From c4529a00865bec678daf0fa79caae1a6729c13ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Lambrechts <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 12:54:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] dg: cleaning structure of dgGroupOfElements and dgRungeKutta,
 dgSystemOfEquations can mostly be removed (only limiter left)

 Common/LuaBindings.cpp              |  10 +-
 Common/LuaBindings.h                |   1 +
 Solver/CMakeLists.txt               |   1 +
 Solver/TESTCASES/CylinderEddies.lua |   4 +-
 Solver/TESTCASES/RayleighTaylor.lua |  18 +-
 Solver/TESTCASES/Stommel.lua        |  20 +-
 Solver/TESTCASES/rect.geo           |   4 +-
 Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua          |   2 +
 Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp              |  85 ++-----
 Solver/dgAlgorithm.h                |  25 +-
 Solver/dgConservationLaw.cpp        |  14 +-
 Solver/dgConservationLaw.h          |   2 +-
 Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp           | 122 +++++++++-
 Solver/dgDofContainer.h             |   7 +-
 Solver/dgGroupOfElements.cpp        | 359 ++++++++--------------------
 Solver/dgGroupOfElements.h          |  17 +-
 Solver/dgRungeKutta.cpp             |  90 +++++++
 Solver/dgRungeKutta.h               |  19 ++
 Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp           |   7 +-
 Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.cpp      | 141 ++---------
 Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.h        |  18 +-
 contrib/kbipack/gmp_matrix_io.c     |   2 +-
 22 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 524 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Solver/dgRungeKutta.cpp
 create mode 100644 Solver/dgRungeKutta.h

diff --git a/Common/LuaBindings.cpp b/Common/LuaBindings.cpp
index 1996015a45..71157cadbc 100644
--- a/Common/LuaBindings.cpp
+++ b/Common/LuaBindings.cpp
@@ -9,14 +9,17 @@
 #include "GFace.h"
 #include "DivideAndConquer.h"
 #include "Bindings.h"
-#include "dgSystemOfEquations.h"
 #include "luaFunction.h"
 #include "function.h"
+#include "GModel.h"
 #include "dgGroupOfElements.h"
+#include "dgDofContainer.h"
 #include "dgConservationLawShallowWater2d.h"
 #include "dgConservationLawAdvection.h"
 #include "dgConservationLawPerfectGas.h"
 #include "dgConservationLawWaveEquation.h"
+#include "dgRungeKutta.h"
+#include "dgSystemOfEquations.h"
 extern "C" {
   #include "lua.h"
@@ -262,13 +265,16 @@ binding::binding(){
+  dgGroupCollection::registerBindings(this);
+  dgDofContainer::registerBindings(this);
-  dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(this);
+  dgRungeKutta::registerBindings(this);
+  dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(this);
diff --git a/Common/LuaBindings.h b/Common/LuaBindings.h
index c94c75f3b1..866a5058ca 100644
--- a/Common/LuaBindings.h
+++ b/Common/LuaBindings.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class className{
   static const std::string &get(){
+      Msg::Error("Class unknown to Lua");
     return _name;
diff --git a/Solver/CMakeLists.txt b/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
index e6a12f90cf..80c9b312e0 100644
--- a/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ set(SRC
+  dgRungeKutta.cpp
diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/CylinderEddies.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/CylinderEddies.lua
index b35dc895fe..33c66654ef 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/CylinderEddies.lua
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/CylinderEddies.lua
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ DG:exportSolution('output/cyl_0')
 print'*** solve ***'
-CFL = 20.1;
+CFL = 5.1;
 dt = CFL * DG:computeInvSpectralRadius();
 print('DT = ',dt)
 T = 0;
-for i=1,2 do
+for i=1,100000 do
     dt = CFL * DG:computeInvSpectralRadius();    
     norm = DG:RK44(dt)
     T = T + dt
diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/RayleighTaylor.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/RayleighTaylor.lua
index dfd59a504b..4fa27208d5 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/RayleighTaylor.lua
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/RayleighTaylor.lua
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ if (order == 1) then
 elseif (order == 2) then
    myModel:load ('rect2.msh')
 elseif (order == 3) then
-   myModel:load ('rect2.msh')
+   myModel:load ('rect3.msh')
 elseif (order == 4) then
    myModel:load ('rect4.msh')
+elseif (order == 5) then
+   myModel:load ('rect5.msh')
 print'*** Create a dg solver ***'
-DG = dgSystemOfEquations (myModel)
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ g:set(2,0,-1.)
 FS = functionLua(4, 'initial_condition', {'XYZ'}):getName()
-print'*** setting the initial solution ***'
+print'*** setting the initial solution ***'
 --print'*** export ***'
diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/Stommel.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/Stommel.lua
index 4342a7e812..e11f1cd760 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/Stommel.lua
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/Stommel.lua
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
 model = GModel()
 model:load ('stommel_square.msh')
-dg = dgSystemOfEquations (model)
-dg:setOrder (order)
+dimension = 2
 claw = dgConservationLawShallowWater2d()
+groups = dgGroupCollection(model, dimension, order)
+-- groups:split...
+solution = dgDofContainer(groups, claw:getNbFields())
+a = fullMatrix(3,1);
+a:set(0,0, 1.);
+a:set(1,0, 2.);
+a:set(2,0, 3.);
+f = functionConstant(a):getName()
 for i=1,100000 do
   norm = dg:RK44(150*(3/(2.*order+1)))
@@ -16,6 +22,6 @@ for i=1,100000 do
     print ('iter ', i, norm)
   if ( i%100 ==0 ) then
-    dg:exportSolution(string.format('output/solution-%06d',i))
+    solution:exportMsh(string.format('output/solution-%06d',i))
diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/rect.geo b/Solver/TESTCASES/rect.geo
index 7deb863a25..9ab82d5364 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/rect.geo
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/rect.geo
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Plane Surface(11) = {10};
 Physical Surface("sprut") = {11, 9};
 Physical Line("Walls") = {5, 7, 3, 4, 1};
 Physical Line("Top") = {6};
-Transfinite Line {5, 7, 1, 3} = 100 Using Progression 1;
-Transfinite Line {6, 4, 2} = 50 Using Progression 1;
+Transfinite Line {5, 7, 1, 3} = 50 Using Progression 1;
+Transfinite Line {6, 4, 2} = 25 Using Progression 1;
 Transfinite Surface {9} Alternated;
 Transfinite Surface {11} Alternated;
 Recombine Surface {9, 11};
diff --git a/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua b/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
index 7ad6ccc051..9187b68ad3 100644
--- a/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
+++ b/Solver/TESTCASES/supra.lua
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ function valueLeft(f)
 law = dgConservationLawAdvectionDiffusion('',functionLua(1,'diffusivity',{'Solution'}):getName())
 -- boundary condition
diff --git a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
index db458c85e6..99fc7bce66 100644
--- a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::residualVolume ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (maybe
   // ----- 1 ----  get the solution at quadrature points
   // ----- 1.1 --- allocate a matrix of size (nbFields * nbElements, nbQuadraturePoints) 
-  int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
+  int nbFields = claw.getNbFields();
   fullMatrix<double> solutionQP (group.getNbIntegrationPoints(),group.getNbElements() * nbFields);
   // ----- 1.2 --- multiply the solution by the collocation matrix
   group.getCollocationMatrix().mult(solution  , solutionQP); 
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::residualVolume ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (maybe
     if (sourceTerm){
