diff --git a/Plugin/CMakeLists.txt b/Plugin/CMakeLists.txt
index b93ce557b7ed5973db18ef7ee3a390a6a5ed1c9b..4af19054c1cb0fbb97c9d82f5d7961ad3ed6b6b4 100644
--- a/Plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Plugin/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ set(SRC
   SimplePartition.cpp Crack.cpp
+  FaultZone.cpp
diff --git a/Plugin/FaultZone.cpp b/Plugin/FaultZone.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ae32aa5dc42a70f58c81eb78a9cee50cc236408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/FaultZone.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2013 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Numeric.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "GmshMessage.h"
+#include "FaultZone.h"
+#include "Geo.h"
+#include "GModel.h"
+#include "SVector3.h"
+#include "GEdge.h"
+#include "GFace.h"
+#include "discreteFace.h"
+#include "MVertex.h"
+#include "MElement.h"
+#include "MQuadrangle.h"
+StringXNumber FaultZoneOptions_Number[] = {
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "SurfaceTag", NULL, 1},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Thickness", NULL, 0.},
+StringXString FaultZoneOptions_String[] = {
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Prefix", NULL, "FAMI_"},
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterFaultZonePlugin()
+  {
+    return new GMSH_FaultZonePlugin();
+  }
+std::string GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::getHelp() const
+  return "Plugin(FaultZone) convert all the embedded lines of an existing surfacic mesh to flat quadrangles. "
+         "Flat quadrangles represent joint elements suitable to model a fault zone with Code_Aster."
+         "\n\n"
+         "`SurfaceTag' must be an existing plane surface containing embedded lines. "
+         "Embedded lines must have been added to the surface via the command Line {} In Surface {}. "
+         "The surface must be meshed with quadratic incomplete elements."
+         "\n\n"
+         "`Thickness' is the thichness of the flat quadrangles. "
+         "Set a value different to zero can be helpfull to check the connectivity. "
+         "\n\n"
+         "`Prefix' is the prefix of the name of physicals containing the new embedded. "
+         "All physicals containing embedded lines are replaced by physicals containing the coresponding joint elements.";
+int GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::getNbOptions() const
+  return sizeof(FaultZoneOptions_Number) / sizeof(StringXNumber);
+StringXNumber *GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::getOption(int iopt)
+  return &FaultZoneOptions_Number[iopt];
+int GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::getNbOptionsStr() const
+  return sizeof(FaultZoneOptions_String) / sizeof(StringXString);
+StringXString *GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::getOptionStr(int iopt)
+  return &FaultZoneOptions_String[iopt];
+ * \brief Execute the pluggin FaultZone
+ */
+PView *GMSH_FaultZonePlugin::execute(PView *view)
+  int tag = (int)FaultZoneOptions_Number[0].def;
+  double eps = (double)FaultZoneOptions_Number[1].def;
+  std::string prefix = FaultZoneOptions_String[0].def;
+  // controls
+  GModel *gModel = GModel::current();
+  GFace *gFace = gModel->getFaceByTag(tag);
+  if (!gFace){
+    Msg::Error("Face %d does not exist or was not meshed",tag);
+    return view;
+  }
+  if (!gFace->embeddedEdges().size()){
+    Msg::Error("No line to treat in this surface");
+    return view;
+  }
+  std::list< GEdge* > embeddedEdges = gFace->embeddedEdges();
+  std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator itl;
+  for(itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl)
+    if ((*itl)->length() != 0) break;
+  if (itl == embeddedEdges.end()){
+    Msg::Error("No line to treat in this surface");
+    Msg::Error("The plugin FaultZone may have been already run for this surface. Reload your geometry");
+    return view;
+  }
+  for(itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl)
+    if ((*itl)->geomType() != GEntity::Line) break;
+  if (itl != embeddedEdges.end()){
+    Msg::Error("All the embedded edges must be straight lines");
+    return view;
+  }
+  for(itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl){
+    Curve* c = FindCurve((*itl)->tag());
+    if (c && List_Nbr(c->Control_Points) > 2) break;
+  }
+  if (itl != embeddedEdges.end()){
+    Msg::Error("The embedded edges must not contain control points");
+    return view;
+  }
+  for(itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl){
+    GEdge* gEdge = *itl;
+    unsigned int i = 0;
+    for(; i < gEdge->getNumMeshElements(); i++)
+      if (gEdge->getMeshElement(i)->getNumVertices() == 3) break;
+    if (i == gEdge->getNumMeshElements()) break;
+  }
+  if (itl != embeddedEdges.end()){
+    Msg::Error("The mesh must be order 2");
+    return view;
+  }
+  // end of controls
+  GMSH_FaultZoneMesher faultZoneMesher;
+  faultZoneMesher.RetriveFissuresInfos(gFace);
+  faultZoneMesher.DuplicateNodes();
+  faultZoneMesher.ComputeHeavisideFunction();
+  faultZoneMesher.CreateJointElements(gModel, gFace, prefix);
+  faultZoneMesher.ModifyElementsConnectivity(gFace);
+  if (eps)
+    faultZoneMesher.ModifyJointNodePosition(eps/2);
+  CTX::instance()->mesh.changed = ENT_ALL;
+  return view;
+ * \brief retirive fissures (embedded edges) infos in maps.
