ged, U);
-//    }
-//    break;
-//  case 2:
-//    {
-//      GFace *gf = (GFace *)ge;
-//      Crv = gf->curvature(SPoint2(U, V));
-//    }
-//    break;
-//  }
-//  double lc = Crv > 0 ? 2 * M_PI / Crv / CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints : MAX_LC;
-//  return lc;
-//SMetric3 LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
-//  bool iso_surf = CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature == 2;
-//  switch(ge->dim()){
-//  case 0: return metric_based_on_surface_curvature((const GVertex *)ge, iso_surf);
-//  case 1: return metric_based_on_surface_curvature((const GEdge *)ge, U, iso_surf);
-//  case 2: return metric_based_on_surface_curvature((const GFace *)ge, U, V, iso_surf);
-//  }
-//  Msg::Error("Curvature control impossible to compute for a volume!");
-//  return SMetric3();
-// compute the mesh size at a given vertex due to prescribed sizes at
-// mesh vertices
-//static double LC_MVertex_PNTS(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
-//  switch(ge->dim()){
-//  case 0:
-//    {
-//      GVertex *gv = (GVertex *)ge;
-//      double lc = gv->prescribedMeshSizeAtVertex();
-//      // FIXME we might want to remove this to make all lc treatment consistent
-//      if(lc >= MAX_LC) return CTX::instance()->lc / 10.;
-//      return lc;
-//    }
-//  case 1:
-//    {
-//      GEdge *ged = (GEdge *)ge;
-//      GVertex *v1 = ged->getBeginVertex();
-//      GVertex *v2 = ged->getEndVertex();
-//      if (v1 && v2){
-//        Range<double> range = ged->parBounds(0);
-//        double a = (U - range.low()) / (range.high() - range.low());
-//        double lc = (1 - a) * v1->prescribedMeshSizeAtVertex() +
-//          (a) * v2->prescribedMeshSizeAtVertex() ;
-//        // FIXME we might want to remove this to make all lc treatment consistent
-//        if(lc >= MAX_LC) return CTX::instance()->lc / 10.;
-//        return lc;
-//      }
-//      else
-//        return MAX_LC;
-//    }
-//  default:
-//    return MAX_LC;
-//  }
-//// This is the only function that is used by the meshers
-//double BGM_MeshSize(GEntity *ge, double U, double V,
-//                    double X, double Y, double Z)
-//  // default lc (mesh size == size of the model)
-//  double l1 = CTX::instance()->lc;
-//  // lc from points
-//  double l2 = MAX_LC;
-//  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints && ge->dim() < 2)
-//    l2 = LC_MVertex_PNTS(ge, U, V);
-//  // lc from curvature
-//  double l3 = MAX_LC;
-//  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature && ge->dim() < 3)
-//    l3 = LC_MVertex_CURV(ge, U, V);
-//  // lc from fields
-//  double l4 = MAX_LC;
-//  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
-//  if(fields->getBackgroundField() > 0){
-//    Field *f = fields->get(fields->getBackgroundField());
-//    if(f) l4 = (*f)(X, Y, Z, ge);
-//  }
-//  // take the minimum, then constrain by lcMin and lcMax
-//  double lc = std::min(std::min(std::min(l1, l2), l3), l4);
-//  lc = std::max(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  lc = std::min(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  if(lc <= 0.){
-//    Msg::Error("Wrong mesh element size lc = %g (lcmin = %g, lcmax = %g)",
-//               lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//    lc = l1;
-//  }
-//  //Msg::Debug("BGM X,Y,Z=%g,%g,%g L4=%g L3=%g L2=%g L1=%g LC=%g LFINAL=%g DIM =%d ",
-//  //X, Y, Z, l4, l3, l2, l1, lc, lc * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor, ge->dim());
-//  //Emi fix
-//  //if (lc == l1) lc /= 10.;
-//  return lc * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor;
-//// anisotropic version of the background field
-//SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge,
-//                        double U, double V,
-//                        double X, double Y, double Z)
-//  // Metrics based on element size
-//  // Element size  = min. between default lc and lc from point (if applicable), constrained by lcMin and lcMax
-//  double lc = CTX::instance()->lc;
-//  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints && ge->dim() < 2) lc = std::min(lc, LC_MVertex_PNTS(ge, U, V));
-//  lc = std::max(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
-//  lc = std::min(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//  if(lc <= 0.){
-//    Msg::Error("Wrong mesh element size lc = %g (lcmin = %g, lcmax = %g)",
-//               lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
-//    lc = CTX::instance()->lc;
-//  }
-//  SMetric3 m0(1./(lc*lc));
-//  // Intersect with metrics from fields if applicable
-//  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
-//  SMetric3 m1 = m0;
-//  if(fields->getBackgroundField() > 0){
-//    Field *f = fields->get(fields->getBackgroundField());
-//    if(f) {
-//      SMetric3 l4;
-//      if (!f->isotropic()) (*f)(X, Y, Z, l4, ge);
-//      else {
-//        const double L = (*f)(X, Y, Z, ge);
-//        l4 = SMetric3(1/(L*L));
-//      }
-//      m1 = intersection(l4, m0);
-//    }
-//  }
-//  // Intersect with metrics from curvature if applicable
-//  SMetric3 m = (CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature && ge->dim() < 3) ?
