From c554930902c633e3c1abcb8f20a6c19323d8850b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Geuzaine <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 14:37:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 Mesh/meshGFace.cpp         |  8 +++--
 benchmarks/2d/function.geo | 70 +++++++++-----------------------------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
index c50a966236..206f3f4c06 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
@@ -359,7 +359,9 @@ static bool gmsh2DMeshGenerator(GFace *gf, int RECUR_ITER, bool debug = true)
   if (all_vertices.size() < 3){
-    Msg::Warning("Mesh Generation of Model Face %d Skipped : Only %d Mesh Vertices on The Contours",gf->tag(),all_vertices.size());
+    Msg::Warning("Mesh Generation of Model Face %d Skipped: "
+		 "Only %d Mesh Vertices on The Contours",
+		 gf->tag(), all_vertices.size());
     gf->meshStatistics.status = GFace::DONE;
     return true;
@@ -1322,7 +1324,7 @@ void meshGFace::operator() (GFace *gf)
     algo = "MeshAdapt+Delaunay";
   Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "Meshing surface %d (%s, %s)", 
-      gf->tag(), gf->getTypeString().c_str(), algo);
+		 gf->tag(), gf->getTypeString().c_str(), algo);
   // compute loops on the fly (indices indicate start and end points
   // of a loop; loops are not yet oriented)
@@ -1343,7 +1345,7 @@ void meshGFace::operator() (GFace *gf)
   //  gmshQMorph(gf);
   Msg::Debug("Type %d %d triangles generated, %d internal vertices",
-      gf->geomType(), gf->triangles.size(), gf->mesh_vertices.size());
+	     gf->geomType(), gf->triangles.size(), gf->mesh_vertices.size());
 template<class T>
diff --git a/benchmarks/2d/function.geo b/benchmarks/2d/function.geo
index 896c924d9d..ade6a48753 100644
--- a/benchmarks/2d/function.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/2d/function.geo
@@ -1,55 +1,19 @@
-x = 0;
-y = 0;
-r = 1;
-theloop = 0;
-Function myCircle
-  p1 = newp;
-  Point (p1) = {x,y,0,0.4};
-  p2 = newp;
-  Point (p2) = {r+x,y,0,0.4};
-  p3 = newp;
-  Point (p3) = {x,r+y,0,0.4};
-  p4 = newp;
-  Point (p4) = {-r+x,y,0,0.4};
-  p5 = newp;
-  Point (p5) = {x,-r+y,0,0.4};
-  c1 = newreg;
-  Circle (c1) = {p2,p1,p3};
-  c2 = newreg;
-  Circle (c2) = {p3,p1,p4};
-  c3 = newreg;
-  Circle (c3) = {p4,p1,p5};
-  c4 = newreg;
-  Circle (c4) = {p5,p1,p2};
-  theloop = newreg;
-  Line Loop (theloop) = {c1,c2,c3,c4};
-x = 2;
-y = 2;
-Call myCircle;
-/*loop,x,y and r should be parameters*/
-loop1 = theloop;
-x = -2;
-y = 2;
-Call myCircle;
-loop2 = theloop;
-x = 2;
-y = -2;
-Call myCircle;
-loop3 = theloop;
-x = -2;
-y = -2;
-Call myCircle;
-loop4 = theloop;
-r = 5;
-x = 0;
-y = 0;
-Call myCircle;
-loop5 = theloop;
-Plane Surface(newreg) = {loop5,loop4,loop3,loop2,loop1};
+lc = .1;
+Point(1) = {0.0,0.0,0,lc};
+Point(2) = {1,0.0,0,lc};
+Point(3) = {1,1,0,lc};
+Point(4) = {0,1,0,lc};
+Line(1) = {3,2};
+Line(2) = {2,1};
+Line(3) = {1,4};
+Line(4) = {4,3};
+Point(55) = {0.2,.5,0,lc};
+Line Loop(5) = {1,2,3,4};
+Plane Surface(6) = {5};
+Field[1] = Attractor;
+Field[1].NodesList = {55};
+Field[2] = MathEval;
+Field[2].F = "(F1+0.025)^2";
+Background Field = 2;