-      source.setAsProxy(Source, iElement*claw.nbFields(),claw.nbFields());
+      source.setAsProxy(Source, iElement*claw.getNbFields(),claw.getNbFields());
       for (int iPt =0; iPt< group.getNbIntegrationPoints(); iPt++) {
         const double detJ = group.getDetJ (iElement, iPt);
         for (int k=0;k<nbFields;k++){
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::residualInterface ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (may
   // A) global operations before entering the loop over the faces
   // A1 ) copy locally some references from the group for the sake of lisibility
-  int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
+  int nbFields = claw.getNbFields();
   int nbNodesLeft = group.getGroupLeft().getNbNodes();
   int nbNodesRight = group.getGroupRight().getNbNodes();
   int nbFaces = group.getNbElements();
@@ -254,66 +254,8 @@ void dgAlgorithm::multAddInverseMassMatrix ( /*dofManager &dof,*/
-void dgAlgorithm::rungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conservation law
-            dgGroupCollection &groups,
-			      double h,				         // time-step
-			      dgDofContainer &sol,
-			      dgDofContainer &resd,
-			      dgLimiter *limiter,
-			      int orderRK
-            )				        // order of RK integrator
-  // U_{n+1}=U_n+h*(SUM_i a_i*K_i)
-  // K_i=M^(-1)R(U_n+b_i*K_{i-1})
-  double a[4] = {h/6.0,h/3.0,h/3.0,h/6.0};
-  double b[4] = {0.,h/2.0,h/2.0,h};
-  if (orderRK == 1){
-    a[0] = h;
-  }
-  // Current updated solution
-  fullMatrix<double> residuEl, KEl;
-  fullMatrix<double> iMassEl;
-  int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
-  dgDofContainer K   (groups,nbFields);
-  dgDofContainer Unp (groups,nbFields);
-  K.scale(0.);
-  K.axpy(sol);
-  Unp.scale(0.);
-  Unp.axpy(sol);
-  for(int j=0; j<orderRK;j++){
-    if(j){
-      K.scale(b[j]);
-      K.axpy(sol);
-    }
-    if (limiter) limiter->apply(K, groups);
-    this->residual(claw,groups,K,resd);
-    K.scale(0.);
-    for(int k=0; k < groups.getNbElementGroups(); k++) {
-      dgGroupOfElements *group = groups.getElementGroup(k);
-      int nbNodes = group->getNbNodes();
-      for(int i=0;i<group->getNbElements();i++) {
-        residuEl.setAsProxy(resd.getGroupProxy(k),i*nbFields,nbFields);
-        KEl.setAsProxy(K.getGroupProxy(k),i*nbFields,nbFields);
-        iMassEl.setAsProxy(group->getInverseMassMatrix(),i*nbNodes,nbNodes);
-        iMassEl.mult(residuEl,KEl);
-      }
-    }
-    Unp.axpy(K,a[j]);
-  }
-  if (limiter) limiter->apply(Unp, groups);
-  sol.scale(0.);
-  sol.axpy(Unp);
-void dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conservation law
+/*void dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conservation law
             dgGroupCollection &groups,
 			      double h,				        // time-step
 			      dgDofContainer &sol,
@@ -397,16 +339,16 @@ void dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conse
    fullMatrix<double> residuEl, KEl;
    fullMatrix<double> iMassEl;
-   int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
+   int nbFields = claw.getNbFields();
    dgDofContainer **K;
    K=new dgDofContainer*[nStages];
    for(int i=0;i<nStages;i++){
-     K[i]=new dgDofContainer(groups,nbFields);
+     K[i]=new dgDofContainer(&groups,nbFields);
-   dgDofContainer Unp (groups,nbFields);
-   dgDofContainer tmp (groups,nbFields);
+   dgDofContainer Unp (&groups,nbFields);
+   dgDofContainer tmp (&groups,nbFields);
@@ -435,7 +377,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conse
-     this->residual(claw,groups,tmp,resd);
+     dgAlgorithm::residual(claw,groups,tmp,resd);
      for(int k=0;k < groups.getNbElementGroups(); k++) {
 		 if (k==0) {
@@ -464,7 +406,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta (const dgConservationLaw &claw,			// conse
      delete K[i];
    delete []K;
- }
+ }*/
 void dgAlgorithm::residualBoundary ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (maybe useless here)
 				   const dgConservationLaw &claw,   // the conservation law
@@ -474,7 +416,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::residualBoundary ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (mayb
 				   fullMatrix<double> &residual // residual !! at faces nodes
-  int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
+  int nbFields = claw.getNbFields();
   int nbNodesLeft = group.getGroupLeft().getNbNodes();
   const dgBoundaryCondition *boundaryCondition = claw.getBoundaryCondition(group.getBoundaryTag());
   // ----- 1 ----  get the solution at quadrature points
@@ -559,7 +501,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::residual( const dgConservationLaw &claw,
           dgDofContainer &residu)
-  int nbFields=claw.nbFields();
+  int nbFields=claw.getNbFields();
   //volume term
   for(size_t i=0;i<groups.getNbElementGroups() ; i++) {
@@ -618,7 +560,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::computeElementaryTimeSteps ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF man
   dataCacheDouble *maxConvectiveSpeed = claw.newMaxConvectiveSpeed(cacheMap);
   dataCacheDouble *maximumDiffusivity = claw.newMaximumDiffusivity(cacheMap);
-  const int nbFields = claw.nbFields();
+  const int nbFields = claw.getNbFields();
   /* This is an estimate on how lengths changes with p 
      It is merely the smallest distance between gauss 
      points at order p + 1 */
@@ -647,3 +589,4 @@ void dgAlgorithm::computeElementaryTimeSteps ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF man
     DT[iElement] = 1./spectralRadius;
diff --git a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.h b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.h
index 2baaa65305..f970010eb8 100644
--- a/Solver/dgAlgorithm.h
+++ b/Solver/dgAlgorithm.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class dgSystemOfEquations;
 class dgAlgorithm {
  public :
+  static void registerBindings(binding *b); 
   static void residualVolume ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (maybe useless here)
 			      const dgConservationLaw &claw,   // the conservation law
 			      const dgGroupOfElements & group, 
@@ -34,43 +35,19 @@ class dgAlgorithm {
 				fullMatrix<double> &solutionLeft,
 				fullMatrix<double> &residual // residual !! at faces nodes
-  // works only if there is only 1 group of element
   static void residual( const dgConservationLaw &claw, dgGroupCollection &groups,
 			dgDofContainer &solution, dgDofContainer &residual);	  
-  void rungeKutta (
-		   const dgConservationLaw &claw,
-       dgGroupCollection &groups,
-		   double h,	
-		   dgDofContainer &residu,
-		   dgDofContainer &sol,
-		   dgLimiter *limiter=NULL,
-		   int orderRK=4);
   static void computeElementaryTimeSteps ( //dofManager &dof, // the DOF manager (maybe useless here)
 					  const dgConservationLaw &claw,   // the conservation law
 					  const dgGroupOfElements & group, // the group
 					  fullMatrix<double> &solution, // the solution 
 					  std::vector<double> & DT // elementary time steps
-  // works only (for the moment) for two groups of elements, small and big step
-  // Uses RK43 from Schlegel (10 stages)	
-  void multirateRungeKutta (
-		   const dgConservationLaw &claw,
-       dgGroupCollection &groups,
-		   double h,	
-		   dgDofContainer &residu,
-		   dgDofContainer &sol,
-		   int orderRK=3);
   static void multAddInverseMassMatrix ( /*dofManager &dof,*/
 					const dgGroupOfElements & group,
 					fullMatrix<double> &residu,
 					fullMatrix<double> &sol);
-  static void buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order,
-			  std::vector<dgGroupOfElements*> &eGroups,
-			  std::vector<dgGroupOfFaces*> &fGroups,
-			  std::vector<dgGroupOfFaces*> &bGroups,
-			  std::vector<dgGroupOfElements*> &ghostGroups);
diff --git a/Solver/dgConservationLaw.cpp b/Solver/dgConservationLaw.cpp
index a16e236ebf..aee3df289f 100644
