diff --git a/Plugin/NearToFarField.cpp b/Plugin/NearToFarField.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..241806aa0b07c0827171951bb45901754328cfd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/NearToFarField.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2011 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
+#include "NearToFarField.h"
+#include "Numeric.h"
+#include "PViewOptions.h"
+#include "MElement.h"
+#include "GModel.h"
+StringXNumber NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[] = {
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Wavenumber",     NULL, 1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "FarDistance",    NULL, 1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "NumPointsPhi",   NULL, 120},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "NumPointsTheta", NULL,  60},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "EView", NULL, 0},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "HView", NULL, 1},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Normalize", NULL, 1},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "dB", NULL, 1},
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterNearToFarFieldPlugin()
+  {
+    return new GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin();
+  }
+std::string GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::getHelp() const
+  return "Plugin(NearToFarField) computes the far field pattern "
+    "from the near electric and magnetic fields on a surface (regular grid) "
+    "enclosing the radiating device (antenna).\n\n"
+    "Parameters: the wavenumber, the far field distance (radious) and "
+    "angular discretisation, i.e. the number of divisions for "
+    "phi in [0, 2*Pi] and theta in [0, Pi].\n\n"
+    "If `View' < 0, the plugin is run on the current view.\n\n"
+    "Plugin(NearToFarField) creates one new view.";
+int GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::getNbOptions() const
+  return sizeof(NearToFarFieldOptions_Number) / sizeof(StringXNumber);
+StringXNumber *GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::getOption(int iopt)
+  return &NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[iopt];
+void GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::CartesianToSpherical(int numSteps, double theta, double phi, double **Fc, double **Fsp)
+  double sTheta = sin(theta) ;
+  double cTheta = cos(theta) ;
+  double sPhi   = sin(phi) ;
+  double cPhi   = cos(phi) ;
+   for(int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++){
+     Fsp[step][0] = Fc[step][0] * sTheta * cPhi + Fc[step][1] * sTheta * sPhi + Fc[step][2] *cTheta ; 
+     Fsp[step][1] = Fc[step][0] * cTheta * cPhi + Fc[step][1] * cTheta * sPhi - Fc[step][2]* sTheta ; 
+     Fsp[step][2] =-Fc[step][0] * sPhi          + Fc[step][1] * cPhi ;  
+   }
+double GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::getFarField(PViewData *eData, PViewData *hData, double k0, double r_far, double theta, double phi)
+  // theta in [0, pi] (elevation/polar angle)  
+  // phi in [0, 2*pi] (azimuthal angle)
+  double r[3] = { sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(theta) }; // Unit vector position
+  double Z0 = 120 * M_PI ; // free-space impedance
+  int numSteps = eData->getNumTimeSteps() ;
+  int numEntities = eData->getNumEntities(0) ;
+  double **N  = new double * [numSteps] ;
+  double **Ns = new double * [numSteps] ;
+  double **L  = new double * [numSteps] ;
+  double **Ls = new double * [numSteps] ;
+  for(int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++){
+    N [step] = new double[3] ;
+    Ns[step] = new double[3] ;
+    L [step] = new double[3] ;
+    Ls[step] = new double[3] ;
+  }
+  for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++)
+    for(int comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++){
+      N[step][comp]= Ns[step][comp]= 0. ; 
+      L[step][comp]= Ls[step][comp]= 0. ;
+    }
+  // tag all the nodes with "0" (the default tag)
+  for(int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++){
+    for(int ent = 0; ent < numEntities; ent++){
+      for(int ele = 0; ele < eData->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
+        if(eData->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
+        for(int nod = 0; nod < eData->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele); nod++)
+          eData->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(int ent = 0; ent < eData->getNumEntities(0); ent++){
+    for(int ele = 0; ele < eData->getNumElements(0, ent); ele++){
+      if(eData->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
+      int numComp  = eData->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
+      if(numComp != 3) continue ;
+      int numNodes = eData->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
+      double x[numNodes], y[numNodes], z[numNodes] ;
+      int tag[numNodes];
+      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
+        tag[nod] = eData->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
+      double n[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+      normal3points(x[0], y[0], z[0], x[1], y[1], z[1], x[2], y[2], z[2], n); 