+ * this function fills in the following set and maps :
+ *     _jointElements,
+ *     _fissureByHeavNode,
+ *     _vectNormByFissure,
+ *     _fissuresByJunctionNode,
+ *     _vectsTanByJunctionNode,
+ *     _connectedElements
+ */
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::RetriveFissuresInfos(GFace* gFace){
+  std::list< GEdge* > embeddedEdges = gFace->embeddedEdges();
+  std::list< GEdge* > edges = gFace->edges();
+  // set with all the MVertex of the fissures
+  std::set < MVertex* > allFissuresVertices;
+  for(std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl){
+    GEdge *gEdge = *itl;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gEdge->getNumMeshVertices(); i++){
+      allFissuresVertices.insert(gEdge->getMeshVertex(i));
+    }
+    allFissuresVertices.insert(gEdge->getBeginVertex()->getMeshVertex(0));
+    allFissuresVertices.insert(gEdge->getEndVertex()->getMeshVertex(0));
+  }
+  // set with all quadratic MVertex of the fissures connected to the surface  
+  std::set < MVertex* > allConnectedQuadraticVertices;
+  // fill _connectedElements
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gFace->getNumMeshElements(); i++){
+    MElement *mElem = gFace->getMeshElement(i);
+    for (int j = 0; j < mElem->getNumVertices(); j++){
+      MVertex *mVert = mElem->getVertex(j);
+      std::set < MVertex* >::iterator its = allFissuresVertices.find( mVert );
+      if (its != allFissuresVertices.end()){
+        _connectedElements.insert(mElem);
+        if (mVert->getPolynomialOrder() == 2)
+          allConnectedQuadraticVertices.insert( mVert );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // for the generatrices
+  for(std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator itl = edges.begin();itl != edges.end(); ++itl){
+    GEdge *gEdge = *itl;
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gEdge->getNumMeshElements(); i++){
+      MElement *mElem = gEdge->getMeshElement(i);
+      for (int j = 0; j < mElem->getNumVertices(); j++){
+        MVertex *mVert = mElem->getVertex(j);
+        std::set < MVertex* >::iterator its = allFissuresVertices.find( mVert );
+        if (its != allFissuresVertices.end()){
+          _connectedElements.insert(mElem);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl){
+    GEdge *gEdge = *itl;
+    if (gEdge->length() == 0)// nothing to do if there is no element
+      continue;
+    MVertex *mVertexBegin = gEdge->getBeginVertex()->getMeshVertex(0);
+    MVertex *mVertexEnd = gEdge->getEndVertex()->getMeshVertex(0);
+    SPoint3 pointBegin = gEdge->getBeginVertex()->xyz();
+    SPoint3 pointEnd = gEdge->getEndVertex()->xyz();
+    SVector3 vectTanBegin = SVector3(pointEnd, pointBegin);
+    SVector3 vectTanEnd = SVector3(pointBegin, pointEnd);
+    SVector3 vectNorm  = crossprod(vectZ , vectTanEnd);
+    vectTanBegin.normalize();
+    vectTanEnd.normalize();
+    double norm = vectNorm.normalize();
+    assert(norm);
+    // fill _jointElements and _fissureByHeavNode
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gEdge->getNumMeshElements(); i++){
+      MElement *mElem = gEdge->getMeshElement(i);
+      assert(mElem->getNumVertices() == 3);
+      elementsIt its;
+      for (its = _jointElements.begin(); its != _jointElements.end(); its++){
+        assert((*its)->getNumVertices() == 3);
+        // the MElements are considered the same if the quadratic node is the same
+        if ((*its)->getVertex(2) == mElem->getVertex(2)){
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (its != _jointElements.end()){
+        Msg::Warning("Element edge %d appears in a second GEntity", mElem->getNum());
+        continue;
+      }
+      // the MElements are considered connected if the quadratic node is connected
+      std::set < MVertex* >::iterator its2 = allConnectedQuadraticVertices.find( mElem->getVertex(2) );
+      if (its2 == allConnectedQuadraticVertices.end()){
+        Msg::Warning("Element edge %d seams to be not connected, it will be ignored", mElem->getNum());