--- a/Solver/dgConservationLaw.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgConservationLaw.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class dgBoundaryConditionOutsideValue : public dgBoundaryCondition {
     dgConservationLaw *_claw;
     term(dgConservationLaw *claw, dataCacheMap &cacheMapLeft,const std::string outsideValueFunctionName):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()),
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()),
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class dgBoundaryConditionOutsideValue : public dgBoundaryCondition {
     dataCacheDouble &outsideValue;
     dirichlet(dgConservationLaw *claw, dataCacheMap &cacheMap,const std::string outsideValueFunctionName):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMap, cacheMap.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()),
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMap, cacheMap.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()),
     void _eval () { 
       for(int i=0;i<_value.size1();i++)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class dgBoundaryConditionOutsideValue : public dgBoundaryCondition {
     dgConservationLaw *_claw;
     maximumDiffusivity(dgConservationLaw *claw, dataCacheMap &cacheMapLeft,const std::string outsideValueFunctionName):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()),
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()),
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class dgBoundaryConditionNeumann : public dgBoundaryCondition {
     dataCacheDouble &flux;
     term(dgConservationLaw *claw, dataCacheMap &cacheMapLeft,const std::string fluxFunctionName):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()),
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()),
     void _eval() {
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class dgBoundarySymmetry : public dgBoundaryCondition {
     dgConservationLaw *_claw;
     term(dgConservationLaw *claw, dataCacheMap &cacheMapLeft):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()), _claw(claw)
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft, cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()), _claw(claw)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class dgBoundaryCondition0Flux : public dgBoundaryCondition {
   class term : public dataCacheDouble {
     term(dgConservationLaw *claw,dataCacheMap &cacheMapLeft):
-      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft,cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->nbFields()) {}
+      dataCacheDouble(cacheMapLeft,cacheMapLeft.getNbEvaluationPoints(),claw->getNbFields()) {}
     void _eval() {
@@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ void dgConservationLaw::registerBindings(binding *b){
   cm = cb->addMethod("newNeumannBoundary",&dgConservationLaw::newNeumannBoundary);
   cm->setDescription("Create a new boundary condition with a given flux (no other fluxes will be computed, nor with the rieman solver nor the IP diffusive term");
+  cm = cb->addMethod("getNbFields",&dgConservationLaw::getNbFields);
+  cm->setDescription("Return the number of fields composing the unknowns of this conservation law. For vectorial fields, each components is counted as one field.");
 void dgBoundaryCondition::registerBindings(binding *b){
diff --git a/Solver/dgConservationLaw.h b/Solver/dgConservationLaw.h
index 5013dff493..8058c567ac 100644
--- a/Solver/dgConservationLaw.h
+++ b/Solver/dgConservationLaw.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class dgConservationLaw {
   virtual ~dgConservationLaw () {}
-  int nbFields() const {return _nbf;}
+  int getNbFields() const {return _nbf;}
   virtual dataCacheDouble *newSourceTerm (dataCacheMap &cacheMap) const {return NULL;} 
   virtual dataCacheDouble *newDiffusiveFlux (dataCacheMap &cacheMap) const {return NULL;} 
diff --git a/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp b/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
index fe13a95aad..bb0056c342 100644
--- a/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgDofContainer.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #include "dgDofContainer.h"
+#include "function.h"
 #include "dgGroupOfElements.h"
+#include "dgConservationLaw.h"
+#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
 #include "mpi.h"
 #include "string.h"
-dgDofContainer::dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection &groups, int nbFields):
-  _groups(groups)
+#include <sstream>
+#include "MElement.h"
+dgDofContainer::dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection *groups, int nbFields):
+  _groups(*groups)
   int _dataSize = 0;
@@ -173,8 +178,8 @@ double dgDofContainer::norm() {
 void dgDofContainer::save(const std::string name) {
-  FILE *f = fopen (name.c_str(),"rb");
-  _data->binaryLoad(f);
+  FILE *f = fopen (name.c_str(),"wb");
+  _data->binarySave(f);
 void dgDofContainer::load(const std::string name) {
@@ -182,3 +187,112 @@ void dgDofContainer::load(const std::string name) {
+void dgDofContainer::L2Projection(std::string functionName){
+  dgDofContainer rhs(&_groups, _nbFields);
+  for (int iGroup=0;iGroup<_groups.getNbElementGroups();iGroup++) {
+    const dgGroupOfElements &group = *_groups.getElementGroup(iGroup);
+    fullMatrix<double> Source = fullMatrix<double> (group.getNbIntegrationPoints(),group.getNbElements() * _nbFields);
+    dataCacheMap cacheMap(group.getNbIntegrationPoints());
+    dataCacheElement &cacheElement = cacheMap.getElement();
+    cacheMap.provideData("UVW").set(group.getIntegrationPointsMatrix());
+    dataCacheDouble &sourceTerm = cacheMap.get(functionName);
+    fullMatrix<double> source;
+    for (int iElement=0 ; iElement<group.getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
+      cacheElement.set(group.getElement(iElement));
+      source.setAsProxy(Source, iElement*_nbFields, _nbFields);
+      for (int iPt =0; iPt< group.getNbIntegrationPoints(); iPt++) {
+        const double detJ = group.getDetJ (iElement, iPt);
+        for (int k=0;k<_nbFields;k++)
+          source(iPt,k) = sourceTerm(iPt,k)*detJ;
+      }
+    }
+    rhs.getGroupProxy(iGroup).gemm(group.getSourceRedistributionMatrix(), Source);
+    dgAlgorithm::multAddInverseMassMatrix(group, rhs.getGroupProxy(iGroup), getGroupProxy(iGroup));
+  }
+void dgDofContainer::exportMsh(const std::string name){
+  // the elementnodedata::export does not work !!
+  for (int ICOMP = 0; ICOMP<_nbFields;++ICOMP){
+    std::ostringstream name_oss;
+    name_oss<<name<<"_COMP_"<<ICOMP<<".msh";
+    if(Msg::GetCommSize()>1)
+      name_oss<<"_"<<Msg::GetCommRank();
+    FILE *f = fopen (name_oss.str().c_str(),"w");
+    int COUNT = 0;
+    for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups() ;i++){
+      COUNT += _groups.getElementGroup(i)->getNbElements();
+    }
+    fprintf(f,"$MeshFormat\n2.1 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n");  
+    fprintf(f,"$ElementNodeData\n");
+    fprintf(f,"1\n");
+    fprintf(f,"\"%s\"\n",name.c_str());
+    fprintf(f,"1\n");
+    fprintf(f,"0.0\n");
+    fprintf(f,"%d\n", Msg::GetCommSize() > 1 ? 4 : 3);
+    fprintf(f,"0\n 1\n %d\n",COUNT);
+    if(Msg::GetCommSize() > 1) fprintf(f,"%d\n", Msg::GetCommRank());
+    for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups()  ;i++){
+      dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
+      for (int iElement=0 ; iElement< group->getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
+        MElement *e = group->getElement(iElement);
+        int num = e->getNum();
+        fullMatrix<double> sol(getGroupProxy(i), iElement*_nbFields,_nbFields);
+        fprintf(f,"%d %d",num,sol.size1());
+        for (int k=0;k<sol.size1();++k) {
+          fprintf(f," %.16E ",sol(k,ICOMP));
+        }
+        fprintf(f,"\n");
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(f,"$EndElementNodeData\n");
+    fclose(f);
+  }
+  return;
+  // we should discuss that : we do a copy of the solution, this should
+  // be avoided !