-//      intersection(m1, LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(ge, U, V)) : m1;
-//  return m;
-//bool Extend1dMeshIn2dSurfaces()
-//  return CTX::instance()->mesh.lcExtendFromBoundary ? true : false;
-//bool Extend2dMeshIn3dVolumes()
-//  return CTX::instance()->mesh.lcExtendFromBoundary ? true : false;
 void backgroundMesh::set(GFace *gf)
   if (_current) delete _current;
@@ -858,6 +439,7 @@ void backgroundMesh::propagateCrossFieldHJ(GFace *_gf)
   propagateCrossField (_gf, &ONE);
 void backgroundMesh::propagateCrossField(GFace *_gf, simpleFunction<double> *ONE)
   std::map<MVertex*,double> _cosines4,_sines4;
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h
index 7eeba7034825b7974d7567055b4f85391b010465..812ad9c60b06962b8bc73bed7d03f70cb440d623 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-//#include "STensor3.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #include <vector>
 #include <list>
@@ -24,13 +23,13 @@ class GEdge;
 class MElement;
 class MVertex;
-struct crossField2d 
+struct crossField2d
   double _angle;
   static void normalizeAngle (double &angle) {
-    if (angle < 0) 
+    if (angle < 0)
       while ( angle <  0 ) angle += (M_PI * .5);
-    else if (angle >= M_PI * .5) 
+    else if (angle >= M_PI * .5)
       while ( angle >= M_PI * .5 ) angle -= (M_PI * .5);
   crossField2d (MVertex*, GEdge*);
@@ -45,11 +44,11 @@ class backgroundMesh : public simpleFunction<double>
   MElementOctree *_octree;
   std::vector<MVertex*> _vertices;
   std::vector<MElement*> _triangles;
-  std::map<MVertex*,double> _sizes;  
+  std::map<MVertex*,double> _sizes;
   std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> _3Dto2D;
   std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> _2Dto3D;
-  std::map<MVertex*,double> _distance;  
-  std::map<MVertex*,double> _angles;  
+  std::map<MVertex*,double> _distance;
+  std::map<MVertex*,double> _angles;
   static backgroundMesh * _current;
   backgroundMesh(GFace *, bool dist = false);
@@ -76,12 +75,12 @@ class backgroundMesh : public simpleFunction<double>
   void updateSizes(GFace *);
   double operator () (double u, double v, double w) const; // returns mesh size
   bool inDomain (double u, double v, double w) const; // returns true if in domain
-  double getAngle(double u, double v, double w) const ; 
-  double getSmoothness(double u, double v, double w)  ; 
-  double getSmoothness(MElement*) ; 
-  void print(const std::string &filename, GFace *gf, 
+  double getAngle(double u, double v, double w) const ;
+  double getSmoothness(double u, double v, double w)  ;
+  double getSmoothness(MElement*) ;
+  void print(const std::string &filename, GFace *gf,
 	     const std::map<MVertex*, double>&, int smooth = 0) ;
-  void print(const std::string &filename, GFace *gf, int choice = 0) 
+  void print(const std::string &filename, GFace *gf, int choice = 0)
     switch(choice) {
     case 0 : print(filename, gf, _sizes); return;
@@ -102,17 +101,4 @@ class backgroundMesh : public simpleFunction<double>
   std::vector<MElement*>::const_iterator end_triangles()const{return _triangles.end();}
-//SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToCurve (SVector3 &t, double l_t, double l_n);
-//SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToSurface (SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2, double l_t1, double l_t2, double l_n);
-//double BGM_MeshSize(GEntity *ge, double U, double V, double X, double Y, double Z);
-//SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge, double U, double V, double X, double Y, double Z);
-//bool Extend1dMeshIn2dSurfaces();
-//bool Extend2dMeshIn3dVolumes();
-//SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GVertex *gv);
-//SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GEdge *ge, double u, double &l);
-//SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GFace *gf, double u, double v, 
-//					   bool surface_isotropic = false,
-//					   double d_normal = 1.e12,
-//					   double d_tangent_max = 1.e12);
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.cpp b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.cpp
index c8f3bb3ef034863df2d8ece02b97cd17cf26f2f3..d9e3147f416fa8bc8b7084b8c7015e9bbe0c9230 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2014 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ class evalDiffusivityFunction : public simpleFunction<double>{
 //TODO: move this fct ???