+        continue;
+      }
+      _jointElements.insert(mElem);
+      for(int j = 0; j < mElem->getNumVertices(); j++){
+        MVertex *mVert = mElem->getVertex(j);
+        _fissureByHeavNode[mVert] = gEdge;
+      }
+    }
+    // fill _vectNormByFissure
+    _vectNormByFissure[gEdge] = vectNorm;
+    // fill _fissuresByJunctionNode and _vectsTanByJunctionNode
+    std::map < MVertex* , GEdge* >::iterator itm = _fissureByHeavNode.find(mVertexBegin);
+    if (itm != _fissureByHeavNode.end()){
+      _fissuresByJunctionNode[mVertexBegin].push_back(gEdge);
+      _vectsTanByJunctionNode[mVertexBegin].push_back( vectTanBegin );
+      _fissureByHeavNode.erase(mVertexBegin);
+    }
+    itm = _fissureByHeavNode.find(mVertexEnd);
+    if (itm != _fissureByHeavNode.end()){
+      _fissuresByJunctionNode[mVertexEnd].push_back( gEdge );
+      _vectsTanByJunctionNode[mVertexEnd].push_back( vectTanEnd );
+      _fissureByHeavNode.erase(mVertexEnd);
+    }
+  }
+ * \brief vectZ
+ */
+const SVector3 GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::vectZ = SVector3(0,0,1);
+ * \brief duplicates nodes of the embedded edges to model the joints
+ * this function fills in the following maps :
+ *     _vectsTanByTipNode;
+ *     _nodeByHeavNode;
+ *     _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode;
+ *     _nodesByJunctionNode;
+ * 
+ * The new nodes are not yet associated to a GEntity. The association
+ * will be done in the CreateJointElements function.
+ */
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::DuplicateNodes(){
+  // fill _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode and _nodesByJunctionNode
+  for(std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<GEdge*> >::iterator itm=_fissuresByJunctionNode.begin();itm != _fissuresByJunctionNode.end();){
+    MVertex *mVert = itm->first;
+    std::vector < GEdge* > fissures = itm->second;
+    unsigned int nbFiss = fissures.size();
+    if (nbFiss == 1){ // if only one fissure, the node will be treated in _fissureByHeavNode
+      _fissureByHeavNode[mVert] = fissures.front();
+      _vectsTanByTipNode[mVert] = _vectsTanByJunctionNode[mVert][0];
+      _vectsTanByJunctionNode.erase(mVert);
+      _fissuresByJunctionNode.erase(itm++);
+    }
+    else{
+      std::vector < MVertex* > mVertices;
+      mVertices.push_back(mVert);
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbFiss-1; i++){
+        MVertex *mVertJonc = new MVertex(mVert->x(), mVert->y(), mVert->z());
+        mVertices.push_back(mVertJonc);
+      }
+      _nodesByJunctionNode[mVert] = mVertices;
+      MVertex *mVertJoint = new MVertex(mVert->x(), mVert->y(), mVert->z());
+      mVertJoint->setPolynomialOrder(2);
+      _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode[mVert] = mVertJoint;
+      itm++;
+    }
+  }
+  // fill _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode and _nodeByHeavNode
+  for(std::map<MVertex*,GEdge*>::iterator itm=_fissureByHeavNode.begin();itm != _fissureByHeavNode.end(); itm++){
+    MVertex *mVert = itm->first;
+    if (mVert->getPolynomialOrder() == 1){
+      MVertex *mVertJoint;
+      mVertJoint = new MVertex(mVert->x(), mVert->y(), mVert->z());
+      mVertJoint->setPolynomialOrder(2);
+      _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode[mVert] = mVertJoint;
+    }
+    MVertex *mVertHeav;
+    mVertHeav = new MVertex(mVert->x(), mVert->y(), mVert->z());
+    _nodeByHeavNode[mVert] = mVertHeav;
+  }
+ * \brief compute Heaviside function for junction nodes
+ * this function fills in the following maps :
+ *     _heavFuncByJunctionNode;
+ * 
+ * The _heavFuncByJunctionNode map is used to determinate from which
+ * domain the junction nodes contained in _nodesByJunctionNode are
+ * associated. A domain is characterised by the Heaviside values of
+ * the corresponding level set where the iso-zeros describe the fissures.
+ * Each term can be +1 (upper the fissure), -1 (under the fissure),
+ * 0 (undeterminate, can be upper or under).