+  /*std::map<int, std::vector<double> > data;
+  for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups() ;i++){
+    dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
+    for (int iElement=0 ; iElement< group->getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
+      MElement *e = group->getElement(iElement);
+      int num = e->getNum();
+      fullMatrix<double> sol(getGroupProxy(i), iElement*_nbFields,_nbFields);
+      std::vector<double> val;
+      //      val.resize(sol.size2()*sol.size1());
+      val.resize(sol.size1());
+      int counter = 0;
+      //      for (int iC=0;iC<sol.size2();iC++)
+      printf("%g %g %g\n",sol(0,0),sol(1,0),sol(2,0));
+      for (int iR=0;iR<sol.size1();iR++)val[counter++] = sol(iR,0);
+      data[num] = val;
+    }
+  }
+  PView *pv = new PView (name, "ElementNodeData", _gm, data, 0.0, 1);
+  pv->getData()->writeMSH(name+".msh", false); 
+  delete pv;
+  */
+#include "LuaBindings.h"
+void dgDofContainer::registerBindings(binding *b){
+  classBinding *cb = b->addClass<dgDofContainer>("dgDofContainer");
+  cb->setDescription("The DofContainer class provides a vector containing the degree of freedoms");
+  methodBinding *cm;
+  cm = cb->setConstructor<dgDofContainer,dgGroupCollection*,int>();
+  cm->setDescription("Build a vector");
+  cm->setArgNames("GroupCollection","nbFields",NULL);
+  cm = cb->addMethod("L2Projection",&dgDofContainer::L2Projection);
+  cm->setDescription("Project a function onto this vector");
+  cm->setArgNames("functionName",NULL);
+  cm = cb->addMethod("exportMsh",&dgDofContainer::exportMsh);
+  cm->setDescription("Export the dof for gmsh visualization");
+  cm->setArgNames("filename",NULL);
diff --git a/Solver/dgDofContainer.h b/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
index 6c21641777..bcbdb732ea 100644
--- a/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
+++ b/Solver/dgDofContainer.h
@@ -29,12 +29,17 @@ public:
   void axpy(dgDofContainer &x, double a=1.);
   inline fullMatrix<double> &getGroupProxy(int gId){ return *(_dataProxys[gId]); }
   inline fullMatrix<double> &getGroupProxy(const dgGroupOfElements* g){ return *(_dataProxys[_groupId[g]]); }
-  dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection &groups, int nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer (dgGroupCollection *groups, int nbFields);
   ~dgDofContainer ();  
   int getNbElements() {return _totalNbElements;}
   void scatter();
   void save(const std::string name);
   void load(const std::string name);
   void setAll(double v);
+  void L2Projection(std::string functionName);
+  void exportMsh(const std::string name);
+  static void registerBindings(binding *b);
+  inline dgGroupCollection *getGroups() { return &_groups; }
diff --git a/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.cpp b/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.cpp
index 96ada631f2..c1cfdab539 100644
--- a/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+#include <iostream>
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #include "dgGroupOfElements.h"
+#include "dgConservationLaw.h"
+#include "dgDofContainer.h"
+#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
 #include "MElement.h"
 #include "polynomialBasis.h"
 #include "Numeric.h"
@@ -635,6 +639,7 @@ void dgAlgorithm::partitionGroup(dgGroupOfElements &eGroup,
 //static void partitionGroup (std::vector<MElement *>,){
 // this function creates groups of elements
 // First, groups of faces are created on every physical group
 // of dimension equal to the dimension of the problem minus one
@@ -642,28 +647,66 @@ void dgAlgorithm::partitionGroup(dgGroupOfElements &eGroup,
 //  -) Elements of different types are separated
 //  -) Then those groups are split into partitions
 //  -) Finally, those groups are re-numbered 
-// Finally, group of interfaces are created
-//  -) Groups of faces internal to a given group
-//  -) Groups of faces between groups.
-void dgGroupCollection::buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order)
+void dgGroupCollection::buildGroupsOfElements(GModel *model, int dim, int order)
+  if(_groupsOfElementsBuilt)
+    return;
+  _groupsOfElementsBuilt=true;
   _model = model;
-  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MVertex*> > boundaryVertices;
-  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> > boundaryEdges;
-  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MFace, Less_Face> > boundaryFaces;
   std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
   std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >localElements;
-  std::vector<std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> > >ghostElements(Msg::GetCommSize()); // [partition][elementType]
   int nlocal=0;
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
+    GEntity *entity = entities[i];
+    if(entity->dim() == dim){
+      for (int iel=0; iel<entity->getNumMeshElements(); iel++){
+        MElement *el=entity->getMeshElement(iel);
+        if(el->getPartition()==Msg::GetCommRank()+1 || el->getPartition()==0){
+          localElements[el->getType()].push_back(el);
+          nlocal++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Msg::Info("%d groups of elements",localElements.size());
+  // do a group of elements for every element type in the mesh
+  for (std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >::iterator it = localElements.begin(); it !=localElements.end() ; ++it){
+    _elementGroups.push_back(new dgGroupOfElements(it->second,order));
+  }
+// Finally, group of interfaces are created
+//  -) Groups of faces internal to a given group
+//  -) Groups of faces between groups.
+void dgGroupCollection::buildGroupsOfInterfaces() {
+  if(_groupsOfInterfacesBuilt)
+    return;
+  _groupsOfInterfacesBuilt=true;
+  int dim = _elementGroups[0]->getElement(0)->getDim();
+  int order = _elementGroups[0]->getOrder();
+  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MVertex*> > boundaryVertices;
+  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> > boundaryEdges;
+  std::map<const std::string,std::set<MFace, Less_Face> > boundaryFaces;
+  std::vector<std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> > >ghostElements(Msg::GetCommSize()); // [partition][elementType]
   int nghosts=0;
-  std::multimap<MElement*, short> &ghostsCells = model->getGhostCells();
+  std::multimap<MElement*, short> &ghostsCells = _model->getGhostCells();
+  std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
+  _model->getEntities(entities);
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
     GEntity *entity = entities[i];
     if(entity->dim() == dim-1){
       for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entity->physicals.size(); j++){
-        const std::string physicalName = model->getPhysicalName(entity->dim(), entity->physicals[j]);
+        const std::string physicalName = _model->getPhysicalName(entity->dim(), entity->physicals[j]);
         for (int k = 0; k < entity->getNumMeshElements(); k++) {
           MElement *element = entity->getMeshElement(k);
           switch(dim) {
@@ -681,13 +724,11 @@ void dgGroupCollection::buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order)
-    }else if(entity->dim() == dim){
+    }
+    else if(entity->dim() == dim){
       for (int iel=0; iel<entity->getNumMeshElements(); iel++){
         MElement *el=entity->getMeshElement(iel);
-        if(el->getPartition()==Msg::GetCommRank()+1 || el->getPartition()==0){
-          localElements[el->getType()].push_back(el);
-          nlocal++;
-        }else{
+        if( ! (el->getPartition()==Msg::GetCommRank()+1 || el->getPartition()==0) ){
           std::multimap<MElement*, short>::iterator ghost=ghostsCells.lower_bound(el);
