diff --git a/Mesh/2D_Mesh.cpp b/Mesh/2D_Mesh.cpp
index adb0163777eb8123595719f919e86c1a5fc0169b..125ea29dea5386bcbac64f02d76eea02a5f6629d 100644
--- a/Mesh/2D_Mesh.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/2D_Mesh.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: 2D_Mesh.cpp,v 1.73 2005-01-20 19:05:09 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: 2D_Mesh.cpp,v 1.74 2005-04-15 14:32:40 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2005 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void Maillage_Surface(void *data, void *dum)
-    if(s->Recombine){
+    if(s->Recombine && CTX.mesh.algo_recombine ==1 ){
       Msg(STATUS3, "Recombining surface %d", s->Num);
       Recombine(s->Vertices, s->Simplexes, s->Quadrangles, s->RecombineAngle);
@@ -947,4 +947,11 @@ void Maillage_Surface(void *data, void *dum)
+  if(CTX.mesh.algo_recombine ==2 )
+  {
+      printf("coucou\n");
+      Recombine_All (THEM);
+  }
diff --git a/Mesh/2D_Recombine.cpp b/Mesh/2D_Recombine.cpp
index 313499018e566e268dd9aedc871b40116918d5c0..753833d63cb3270c83039b3756cfaecd3a3cd8b4 100644
--- a/Mesh/2D_Recombine.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/2D_Recombine.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: 2D_Recombine.cpp,v 1.22 2005-01-01 19:35:30 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: 2D_Recombine.cpp,v 1.23 2005-04-15 14:32:40 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2005 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -166,3 +166,109 @@ int Recombine(Tree_T * Vertices, Tree_T * Simplexes, Tree_T * Quadrangles,
   return ntot;
+  This function recombines EVERYTHING. 
+  First, all characteristic lengths are divided by 2.
+  This is done in 3 steps.
+  -) the previous technique is applied to every surface
+  -) remainder triangles are split into 3 quads and all recombined quads
+     are split into 4 quads
+  -) Enhancements are performned on the quad mesh.
+ */
+int Recombine_All (Mesh *THEM)
+    if(Tree_Nbr(THEM->Surfaces)) 
+    {
+	// recombine all surfaces
+	List_T *surfaces = Tree2List(THEM->Surfaces);
+	for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(surfaces); i++){
+	    Surface *s;
+	    List_Read(surfaces, i, &s);
+	    if(s->Recombine){
+		Msg(STATUS3, "Recombining surface %d", s->Num);
+		Recombine(s->Vertices, s->Simplexes, s->Quadrangles, s->RecombineAngle);
+	    }
+	}
+	// add 2nd order nodes to all elements 
+	Degre2(2);
+	// then split everybody
+	for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(surfaces); i++)
+	{
+	    Surface *s;
+	    List_Read(surfaces, i, &s);
+	    List_T *Quadrangles = Tree2List ( s->Quadrangles );
+	    for (int j=0 ; j<List_Nbr (Quadrangles); j++)
+	    {
+		Quadrangle *q;
+		List_Read (Quadrangles, j, &q);
+		Quadrangle *q1 = Create_Quadrangle(q->V[0], q->VSUP[0], q->VSUP[4], q->VSUP[3]);
+		Quadrangle *q2 = Create_Quadrangle(q->V[1], q->VSUP[1], q->VSUP[4], q->VSUP[0]);
+		Quadrangle *q3 = Create_Quadrangle(q->V[2], q->VSUP[2], q->VSUP[4], q->VSUP[1]);
+		Quadrangle *q4 = Create_Quadrangle(q->V[3], q->VSUP[3], q->VSUP[4], q->VSUP[2]);
+		Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q1);
+		Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q2);
+		Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q3);
+		Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q4);
+		Tree_Suppress (s->Quadrangles, &q);
+	    }
+	    List_Delete(Quadrangles);
+	    List_T *Triangles = Tree2List ( s->Simplexes );
+	    if(s->Recombine)
+	    {
+		for (int j=0 ; j<List_Nbr (Triangles); j++)
+		{
+		    Simplex *t;
+		    List_Read (Triangles, j, &t);
+		    Vertex *c = Create_Vertex(++THEM->MaxPointNum, 
+					      (t->V[0]->Pos.X+t->V[1]->Pos.X+t->V[2]->Pos.X)/3.,
+					      (t->V[0]->Pos.Y+t->V[1]->Pos.Y+t->V[2]->Pos.Y)/3.,
+					      (t->V[0]->Pos.Z+t->V[1]->Pos.Z+t->V[2]->Pos.Z)/3.,
+					      (t->V[0]->lc+t->V[1]->lc+t->V[2]->lc)/3.,
+					      (t->V[0]->u+t->V[1]->u+t->V[2]->u)/3.);
+		    Quadrangle *q1 = Create_Quadrangle(t->V[0], t->VSUP[0], c, t->VSUP[2]);
+		    Quadrangle *q2 = Create_Quadrangle(t->V[1], t->VSUP[1], c, t->VSUP[0]);
+		    Quadrangle *q3 = Create_Quadrangle(t->V[2], t->VSUP[2], c, t->VSUP[1]);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q1);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q2);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Quadrangles, &q3);
+		    Tree_Suppress (s->Simplexes, &t);
+		    Free_Simplex(&t,0);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		for (int j=0 ; j<List_Nbr (Triangles); j++)
+		{
+		    Simplex *t;
+		    List_Read (Triangles, j, &t);
+		    Simplex *t1 = Create_Simplex(t->V[0], t->VSUP[0],t->VSUP[2],0);
+		    Simplex *t2 = Create_Simplex(t->V[1], t->VSUP[1],t->VSUP[0],0);
+		    Simplex *t3 = Create_Simplex(t->V[2], t->VSUP[2],t->VSUP[1],0);
+		    Simplex *t4 = Create_Simplex(t->VSUP[0], t->VSUP[1],t->VSUP[2],0);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Simplexes, &t1);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Simplexes, &t2);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Simplexes, &t3);
+		    Tree_Add ( s->Simplexes, &t4);
+		    Tree_Suppress (s->Simplexes, &t);
+		    Free_Simplex(&t,0);
+		}
+	    }
+	    List_Delete(Triangles);
+	}
+	List_Delete(surfaces);
+	Degre1();
+    }
+    return 1;
diff --git a/Mesh/BDS.cpp b/Mesh/BDS.cpp
index 47e0bbb03934a8d510a81e5c0d5ac927a72f9cf2..b2a5b0b4d88fbb3117ae79ed17f067a6baa72478 100644
--- a/Mesh/BDS.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BDS.cpp
@@ -1,16 +1,126 @@