-/* applies rotations of amplitude pi to set the 
+/* applies rotations of amplitude pi to set the
    angle in the first quadrant (in [0,pi/2[ ) */
-void normalizeAngle(double &angle) 
+void normalizeAngle(double &angle)
-  if (angle < 0) 
+  if (angle < 0)
     while ( angle <  0 ) angle += (M_PI * .5);
-  else if (angle >= M_PI * .5) 
+  else if (angle >= M_PI * .5)
     while ( angle >= M_PI * .5 ) angle -= (M_PI * .5);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void backgroundMesh2D::reset(bool erase_2D3D)
   if (CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints){
-  else 
+  else
     for (std::map<MVertex*, MVertex*>::iterator itv2 = _2Dto3D.begin() ; itv2 != _2Dto3D.end(); ++itv2)
       sizeField[itv2->first] = CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax;
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ backgroundMesh2D::backgroundMesh2D(GFace *_gf, bool erase_2D3D):BGMBase(2,_gf),s
   if (erase_2D3D){
-    // now, the new mesh has been copied in local in backgroundMesh2D, deleting the mesh 
-    // from GFace, back to the previous one ! 
+    // now, the new mesh has been copied in local in backgroundMesh2D, deleting the mesh
+    // from GFace, back to the previous one !
     GFace *face = dynamic_cast<GFace*>(gf);
     face->triangles = tempTR;
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ void frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::reset(bool erase_2D3D)
   simpleFunction<double> ONE(1.0);
 //  evalDiffusivityFunction eval_diff(this);
 //  exportSmoothness("smoothness_iter_0.pos");
 //  for (int i=1;i<30;i++){
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ void frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::reset(bool erase_2D3D)
 //    stringstream ss;
 //    ss << "smoothness_iter_" << i << ".pos";
 //    exportSmoothness(ss.str());
 //    stringstream sscf;
 //    sscf << "crossfield_iter_" << i << ".pos";
 //    exportCrossField(sscf.str());
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ Pair<SVector3, SVector3> frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::compute_crossfield_directio
   SVector3 basis_u = s1; basis_u.normalize();
   SVector3 basis_v = crossprod(n,basis_u);
-  // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv 
+  // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv
   SVector3 t1 = basis_u * cos(angle_current) + basis_v * sin(angle_current) ;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ bool frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::compute_RK_infos(double u,double v, double x, d
   SVector3 basis_u = s1; basis_u.normalize();
   SVector3 basis_v = crossprod(n,basis_u);
-  // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv 
+  // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv
   SVector3 t1 = basis_u * cos(angle_current) + basis_v * sin(angle_current) ;
   // compute the second direction t2 and normalize (t1,t2,n) is the tangent frame
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.h b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.h
index 820937bd8127f8cc219303926a4c75cdc8f97636..3b1712dbde45ea46cc593b473403c5074594195f 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.h
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2014 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class backgroundMesh2D : public BGMBase {
     virtual inline unsigned int getNumMeshElements()const{return elements.size();}
     virtual const MElement* getElement(unsigned int i)const;
     virtual GPoint get_GPoint_from_MVertex(const MVertex *) const;
     // only 2D:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class backgroundMesh2D : public BGMBase {
     double sizeFactor;
     std::vector<MTriangle*> tempTR;
     vector<MElement*> elements;
     vector<MVertex*> vertices;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class backgroundMesh2D : public BGMBase {
     backgroundMesh2D(GFace *, bool erase_2D3D=true);
     virtual ~backgroundMesh2D();
     virtual MElementOctree* getOctree();
     // TODO: only 2D
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ class backgroundMesh2D : public BGMBase {
     // not used !!!! TODO !!!