           while(ghost!= ghostsCells.end() && ghost->first==el){
@@ -700,13 +741,6 @@ void dgGroupCollection::buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order)
-  Msg::Info("%d groups of elements",localElements.size());
-  // do a group of elements for every element type in the mesh
-  for (std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >::iterator it = localElements.begin(); it !=localElements.end() ; ++it){
-    _elementGroups.push_back(new dgGroupOfElements(it->second,order));
-  }
   for (int i=0;i<_elementGroups.size();i++){
@@ -839,244 +873,40 @@ void dgGroupCollection::buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order)
-void dgGroupCollection::buildGroups(GModel *model, int dim, int order,std::string groupType)
-	_model = model;
-	std::map<const std::string,std::set<MVertex*> > boundaryVertices;
-	std::map<const std::string,std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> > boundaryEdges;
-	std::map<const std::string,std::set<MFace, Less_Face> > boundaryFaces;
-	std::vector<GEntity*> entities;
-	model->getEntities(entities);
-	std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >localElements;
-	std::vector<std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> > >ghostElements(Msg::GetCommSize()); // [partition][elementType]
-	int nlocal=0;
-	int nghosts=0;
-	std::multimap<MElement*, short> &ghostsCells = model->getGhostCells();
-	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++){
-		GEntity *entity = entities[i];
-		if(entity->dim() == dim-1){
-			for(unsigned int j = 0; j < entity->physicals.size(); j++){
-				const std::string physicalName = model->getPhysicalName(entity->dim(), entity->physicals[j]);
-				for (int k = 0; k < entity->getNumMeshElements(); k++) {
-					MElement *element = entity->getMeshElement(k);
-					switch(dim) {
-						case 1:
-							boundaryVertices[physicalName].insert( element->getVertex(0) ); 
-							break;
-						case 2:
-							boundaryEdges[physicalName].insert( element->getEdge(0) );
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							boundaryFaces[physicalName].insert( element->getFace(0));
-							break;
-						default :
-							throw;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}else if(entity->dim() == dim){
-			double max_edgeM=-1.e22;
-			double max_edgem=1.e22;
-			double min_edgeM=-1.e22;
-			double min_edgem=1.e22;
-			for (int iel=0; iel<entity->getNumMeshElements(); iel++){
-				MElement *el=entity->getMeshElement(iel);
-				if (el->maxEdge()>max_edgeM) {
-					max_edgeM=el->maxEdge();
-				}
-				if (el->maxEdge()<max_edgem) {
-					max_edgem=el->maxEdge();
-				}
-				if (el->minEdge()>min_edgeM) {
-					min_edgeM=el->minEdge();
-				}
-				if (el->minEdge()<min_edgeM) {
-					min_edgem=el->minEdge();
-				}									
-			}
-			//printf("\n a1=%f, a2=%f \n",(min_edgeM+min_edgem)/2.,(max_edgeM+max_edgem)/2.);
-			for (int iel=0; iel<entity->getNumMeshElements(); iel++){
-				MElement *el=entity->getMeshElement(iel);
-				if(el->getPartition()==Msg::GetCommRank()+1 || el->getPartition()==0){
-					if (groupType=="minEdge") {
-							if (el->minEdge()> (min_edgeM+min_edgem)/2.) {
-							 localElements[0].push_back(el);
-							 }
-							 else{
-							 localElements[1].push_back(el);
-							 }
-					}
-					else if(groupType=="maxEdge"){
-							if (el->maxEdge()> (max_edgeM+max_edgem)/2.) {
-							 localElements[0].push_back(el);
-							}
-							else{
-							 localElements[1].push_back(el);
-							}
-					}
-					else{
-							localElements[el->getType()].push_back(el);
-					}
+// Split the groups of elements depending on their local time step
+void dgGroupCollection::splitGroupsForMultirate(double refDt,dgConservationLaw *claw){
+  // 1) find the element with the smallest stable time step
+  double sr = DBL_MAX;
+  dgDofContainer *solution = new dgDofContainer((this),claw->getNbFields());
+  solution->scale(0.);
+  for (int i=0;i<getNbElementGroups();i++){
+    std::vector<double> DTS;
+    dgAlgorithm::computeElementaryTimeSteps(*claw, *getElementGroup(i), solution->getGroupProxy(i), DTS);
+    for (int k=0;k<DTS.size();k++){
+      std::cout << "SR: " << DTS[k] << std::endl;
+      sr = std::min(sr,DTS[k]);
+    }
+  }
+  delete solution;
+  #ifdef HAVE_MPI
+  double sr_min;
+  MPI_Allreduce((void *)&sr, &sr_min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+  sr=sr_min;
+  #endif
+  // sr is the time step for the most constrained element.
+  std::cout << "SR: " << sr << std::endl;
-					nlocal++;
-				}else{
-					std::multimap<MElement*, short>::iterator ghost=ghostsCells.lower_bound(el);
-					while(ghost!= ghostsCells.end() && ghost->first==el){
-						if(abs(ghost->second)-1==Msg::GetCommRank()){
-							ghostElements[el->getPartition()-1][el->getType()].push_back(el);
-							nghosts+=1;
-						}
-						ghost++;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Msg::Info("%d groups of elements",localElements.size());
-	for (int n=0; n<localElements.size(); n++) {
-		printf("\n **** Group %i: %lu elements **** \n", n,localElements[n].size());
-	}
-	// do a group of elements for every element type in the mesh
-	for (std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >::iterator it = localElements.begin(); it !=localElements.end() ; ++it){
-		_elementGroups.push_back(new dgGroupOfElements(it->second,order));
-	}
-	for (int i=0;i<_elementGroups.size();i++){
-		// create a group of faces on the boundary for every group ef elements
-		switch(dim) {
-			case 1 : {
-				std::map<const std::string, std::set<MVertex*> >::iterator mapIt;
-				for(mapIt=boundaryVertices.begin(); mapIt!=boundaryVertices.end(); mapIt++) {
-					dgGroupOfFaces *gof = new dgGroupOfFaces(*_elementGroups[i],mapIt->first,order,mapIt->second);
-					if (gof->getNbElements())
-						_boundaryGroups.push_back(gof);
-					else
-						delete gof;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			case 2 : {
-				std::map<const std::string, std::set<MEdge, Less_Edge> >::iterator mapIt;
-				for(mapIt=boundaryEdges.begin(); mapIt!=boundaryEdges.end(); mapIt++) {
-					dgGroupOfFaces *gof=new dgGroupOfFaces(*_elementGroups[i],mapIt->first,order,mapIt->second);
-					if(gof->getNbElements())
-						_boundaryGroups.push_back(gof);
-					else
-						delete gof;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			case 3 : {
-				std::map<const std::string, std::set<MFace, Less_Face> >::iterator mapIt;
-				for(mapIt=boundaryFaces.begin(); mapIt!=boundaryFaces.end(); mapIt++) {
-					dgGroupOfFaces *gof=new dgGroupOfFaces(*_elementGroups[i],mapIt->first,order,mapIt->second);
-					if(gof->getNbElements())
-						_boundaryGroups.push_back(gof);
-					else
-						delete gof;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		// create a group of faces for every face that is common to elements of the same group 
-		_faceGroups.push_back(new dgGroupOfFaces(*_elementGroups[i],order));
-		// create a groupe of d
-		for (int j=i+1;j<_elementGroups.size();j++){
-			dgGroupOfFaces *gof = new dgGroupOfFaces(*_elementGroups[i],*_elementGroups[j],order);
-			if (gof->getNbElements())
-				_faceGroups.push_back(gof);
-			else
-				delete gof;
-		}
-	}
-	//create ghost groups
-	for(int i=0;i<Msg::GetCommSize();i++){
-		for (std::map<int, std::vector<MElement *> >::iterator it = ghostElements[i].begin(); it !=ghostElements[i].end() ; ++it){
-			_ghostGroups.push_back(new dgGroupOfElements(it->second,order,i));
-		}
-	}
-	//create face group for ghostGroups
-	for (int i=0; i<_ghostGroups.size(); i++){
-		for (int j=0;j<_elementGroups.size();j++){
-			dgGroupOfFaces *gof = new dgGroupOfFaces(*_ghostGroups[i],*_elementGroups[j],order);
-			if (gof->getNbElements())
-				_faceGroups.push_back(gof);