+ */
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::ComputeHeavisideFunction(){
+  for (std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<GEdge*> >::iterator itm = _fissuresByJunctionNode.begin(); itm != _fissuresByJunctionNode.end(); itm++){
+    MVertex *mVert = itm->first;
+    std::vector < GEdge* > fissures = itm->second;
+    unsigned int size = fissures.size();
+    assert(size >= 2);
+    std::vector < SVector3 > vectsTan = _vectsTanByJunctionNode[mVert];
+    assert(vectsTan.size() == size);
+    std::vector < SVector3 > vectsNor;
+    for (std::vector<GEdge*>::iterator itl = fissures.begin(); itl != fissures.end(); itl++){
+      vectsNor.push_back(_vectNormByFissure[*itl]);
+    }
+    assert(vectsNor.size() == size);
+    std::vector < std::vector< int> > heavFunc;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i < size; i++){
+      std::vector < int > heav(size, 0);
+      if (i == 0){
+        heavFunc.insert(heavFunc.begin(), heav);
+        continue;
+      }
+      // found from which side of fissure i, the precedent fissures are placed
+      // upper = 1, under = -1, both = 0
+      bool upper = false;
+      bool under = false;
+      for (unsigned int j=0; j<i; j++){
+        double lsn = -dot(vectsNor[i], vectsTan[j]);
+        upper = (upper || lsn > 0);
+        under = (under || lsn < 0);
+      }
+      if (!under) heav[i] = 1;
+      if (under && !upper) heav[i] = -1;
+      // compute the heaviside functions of the precedent fissures for a point located on fissure i
+      for (unsigned int j=0; j < i;j++){
+        double lsn = -dot(vectsNor[j], vectsTan[i]);
+        if (lsn == 0){
+          lsn = dot(vectsNor[j], vectsNor[i])*heav[i];
+        }
+        heav[j] = sign(lsn);
+      }
+      if (heav[i] != 0){
+        // add the new domain on the side where the precedent fissure are
+        //
+        //                                        Fissure2
+        //                    Fissure1            /
+        //                          \            /
+        //                           \          /
+        //                            \        /
+        //             new domain      `.     /
+        //                               \   /
+        //                                \ /
+        // Fissure3 -----------------------+
+        //
+        heavFunc.insert(heavFunc.begin(), heav);
+      }
+      else{
+        // find the domain where the fissure i is and duplicates it with value -1 and +1 for the fissure i
+        //
+        //                                       Fissure1
+        //                                       /
+        //              found domain            /
+        //              with value +1          /
+        //                                    /
+        //                                   /
+        //                 +                /
+        // Fissure3 -----------------------;
+        //                 -                `._
+        //                                     `.
+        //                                       `.
+        //               found domain              `._
+        //               with value -1                `.
+        //                                             Fissure2
+        //
+        bool isDomain = false;
+        for (unsigned int j=0; j < i;j++){
+          isDomain = compareHeav(heavFunc[j], heav);
+          if (isDomain){
+            heavFunc.insert(heavFunc.begin()+j, heavFunc[j]);
+            heavFunc[j][i] = -1;
+            heavFunc[j+1][i] = 1;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        assert(isDomain);
+      }
+    }
+    _heavFuncByJunctionNode[mVert] = heavFunc;
+  }
+ * \brief Return the value of the heaviside function associated to mVert evaluated
+ * on point sPoint.
+ */
+std::vector < int > GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::HeavisideFunc(MVertex* mVert, SPoint3& sPoint){
+  SVector3 vectPoint = SVector3(mVert->point(), sPoint);
+  double norm = vectPoint.normalize();
+  assert(norm);
+  if (_nodeByHeavNode.find( mVert ) != _nodeByHeavNode.end()){// if it is a pure heaviside node
+    std::vector < int > heav(1, 0);
+    SVector3 vectNorm = _vectNormByFissure[_fissureByHeavNode[mVert]];
+    double lsn = dot(vectPoint, vectNorm);
+    if (lsn == 0){
+      // verify the point is outside the fissure
+      assert(_vectsTanByTipNode.find( mVert ) != _vectsTanByTipNode.end());
+      SVector3 vectTan = _vectsTanByTipNode[mVert];
+      assert(dot(vectPoint, vectTan) > 0);
+    }
+    heav[0] = sign(lsn);
+    return heav;
+  }
+  else if (_nodesByJunctionNode.find( mVert ) != _nodesByJunctionNode.end()){ // if it is a junction node
+    std::vector < GEdge* > fissures = _fissuresByJunctionNode[mVert];
+    unsigned int size = fissures.size();
+    std::vector < int > heav(size, 0);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i < size; i++){
+      SVector3 vectNorm = _vectNormByFissure[fissures[i]];
+      double lsn = dot(vectPoint, vectNorm);
+      if (fabs(lsn) > 1e-12) // tolerance seem to be ok
+        heav[i] = sign(lsn);
+    }
+    return heav;
+  }
+  else// if it is not a heaviside node
+    assert(false);
+ * \brief create joint Elements. For each element in the embedded edges,
+ * a corresponding face element is created, based on the nodes of the edge element.