+      double Js[numSteps][numNodes*numComp], Ms[numSteps][numNodes*numComp] ;
+      for(int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++){
+        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
+          if(tag[nod]) continue ; // already condisered in integration
+          for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++){
+            eData->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, Ms[numSteps][numComp*nod + comp ]);
+            hData->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, Js[numSteps][numComp * nod + comp]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Integration 
+      double P0[3] = {x[0], y[0], z[0]} ;
+      double P1[3] = {x[1], y[1], z[1]} ;
+      double P2[3] = {x[2], y[2], z[2]} ;
+      double quad_area = triangle_area(P0,P1,P2);
+      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
+        double rr, r_nod[3] = {x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]}; 
+        prosca(r_nod, r, &rr) ;
+        double cos_k0rr = quad_area*cos(k0*rr) ; 
+        double sin_k0rr = quad_area*sin(k0*rr) ;
+        N[0][0] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 0] * cos_k0rr - Js[1][numComp*nod + 0] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        N[0][1] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 1] * cos_k0rr - Js[1][numComp*nod + 1] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        N[0][2] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 2] * cos_k0rr - Js[1][numComp*nod + 2] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        N[1][0] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 0] * sin_k0rr + Js[1][numComp*nod + 0] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        N[1][1] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 1] * sin_k0rr + Js[1][numComp*nod + 1] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        N[1][2] += Js[0][numComp*nod + 2] * sin_k0rr + Js[1][numComp*nod + 2] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        L[0][0] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 0] * cos_k0rr - Ms[1][numComp*nod + 0] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        L[0][1] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 1] * cos_k0rr - Ms[1][numComp*nod + 1] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        L[0][2] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 2] * cos_k0rr - Ms[1][numComp*nod + 2] * sin_k0rr  ;   
+        L[1][0] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 0] * sin_k0rr + Ms[1][numComp*nod + 0] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        L[1][1] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 1] * sin_k0rr + Ms[1][numComp*nod + 1] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        L[1][2] += Ms[0][numComp*nod + 2] * sin_k0rr + Ms[1][numComp*nod + 2] * cos_k0rr  ;   
+        eData->tagNode(0, ent, ele, nod, 1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  CartesianToSpherical(numSteps, theta, phi, N, Ns) ;
+  CartesianToSpherical(numSteps, theta, phi, L, Ls) ;
+  // E_r radial component is negligible in far field
+  double E_theta[2] ;
+  double E_phi[2] ;
+  double k0_over_4pir = k0/(4*M_PI*r_far) ;
+  double cos_k0r = cos(k0*r_far) ;
+  double sin_k0r = sin(k0*r_far) ;
+  // Elevation component
+  E_theta[0] = -k0_over_4pir * ( (Ls[0][2] + Z0 * Ns[0][1]) * sin_k0r -  
+                                 (Ls[1][2] + Z0 * Ns[1][1]) * cos_k0r ) ;
+  E_theta[1] = -k0_over_4pir * ( (Ls[0][2] + Z0 * Ns[0][1]) * cos_k0r +  
+                                 (Ls[1][2] + Z0 * Ns[1][1]) * sin_k0r ) ;
+  // Azimuthal component 
+  E_phi[0]   =  k0_over_4pir * ( (Ls[0][1] - Z0 * Ns[0][2]) * sin_k0r -  
+                                 (Ls[1][1] - Z0 * Ns[1][2]) * cos_k0r ) ;
+  E_phi[1]   =  k0_over_4pir * ( (Ls[0][1] - Z0 * Ns[0][2]) * cos_k0r +  
+                                 (Ls[1][1] - Z0 * Ns[1][2]) * sin_k0r ) ;
+  //printf("Ephi %g %g \n ", E_phi[0], E_phi[1]) ;
+  //printf("Etheta %g %g\n ", E_theta[0], E_theta[1]) ;
+ double farF =  1./2./Z0 * ( (E_theta[0]*E_theta[0] + E_theta[1]*E_theta[1]) + (E_phi[0]*E_phi[0]+E_phi[1] *E_phi[1]) ) ;
+  for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++){
+      delete [] N [step]  ; 
+      delete [] Ns[step] ; 
+      delete [] L [step]  ; 
+      delete [] Ls[step] ; 
+  }
+  delete [] N  ; 
+  delete [] Ns ; 
+  delete [] L  ; 
+  delete [] Ls ;   
+  return farF ;
+PView *GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin::execute(PView * v)
+  double _k0 = (double)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[0].def;
+  double _r_far = (double)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[1].def;
+  int _NbPhi = (int)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[2].def;
+  int _NbThe = (int)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[3].def;
+  int _eView = (int)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[4].def;
+  int _hView = (int)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[5].def;