-			else
-				delete gof;
-		}
-	}
-	// build the ghosts structure
-	int *nGhostElements = new int[Msg::GetCommSize()];
-	int *nParentElements = new int[Msg::GetCommSize()];
-	for (int i=0;i<Msg::GetCommSize();i++) {
-		nGhostElements[i]=0;
-	}
-	for (size_t i = 0; i< getNbGhostGroups(); i++){
-		dgGroupOfElements *group = getGhostGroup(i);
-		nGhostElements[group->getGhostPartition()] += group->getNbElements();
-	}
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
-	MPI_Alltoall(nGhostElements,1,MPI_INT,nParentElements,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
-	nParentElements[0]=nGhostElements[0];
-	int *shiftSend = new int[Msg::GetCommSize()];
-	int *shiftRecv = new int[Msg::GetCommSize()];
-	int *curShiftSend = new int[Msg::GetCommSize()];
-	int totalSend=0,totalRecv=0;
-	for(int i= 0; i<Msg::GetCommSize();i++){
-		shiftSend[i] = (i==0 ? 0 : shiftSend[i-1]+nGhostElements[i-1]);
-		curShiftSend[i] = shiftSend[i];
-		shiftRecv[i] = (i==0 ? 0 : shiftRecv[i-1]+nParentElements[i-1]);
-		totalSend += nGhostElements[i];
-		totalRecv += nParentElements[i];
-	}
-	int *idSend = new int[totalSend];
-	int *idRecv = new int[totalRecv];
-	for (int i = 0; i<getNbGhostGroups(); i++){
-		dgGroupOfElements *group = getGhostGroup(i);
-		int part = group->getGhostPartition();
-		for (int j=0; j< group->getNbElements() ; j++){
-			idSend[curShiftSend[part]++] = group->getElement(j)->getNum();
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
-	MPI_Alltoallv(idSend,nGhostElements,shiftSend,MPI_INT,idRecv,nParentElements,shiftRecv,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-	memcpy(idRecv,idSend,nParentElements[0]*sizeof(int));
-	//create a Map elementNum :: group, position in group
-	std::map<int, std::pair<int,int> > elementMap;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i< getNbElementGroups(); i++) {
-		dgGroupOfElements *group = getElementGroup(i);
-		for(int j=0; j< group->getNbElements(); j++){
-			elementMap[group->getElement(j)->getNum()]=std::pair<int,int>(i,j);
-		}
-	}
-	_elementsToSend.resize(Msg::GetCommSize());
-	for(int i = 0; i<Msg::GetCommSize();i++){
-		_elementsToSend[i].resize(nParentElements[i]);
-		for(int j=0;j<nParentElements[i];j++){
-			int num = idRecv[shiftRecv[i]+j];
-			_elementsToSend[i][j]=elementMap[num];
-		}
-	}
-	delete []idRecv;
-	delete []idSend;
-	delete []curShiftSend;
-	delete []shiftSend;
-	delete []shiftRecv;
+  _groupsOfElementsBuilt=false;_groupsOfInterfacesBuilt=false;
+dgGroupCollection::dgGroupCollection(GModel *model, int dimension, int order)
+  _groupsOfElementsBuilt=false;_groupsOfInterfacesBuilt=false;
+  buildGroupsOfElements(model,dimension,order);
@@ -1090,3 +920,18 @@ dgGroupCollection::~dgGroupCollection() {
   for (int i=0; i< _ghostGroups.size(); i++)
     delete _ghostGroups[i];
+#include "LuaBindings.h"
+void dgGroupCollection::registerBindings(binding *b){
+  classBinding *cb = b->addClass<dgGroupCollection>("dgGroupCollection");
+  cb->setDescription("The GroupCollection class let you access to group partitioning functions");
+  methodBinding *cm;
+  cm = cb->setConstructor<dgGroupCollection,GModel*,int,int>();
+  cm->setDescription("Build the group of elements, separated by element type and element order. Additional partitioning can be done using splitGroupsForXXX specific functions");
+  cm->setArgNames("model","dimension","order",NULL);
+  cm = cb->addMethod("buildGroupsOfInterfaces",&dgGroupCollection::buildGroupsOfInterfaces);
+  cm->setDescription("Build the group of interfaces, i.e. boundary interfaces and inter-element interfaces");
+  cm = cb->addMethod("splitGroupsForMultirate",&dgGroupCollection::splitGroupsForMultirate);
+  cm->setDescription("Split the groups according to their own stable time step");
+  cm->setArgNames("refDt","claw",NULL);
diff --git a/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.h b/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.h
index 3452aa31d4..063b0afd6e 100644
--- a/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.h
+++ b/Solver/dgGroupOfElements.h
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ class polynomialBasis;
 class GEntity;
 class GModel;
+class binding;
+class dgConservationLaw;
 class dgElement {
   MElement *_element;
   // solution at points
@@ -192,7 +196,8 @@ class dgGroupCollection {
   //{group,id} of the elements to send to each partition for a scatter operation
   std::vector< std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > >_elementsToSend;
+  bool _groupsOfElementsBuilt;
+  bool _groupsOfInterfacesBuilt;
   inline int getNbElementGroups() const {return _elementGroups.size();}
   inline int getNbFaceGroups() const {return _faceGroups.size();}
@@ -207,8 +212,14 @@ class dgGroupCollection {
   inline int getImageElementGroup(int partId, int i) const {return _elementsToSend[partId][i].first;}
   inline int getImageElementPositionInGroup(int partId, int i) const {return _elementsToSend[partId][i].second;}
-  void buildGroups (GModel *model,int dimension, int order);
-  void buildGroups (GModel *model,int dimension, int order, std::string groupType);
+  void buildGroupsOfElements (GModel *model,int dimension, int order);
+  void buildGroupsOfInterfaces ();
+  void splitGroupsForMultirate(double refDt,dgConservationLaw *claw);
+  dgGroupCollection(GModel *model, int dimension, int order);
+  dgGroupCollection();
+  static void registerBindings(binding *b);
diff --git a/Solver/dgRungeKutta.cpp b/Solver/dgRungeKutta.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b07225b1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solver/dgRungeKutta.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "dgRungeKutta.h"
+#include "dgConservationLaw.h"
+#include "dgDofContainer.h"
+#include "dgLimiter.h"
+#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
+#include "dgGroupOfElements.h"
+#include "bindings.h"
+double dgRungeKutta::iterateEuler(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution) {
+  double A[] = {0};
+  double b[] = {1};
+  return diagonalRK(claw, dt, solution, 1, A, b);
+double dgRungeKutta::iterate44(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution) {
+  double A[] = {0, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
+  double b[] = {1./6, 1./3, 1./3, 1./6};
+  return diagonalRK(claw, dt, solution, 4, A, b);
+double dgRungeKutta::iterate22(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution) {
+  double A[] = {0, 1};
+  double b[] = {1./2, 1./2};
+  return diagonalRK(claw, dt, solution, 2, A, b);
+double dgRungeKutta::diagonalRK (const dgConservationLaw *claw,
+			      double dt,				         // time-step
+			      dgDofContainer *sol,
+			      int nStages, double *A, double *b) { 
+  // U_{n+1}=U_n+h*(SUM_i dt*b_i*K_i)
+  // K_i=M^(-1)R(U_n+dt*A_i*K_{i-1})
+  fullMatrix<double> residuEl, KEl;
+  fullMatrix<double> iMassEl;
+  int nbFields = claw->getNbFields();
+  dgGroupCollection *groups = sol->getGroups();
+  dgDofContainer K   (groups, nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer Unp (groups, nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer resd(groups, nbFields);
+  K.scale(0.);
+  K.axpy(*sol);
+  Unp.scale(0.);
+  Unp.axpy(*sol);
+  for(int j=0; j<nStages;j++){
+    if(j){
+      K.scale(A[j]*dt);
+      K.axpy(*sol);
+    }
+    if (_limiter) _limiter->apply(K, *groups);
+    dgAlgorithm::residual(*claw,*groups,K,resd);
+    K.scale(0.);
+    for(int k=0; k < groups->getNbElementGroups(); k++) {
+      dgGroupOfElements *group = groups->getElementGroup(k);
+      int nbNodes = group->getNbNodes();
+      for(int i=0;i<group->getNbElements();i++) {
+        residuEl.setAsProxy(resd.getGroupProxy(k),i*nbFields,nbFields);
+        KEl.setAsProxy(K.getGroupProxy(k),i*nbFields,nbFields);