 #include "BDS.h"
+#include <map>
 #include <math.h>
+#include "Numeric.h"
-void BDS_Mesh :: add_point (int num , double x, double y,double z)
+void proj_point_plane ( double xa, double ya, double za,
+			BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Point *p3 ,
+			double &x, double &y, double &z)
-    points.insert ( BDS_Point ( num, x, y, z) );
+    /// plane ax+by+cz+1 = 0;
+    double mat[3][3];
+    mat[0][0] = p1->X; mat[0][1] = p1->Y; mat[0][2] = p1->Z;
+    mat[1][0] = p2->X; mat[1][1] = p2->Y; mat[1][2] = p2->Z;
+    mat[2][0] = p3->X; mat[2][1] = p3->Y; mat[2][2] = p3->Z;
+    double b[3] = {-1,-1,-1};
+    double pl[3] , det ;
+    sys3x3 (mat,b,pl,&det);
+    double n[3] = {pl[0],pl[1],pl[2]}; 
+//    norme(n);
+    // pp(x,y,z) = p + k n
+    // pp belongs to the plane
+    // a x + b y + c z + 1 = 0
+    // x = xa + k nx
+    // y = ya + k ny
+    // z = za + k nz
+    // a (xa + k nx) + b ( ya + k ny ) + c (  za + k nz ) + 1 = 0
+    // k = - ( a xa + b ya + c za + 1) / (a nx + b ny + c nz )
+    double k = - ( pl[0] * xa +  pl[1] * ya +  pl[2] * za + 1 ) / ( pl[0] * n[0] + pl[1] * n[1] + pl[2] * n[2] ); 
+    x = xa + k * n[0];
+    y = ya + k * n[1];
+    z = za + k * n[2];
+void print_face (BDS_Triangle *t)
+    BDS_Point *pts[3];
+    t->getNodes (pts); 
+    printf("face %p with nodes %d %d %d and edges %p (%d %d) %p (%d %d) %p (%d %d)\n",t,pts[0]->iD,pts[1]->iD,pts[2]->iD,
+	   t->e1,t->e1->p1->iD,t->e1->p2->iD,t->e2,t->e2->p1->iD,t->e2->p2->iD,t->e3,t->e3->p1->iD,t->e3->p2->iD);
+void vector_triangle (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Point *p3, double c[3]) 
+    double a[3] = { p1->X - p2->X,p1->Y - p2->Y,p1->Z - p2->Z};
+    double b[3] = { p1->X - p3->X,p1->Y - p3->Y,p1->Z - p3->Z};
+    c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
+    c[1] = -a[0] * b[2] + a[2] * b[0];
+    c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
+void normal_triangle (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Point *p3, double c[3]) 
+    vector_triangle (p1,p2,p3,c);
+    double l = sqrt (c[0]*c[0]+c[1]*c[1]+c[2]*c[2]);
+    if (l==0)return;
+    c[0]/=l;
+    c[1]/=l;
+    c[2]/=l;
+double surface_triangle (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Point *p3) 
+    double c[3];
+    vector_triangle (p1,p2,p3,c);
+    return 0.5*sqrt (c[0]*c[0]+c[1]*c[1]+c[2]*c[2]);
+double quality_triangle  (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Point *p3)
+    double e12 =  ((p1->X - p2->X)*(p1->X - p2->X)+
+		   (p1->Y - p2->Y)*(p1->Y - p2->Y)+
+		   (p1->Z - p2->Z)*(p1->Z - p2->Z));
+    double e22 =  ((p1->X - p3->X)*(p1->X - p3->X)+
+		   (p1->Y - p3->Y)*(p1->Y - p3->Y)+
+		   (p1->Z - p3->Z)*(p1->Z - p3->Z));
+    double e32 =  ((p3->X - p2->X)*(p3->X - p2->X)+
+		   (p3->Y - p2->Y)*(p3->Y - p2->Y)+
+		   (p3->Z - p2->Z)*(p3->Z - p2->Z));
+    double a =  surface_triangle ( p1,p2,p3);
+    return a / (e12+e22+e32);
+void BDS_Point::getTriangles (std::list<BDS_Triangle *> &t)
+  t.clear ();
+  std::list<BDS_Edge*>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+  std::list<BDS_Edge*>::iterator ite = edges.end();
+  while(it!=ite)
+    {
+      for (int i=0;i<2;++i)
+	{
+	  BDS_Triangle *tt = (*it)->faces[i];
+	  if (tt)
+	    {
+	      std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator tit  = t.begin();
+	      std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator tite = t.end();
+	      int found = 0;
+	      while (tit!=tite) 
+		{
+		  if (tt == *tit)found = 1;
+		  ++tit;
+		}
+	      if (!found) t.push_back (tt);
+	    }		    
+	}
+      ++it;
+    }
+BDS_Point* BDS_Mesh :: add_point (int num , double x, double y,double z)
+    BDS_Point *pp = new BDS_Point ( num, x, y, z);
+    points.insert ( pp );    
+    return pp;
 BDS_Point *BDS_Mesh :: find_point  (int p)
     BDS_Point P ( p ) ;
-    std::set<BDS_Point>::iterator it = points.find(P);
-    if (it != points.end()) return (BDS_Point*) & (*it);
+    std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>::iterator it = points.find(&P);
+    if (it != points.end()) return (BDS_Point*) (*it);
     else return 0;
@@ -19,20 +129,33 @@ BDS_Edge *BDS_Mesh :: find_edge  (int num1, int num2)
     BDS_Point P1 ( num1 ) ;
     BDS_Point P2 ( num2 ) ;
     BDS_Edge  E (&P1, &P2);
-    std::set<BDS_Edge>::iterator it = edges.find(E);
-    if (it != edges.end()) return (BDS_Edge*) & (*it);
+    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it = edges.find(&E);
+    if (it != edges.end()) return (BDS_Edge*) (*it);
     else return 0;
-void BDS_Mesh :: add_edge  (int p1, int p2)
+BDS_Edge *BDS_Mesh :: find_edge  (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Triangle *t) const
+    BDS_Point P1 ( p1->iD ) ;
+    BDS_Point P2 ( p2->iD ) ;
+    BDS_Edge  E (&P1, &P2);
+    if (t->e1->p1->iD == E.p1->iD && t->e1->p2->iD == E.p2->iD)return t->e1;
+    if (t->e2->p1->iD == E.p1->iD && t->e2->p2->iD == E.p2->iD)return t->e2;
+    if (t->e3->p1->iD == E.p1->iD && t->e3->p2->iD == E.p2->iD)return t->e3;
+    return 0;
+BDS_Edge *BDS_Mesh :: add_edge  (int p1, int p2)
     BDS_Edge *efound = find_edge (p1,p2);
-    if (efound)return;
+    if (efound)return efound;
     BDS_Point *pp1=find_point(p1);
     BDS_Point *pp2=find_point(p2);
     if (!pp1 || !pp2)throw;
-    edges.insert ( BDS_Edge ( pp1, pp2 ) );    
+    BDS_Edge *e = new BDS_Edge ( pp1, pp2 );
+    edges.insert ( e );
+    return e;
 void BDS_Mesh :: add_triangle  (int p1, int p2, int p3, double nx, double ny, double nz)