+  bool _normalize = (bool)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[6].def;
+  bool _dB = (bool)NearToFarFieldOptions_Number[7].def;
+  PView *ve = getView(_eView, v);
+  if(!ve){
+     Msg::Error("NearToFarField plugin could not find EView %i", _eView);
+    return v; 
+  } 
+  PView *vh = getView(_hView, v);
+  if(!vh){
+    Msg::Error("NearToFarField plugin could not find HView %i", _hView);
+    return v;
+  }
+  PViewData *eData = ve->getData() ;
+  PViewData *hData = vh->getData() ;
+  if(eData->getNumEntities() != hData->getNumEntities() ||
+     eData->getNumElements() != hData->getNumElements() ||
+     eData->getNumTimeSteps()!= hData->getNumTimeSteps()){
+    Msg::Error("Incompatible views for e-field and h-field");
+    return v;
+  }
+  if(eData->getNumTimeSteps()!= 2){
+    Msg::Error("NearToFarField Plugin only implemented for frequency domain, fields must be complex");
+    return v;
+  }
+  // Center of the Far Field sphere
+  double x0 = eData->getBoundingBox().center().x();
+  double y0 = eData->getBoundingBox().center().y();
+  double z0 = eData->getBoundingBox().center().z();
+  if(x0 != hData->getBoundingBox().center().x() ||
+     y0 != hData->getBoundingBox().center().y() ||
+     z0 != hData->getBoundingBox().center().z()){
+    Msg::Error("EView %i and HView %i must be given on the same grid", _eView, _hView);
+    return v;
+  }
+  // View for far field: represented on a sphere of radious determined by the size of the BoundingBox
+  PView *vf = new PView();
+  PViewDataList *dataFar = getDataList(vf);
+  double phi,   dPhi   = 2*M_PI/_NbPhi ;
+  double theta, dTheta =   M_PI/_NbThe ;
+  double ffmax = 0.0 ;
+  double **allPhi = new double *[_NbPhi+1] ;
+  double **allThe = new double *[_NbPhi+1] ;
+  double **farF   = new double *[_NbPhi+1] ;
+  for (int i = 0; i <= _NbPhi; i++){
+    allPhi[i] = new double [_NbThe+1] ;
+    allThe[i] = new double [_NbThe+1] ;
+    farF[i]   = new double [_NbThe+1] ;
+  }
+ ve->setChanged(true);
+ vh->setChanged(true);
+ for(int step = 0; step < eData->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
+   // tag all the nodes with "0" (the default tag)
+   for(int ent = 0; ent < eData->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
+     for(int ele = 0; ele < eData->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
+       if(eData->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
+       if(hData->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
+       for(int nod = 0; nod < eData->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele); nod++){
+         eData->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 0);
+         hData->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 0);
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   for(int ent = 0; ent < eData->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
+     for(int ele = 0; ele < eData->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
+       if(eData->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
+       if(hData->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
+       int numComp  = eData->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
+       if(numComp != 3) continue ;
+       int numNodes = eData->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
+       double x[numNodes], y[numNodes], z[numNodes] ;
+       int tag[numNodes];
+       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
+         tag[nod] = eData->getNode(step, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
+       double n[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+       normal3points(x[0], y[0], z[0], x[1], y[1], z[1], x[2], y[2], z[2], n); 
+       double valE[numNodes*numComp], valH[numNodes*numComp] ;      
+       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
+         if(tag[nod]) continue ; // already considered 
+         for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++){
+           eData->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, valE[numComp * nod + comp]);
+           hData->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, valH[numComp * nod + comp]);
+         }
+         double H[3] = { valH[numComp * nod + 0], valH[numComp * nod + 1], valH[numComp * nod + 2] } ;
+         double E[3] = { valE[numComp * nod + 0], valE[numComp * nod + 1], valE[numComp * nod + 2] } ;
+         double J[3], M[3] ;
+         prodve(n, H, J) ; // Js =  n x H ;  Surface electric current
+         prodve(E, n, M) ; // Ms = - n x E ; Surface magnetic current
+         for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++){
+           eData->setValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, M[comp]);
+           hData->setValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, J[comp]);
+           eData->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 1);
+           hData->tagNode(step, ent, ele, nod, 1);
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ eData->finalize(); 
+ hData->finalize(); 
+  for (int i = 0; i <= _NbPhi; i++){
+    phi = i*dPhi ;
+    for (int j = 0; j <= _NbThe; j++){
+      theta = j * dTheta ;