     void setSizeFactor (double s) {sizeFactor = s;}
     virtual vector<MVertex*>::iterator beginvertices(){return vertices.begin();}
     virtual vector<MVertex*>::iterator endvertices(){return vertices.end();}
     virtual vector<MElement*>::iterator beginelements(){return elements.begin();}
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class RK_form{// informations for RK at one point
 //      paramt2 = other.paramt2;
 //      angle = other.angle;
 //    }
     SMetric3 metricField;
     SVector3 t1, t2;// 3D cross field directions
     SVector3 normal;// 3D cross field directions
@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ class frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D : public backgroundMesh2D{
     virtual void reset(bool erase_2D3D=true);
-    double angle(double u, double v); 
+    double angle(double u, double v);
     double angle(MVertex *v);
-    double get_smoothness(double u, double v); 
+    double get_smoothness(double u, double v);
     double get_smoothness(MVertex *v);
     void eval_crossfield(double u, double v, STensor3 &cf);
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.cpp b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.cpp
index d2026669a89b8611493376b9be1ef7bdc94a481d..8ab79c42c29c9781797105a5d213446ff38d33c3 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
 #include <fstream>
 #include <algorithm>
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.h b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.h
index 344aa8a7c850df2e20c8f36f9ad5d0d2a9a28f7f..078ce130b4cd008ae9ae9349f7295170c88d95b8 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.h
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2014 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.cpp b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.cpp
index c863cbc426c04697630574ec79358693ddaa589a..0926f33d8715555e3c81e09c2436376e7c252788 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
 #include "BackgroundMeshManager.h"
 #include "BGMBase.h"
@@ -7,22 +11,20 @@
 #include "GRegion.h"
 #include "BackgroundMesh3D.h"
 map<GEntity*,BGMBase*> BGMManager::data = map<GEntity*,BGMBase*>();
 BGMBase* BGMManager::latest2Dbgm = NULL;
 bool BGMManager::use_cross_field = true;
-void BGMManager::set_use_cross_field(bool b){
+void BGMManager::set_use_cross_field(bool b)
   if (b && (BGMManager::use_cross_field==false)){// need to change...
   BGMManager::use_cross_field = b;
-BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GRegion* gf){
+BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GRegion* gf)
   map<GEntity*,BGMBase*>::iterator itfind = data.find(gf);
   if (itfind!=data.end()){
     return itfind->second;
@@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GRegion* gf){
   return bgm;
-BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GFace* gf){
+BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GFace* gf)
   map<GEntity*,BGMBase*>::iterator itfind = data.find(gf);
   if (itfind!=data.end()){
     latest2Dbgm = itfind->second;
@@ -57,10 +59,7 @@ BGMBase* BGMManager::get(GFace* gf){
   return bgm;
-BGMBase* BGMManager::current2D(){return latest2Dbgm;};
+BGMBase* BGMManager::current2D()
+  return latest2Dbgm;
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.h b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.h
index c05bee929364fa931d872fa0ca17f100a12e047f..30388b210db13c22199432ec735e5c7081d086e4 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.h
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2014 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
 // See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
@@ -15,20 +15,16 @@ class GEntity;
 class GFace;
 class GRegion;
 class BGMManager{
-  public:
-    static BGMBase* get(GFace *gf);
-    static BGMBase* get(GRegion *gf);
-    static BGMBase* current2D();
-    static void set_use_cross_field(bool b);
-  private:
-    static bool use_cross_field;
-    static BGMBase *latest2Dbgm;
-    static map<GEntity*,BGMBase*> data;
+  static BGMBase* get(GFace *gf);
+  static BGMBase* get(GRegion *gf);
+  static BGMBase* current2D();
+  static void set_use_cross_field(bool b);
+  static bool use_cross_field;
+  static BGMBase *latest2Dbgm;
+  static map<GEntity*,BGMBase*> data;
diff --git a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.cpp b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.cpp
index b9a24773cc4ae295021518410a9238b4b6f37a2d..2c499992d00dd99f43d68e17b175eabccaa1d4f8 100644
--- a/Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2015 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
 #include "BackgroundMeshTools.h"
 #include "GFace.h"
 #include "GVertex.h"
 #include "GEdge.h"
@@ -10,9 +13,6 @@
 #include "Field.h"
 #include "GModel.h"
-#include <iostream>
 static double max_surf_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u)
   double val = 0;
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ static double max_surf_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u)
   return val;
 static double max_edge_curvature(const GVertex *gv)
   double val = 0;
@@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ static double max_edge_curvature(const GVertex *gv)
   return val;
 // the mesh vertex is classified on a model vertex.  we compute the
 // maximum of the curvature of model faces surrounding this point if