@@ -43,24 +166,61 @@ void BDS_Mesh :: add_triangle  (int p1, int p2, int p3, double nx, double ny, do
     BDS_Edge *e1 = find_edge (p1,p2); 
     BDS_Edge *e2 = find_edge (p2,p3); 
     BDS_Edge *e3 = find_edge (p3,p1); 
-    triangles.insert ( BDS_Triangle ( e1, e2, e3 ,nx,ny,nz) );        
+    BDS_Triangle *t  = new BDS_Triangle ( e1, e2, e3 ,find_point(p1));    
+    triangles.push_back ( t );        
+void  BDS_Mesh :: del_triangle  (BDS_Triangle *t)
+    t->e1->del ( t );
+    t->e2->del ( t );
+    t->e3->del ( t );
+    t->deleted = true;
+void  BDS_Mesh :: del_edge  (BDS_Edge *e)
+    edges.erase ( e );
+    e->p1->del ( e );
+    e->p2->del ( e );
+    e->deleted = true;
+    edges_to_delete.insert (e);
 void BDS_Mesh :: add_geom  (int p1, int p2)
-    geom.insert ( BDS_GeomEntity ( p1,p2 ) ) ;        
+    geom.insert ( new BDS_GeomEntity ( p1,p2 ) ) ;        
-BDS_GeomEntity * BDS_Mesh :: get_geom  (int p1, int p2)
+void BDS_Edge::oppositeof (BDS_Point * oface[2]) const
-  std::set<BDS_GeomEntity>::iterator it = geom.find(BDS_GeomEntity ( p1,p2 ));
-  if (it == geom.end())return 0;
-  return (BDS_GeomEntity*) & (*it);
+  oface[0] = oface[1] = 0;
+  if (faces[0])
+    {
+      BDS_Point *pts[3];
+      faces[0]->getNodes (pts); 
+      if (pts[0] != p1 && pts[0] != p2)oface[0] = pts[0];
+      else if (pts[1] != p1 && pts[1] != p2)oface[0] = pts[1];
+      else oface[0] = pts[2];
+    }
+  if (faces[1])
+    {
+      BDS_Point *pts[3];
+      faces[1]->getNodes (pts); 
+      if (pts[0] != p1 && pts[0] != p2)oface[1] = pts[0];
+      else if (pts[1] != p1 && pts[1] != p2)oface[1] = pts[1];
+      else oface[1] = pts[2];
+    }
-void BDS_Mesh :: save_gmsh_format ( const char *filename )
+BDS_GeomEntity * BDS_Mesh :: get_geom  (int p1, int p2)
+    BDS_GeomEntity ge ( p1,p2 );
+    std::set<BDS_GeomEntity*,GeomLessThan>::iterator it = geom.find(&ge);
+    if (it == geom.end())return 0;
+    return (BDS_GeomEntity*) (*it);
 void recur_tag ( BDS_Triangle *t , BDS_GeomEntity *g )
   if (!t->g)
@@ -81,51 +241,565 @@ void recur_tag ( BDS_Triangle *t , BDS_GeomEntity *g )
+BDS_Vector BDS_Triangle :: N () const 
+    BDS_Point *pts[3];
+    getNodes (pts); 
+    double c[3];
+    normal_triangle (pts[0],pts[1],pts[2],c); 
+    return BDS_Vector ( c[0], c[1], c[2] );
 void BDS_Mesh :: classify ( double angle )
-    BDS_GeomEntity EDGE_CLAS (1,0);
-    std::set<BDS_Edge>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
-    std::set<BDS_Edge>::iterator ite = edges.end();
-    while (it!=ite)
-    {
-	BDS_Edge &e = (BDS_Edge &) *it;
-	if ( e.numfaces() == 1) e.g = &EDGE_CLAS;
-	else if (e.numfaces() == 2)
-	  {
-	    double a[3] = { e.faces[0]->NX ,  e.faces[0]->NY ,  e.faces[0]->NZ };
-	    double b[3] = { e.faces[1]->NX ,  e.faces[1]->NY ,  e.faces[1]->NZ };
-	    double c[3];
-	    c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
-	    c[1] = -a[0] * b[2] + a[2] * b[0];
-	    c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
-	    double cosa = a[0]*b[0] +a[1]*b[1] +a[2]*b[2];
-	    double sina = sqrt (c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
-	    double ag = atan2(sina,cosa);
-	    if (fabs(ag) > angle)e.g = &EDGE_CLAS;
-	  }
-	++it;
-    }
-    {
-      int tag = 1;
-      while (1)
-	{
-	  std::set<BDS_Triangle>::iterator it  = triangles.begin();
-	  std::set<BDS_Triangle>::iterator ite = triangles.end();
-	  BDS_Triangle *start = 0;
-	  while (it!=ite)
+    static BDS_GeomEntity EDGE_CLAS (0,1);
+    {
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite = edges.end();
+	while (it!=ite)
+	{
+	    BDS_Edge &e = *((BDS_Edge *) *it);
+	    if ( e.numfaces() == 1) e.g = &EDGE_CLAS;
+	    else if (e.numfaces() == 2)
-	      if (!it->g)
+		BDS_Vector N0 = e.faces[0]->N();
+		BDS_Vector N1 = e.faces[1]->N();
+		double a[3] = { N0.x ,  N0.y ,  N0.z };
+		double b[3] = { N1.x ,  N1.y ,  N1.z };
+		double c[3];
+		c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
+		c[1] = -a[0] * b[2] + a[2] * b[0];
+		c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
+		double cosa = a[0]*b[0] +a[1]*b[1] +a[2]*b[2];
+		double sina = sqrt (c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
+		double ag = atan2(sina,cosa);
+//		printf("edge with angle = %g sin %g cos %g n1 %g %g %g n2 %g %g %g\n",
+//		       ag,sina,cosa,a[0],a[1],a[2],b[0],b[1],b[2]);
+		if (fabs(ag) > angle)e.g = &EDGE_CLAS;
+	    }
+	    ++it;
+	}
+    }
+    {
+	int tag = 1;
+	while (1)
+	{
+	    printf("tag %d\n",tag);
+	    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator it  = triangles.begin();
+	    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator ite = triangles.end();
+	    BDS_Triangle *start = 0;
+	    while (it!=ite)
+	    {
+		if (!(*it)->deleted && !(*it)->g)
+		{
+		    start = (BDS_Triangle*) (*it);
+		}
+		if (start)break;
+		++it;
+	    }
+	    if (!start)break;	  
+	    add_geom (tag, 2);
+	    BDS_GeomEntity *g = get_geom (tag,2);
+	    recur_tag ( start , g );
+	    tag++;
+	}
+    }
+//    return;
+    {
+	std::map< std::pair<int,int> , int > edgetags;
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite = edges.end();	
+	int edgetag = 1;
+	while (it!=ite)
+	{
+	    BDS_Edge &e = *((BDS_Edge *) *it);
+	    if (e.g)
+	    {	    
+		std::map< std::pair<int,int> , int >::iterator found;
+		BDS_GeomEntity *g;
+		if ( e.numfaces() == 1)
-		  start = (BDS_Triangle*)& (*it);
+		    found = edgetags.find (std::make_pair ( e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag,-1));
-	      ++it;
+		else if (e.numfaces() == 2 && e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag != e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag)