+        iMassEl.setAsProxy(group->getInverseMassMatrix(),i*nbNodes,nbNodes);
+        iMassEl.mult(residuEl,KEl);
+      }
+    }
+    Unp.axpy(K,b[j]*dt);
+  }
+  if (_limiter) _limiter->apply(Unp, *groups);
+  sol->scale(0.);
+  sol->axpy(Unp);
+dgRungeKutta::dgRungeKutta():_limiter(NULL) {}
+void dgRungeKutta::registerBindings(binding *b) {
+  classBinding *cb = b->addClass<dgRungeKutta>("dgRungeKutta");
+  cb->setDescription("various explicit Runge-Kutta time stepping schemes");
+  methodBinding *cm;
+  cm = cb->setConstructor<dgRungeKutta>();
+  cm->setDescription("A new explicit runge kutta, pass parameters to the iterate function");
+  cm = cb->addMethod("iterateEuler",&dgRungeKutta::iterateEuler);
+  cm->setArgNames("law","dt","solution",NULL);
+  cm->setDescription("update solution by doing a forward euler step of time step dt for the conservation law");
+  cm = cb->addMethod("iterate22",&dgRungeKutta::iterate22);
+  cm->setArgNames("law","dt","solution",NULL);
+  cm->setDescription("update solution by doing Heun second order runge-kutta step of time step dt for the conservation law");
+  cm = cb->addMethod("iterate44",&dgRungeKutta::iterate44);
+  cm->setArgNames("law","dt","solution",NULL);
+  cm->setDescription("update solution by doing classical fourth order runge-kutta step of time step dt for the conservation law");
diff --git a/Solver/dgRungeKutta.h b/Solver/dgRungeKutta.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a2495dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solver/dgRungeKutta.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#ifndef _DG_RUNGE_KUTTA_H_
+#define _DG_RUNGE_KUTTA_H_
+class dgConservationLaw;
+class dgDofContainer;
+class dgLimiter;
+class binding;
+class dgRungeKutta {
+  double diagonalRK(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution, int nStages, double *A, double *b); // c == A
+  //static double nonDiagonalRK();
+  dgLimiter *_limiter;
+  public:
+  void setLimiter(dgLimiter *limiter) { _limiter = limiter; }
+  double iterateEuler(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution);
+  double iterate22(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution);
+  double iterate44(const dgConservationLaw *claw, double dt, dgDofContainer *solution);
+  static void registerBindings (binding *b);
+  dgRungeKutta();
diff --git a/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp b/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
index f7c0ae70d1..cdef092477 100644
--- a/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgSlopeLimiter.cpp
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
 bool dgSlopeLimiter::apply ( dgDofContainer &solution, dgGroupCollection &groups)
-  printf("limit \n");
-  int nbFields =_claw->nbFields();    
+  int nbFields =_claw->getNbFields();    
   // first compute max and min of all fields for all stencils    
-  dgDofContainer MIN(groups, nbFields);
-  dgDofContainer MAX(groups, nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer MIN(&groups, nbFields);
+  dgDofContainer MAX(&groups, nbFields);
   MIN.setAll ( 1.e22);  
   MAX.setAll (-1.e22);  
diff --git a/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.cpp b/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.cpp
index abfd8a151c..e9fa0c2e58 100644
--- a/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.cpp
+++ b/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.cpp
@@ -2,28 +2,16 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sstream>
 #include "dgSystemOfEquations.h"
+#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
 #include "function.h"
 #include "MElement.h"
 #include "PView.h"
 #include "PViewData.h"
 #include "dgLimiter.h"
+#include "dgRungeKutta.h"
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
 #include "mpi.h"
-class dgConservationLawL2Projection : public dgConservationLaw {
-  std::string _functionName;
-  dgConservationLawL2Projection(const std::string & functionName, dgConservationLaw &_claw) :
-    _functionName(functionName)
-  {
-    _nbf =_claw.nbFields();
-  }
-  dataCacheDouble *newSourceTerm(dataCacheMap &cacheMap)const {
-    return &cacheMap.get(_functionName);
-  }
 dgSystemOfEquations::dgSystemOfEquations(GModel *gm){
   _dimension = _gm->getNumRegions() ? 3 : _gm->getNumFaces() ? 2 : 1 ;
@@ -46,6 +34,7 @@ static dgSystemOfEquations *myConstructorPtr(GModel* gm){
   return new dgSystemOfEquations(gm);
 void dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(binding *b) {
   classBinding *cb = b->addClass<dgSystemOfEquations>("dgSystemOfEquations");
   cb->setDescription("a class to rule them all :-) -- bad description, this class will be removed anyway");
@@ -58,9 +47,6 @@ void dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(binding *b) {
   cm->setDescription("set the conservation law this system solves");
   cm = cb->addMethod("setup",&dgSystemOfEquations::setup);
   cm->setDescription("allocate and init internal stuff, call this function after setOrder and setLaw and before anything else on this instance");
-  cm = cb->addMethod("createGroups",&dgSystemOfEquations::createGroups);
-  cm->setArgNames("groupType",NULL);
-  cm->setDescription("allocate and init internal stuff, creates groups form criterion groupType");
   cm = cb->addMethod("exportSolution",&dgSystemOfEquations::exportSolution);
   cm->setDescription("Print the solution into a file. This file does not contain the mesh. To visualize the solution in gmsh you have to open the mesh file first.");
@@ -83,9 +69,9 @@ void dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(binding *b) {
   cm = cb->addMethod("RK44_limiter",&dgSystemOfEquations::RK44_limiter);
   cm->setDescription("do one RK44 time step with the slope limiter (only for p=1)");
-  cm = cb->addMethod("multirateRK43",&dgSystemOfEquations::multirateRK43);
-  cm->setArgNames("dt",NULL);
-  cm->setDescription("Do a runge-kuta temporal iteration with 4 sub-steps and a precision order of 3 using different time-step depending on the element size. This function returns the sum of the nodal residuals.");
+  ////cm = cb->addMethod("multirateRK43",&dgSystemOfEquations::multirateRK43);
+  //cm->setArgNames("dt",NULL);
+  //cm->setDescription("Do a runge-kuta temporal iteration with 4 sub-steps and a precision order of 3 using different time-step depending on the element size. This function returns the sum of the nodal residuals.");
   cm = cb->addMethod("saveSolution",&dgSystemOfEquations::saveSolution);
   cm->setDescription("dump the solution in binary format");
@@ -96,35 +82,22 @@ void dgSystemOfEquations::registerBindings(binding *b) {
 // do a L2 projection
 void dgSystemOfEquations::L2Projection (std::string functionName){
-  dgConservationLawL2Projection Law(functionName,*_claw);
-  for (int i=0;i<_groups.getNbElementGroups();i++){
-    dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
-    _algo->residualVolume(Law,*group,_solution->getGroupProxy(i),_rightHandSide->getGroupProxy(i));
-    _algo->multAddInverseMassMatrix(*group,_rightHandSide->getGroupProxy(i),_solution->getGroupProxy(i));
-  }
+  _solution->L2Projection(functionName);
-// dgSystemOfEquations::setup() + build groups with criterion:
-// - default: elementType
-// - minEdge (based on minimum edges of elements) , for the moment only two groups possible
-// - maxEdge (based on maximum edges of elements) , for the moment only two groups possible
-void dgSystemOfEquations::createGroups(std::string groupType){
-	_groups.buildGroups(_gm,_dimension,_order,groupType);
-	_solution = new dgDofContainer(_groups,_claw->nbFields());
-	_rightHandSide = new dgDofContainer(_groups,_claw->nbFields());
-	}
 // ok, we can setup the groups and create solution vectors