 // it is classified on a model edge, we do the same for all model
@@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ static double LC_MVertex_CURV(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
   return lc;
 SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GEdge *ge, double u)
   SVector3 t =  ge->firstDer(u);
@@ -94,7 +90,6 @@ SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GEdge *ge, double u)
   return buildMetricTangentToCurve(t,l_t,l_n);
 static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u, bool iso_surf)
   const GEdgeCompound* ptrCompoundEdge = dynamic_cast<const GEdgeCompound*>(ge);
@@ -138,7 +133,6 @@ static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GEdge *ge, double u, boo
 static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GVertex *gv, bool iso_surf)
   SMetric3 mesh_size(1.e-15);
@@ -166,7 +160,6 @@ static SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GVertex *gv, bool iso_su
   return mesh_size;
 SMetric3 LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
   bool iso_surf = CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature == 2;
@@ -180,7 +173,6 @@ SMetric3 LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
   return SMetric3();
 // compute the mesh size at a given vertex due to prescribed sizes at
 // mesh vertices
 static double LC_MVertex_PNTS(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
@@ -217,7 +209,6 @@ static double LC_MVertex_PNTS(GEntity *ge, double U, double V)
 SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToCurve(SVector3 &t, double l_t, double l_n)
   if (l_t == 0.0) return SMetric3(1.e-22);
@@ -241,7 +232,6 @@ SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToCurve(SVector3 &t, double l_t, double l_n)
   return Metric;
 SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToSurface(SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2,
                                      double l_t1, double l_t2, double l_n)
@@ -258,7 +248,6 @@ SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToSurface(SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2,
   return Metric;
 // This is the only function that is used by the meshers
 double BGM_MeshSize(GEntity *ge, double U, double V,
                     double X, double Y, double Z)
@@ -304,8 +293,6 @@ double BGM_MeshSize(GEntity *ge, double U, double V,
   return lc * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor;
 // anisotropic version of the background field
 SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge,
                         double U, double V,
@@ -313,7 +300,9 @@ SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge,
   // Metrics based on element size
-  // Element size  = min. between default lc and lc from point (if applicable), constrained by lcMin and lcMax
+  // Element size = min. between default lc and lc from point (if applicable),
+  // constrained by lcMin and lcMax
   double lc = CTX::instance()->lc;
   if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints && ge->dim() < 2) lc = std::min(lc, LC_MVertex_PNTS(ge, U, V));
   lc = std::max(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
@@ -346,22 +335,18 @@ SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge,
       intersection(m1, LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(ge, U, V)) : m1;
   return m;
 bool Extend1dMeshIn2dSurfaces()
   return CTX::instance()->mesh.lcExtendFromBoundary ? true : false;
 bool Extend2dMeshIn3dVolumes()
   return CTX::instance()->mesh.lcExtendFromBoundary ? true : false;
 SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GVertex *gv)
   SMetric3 val (1.e-12);
@@ -392,7 +377,6 @@ SMetric3 max_edge_curvature_metric(const GVertex *gv)
   return val;
 SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GFace *gf, double u, double v,
 					   bool surface_isotropic,
 					   double d_normal ,
@@ -425,5 +409,3 @@ SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GFace *gf, double u, double v,
                        dirMin, dirMax, Z );
   return curvMetric;
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
index de62b6472ff205584709d70445a84a3a65cea7c6..9494fe7ff0684fea42dba1a16552308ef2c1c4c2 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ static void copyMesh(GFace *source, GFace *target)
       count ++;
     if (!translation){
       count = 0;
       rotation = true;
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ static void copyMesh(GFace *source, GFace *target)
       myPlane PLANE_TARGET(SPoint3(mean_target.x,mean_target.y,mean_target.z),
       // LINE is the axis of rotation
       // let us compute the angle of rotation
       count = 0;
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ static void copyMesh(GFace *source, GFace *target)
       if (rotation){
 	Msg::Info("Periodic mesh rotation found: axis (%g,%g,%g) point (%g %g %g) angle %g",
 		  LINE.t.x(), LINE.t.y(), LINE.t.z(), LINE.p.x(), LINE.p.y(), LINE.p.z(),
diff --git a/doc/VERSIONS.txt b/doc/VERSIONS.txt
index 9b90668331f07974df8ff9124b18cd60cbf4673e..8f03e9e6610022874689b3db68fe6a13a3cb7c1b 100644
--- a/doc/VERSIONS.txt
+++ b/doc/VERSIONS.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+2.9.2: added support for extrusion of embedded points/curves.
 2.9.1 (March 18, 2015): minor bug fixes.
 2.9.0 (March 12, 2015): improved robustness of spatial searches (extruded meshes,