+		{
+		    if (e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag > e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag)
+			found = edgetags.find (std::make_pair ( e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag,e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag));
+		    else
+			found = edgetags.find (std::make_pair ( e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag,e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag));
+		}
+		if (e.g)
+		{
+		    if (found == edgetags.end())
+		    {
+			add_geom (edgetag, 1);
+			g = get_geom (edgetag,1);
+			if ( e.numfaces() == 1)
+			{
+			    edgetags[std::make_pair ( e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag,-1)] = edgetag;
+			}
+			else if (e.numfaces() == 2)
+			{
+			    if (e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag > e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag)
+				edgetags[std::make_pair ( e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag,e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag)]
+				    = edgetag;
+			    else
+				edgetags[std::make_pair ( e.faces[0]->g->classif_tag,e.faces[1]->g->classif_tag)] 
+				    = edgetag;
+			}
+			edgetag++;
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			g = get_geom(found->second,1);
+		    }
+		    e.g = g;
+		}
+	    }
+	    ++it;
+	}
+    }
+void BDS_Mesh :: save_gmsh_format ( const char *filename )
+    cleanup();
+    FILE *f = fopen ( filename, "w");
+    {
+	std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>::iterator it  = points.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>::iterator ite = points.end();
+	fprintf(f,"$NOD\n");
+	fprintf(f,"%d\n",points.size());
+	while(it!=ite)
+	{
+	    fprintf(f,"%d %g %g %g\n",(*it)->iD,(*it)->X,(*it)->Y,(*it)->Z);
+	    ++it;
+	}
+	fprintf(f,"$ENDNOD\n");
+    }
+    {
+	fprintf(f,"$ELM\n");
+	int nbClasEdges = 0;
+	{
+	    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+	    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite = edges.end();
+	    while(it!=ite)
+	    {
+		if ((*it)->g)nbClasEdges++;
+		++it;
+	    }
+	}
+	fprintf(f,"%d\n",nbClasEdges+triangles.size());
+	int k=1;
+	{
+	    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+	    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite = edges.end();
+	    while(it!=ite)
+	    {
+		if ((*it)->g)
+		    fprintf(f,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+			    k++,1,(*it)->g->classif_tag,(*it)->g->classif_tag,2,
+			    (*it)->p1->iD, (*it)->p2->iD);
+		++it;
+	    }
+	}
+	{
+	    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator it  = triangles.begin();
+	    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator ite = triangles.end();
+	    while(it!=ite)
+	    {
+		if ((*it)->deleted)
+		{
+		    printf("aahg\n");
+		    throw;
+		}
+		BDS_Point *nod[3];
+		(*it)->getNodes (nod);
+		if ((*it)->g)
+		    fprintf(f,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+			    k++,2,(*it)->g->classif_tag,(*it)->g->classif_tag,3,
+			nod[0]->iD,nod[1]->iD,nod[2]->iD);
+		else
+		    fprintf(f,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+			    k++,2,1,1,3,
+			    nod[0]->iD,nod[1]->iD,nod[2]->iD);
+		++it;
+	    }
+	}
+	fprintf(f,"$ENDELM\n");
+    }
+    fclose (f);
+template <class IT>
+void DESTROOOY ( IT beg , IT end)
+    while (beg != end)
+    {
+	delete *beg;
+	beg ++;
+    }
+void BDS_Mesh :: cleanup()
+    for (std::list<BDS_Triangle*> :: iterator it = triangles.begin();
+	 it != triangles.end();
+	 it++)
+    {
+	while (it != triangles.end() && (*it)->deleted)
+	{
+	    delete *it;
+	    it = triangles.erase (it);
+	}
+    }	    
+    DESTROOOY ( edges_to_delete.begin(),edges_to_delete.end());
+    edges_to_delete.clear();
+BDS_Mesh ::~ BDS_Mesh ()
+    DESTROOOY ( geom.begin(),geom.end());
+    DESTROOOY ( points.begin(),points.end());
+    DESTROOOY ( edges.begin(),edges.end());
+    cleanup();
+    DESTROOOY ( triangles.begin(),triangles.end());
+bool BDS_Mesh ::split_edge ( BDS_Edge *e, double coord, const BDS_Projector &)
+//    printf("split start %d\n",e->deleted);
+    int nbFaces = e->numfaces();
+    if (nbFaces == 1)return false;
+    BDS_Point *op[2];
+    BDS_Point *p1 = e->p1;
+    BDS_Point *p2 = e->p2;
+    BDS_Point *mid = add_point (MAXPOINTNUMBER , 
+				coord * p1->X + (1-coord) * p2->X, 
+				coord * p1->Y + (1-coord) * p2->Y, 
+				coord * p1->Z + (1-coord) * p2->Z);
+    // we should project 
+    e->oppositeof (op);
+    BDS_GeomEntity *g1=0,*g2=0,*ge=e->g;
+    BDS_Edge *p1_op1 = find_edge ( p1, op[0], e->faces[0] );
+    BDS_Edge *op1_p2 = find_edge ( op[0],p2,e->faces[0]  );
+    BDS_Edge *p1_op2 = find_edge ( p1, op[1],e->faces[1] );
+    BDS_Edge *op2_p2 = find_edge ( op[1],p2,e->faces[1]   );
+//    BDS_Edge *p1_op1 = find_edge ( p1->iD, op[0]->iD );
+//    BDS_Edge *op1_p2 = find_edge ( op[0]->iD,p2->iD  );
+//    BDS_Edge *p1_op2 = find_edge ( p1->iD, op[1]->iD );
+//    BDS_Edge *op2_p2 = find_edge ( op[1]->iD,p2->iD   );
+//    printf("%p %p %p %p\n",p1_op1,op1_p2,p1_op2,op2_p2);
+/*    printf("edge %p (%d %d) with %d neighbors\n",p1_op1,p1->iD, op[0]->iD,p1_op1->numfaces());
+    print_face(p1_op1->faces[0]);
+    print_face(p1_op1->faces[1]);
+    printf("edge %p (%d %d) with %d neighbors\n",e,p1->iD, p2->iD,e->numfaces());
+    print_face(e->faces[0]);
+    print_face(e->faces[1]);
+    if (e->faces[0])
+    {
+	g1 = e->faces[0]->g;
+	del_triangle (e->faces[0]);
+    }
+// not a bug !!!