 void dgSystemOfEquations::setup(){
   if (!_claw) throw;
-  _groups.buildGroups(_gm,_dimension,_order);
-  _solution = new dgDofContainer(_groups,_claw->nbFields());
-  _rightHandSide = new dgDofContainer(_groups,_claw->nbFields());
+	_groups.buildGroupsOfElements(_gm,_dimension,_order);
+	_groups.buildGroupsOfInterfaces();
+  _solution = new dgDofContainer(&_groups,_claw->getNbFields());
+  _rightHandSide = new dgDofContainer(&_groups,_claw->getNbFields());
 double dgSystemOfEquations::RK44(double dt){
-  _algo->rungeKutta(*_claw,_groups, dt,  *_solution, *_rightHandSide);
+  dgRungeKutta rk;
+  rk.iterate44(_claw, dt, _solution);
   return _solution->norm();
@@ -132,7 +105,7 @@ double dgSystemOfEquations::computeInvSpectralRadius(){
   double sr = 1.e22;
   for (int i=0;i<_groups.getNbElementGroups();i++){
     std::vector<double> DTS;
-    _algo->computeElementaryTimeSteps(*_claw, *_groups.getElementGroup(i), _solution->getGroupProxy(i), DTS);
+    dgAlgorithm::computeElementaryTimeSteps(*_claw, *_groups.getElementGroup(i), _solution->getGroupProxy(i), DTS);
     for (int k=0;k<DTS.size();k++) sr = std::min(sr,DTS[k]);
   #ifdef HAVE_MPI
@@ -146,22 +119,25 @@ double dgSystemOfEquations::computeInvSpectralRadius(){
 double dgSystemOfEquations::RK44_limiter(double dt){
   dgLimiter *sl = new dgSlopeLimiter(_claw);
-  _algo->rungeKutta(*_claw,_groups, dt,  *_solution, *_rightHandSide, sl);
+  dgRungeKutta rk;
+  rk.setLimiter(sl);
+  rk.iterate44(_claw, dt, _solution);
   delete sl;
   return _solution->norm();
 double dgSystemOfEquations::ForwardEuler(double dt){
-  _algo->rungeKutta(*_claw, _groups, dt,  *_solution, *_rightHandSide, NULL,1);
-  return _solution->norm();
-double dgSystemOfEquations::multirateRK43(double dt){
-  _algo->multirateRungeKutta(*_claw, _groups, dt,  *_solution, *_rightHandSide);
+  dgRungeKutta rk;
+  rk.iterateEuler(_claw, dt, _solution);
   return _solution->norm();
+//double dgSystemOfEquations::multirateRK43(double dt){
+  //dgAlgorithm::multirateRungeKutta(*_claw, _groups, dt,  *_solution, *_rightHandSide);
+  //return _solution->norm();
 void dgSystemOfEquations::exportSolution(std::string outputFile){
-  export_solution_as_is(outputFile);
+  _solution->exportMsh(outputFile);
 void dgSystemOfEquations::limitSolution(){
@@ -185,72 +161,3 @@ void dgSystemOfEquations::saveSolution (std::string name) {
 void dgSystemOfEquations::loadSolution (std::string name){
-void dgSystemOfEquations::export_solution_as_is (const std::string &name){
-  // the elementnodedata::export does not work !!
-  for (int ICOMP = 0; ICOMP<_claw->nbFields();++ICOMP){
-    std::ostringstream name_oss;
-    name_oss<<name<<"_COMP_"<<ICOMP<<".msh";
-    if(Msg::GetCommSize()>1)
-      name_oss<<"_"<<Msg::GetCommRank();
-    FILE *f = fopen (name_oss.str().c_str(),"w");
-    int COUNT = 0;
-    for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups() ;i++){
-      COUNT += _groups.getElementGroup(i)->getNbElements();
-    }
-    fprintf(f,"$MeshFormat\n2.1 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n");  
-    fprintf(f,"$ElementNodeData\n");
-    fprintf(f,"1\n");
-    fprintf(f,"\"%s\"\n",name.c_str());
-    fprintf(f,"1\n");
-    fprintf(f,"0.0\n");
-    fprintf(f,"%d\n", Msg::GetCommSize() > 1 ? 4 : 3);
-    fprintf(f,"0\n 1\n %d\n",COUNT);
-    if(Msg::GetCommSize() > 1) fprintf(f,"%d\n", Msg::GetCommRank());
-    for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups()  ;i++){
-      dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
-      for (int iElement=0 ; iElement< group->getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
-        MElement *e = group->getElement(iElement);
-        int num = e->getNum();
-        fullMatrix<double> sol = getSolutionProxy (i, iElement);      
-        fprintf(f,"%d %d",num,sol.size1());
-        for (int k=0;k<sol.size1();++k) {
-          fprintf(f," %.16E ",sol(k,ICOMP));
-        }
-        fprintf(f,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-    fprintf(f,"$EndElementNodeData\n");
-    fclose(f);
-  }
-  return;
-  // we should discuss that : we do a copy of the solution, this should
-  // be avoided !
-  std::map<int, std::vector<double> > data;
-  for (int i=0;i < _groups.getNbElementGroups() ;i++){
-    dgGroupOfElements *group = _groups.getElementGroup(i);
-    for (int iElement=0 ; iElement< group->getNbElements() ;++iElement) {
-      MElement *e = group->getElement(iElement);
-      int num = e->getNum();
-      fullMatrix<double> sol = getSolutionProxy (i, iElement);      
-      std::vector<double> val;
-      //      val.resize(sol.size2()*sol.size1());
-      val.resize(sol.size1());
-      int counter = 0;
-      //      for (int iC=0;iC<sol.size2();iC++)
-      printf("%g %g %g\n",sol(0,0),sol(1,0),sol(2,0));
-      for (int iR=0;iR<sol.size1();iR++)val[counter++] = sol(iR,0);
-      data[num] = val;
-    }
-  }
-  PView *pv = new PView (name, "ElementNodeData", _gm, data, 0.0, 1);
-  pv->getData()->writeMSH(name+".msh", false); 
-  delete pv;
diff --git a/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.h b/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.h
index 85625e8eea..0cafe0ced7 100644
--- a/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.h
+++ b/Solver/dgSystemOfEquations.h
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include "GmshConfig.h"
 #include "GModel.h"
-#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
 #include "dgGroupOfElements.h"
-#include "dgAlgorithm.h"
 #include "dgConservationLaw.h"
 #include "Gmsh.h"
 #include "dgLimiter.h"
@@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ class dgSystemOfEquations {
   // the mesh and the model
   GModel *_gm;
   dgGroupCollection _groups;
-  // the algorithm that computes DG operators
-  dgAlgorithm *_algo;
   // the conservation law
   dgConservationLaw *_claw;
   std::string _cLawName;
@@ -42,25 +38,21 @@ public:
   void setOrder (int order); // set the polynomial order
   void setConservationLaw (dgConservationLaw *law); // set the conservationLaw
   dgSystemOfEquations(GModel *_gm);
-  void createGroups(std::string groupType); // create groups from criterion: minEdge (2 groups), maxEdge (2 groups), elementType, allocate (same as setup())
   void setup (); // setup the groups and allocate
   void exportSolution (std::string filename); // export the solution
   void limitSolution (); // apply the limiter on the solution
-  double RK44 (double dt);
-  double RK44_limiter (double dt); 
-  double ForwardEuler (double dt); 
-  double multirateRK43 (double dt); 
   void L2Projection (std::string functionName); // assign the solution to a given function
+  double RK44(double dt);
+  double RK44_limiter(double dt);
+  double ForwardEuler(double dt);
   double computeInvSpectralRadius();
   static void registerBindings(binding *b);
-  inline const fullMatrix<double> getSolutionProxy (int iGroup, int iElement){
-    return fullMatrix<double> ( _solution->getGroupProxy(iGroup), iElement * _claw->nbFields(),_claw->nbFields());
-  }
-  void export_solution_as_is (const std::string &fileName);
   void saveSolution (std::string fileName) ;
   void loadSolution (std::string fileName);
diff --git a/contrib/kbipack/gmp_matrix_io.c b/contrib/kbipack/gmp_matrix_io.c
index f85639304a..ca1c6e4877 100644
--- a/contrib/kbipack/gmp_matrix_io.c
+++ b/contrib/kbipack/gmp_matrix_io.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ gmp_matrix * gmp_matrix_read_coord(char* filename)
   /* First read the size of the matrix */
-  read_values = sscanf(buffer, "%u %u %u", &nrows, &ncols, &dummy);
+  read_values = sscanf(buffer, "%lu %lu %lu", &nrows, &ncols, &dummy);
   /* Create the matrix */
   new_matrix = create_gmp_matrix_zero(nrows, ncols);