+ * additionnal nodes are picked in the _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode,
+ * _nodeByHeavNode and _nodesByJunctionNode maps. In case of _nodesByJunctionNode,
+ * the _heavFuncByJunctionNode map is used to determinate the corresponding node.
+ * 
+ * this function also replace physical edges containning the embedded edges by
+ * new corresponding physical faces
+ */
+ //================================================================================
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::CreateJointElements(GModel* gModel, GFace* gFace, std::string prefix){
+  std::list< GEdge * > embeddedEdges = gFace->embeddedEdges();
+  std::map < int , int > discreteFaceEntityByEmbeddedEdgeEntity;
+  for(std::list<GEdge*>::const_iterator itl = embeddedEdges.begin();itl != embeddedEdges.end(); ++itl){
+    GEdge *gEdge = *itl;
+    if (gEdge->length() == 0)// nothing to do if there is no element
+      continue;
+    // creation of a new GFace
+    GFace *jointFace = new discreteFace(gModel, gModel->getMaxElementaryNumber(2) + 1);
+    discreteFaceEntityByEmbeddedEdgeEntity[gEdge->tag()] = jointFace->tag();
+    gModel->add(jointFace);
+    // for each MElement in the GEdge, a new MElement is created and inserted in GFace
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gEdge->getNumMeshElements(); i++){
+      MElement *mElem = gEdge->getMeshElement(i);
+      elementsIt its = _jointElements.find(mElem);
+      if (its == _jointElements.end())
+        continue;
+      SPoint3 bary = mElem->barycenter();
+      std::vector <MVertex*> mVerts(8, NULL);
+      // retriving MVertices to create the new MElement
+      for(int j = 0; j < mElem->getNumVertices(); j++){
+        MVertex *mVert = mElem->getVertex(j);
+        if (j<2) // adding intern node
+          mVerts[_numNodeJoint[j]] = _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode[mVert];
+        if (_nodeByHeavNode.find( mVert ) != _nodeByHeavNode.end()){
+          // adding upper and under nodes
+          mVerts[_numNodeHeavInf[j]] = mVert;
+          mVerts[_numNodeHeavSup[j]] = _nodeByHeavNode[mVert];
+        }
+        else{
+          std::vector < int > heav = HeavisideFunc(mVert, bary);
+          unsigned int size = heav.size();
+          assert(size > 1);
+          std::vector < GEdge* > fissures = _fissuresByJunctionNode[mVert];
+          assert (fissures.size() == size);
+          std::vector <std::vector< int > > heavFunc = _heavFuncByJunctionNode[mVert];
+          assert (heavFunc.size() == size);
+          std::vector < MVertex*> nodes = _nodesByJunctionNode[mVert];
+          assert (nodes.size() == size);
+          unsigned int k;
+          for (k=0; k < size; k++){
+            if (fissures[k]->tag() == gEdge->tag())
+              break;
+          }
+          assert(k < size);
+          // adding under node
+          heav[k] = -1;
+          mVerts[_numNodeHeavInf[j]] = nodes[findMatchingHeav(heavFunc, heav)];
+          // adding upper node
+          heav[k] =  1;
+          mVerts[_numNodeHeavSup[j]] = nodes[findMatchingHeav(heavFunc, heav)];
+        }
+      }
+      // association of the MVertices (created in function DuplicateNodes) to the new GEntity (created here)
+      for(int j =0; j<8; j++){
+        MVertex *mVert = mVerts[j];
+        assert(mVert!= NULL);
+        if (mVert->onWhat() == 0){
+          mVert->setEntity(jointFace);
+          jointFace->addMeshVertex(mVert);
+        }
+      }
+      // creation of the new MElement and push into the new GEntity
+      MQuadrangle8* mQuad8 = new MQuadrangle8(mVerts[0], mVerts[1], mVerts[2], mVerts[3],
+                                              mVerts[4], mVerts[5], mVerts[6], mVerts[7]);
+      jointFace->quadrangles.push_back(mQuad8);
+    }
+    // hide gEdge and set lenght to zero to detect that this edge was treated
+    gEdge->setVisibility(0);
+    gEdge->setLength(0);
+  }
+  // replace physical edges by physical surfaces
+  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(gModel->getGEOInternals()->PhysicalGroups); i++){