+    if (e->faces[0])
+    {
+	g2 = e->faces[0]->g;
+	del_triangle (e->faces[0]);
+    } 
+    del_edge (e);
+    BDS_Edge *p1_mid = new BDS_Edge ( p1, mid );
+    edges.insert ( p1_mid );
+    BDS_Edge *mid_p2 = new BDS_Edge ( mid, p2 );
+    edges.insert ( mid_p2 );
+    BDS_Edge *op1_mid = new BDS_Edge ( op[0], mid );
+    edges.insert ( op1_mid );
+    BDS_Edge *mid_op2 = new BDS_Edge ( mid, op[1] );
+    edges.insert ( mid_op2 );
+//    printf("split ends 1 %d (%d %d) %d %d \n",p1_op1->numfaces(), p1->iD, op[0]->iD, op1_mid->numfaces(),p1_mid->numfaces());
+    BDS_Triangle*t1 =  new BDS_Triangle ( p1_op1, op1_mid, p1_mid ,op[0] );
+    BDS_Triangle*t2 =  new BDS_Triangle ( op2_p2, mid_op2, mid_p2 ,op[1] );
+    BDS_Triangle*t3 =  new BDS_Triangle ( op1_p2, op1_mid, mid_p2 ,p2);
+    BDS_Triangle*t4 =  new BDS_Triangle ( p1_op2, mid_op2, p1_mid ,p1);
+    t1->g = g1;
+    t2->g = g2;
+    t3->g = g1;
+    t4->g = g2;
+    p1_mid->g = ge;
+    mid_p2->g = ge;
+    triangles.push_back(t1); 
+    triangles.push_back (t2); 
+    triangles.push_back (t3); 
+    triangles.push_back (t4); 
+    return true;
+bool BDS_Mesh ::swap_edge ( BDS_Edge *e)
+    if (e->deleted)return false;
+    int nbFaces = e->numfaces();
+    BDS_Point *pts1[3];
+    e->faces[0]->getNodes (pts1); 
+    BDS_Point *pts2[3];
+    e->faces[1]->getNodes (pts2); 
+    if (nbFaces != 2)return false;
+    if (e->g && e->g->classif_degree != 2)return false;
+    BDS_Point *op[2];
+    BDS_Point *p1 = e->p1;
+    BDS_Point *p2 = e->p2;
+    e->oppositeof (op);
+    BDS_GeomEntity *g1=0,*g2=0,*ge=e->g;
+    BDS_Edge *p1_op1 = find_edge ( p1, op[0], e->faces[0] );
+    BDS_Edge *op1_p2 = find_edge ( op[0],p2,e->faces[0]  );
+    BDS_Edge *p1_op2 = find_edge ( p1, op[1],e->faces[1] );
+    BDS_Edge *op2_p2 = find_edge ( op[1],p2,e->faces[1]   );
+    if (e->faces[0])
+    {
+	g1 = e->faces[0]->g;
+	del_triangle (e->faces[0]);
+    }
+// not a bug !!!
+    if (e->faces[0])
+    {
+	g2 = e->faces[0]->g;
+	del_triangle (e->faces[0]);
+    } 
+    del_edge (e);
+    BDS_Edge *op1_op2 = new BDS_Edge ( op[0], op[1] );
+    edges.insert ( op1_op2 );
+    BDS_Point *first_in_0 = 0;
+    for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
+	if (pts1[k] == p1)
+	{
+	    if (pts1[(k+1)%3] == op[0])first_in_0 = p1;
+	    else first_in_0 = op[0];
+	}
+    BDS_Point *first_in_1 = 0;
+    for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
+	if (pts2[k] == p2)
+	{
+	    if (pts2[(k+1)%3] == op[1])first_in_1 = p2;
+	    else first_in_1 = op[1];
+	}
+    BDS_Triangle*t1 =  new BDS_Triangle ( p1_op1, p1_op2, op1_op2 , first_in_0 );
+    BDS_Triangle*t2 =  new BDS_Triangle ( op2_p2, op1_op2, op1_p2 , first_in_1 );
+    t1->g = g1;
+    t2->g = g2;
+    op1_op2->g = ge;
+    triangles.push_back(t1); 
+    triangles.push_back(t2); 
+    return true;
+bool BDS_Mesh ::collapse_edge ( BDS_Edge *e, BDS_Point *p, const BDS_Projector &)
+bool BDS_Mesh ::smooth_point ( BDS_Point *p, const BDS_Projector &)
+    std::list<BDS_Edge *>::iterator eit  = p->edges.begin(); 	
+    std::list<BDS_Edge *>::iterator eite = p->edges.end();
+    while (eit!=eite)
+    {
+	if ((*eit)->g)
+	    if((*eit)->g->classif_degree == 1)return false;
+	++eit;
+    }
+    double X = 0;
+    double Y = 0;
+    double Z = 0;
+    eit  = p->edges.begin(); 
+    while (eit!=eite)
+    {
+	BDS_Point *op = ((*eit)->p1 == p)?(*eit)->p2:(*eit)->p1; 	
+	X+=op->X;
+	Y+=op->Y;
+	Z+=op->Z;
+	++eit;
+    }
+    X /= p->edges.size();
+    Y /= p->edges.size();
+    Z /= p->edges.size();
+    std::list<BDS_Triangle *> t; 	
+    p->getTriangles (t); 	
+    {
+	std::list<BDS_Triangle *>::iterator it = t.begin();
+	std::list<BDS_Triangle *>::iterator ite = t.end();
+	double dist = 1.e22;
+	double XX = X,YY=Y,ZZ=Z;
+	while (it != ite)
+	{ 
+	    BDS_Point *pts[3];
+	    (*it)->getNodes (pts); 
+	    double xp,yp,zp;
+	    proj_point_plane ( X,Y,Z,pts[0],pts[1],pts[2],xp,yp,zp);
+	    double d = sqrt ((xp-X)*(xp-X)+(yp-Y)*(yp-Y)+(zp-Z)*(zp-Z));
+	    if (d < dist)
+	    {
+		XX = xp; YY = yp; ZZ = zp;
+		dist = d;
-	  if (!start)break;	  
-	  add_geom (tag, 2);
-	  BDS_GeomEntity *g = get_geom (tag,2);
-	  recur_tag ( start , g );
-	  tag++;
+	    ++it;
+	X = XX;
+	Y = YY;
+	Z = ZZ;
+    p->X = X;
+    p->Y = Y;
+    p->Z = Z;
+    return true;
+void BDS_Mesh :: adapt_mesh ( double l, const BDS_Projector &proj) 
+    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan> small_to_long;
+    {
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite  = edges.end();
+	while (it != ite)
+	{
+	    if ((*it)->numfaces()==1)printf("one face\n");
+	    small_to_long.insert (*it);  
+	    ++it;
+	}
+    }
+    {
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it = small_to_long.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite  = small_to_long.end();
+	int nbspl = 0;
+	while (it != ite)
+	{
+	    BDS_Point *op[2];
+	    (*it)->oppositeof (op);
+	    double ll = sqrt((op[0]->X-op[1]->X)*(op[0]->X-op[1]->X)+
+			     (op[0]->Y-op[1]->Y)*(op[0]->Y-op[1]->Y)+
+			     (op[0]->Z-op[1]->Z)*(op[0]->Z-op[1]->Z));
+	    if (!(*it)->deleted && (*it)->length() > l && ll > 0.5 * l){
+		split_edge (*it, 0.5 ,proj);
+		nbspl++;
+	    }
+	    ++it;
+	}
+	printf("nbspl = %d\n",nbspl);
+    }
+//  return;
+    cleanup();
+    {
+	small_to_long.clear();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite  = edges.end();
+	while (it != ite)
+	{
+	    small_to_long.insert (*it);  
+	    ++it;
+	}
+    }
+    {    
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator it = small_to_long.begin();