+      allPhi[i][j] = phi ;
+      allThe[i][j] = theta ;
+      farF[i][j] = getFarField(eData, hData, _k0, _r_far, theta, phi) ; 
+      ffmax = (ffmax < farF[i][j]) ? farF[i][j] : ffmax ;
+    }
+  }
+  if(_normalize){
+      for (int i = 0; i <= _NbPhi; i++)
+        for (int j = 0; j <= _NbThe; j++)
+          if(ffmax!=0.0)
+            farF[i][j] /= ffmax ;
+          else
+            Msg::Warning("Far field pattern not normalized, max value = %g", ffmax);
+  }
+  // Constructing sphere for visualization
+  // centered at center of bb and with radious relative to the bb size
+  double r_bb[3] = { eData->getBoundingBox().max().x()-eData->getBoundingBox().min().x(), 
+                     eData->getBoundingBox().max().y()-eData->getBoundingBox().min().y(), 
+                     eData->getBoundingBox().max().z()-eData->getBoundingBox().min().z() };
+  double r_sph = norm3(r_bb) ;
+  r_sph = (r_sph) ? r_sph/2 : 1./2. ; // radious of sphere for visu
+  for (int i = 0; i < _NbPhi; i++){
+    for (int j = 0; j < _NbThe; j++){
+      double P1[3] = { x0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j  ] * sin(allThe[i  ][j  ]) * cos(allPhi[i  ][j  ]),
+                       y0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j  ] * sin(allThe[i  ][j  ]) * sin(allPhi[i  ][j  ]),
+                       z0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j  ] * cos(allThe[i  ][j  ]) } ;
+      double P2[3] = { x0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j  ] * sin(allThe[i+1][j  ]) * cos(allPhi[i+1][j  ]),
+                       y0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j  ] * sin(allThe[i+1][j  ]) * sin(allPhi[i+1][j  ]),
+                       z0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j  ] * cos(allThe[i+1][j  ]) } ;
+      double P3[3] = { x0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j+1] * sin(allThe[i+1][j+1]) * cos(allPhi[i+1][j+1]),
+                       y0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j+1] * sin(allThe[i+1][j+1]) * sin(allPhi[i+1][j+1]),
+                       z0 + r_sph * farF[i+1][j+1] * cos(allThe[i+1][j+1]) } ;
+      double P4[3] = { x0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j+1] * sin(allThe[i  ][j+1]) * cos(allPhi[i  ][j+1]),
+                       y0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j+1] * sin(allThe[i  ][j+1]) * sin(allPhi[i  ][j+1]),
+                       z0 + r_sph * farF[i  ][j+1] * cos(allThe[i  ][j+1]) } ;     
+      dataFar->SQ.push_back(P1[0]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P2[0]);  dataFar->SQ.push_back(P3[0]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P4[0]); 
+      dataFar->SQ.push_back(P1[1]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P2[1]);  dataFar->SQ.push_back(P3[1]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P4[1]); 
+      dataFar->SQ.push_back(P1[2]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P2[2]);  dataFar->SQ.push_back(P3[2]); dataFar->SQ.push_back(P4[2]); 
+      (dataFar->NbSQ)++;      
+      if(!_dB){
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(farF[i  ][j  ]); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(farF[i+1][j  ]); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(farF[i+1][j+1]); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(farF[i  ][j+1]);
+      }
+      else{
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(log10(farF[i  ][j  ])); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(log10(farF[i+1][j  ])); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(log10(farF[i+1][j+1])); 
+        dataFar->SQ.push_back(log10(farF[i  ][j+1]));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i <= _NbPhi; i++){
+    delete[] allPhi[i] ;
+    delete[] allThe[i] ;
+    delete[] farF[i];
+  }
+  delete [] allPhi ;
+  delete [] allThe ;
+  delete [] farF ;
+  dataFar->setName("_NearToFarField");
+  dataFar->setFileName("_NearToFarField.pos");
+  dataFar->finalize();
+  return vf;
diff --git a/Plugin/NearToFarField.h b/Plugin/NearToFarField.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51d0ecf12c8e0e3a5bb0bface920e26bfc10fbfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/NearToFarField.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2011 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
+// bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
+#include "Plugin.h"
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterNearToFarFieldPlugin();
+class GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin : public GMSH_PostPlugin
+ public:
+  GMSH_NearToFarFieldPlugin(){}
+  std::string getName() const { return "NearToFarField"; }
+  std::string getShortHelp() const
+  {
+    return "Compute Far Field pattern from Near Field on a surface";
+  }
+  std::string getHelp() const;
+  int getNbOptions() const;
+  StringXNumber* getOption(int iopt);  
+  PView *execute(PView *);
+  static double getFarField(PViewData *eData, PViewData *hData, double k0, double r_far, double theta, double phi) ;
+  static void CartesianToSpherical(int numSteps, double theta, double phi, double **Fc, double **Fsp) ;