+    PhysicalGroup *p = *(PhysicalGroup**)List_Pointer
+      (GModel::current()->getGEOInternals()->PhysicalGroups, i);
+    if(p->Typ == MSH_PHYSICAL_LINE){
+      List_T *faceEntities = List_Create(2, 1, sizeof(int));
+      for(int j = 0; j < List_Nbr(p->Entities); j++){
+        int num;
+        List_Read(p->Entities, j, &num);
+        std::map < int ,int >::iterator itm = discreteFaceEntityByEmbeddedEdgeEntity.find(num);
+        if (itm != discreteFaceEntityByEmbeddedEdgeEntity.end()){
+          List_Add(faceEntities, &itm->second);
+        }
+      }
+      if (List_Nbr(faceEntities) > 0){
+        std::stringstream sufix;
+        sufix << p->Num;
+        int num = gModel->setPhysicalName(prefix+sufix.str(), 2, ++GModel::current()->getGEOInternals()->MaxPhysicalNum);
+        PhysicalGroup *pnew = Create_PhysicalGroup(num, MSH_PHYSICAL_SURFACE, faceEntities);
+        List_Add(gModel->getGEOInternals()->PhysicalGroups, &pnew);
+        for(int j = 0; j < List_Nbr(faceEntities); j++){
+          int num;
+          List_Read(faceEntities, j, &num);
+          GFace* gFace = gModel->getFaceByTag(num);
+          gFace->physicals.push_back(pnew->Num);
+        }
+        List_Remove(gModel->getGEOInternals()->PhysicalGroups, i);
+        gModel->deletePhysicalGroup(1, p->Num);
+        i-=1;
+      }
+      List_Delete(faceEntities);
+    }
+  }
+ * \brief corresponding quad8 node number to seg3 node number for under side
+ */
+const int GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::_numNodeHeavInf[3] = {0, 1, 4};
+ * \brief corresponding quad8 node number to seg3 node number for upper side
+ */
+const int GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::_numNodeHeavSup[3] = {3, 2, 6};
+ * \brief corresponding quad8 node number to seg3 node number for middle side
+ */
+const int GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::_numNodeJoint[2]   = {7, 5};
+ * \brief modify the connectivity of face elements connected to the joint elements
+ * to take into account the duplicates nodes. Nodes are picked in the _nodeByHeavNode
+ * and _nodesByJunctionNode maps. In case of _nodesByJunctionNode, the
+ * _heavFuncByJunctionNode map is used to determinate the corresponding node.
+ */
+ //================================================================================
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::ModifyElementsConnectivity(GFace* gFace){
+  // modif connectivity in _connectedElements
+  for(elementsIt its = _connectedElements.begin();its != _connectedElements.end(); ++its){
+    MElement *mElem = *its;
+    SPoint3 bary = mElem->barycenter();
+    std::vector<MVertex*> mVerts;
+    mElem->getVertices(mVerts);
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < mVerts.size(); j++){
+      MVertex *mVert = mVerts[j];
+      if (_nodeByHeavNode.find( mVert ) == _nodeByHeavNode.end() && _nodesByJunctionNode.find( mVert ) == _nodesByJunctionNode.end())
+        continue;
+      std::vector < int > heav = HeavisideFunc(mVert, bary);
+      unsigned int size = heav.size();
+      if (size == 1){ // if it is a pure heaviside node
+        if (heav[0] == 1) // modifying connectivity only if upper side
+          mElem->setVertex(j, _nodeByHeavNode[mVert]);
+      }
+      else{ // if it is a junction node
+        std::vector <std::vector< int > > heavFunc = _heavFuncByJunctionNode[mVert];
+        assert (heavFunc.size() == size);
+        int i = findMatchingHeav(heavFunc, heav);
+        std::vector < MVertex*> nodes = _nodesByJunctionNode[mVert];
+        assert (nodes.size() == size);
+        assert(nodes[i]->onWhat() != 0);
+        mElem->setVertex(j, nodes[i]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * \brief modify node positions of the joint elements with distance eps. This function
+ * is optional, it give a thickness to the joint elements that helps to view the joint
+ * elements appear on the mesh.
+ * Nodes in the _nodeByHeavNode and _nodesByJunctionNode maps are moved.