+	std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>::iterator ite  = small_to_long.end();
+	while (it != ite)
+	{
+	    if (!(*it)->deleted && (*it)->numfaces()==2)
+	    {
+		BDS_Point *op[2];
+		(*it)->oppositeof (op);
+		double a1 = surface_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , (*it)->p2 , op[0] );
+		double a2 = surface_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , (*it)->p2 , op[1] );
+		double b1 = surface_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , op[0] , op[1] );
+		double b2 = surface_triangle ( (*it)->p2 , op[0] , op[1] );
+		double cb1[3],cb2[3];
+		normal_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , op[0] , op[1],cb1 );
+		normal_triangle ( (*it)->p2 , op[0] , op[1],cb2 );
+		double prosc = cb1[0]*cb2[0]+cb1[1]*cb2[1]+cb1[2]*cb2[2];
+		if (fabs(a1+a2-b1-b2) < 0.1 * (a1+a2) && prosc < 0 && fabs (prosc) > 0.7)
+		{
+		    double qa1 = quality_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , (*it)->p2 , op[0] );
+		    double qa2 = quality_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , (*it)->p2 , op[1] );
+		    double qb1 = quality_triangle ( (*it)->p1 , op[0] , op[1] );
+		    double qb2 = quality_triangle ( (*it)->p2 , op[0] , op[1] );
+		    double qa = (qa1<qa2)?qa1:qa2; 
+		    double qb = (qb1<qb2)?qb1:qb2; 
+//		  printf("qa %g qb %g ..\n",qa,qb);
+		    if (qb > qa)
+		    {
+//		      printf("swop ..\n");
+			swap_edge ( *it );
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    ++it;
+	}
+    }
+    cleanup();  
+    {    
+	for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
+	{
+	    std::set<BDS_Point*, PointLessThan>::iterator it   = points.begin();
+	    std::set<BDS_Point*, PointLessThan>::iterator ite  = points.end();
+	    while (it != ite)
+	    {
+		smooth_point(*it,proj);
+		++it;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
diff --git a/Mesh/BDS.h b/Mesh/BDS.h
index 10268ec373bd2aabdd0fa5f170e038d67e931a69..251d20660720e2fb8e9872b2ad53d3a9e590b4d7 100644
--- a/Mesh/BDS.h
+++ b/Mesh/BDS.h
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@
 // default values are 0,0,1
 #include <set>
+#include <map>
 #include <list>
+#include <math.h>
 class BDS_GeomEntity
-    int classif_degree;
     int classif_tag;
+    int classif_degree;
     inline bool operator <  ( const BDS_GeomEntity & other ) const
 	    if (classif_degree < other.classif_degree)return true;
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ public:
 	    return false;
     BDS_GeomEntity (int a, int b)
-	: classif_degree (a),classif_tag(b)
+	: classif_tag (a),classif_degree(b)
@@ -27,30 +29,84 @@ public:
 class BDS_Edge;
 class BDS_Triangle;
+class BDS_Mesh;
-class BDS_Point
+class BDS_Vector
-  int iD;
-  BDS_GeomEntity *g;
-  double X,Y,Z;
-  std::list<BDS_Edge*> edges;
-  inline bool operator <  ( const BDS_Point & other ) const
+  double x,y,z;
+  BDS_Vector operator + (const  BDS_Vector &v)
-    return iD < other.iD;
+    return BDS_Vector (x+v.x,y+v.y,z+v.z);
-  BDS_Point ( int id, double x=0, double y=0, double z=0 )
-    : iD(id),g(0),X(x),Y(y),Z(z)
-  {	    
+  BDS_Vector& operator += (const  BDS_Vector &v)
+  {
+    x+=v.x;
+    y+=v.y;
+    z+=v.z;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  BDS_Vector operator / (const  double &v)
+  {
+    return BDS_Vector (x/v,y/v,z/v);
+  BDS_Vector operator * (const  double &v)
+  {
+    return BDS_Vector (x*v,y*v,z*v);
+  }
+  BDS_Vector (double ix=0, double iy=0, double iz=0)
+    //    : x(ix),(iy),z(iz)
+  {
+    x=ix;
+    y=iy;
+    z=iz;
+  }
+class BDS_Point
+    int iD;
+    double X,Y,Z;
+    BDS_GeomEntity *g;
+    std::list<BDS_Edge*> edges;
+    inline bool operator <  ( const BDS_Point & other ) const
+	{
+	    return iD < other.iD;
+	}
+    inline void del (BDS_Edge *e)
+	{
+	    std::list<BDS_Edge*>::iterator it  = edges.begin();
+	    std::list<BDS_Edge*>::iterator ite = edges.end();
+	    while(it!=ite)
+	    {
+		if (*it == e) 
+		{
+		    edges.erase(it);
+		    break;
+		}
+		++it;
+	    }
+	}
+    void getTriangles (std::list<BDS_Triangle *> &t); 	
+    BDS_Point ( int id, double x=0, double y=0, double z=0 )
+    : iD(id),X(x),Y(y),Z(z),g(0)
+	{	    
+	}
 class BDS_Edge
+    bool deleted;
     BDS_Point *p1,*p2;
     BDS_GeomEntity *g;
+    inline double length () const
+	{
+	    return sqrt ((p1->X-p2->X)*(p1->X-p2->X)+(p1->Y-p2->Y)*(p1->Y-p2->Y)+(p1->Z-p2->Z)*(p1->Z-p2->Z));
+	}
     inline int numfaces ( ) const 
 	    if (faces[1]) return 2;
@@ -59,6 +115,11 @@ public:
     inline void addface ( BDS_Triangle *f)
+	    if (faces[1])
+	    {
+		printf("Non Manifold model not done yet\n");
+		throw 1;
+	    }
 	    if(faces [0])faces[1] = f;
 	    else faces[0] = f;
@@ -75,8 +136,24 @@ public:
 	if (f == faces[1]) return faces[0];
+    inline void del (BDS_Triangle *t)
+	{
+	    if (faces[0] == t)
+	    {
+		faces[0] = faces[1];
+	    }
+	    else if (faces[1]!=t)
+	    {
+		printf("edge with faces %p %p : cannot delete %p\n",faces[0],faces[1],t);
+		throw;
+	    }
+	    faces [1] = 0;
+	}
+    inline void oppositeof (BDS_Point * oface[2]) const; 
     BDS_Edge ( BDS_Point *A, BDS_Point *B )
-	: g(0)
+	: deleted(false), g(0)
 	    faces[0] = faces[1] = 0;
 	    if (*A < *B) 
@@ -97,90 +174,122 @@ public:
 class BDS_Triangle
+    bool deleted;
+    int ori_first_edge;
     BDS_Edge *e1,*e2,*e3;
+    BDS_Vector N() const ;
     BDS_GeomEntity *g;
-    double NX,NY,NZ;
-    inline bool operator <  ( const BDS_Triangle & other ) const
+    inline void getNodes (BDS_Point *n[3]) const
-	    if (*other.e1 < *e1) return true;
-	    if (*e1 < *other.e1) return false;
-	    if (*other.e2 < *e2) return true;
-	    if (*e2 < *other.e2) return false;
-	    if (*other.e3 < *e3) return true;
-	    return false;
-	}
-    BDS_Triangle ( BDS_Edge *A, BDS_Edge *B, BDS_Edge *C , double nx=0, double ny=0, double nz=0)
-        : g(0),NX(nx),NY(ny),NZ(nz)
-	{	    
-	    if (*A < *B && *A < *C) 
+	    if (ori_first_edge == 1)
-		if (*B < *C) 
-		{
-		    e1=A;
-		    e2=B;
-		    e3=C;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    e1=A;
-		    e2=C;
-		    e3=B;
-		}
-	    }
-	    else if (*B < *A && *B < *C) 
-	    {
-		if (*A < *C) 
-		{
-		    e1=B;
-		    e2=A;
-		    e3=C;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    e1=B;
-		    e2=C;
-		    e3=A;
-		}
+		n[0] = e1->p1;
+		n[1] = e1->p2;
-		if (*A < *B) 
-		{
-		    e1=C;
-		    e2=A;
-		    e3=B;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    e1=C;
-		    e2=B;
-		    e3=A;
-		}
+		n[0] = e1->p2;
+		n[1] = e1->p1;
+	    if (e2->p1 != n[0] && e2->p1 != n[1])n[2] = e2->p1;
+	    else n[2] = e2->p2;
+	}
+    BDS_Triangle ( BDS_Edge *A, BDS_Edge *B, BDS_Edge *C, BDS_Point *first_vertex)
+	: deleted (false) , e1(A),e2(B),e3(C),g(0)
+	{	
+	    if (first_vertex == A->p1) 
+		ori_first_edge = 1;
+	    else  if (first_vertex == A->p2) 
+		ori_first_edge = -1;
+	    else
+		throw;
+class GeomLessThan
+ public:
+    bool operator()(const BDS_GeomEntity* ent1, const BDS_GeomEntity* ent2) const
+	{
+	    return *ent1 < *ent2;
+	}
+class PointLessThan
+ public:
+    bool operator()(const BDS_Point* ent1, const BDS_Point* ent2) const
+	{
+	    return *ent1 < *ent2;
+	}
+class EdgeLessThan
+ public:
+    bool operator()(const BDS_Edge* ent1, const BDS_Edge* ent2) const
+	{
+	    return *ent1 < *ent2;
+	}
+class BDS_Projector 
+ public:
+    virtual bool project ( const double &X, const double &Y, const double &Z, const BDS_Vector & n,
+			   double &Xp, double &Yp, double &Zp ) const = 0;
+class BDS_NoProjector : public  BDS_Projector
+ public:
+    bool project ( const double &X, const double &Y, const double &Z, const BDS_Vector & n,
+		   double &Xp, double &Yp, double &Zp ) const
+	{
+	    Xp = X;
+	    Yp = Y;
+	    Zp = Z;
+	    return true;
+	}
+class BDS_BDSProjector : public  BDS_Projector
+    BDS_Mesh &m;
+ public:
+    BDS_BDSProjector (BDS_Mesh &_m) : m(_m){}
+    bool project ( const double &X, const double &Y, const double &Z, const BDS_Vector & n,
+		   double &Xp, double &Yp, double &Zp ) const;
 class BDS_Mesh 
-    std::set<BDS_GeomEntity> geom; 
-    std::set<BDS_Point>      points; 
-    std::set<BDS_Edge>       edges; 
-    std::set<BDS_Triangle>   triangles; 
-    void add_point (int num , double x, double y,double z);
-    void add_edge  (int p1, int p2);
+    std::set<BDS_GeomEntity*,GeomLessThan> geom; 
+    std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>     points; 
+    std::set<BDS_Edge*, EdgeLessThan>      edges; 
+    std::set<BDS_Edge*>                    edges_to_delete; 
+    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>   triangles; 
+    BDS_Point * add_point (int num , double x, double y,double z);
+    BDS_Edge  * add_edge  (int p1, int p2);
+    void del_edge  (BDS_Edge *e);
     void add_triangle  (int p1, int p2, int p3);
+    void del_triangle  (BDS_Triangle *t);
     void add_triangle  (int p1, int p2, int p3, double nx, double ny, double nz);
     void add_geom  (int degree, int tag);
     BDS_Point *find_point (int num);
     BDS_Edge  *find_edge (int p1, int p2);
-  BDS_GeomEntity *get_geom  (int p1, int p2);
-//    bool swap_edge ( BDS_Edge *);
-//    bool collapse_edge ( BDS_Edge *);
-//    bool split_edge ( BDS_Edge *, double coord);
+    BDS_Edge  *find_edge (BDS_Point *p1, BDS_Point *p2, BDS_Triangle *t)const;
+    BDS_GeomEntity *get_geom  (int p1, int p2);
+    bool swap_edge ( BDS_Edge *);
+    bool collapse_edge ( BDS_Edge *, BDS_Point*, const BDS_Projector &);
+    bool smooth_point ( BDS_Point*, const BDS_Projector &);
+    bool split_edge ( BDS_Edge *, double coord, const BDS_Projector &);
     void save_gmsh_format (const char *filename);
     void classify ( double angle);
+    BDS_Mesh() :  MAXPOINTNUMBER (0){}
+    virtual ~BDS_Mesh ();
+    void adapt_mesh(double, const BDS_Projector &);
+    void cleanup();
diff --git a/Mesh/DiscreteSurface.cpp b/Mesh/DiscreteSurface.cpp
index 346c74af6439b96ab6c51fba5b57015a4045d07b..a83f4d6d2631cf21ec7fa31a778539570dfdd0b2 100644
--- a/Mesh/DiscreteSurface.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/DiscreteSurface.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: DiscreteSurface.cpp,v 1.7 2005-04-11 08:53:15 remacle Exp $
+// $Id: DiscreteSurface.cpp,v 1.8 2005-04-15 14:32:40 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2005 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ void Mesh_To_BDS(Surface *s, BDS_Mesh *m)
 void POLY_rep_To_Mesh(POLY_rep *prep, Surface *s)
+    printf ("compareposition : %22.15e\n",CTX.lc);
   VertexBound = Tree_Create(sizeof(Vertex *), comparePosition);
   Tree_Action(THEM->Vertices, InsertInVertexBound);
@@ -379,6 +380,7 @@ void STLEndSolid()
     Tree_Add(THEM->Surfaces, &STL_Surf);
     Tree_Action(VertexBound, Free_Vertex);
@@ -545,6 +547,7 @@ double SetLC(Vertex *v1, Vertex *v2, double factor)
 void SEGM_rep_To_Mesh(SEGM_rep *srep, Curve *c)
   VertexBound = Tree_Create(sizeof(Vertex *), comparePosition);
   Tree_Action(THEM->Vertices, InsertInVertexBound);
@@ -610,8 +613,24 @@ int MeshDiscreteSurface(Surface *s)
     // hope for the best.