+ */
+void GMSH_FaultZoneMesher::ModifyJointNodePosition(double eps){
+  // for pure heaviside nodes
+  for (std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*>::iterator itm = _nodeByHeavNode.begin(); itm != _nodeByHeavNode.end(); itm++){
+    // under side
+    MVertex *mVert = itm->first;
+    SVector3 vectNorm = _vectNormByFissure[_fissureByHeavNode[mVert]];
+    vectNorm *= eps;
+    mVert->x() -= vectNorm.x();
+    mVert->y() -= vectNorm.y();
+    mVert->z() -= vectNorm.z();
+    // upper side
+    mVert = itm->second;
+    mVert->x() += vectNorm.x();
+    mVert->y() += vectNorm.y();
+    mVert->z() += vectNorm.z();
+  }
+  // for junction nodes
+  std::map < MVertex*, std::set < MElement* > > connectedElementsByJunctionNode;
+  for (std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >::iterator itm = _nodesByJunctionNode.begin(); itm != _nodesByJunctionNode.end(); itm++){
+    std::vector < MVertex* > nodes = itm->second;
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i< nodes.size(); i++){
+      std::set < MElement* > mElements;
+      connectedElementsByJunctionNode[nodes[i]] = mElements;
+    }
+  }
+  std::map<MVertex*,std::set<MElement*> >::iterator itm;
+  for(elementsIt its = _connectedElements.begin();its != _connectedElements.end(); ++its){
+    MElement *mElem = *its;
+    std::vector<MVertex*> mVerts;
+    mElem->getVertices(mVerts);
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < mVerts.size(); j++){
+      itm = connectedElementsByJunctionNode.find( mVerts[j] );
+      if (itm != connectedElementsByJunctionNode.end()){
+        itm->second.insert(mElem);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (itm = connectedElementsByJunctionNode.begin(); itm != connectedElementsByJunctionNode.end(); itm++){
+    MVertex *mVert = itm->first;
+    SPoint3 point = mVert->point();
+    std::set < MElement* > mElements = itm->second;
+    assert(mElements.size() > 0);
+    SVector3 vect = SVector3(0,0,0);
+    for (std::set < MElement* >::iterator its = mElements.begin(); its != mElements.end(); its++){
+      MElement *mElem = *its;
+      SPoint3 bary = mElem->barycenter();
+      SVector3 vectPointBary = SVector3(point, bary)*fabs(mElem->getVolume());
+      vect += vectPointBary;
+    }
+    vect.normalize();
+    vect *= eps;
+    mVert->x() += vect.x();
+    mVert->y() += vect.y();
+    mVert->z() += vect.z();
+  }
diff --git a/Plugin/FaultZone.h b/Plugin/FaultZone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25eef0364991420cb5480771b08f5aaf66a0bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/FaultZone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2013 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "Plugin.h"
+class SVector3;
+class GEdge;
+class GFace;
+class MVertex;
+class MElement;
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterFaultZonePlugin();
+class GMSH_FaultZonePlugin : public GMSH_PostPlugin{
+ public:
+  GMSH_FaultZonePlugin(){}
+  std::string getName() const { return "FaultZone"; }
+  std::string getShortHelp() const{ return "FaultZone generator"; }
+  std::string getHelp() const;
+  int getNbOptions() const;
+  StringXNumber* getOption(int iopt);
+  int getNbOptionsStr() const;
+  StringXString *getOptionStr(int iopt);  
+  PView* execute(PView*);
+ * \brief This class creates joint elements over the embedded edges of a GFace
+ */
+class GMSH_FaultZoneMesher{
+ public:
+  GMSH_FaultZoneMesher(){}
+  void RetriveFissuresInfos(GFace* gFace);
+  void DuplicateNodes();
+  void ComputeHeavisideFunction();
+  void CreateJointElements(GModel* gModel, GFace* gFace, const std::string prefix);
+  void ModifyElementsConnectivity(GFace* gFace);
+  void ModifyJointNodePosition(const double eps);
+ private:
+  std::set < MElement* > _jointElements;
+  std::map < GEdge* , SVector3 > _vectNormByFissure;
+  std::map < MVertex* , GEdge* > _fissureByHeavNode;
+  std::map < MVertex* , std::vector < GEdge* > > _fissuresByJunctionNode;
+  std::map < MVertex* , std::vector < SVector3 > > _vectsTanByJunctionNode;
+  std::set < MElement* > _connectedElements;
+  typedef std::set<MElement*>::iterator elementsIt;
+  static const SVector3 vectZ;
+  std::map < MVertex* , SVector3 > _vectsTanByTipNode;
+  std::map < MVertex*, MVertex* > _nodeByHeavNode;
+  std::map < MVertex*, MVertex* > _nodeJointByHeavOrJunctionNode;
+  std::map < MVertex*, std::vector < MVertex*> > _nodesByJunctionNode;
+  std::map < MVertex*, std::vector <std::vector< int > > > _heavFuncByJunctionNode;
+  std::vector < int > HeavisideFunc(MVertex* mVert, SPoint3& sPoint);
+  static const int _numNodeHeavInf[3];
+  static const int _numNodeHeavSup[3];
+  static const int _numNodeJoint[2];
+ * \brief Compare two heaviside functions
+ */
+inline bool compareHeav(const std::vector< int > heav1, const std::vector< int > heav2){
+  assert(heav1.size() >= heav2.size());
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i< heav2.size(); i++){
+    if (heav1[i] != 0 and heav1[i] != heav2[i] and heav2[i] != 0){
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+ * \brief Find the matching heaviside function heav, in the vector heavFunc
+ */
+inline int findMatchingHeav(const std::vector< std::vector < int > >& heavFunc, const std::vector< int >& heav){
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i < heavFunc.size();i++){
+    if(compareHeav(heavFunc[i], heav))
+      return i;
+  }
+  assert(false);
diff --git a/Plugin/PluginManager.cpp b/Plugin/PluginManager.cpp
index 1afbfa3757814d3d95365889d26096aa1bcf2bc1..8f7d763a966481cd50b1daa50a495eada62293af 100644
--- a/Plugin/PluginManager.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/PluginManager.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 #include "Scal2Vec.h"
 #include "CutMesh.h"
 #include "NewView.h"
+#include "FaultZone.h"
 // for testing purposes only :-)
@@ -248,6 +249,8 @@ void PluginManager::registerDefaultPlugins()
                       ("SimplePartition", GMSH_RegisterSimplePartitionPlugin()));
     allPlugins.insert(std::pair<std::string, GMSH_Plugin*>
                       ("Crack", GMSH_RegisterCrackPlugin()));
+    allPlugins.insert(std::pair<std::string, GMSH_Plugin*>
+                      ("FaultZone", GMSH_RegisterFaultZonePlugin()));
 #if defined(HAVE_TETGEN)
     allPlugins.insert(std::pair<std::string, GMSH_Plugin*>
                       ("Tetrahedralize", GMSH_RegisterTetrahedralizePlugin()));
diff --git a/benchmarks/2d/faultzone.geo b/benchmarks/2d/faultzone.geo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17530537af69bdb587cc3c4558068ed8bce97804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/2d/faultzone.geo
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Mesh.ElementOrder = 2;
+Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.1;
+Mesh.RecombinationAlgorithm = 0;
+Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete = 1;
+Point(1) = {-10,-8,0.000000};
+Point(2) = {4, 6,0.000000};
+Point(3) = {-11,-4,0.000000};
+Point(4) = {-3, 4,0.000000};
+Point(5) = {0,-7,0.000000};
+Point(6) = {10, 3,0.000000};
+Point(7) = {-8,-9,0.000000};
+Point(8) = {3,2,0.000000};
+Point(9) = {0,-9,0.000000};
+Point(10)= {4,-5,0.000000};
+Point(11) = {-9,-9,0.000000};
+Point(12) = { 6,-9,0.000000};
+Point(13) = { 1,-5 ,0.000000};
+Point(14) = {11,-5 ,0.000000};
+Point(15) = {-13, 0 ,0.000000};
+Point(16) = { 3, 0 ,0.000000};
+Point(17) = {-6 ,5  ,.000000};
+Point(18) = {9 ,5  ,.000000};
+Point(19) = {-4 ,9 ,.000000};
+Point(20) = {4 ,9 ,.000000};
+Line(1) = {1,2};
+Line(2) = {3,4};
+Line(3) = {5,6};
+Line(4) = {7,8};
+Line(5) = {9,10};
+Line(6) = {11,12};
+Line(7) = {13,14};
+Line(8) = {15,16};
+Line(9) = {17,18};
+Line(10)= {19,20};
+Point(288) = {-12.941176,-10.000000,0.000000};
+Point(289) = {-12.941176,0.000000,0.000000};
+Point(290) = {-12.941176,10.000000,0.000000};
+Point(286) = {12.941176,10.000000,0.000000};
+Point(287) = {12.941176,-10.000000,0.000000};
+Line(145) = {286,287};
+Line(146) = {287,288};
+Line(147) = {288,289};
+Line(148) = {289,290};
+Line(149) = {290,286};
+Line Loop(150) = {145,146,147,148,149};
+Plane Surface(1) = {150};
+group1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+group2[] = {6, 7, 8, 9,10};
+Physical Line ( 1 ) = { group1[] } ;
+Physical Line ( 2 ) = { group2[] } ;
+Physical Line ( "DROITE" ) = { 145 } ;
+Physical Line ( "BAS"    ) = { 146 } ;
+Physical Line ( "GAUCHE" ) = { 147, 148 } ;
+Physical Line ( "HAUT"   ) = { 149 } ;
+Physical Surface ( "MASSIF" ) = { 1 } ;
+Line { group1[] } In Surface {1};
+Line { group2[] } In Surface {1};
+Mesh 2;
+Plugin(FaultZone).SurfaceTag = 1;
+Plugin(FaultZone).Thickness = 0.05;
+Plugin(FaultZone).Prefix = "FAMI_";