     POLY_rep_To_Mesh(s->thePolyRep, s);
     BDS_Mesh bds;
+    BDS_NoProjector nop;
-    bds.classify ( M_PI / 9 );
+    bds.save_gmsh_format ( "1.msh" );
+    bds.classify ( M_PI / 6 );
+    bds.save_gmsh_format ( "2.msh" );
+    try{
+	for (int i=0;i<15;i++)
+	{
+	    bds.adapt_mesh (CTX.lc/30 , nop );
+	    printf("%d \n",i);
+	}
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+	printf("coucou\n");
+    }
+    bds.save_gmsh_format ( "3.msh" );
     return 1;
   else if(s->Typ == MSH_SURF_DISCRETE){
diff --git a/Mesh/Makefile b/Mesh/Makefile
index 417dc5f10ecdef230931e02a73b819b8bd5d787c..63b9a83b9ef9838d0fb0b454b4066a8ad478174b 100644
--- a/Mesh/Makefile
+++ b/Mesh/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.81 2005-04-12 17:05:39 geuzaine Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.82 2005-04-15 14:32:40 remacle Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 1997-2005 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ ${LIB}: ${OBJ}
 	${RANLIB} ${LIB}
-	${CXX} ${CFLAGS} -c $<
+	${CXX} ${CFLAGS} -c -pg $<
 # Don't optimize 3D_Mesh: it sometimes mysteriously crashes on Linux
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ depend:
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Utils.h \
-  Create.h 2D_Mesh.h ../Common/Context.h Interpolation.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Utils.h Vertex.h Create.h 2D_Mesh.h ../Common/Context.h Interpolation.h
 2D_Transfinite.o: 2D_Transfinite.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ depend:
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h
 2D_BGMesh.o: 2D_BGMesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -196,21 +196,22 @@ depend:
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
   ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  Interpolation.h 2D_Mesh.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
+  Interpolation.h Vertex.h Mesh.h 2D_Mesh.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
 2D_Mesh_Aniso.o: 2D_Mesh_Aniso.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  Interpolation.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Interpolation.h Vertex.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
 2D_Mesh_Triangle.o: 2D_Mesh_Triangle.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h \
   ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h \
   ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \
   Element.h Simplex.h Face.h Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h ../Common/SmoothNormals.h \
-  Metric.h Matrix.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Common/Context.h
+  Metric.h Matrix.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Common/Context.h \
+  ../Triangle/triangle.h
 3D_Mesh.o: 3D_Mesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -237,16 +238,16 @@ depend:
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h Create.h Vertex.h
 3D_Extrude_Old.o: 3D_Extrude_Old.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h Create.h Vertex.h
 3D_Coherence.o: 3D_Coherence.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
@@ -270,8 +271,9 @@ depend:
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Mesh.h Vertex.h Element.h Simplex.h \
   Face.h Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h DiscreteSurface.h \
   ../Common/VertexArray.h ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h \
-  Create.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Common/Context.h
-BDS.o: BDS.cpp BDS.h
+  Create.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Common/Context.h \
+  ../Netgen/libsrc/interface/nglib.h ../Netgen/nglib_addon.h
+BDS.o: BDS.cpp BDS.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h
 MeshQuality.o: MeshQuality.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -284,8 +286,8 @@ Create.o: Create.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Utils.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Utils.h Vertex.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h
 Generator.o: Generator.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -300,23 +302,24 @@ Print_Mesh.o: Print_Mesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Create.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Create.h Vertex.h ../Common/Context.h
 Read_Mesh.o: Read_Mesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
   ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h \
   ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h 3D_Mesh.h \
-  Create.h ../Geo/MinMax.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  3D_Mesh.h Create.h Vertex.h ../Geo/MinMax.h ../Common/Context.h
 DiscreteSurface.o: DiscreteSurface.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h \
   ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h \
   ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h Vertex.h Element.h Simplex.h Face.h Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
-  Create.h Interpolation.h ../Common/Context.h BDS.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
+  ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Geo/Geo.h Create.h Interpolation.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h BDS.h
 SwapEdge.o: SwapEdge.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -329,29 +332,30 @@ Utils.o: Utils.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  Interpolation.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Interpolation.h Vertex.h ../Common/Context.h
 Metric.o: Metric.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Face.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h \
   ../Mesh/DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  Interpolation.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h \
+  Matrix.h Interpolation.h Vertex.h
 Nurbs.o: Nurbs.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Nurbs.h Vertex.h Mesh.h Element.h \
   Simplex.h Face.h Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h DiscreteSurface.h \
   ../Common/VertexArray.h ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h \
-  ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/GeoUtils.h Create.h ../Geo/CAD.h
+  ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/GeoUtils.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h Create.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
+  ../Mesh/Vertex.h
 Interpolation.o: Interpolation.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   Nurbs.h Vertex.h Mesh.h Element.h Simplex.h Face.h Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h DiscreteSurface.h ../Common/VertexArray.h \
-  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h Utils.h \
-  Interpolation.h
+  ../Common/SmoothNormals.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
+  ../Mesh/Vertex.h Utils.h Interpolation.h
 SecondOrder.o: SecondOrder.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \